AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Generative AI


Streamlining Prior Authorization with Treatline’s Generative AI Platform for Healthcare and Insurance Providers

Prior authorization is an insurance review process used by healthcare providers to confirm medical coverage with health insurance companies. Learn how Neurons Lab collaborated with Treatline on its platform to streamline the highly manual prior authorization process using intelligent document processing (IDP) and generative AI. Neurons Lab is an innovative technology company specializing in AI/ML and software development.


Harnessing Generative AI and Semantic Search to Revolutionize Enterprise Knowledge Management

As the digitization of businesses accelerates, the value of effective knowledge management continues to rise. The complexity of large language models (LLMs) and semantic search demands a modern data strategy and specific technical skill sets. Together, generative AI and semantic search form an integrated ecosystem for intelligent knowledge management. Learn how both can be harnessed to improve productivity and operational efficiency by democratizing enhanced search capabilities and generating actionable insights.

How to Access the Jurassic-2 Large Language Model via an AWS Lambda Endpoint

Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) such as AI21 Labs’ Jurassic models are reshaping how we engage with information. This post walks through using the Jurassic-2 (J2) large language model and how to consume the model via an AWS Lambda API endpoint. We’ll also discuss how to make calls to the J2 model via the publicly available Jurassic-2 Python SDK. AI21 Labs is an AWS Partner and leader in generative AI and LLMs, revolutionizing the way people read and write.


Reinventing Your Customers’ Business with Generative AI on AWS

The AWS Partner community is energized about the potential of generative AI, and we recognize there are unique considerations for bringing these applications into production for commercial use cases. Ruba Borno, VP, WW Channels & Alliances at AWS, shares why AWS Partners are an integral part in ensuring customers realize the full value of generative AI offerings. Working together, AWS and partners will be guiding the development of business innovations and solutions for customers of all sizes and industries.