AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Compute


Provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud at Scale with AWS CDK

Infrastructure as code is one of the most important concepts used with cloud solutions, and AWS CloudFormation enables IaC by deploying stacks and provisioning resources on AWS using JSON or YAML files called templates. APN Ambassador Francois Rouxel from Slalom will show you how to create a hundred VPCs in one AWS region without providing any parameters, and how to easily establish a peering connection between two of them within a single line of code.


How to Upgrade Large Windows 2008 R2 Workloads in Place

Upgrading legacy systems to the cloud can seem daunting and time-consuming, but with the right combination of AWS Systems Manager, AWS Directory Service, and a few simple AWS Lambda functions, you can upgrade from your outdated Windows environments flawlessly, seamlessly, and at scale. Learn how you can run an in-place upgrade of your Windows 2008 R2 production instances to Windows 2019 R2, and how to control instance tagging so you can orchestrate the root volume replacement process.


Isolating SaaS Tenants with Dynamically Generated IAM Policies

Many SaaS organizations leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define a series of policies and roles that can be used to ensure tenants are not allowed to cross tenant boundaries when accessing resources. To make this work, you have to create separate policies for each tenant which can create an explosion of tenant policies that push the account limits of IAM. Learn how dynamic policy generation creates a more scalable and manageable isolation experience.


Simplify and Protect Your AWS Outposts Deployment and Accelerate Access to Insights with AWS Partner Solutions

As customers adopt AWS Outposts, they need the right solutions to help deploy, monitor, secure, and integrate their Outposts-based workloads. The new AWS Outposts Ready Program makes it easy for customers to find integrated storage, networking, security, and industry-specific solutions that have been validated by AWS and tested on Outposts. This enables customers to easily identify solutions that will integrate with their Outposts deployments.


Know Before You (Virtually) Go: A Guide for VMware Cloud on AWS at VMworld 2020

VMworld 2020 will be a completely virtual global event running from September 29 to October 1. This digital event promises to be just as informative and engaging as previous years. There will be keynotes, sessions, hands-on labs, virtual booths, and more. More than 500 channel partners have achieved a VMware Cloud on AWS service competency, including 43 with a Master Services Competency, and there are more than 300 certified or validated technology solutions available to VMware Cloud on AWS customers.


Deploying DevSecOps on Amazon EKS with Aqua Security – Part 2

Aqua Security was built to redefine security and help you address the security skills gap in a rapidly evolving cloud-native landscape, automating security controls at the speed of DevOps. Unlike traditional security, cloud-native security cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. It has to be seamlessly integrated with the existing processes, organizational culture as well as the technology. Learn how to implement a DevSecOps pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and Aqua Platform.


Modernize Your CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins X with Amazon EKS

At a time when software delivery speed matters more than ever, teams need a toolchain that allows them to build and deploy rapidly while realizing the cost savings of open source technologies. CloudBees is a provider of Jenkins-based CI/CD solutions (Jenkins X) that meet the security, scalability, and manageability needs of on-premises and cloud environments. Learn how to combine Amazon EKS with Jenkins X to establish a Kubernetes-native CI/CD process.

VMware Cloud on AWS_blue

How to Deploy Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service on VMware Cloud on AWS

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops secures the delivery of Windows, Linux, Web, or SaaS applications and desktops to any device. Running Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on VMware Cloud on AWS lets you use the same management tools and desktop images as on your on-premises VMware vSphere environment. You can easily extend your Citrix workload to the cloud and take advantage of AWS on-demand delivery, global footprint, elasticity, and scalability to meet your business objectives.


Getting Started with Bottlerocket and Certified AWS Partners

Bottlerocket is an open source Linux-based OS purpose-built for hosting containers, and APN Partners and AWS customers can quickly get up and running with Bottlerocket. Our goal is to continue to enhance the capabilities of our APN Partners by working together to incorporate it within their offerings and services, so that our mutual customers benefit from the reduced footprint, improved security, performance, and automation capabilities of the OS.


Migrating ETL Operations from SSIS Packages to AWS Lambda Functions

Many Windows solutions have used Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) as a method for performing ETL operations. Legacy SSIS packages that have been handed down to different developers over the years can be complex, cumbersome, and difficult to support. See an architecture and several techniques Cognizant uses to help clients with ETL operations based on legacy SSIS packaging move their applications to the AWS Cloud.