AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: K12

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Powering education, state, and local leaders: Insights from the AWS IMAGINE keynote

Kim Majerus, vice president of global education and US state and local government for worldwide public sector at Amazon Web Services (AWS), led the keynote address at the AWS IMAGINE conference for education, state, and local leaders. Majerus shared how AWS customers are innovating for their communities with the cloud and announced new public sector initiatives from AWS. Two special guests joined Majerus on stage to share how a culture of innovation is transforming the student and citizen experience at their organizations. Read this post for some of the highlights from the AWS IMAGINE conference keynote.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Celebrating the 2024 AWS Champions: Trailblazers transforming communities through the cloud"

Celebrating the 2024 AWS Champions: Trailblazers transforming communities through the cloud

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is proud to announce the 2024 cohort of AWS Champions, and the expansion of the program to AWS education and government technology (EdTech, GovTech) partners. The AWS Champions program recognizes individuals and organizations pioneering meaningful, cloud-powered change to improve outcomes, build resilience, and accelerate progress in service of their respective missions, constituents, and communities.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "7 reasons to attend the 2024 AWS IMAGINE conference for education, state, and local leaders"

7 reasons to attend the 2024 AWS IMAGINE conference for education, state, and local leaders

Leaders in education and state and local government know that technology is changing at a rapid pace. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies present more opportunities for institutions and agencies to make data-driven decisions, accelerate research, create personalized and convenient student and citizen services, automate processes, and more. But how can you turn these opportunities into reality? That’s the central theme of this year’s AWS IMAGINE conference for education, state, and local leaders presented by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Five need-to-know facts about using the AWS Cloud for K12 cyber-resiliency"

Five need-to-know facts about using the AWS Cloud for K12 cyber-resiliency

K12 leaders need tangible solutions and tactics for improving their school’s or district’s cyber-resilience in the coming school year, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is committed to supporting schools and districts as they enhance the cybersecurity of their networks. Recently, AWS joined the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Education—among other leaders in the government and education community—to commit to improving the cybersecurity resilience of K12 education. As part of this commitment, AWS created the K12 Cyber Grant Program, offering up to $20 million in AWS Promotional Credits to both new and existing K12 customers.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "AWS Partner Kokomo24/7 transforms Los Angeles Unified School District’s health data system in one year"

AWS Partner Kokomo24/7 transforms Los Angeles Unified School District’s health data system in one year

Kokomo24/7 is a health and safety software education technology (EdTech) platform committed to creating safer schools and communities. Kokomo used Amazon Web Services (AWS) database and analytics tools to create a health-tracking platform that allowed the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second-largest school district in the US, to cut its costs by 50 percent while improving flexibility and response times.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "AWS Canada launches $5 million K12 Cyber Grant Program"

AWS Canada launches $5 million K12 Cyber Grant Program

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of the K12 Cyber Grant Program across Canada. To help public schools across Canada implement cloud-based cybersecurity solutions, AWS is investing $5 million CAD in AWS promotional credits to new and existing AWS customers. This program will allow school boards to improve their security posture and advance their ransomware protection. AWS has been architected to be the most flexible and secure cloud computing environment available today and our cloud infrastructure is secure by design and secure by default.

Renaissance Learning improves operations and scalability by migrating to AWS

Renaissance Learning is a global leader in the pre-K–12 education technology (EdTech) space. Renaissance delivers its products to 16 million students across the world, and its digital solutions are used in more than one-third of US schools and 100-plus countries. As part of its cloud consolidation strategy, Renaissance migrated DnA, its standards-based assessment creation and administration solution, from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to Amazon Web Services (AWS). After migration, Renaissance realized performance, scalability, and security improvements, all while reducing cloud spend by 30 percent.

New AWS survey reveals the link between AI fluency and the next education revolution

Access Partnership recently conducted a study commissioned by Amazon Web Services (AWS) on AI skills across various industries globally—including education. The study found that employers and employees in the education sector anticipate that AI utilization will improve productivity by more than one-third. Read this post to learn more about this finding, and others, and what it means for the education sector.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "How K12 schools can transform: Announcing new generative AI maturity readiness assessment"

How K12 schools can transform: Announcing new generative AI maturity readiness assessment

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping K12 school leaders understand how to leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the most practical and responsible ways. Together with the Council of the Great City Schools and the Consortium for School Networking, we created the K-12 Readiness Checklist and the newly released K12 Generative AI Maturity Readiness Assessment. Read this post to learn about these fundamental tools that can help guide school districts as they implement generative AI.

Transforming education globally through generative AI: Insights from AWS executive Valerie Singer

In the fifth episode of the AWS Behind the Cloud vodcast series, host Sarah Storelli interviews Valerie Singer, general manager of global education at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Watch and listen to learn more about Singer’s journey and discover her insights on how generative artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in education around the world.