AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon SageMaker

How Pr3vent Uses Machine Learning on AWS to Combat Preventable Vision Loss in Infants

Scaling doctors’ expertise through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) provides an affordable and accurate solution, giving millions of infants equal access to eye screening. Learn how Pr3vent, a medical AI company founded by ophthalmologists, teamed up with AWS Machine Learning Competency Partner Provectus to develop an advanced disease screening solution powered by deep learning that detects pathology and signs of possible abnormalities in the retinas of newborns.

How to Build and Deploy Amazon SageMaker Models in Dataiku Collaboratively

Organizations often need business analysts and citizen data scientists to work with data scientists to create machine learning (ML) models, but they struggle to provide a common ground for collaboration. Newly enriched Dataiku Data Science Studio (DSS) and Amazon SageMaker capabilities answer this need, empowering a broader set of users by leveraging the managed infrastructure of Amazon SageMaker and combining it with Dataiku’s visual interface to develop models at scale.


AWS Spurs Enterprise-Tech Startups Growth with Expanded Partner Program and Benefits

AWS has empowered entrepreneurs across the world with the tools they need to build and scale their companies faster and cost effectively. Since launching in 2019, the APN Global Startup Program has continued to experience significant momentum. This year, we increased the number of startups supported by the program by more than 50 percent. Startups have received dedicated support from co-sell specialists to drive engagement with AWS Sales and field teams.


How to Connect Your LoRaWAN Devices to AWS IoT Core Using Actility ThingPark 

AWS IoT Core offers a managed cloud service to support trillions of messages from billions of devices, and route messages easily and securely to devices and other AWS services. Learn how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to build the Actility ThingPark X connector to AWS IoT as the first step to connect LoRaWAN-enabled endpoints to AWS IoT Core, and to make use of other cloud services available on AWS.


Rapid Data Lake Development with Data Lake as Code Using AWS CloudFormation

Data lakes have evolved into the single store-platform for all enterprise data managed. On AWS, an integrated set of services are available to engineer and automate data lakes. A data lake on AWS is able to group all of the previously mentioned services of relational and non-relational data and allow you to query results faster and at a lower cost. Learn how nClouds used code automation via AWS CloudFormation to create a dynamic data lake stack to visualize and analyze the financial market data.

How to Export a Model from Domino for Deployment in Amazon SageMaker

Data science is driving significant value for many organizations, including fueling new revenue streams, improving longstanding processes, and optimizing customer experience. Domino Data Lab empowers code-first data science teams to overcome these challenges of building and deploying data science at scale. Learn how to build and export a model from the Domino platform for deployment in Amazon SageMaker. Deploying models within Domino provides insight into the full model lineage.

How Provectus and GoCheck Kids Built ML Infrastructure for Improved Usability During Vision Screening

For businesses like GoCheck Kids, machine learning infrastructure is vital. The company has developed a next-generation, ML-driven pediatric vision screening platform that enables healthcare practitioners to screen for vision risks in children in a fast and easy way by utilizing GoCheck Kids’ smartphone app. Learn how GoCheck Kids teamed up with Provectus to build a secure, auditable, and reproducible ML infrastructure on AWS to ensure its solution is powered by highly accurate image classification model.


Maintaining Control of PII Hosted on AWS with Hold Your Own Key (HYOK) Security

One of the biggest challenges in moving to the cloud for organizations that collect and process personally identifiable information (PII) is the fundamental change to the trust model. SecuPi minimizes changes to the trust model and reduces the risk associated with digital transformations. Learn how SecuPi can help you collect and process sensitive or regulated PII and reduce barriers to cloud adoption while satisfying the trust model requirements of even the most conservative and risk-averse companies.

Cloud Anything-9

Onboarding and Managing Agents in a SaaS Solution – Using AWS IoT Core

You can manage agents in a multi-tenant SaaS environment using AWS IoT Core. Review a solution that offers a modular and secure approach to register and manage agents. It relies on AWS managed services to offload the heavy lifting of implementing and maintaining those mechanisms, and provides scalability, elasticity, and availability. Using AWS IoT Core for agent management provides various capabilities for managing, securing, and analyzing usage and sent data from the registered agents.


Virtusa and InterSystems Join Forces to Enhance Patient Data Integration

Data interoperability empowers the healthcare system to move away from the outdated transaction model of fee-for-services and prescription volume. Learn how Virtusa’s vLife solution provides a secure platform that supports a variety of use cases. By offering services across abstracted and virtualized platform layers, developers can use vLife to more easily deploy solutions that meet the unique requirements of their specific situation.