AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Competency Partners


How to Break Down Silos and Build Faster with Cloudcraft by Datadog

With increasing cloud innovation, distributed teams need visibility into their deployed cloud resources, dependencies, and budgets when architecting new applications or reconfiguring existing solutions. Cloudcraft by Datadog helps companies achieve this cross-team alignment and enables teams to visualize and document architectures, analyze costs, run compliance audits through shareable diagrams, and automate diagram updates as infrastructure evolves.

Modernize Natural and Adabas Workloads on AWS with Advanced’s Application Transparency Platform

Many enterprises still rely on the Adabas database and Natural programming language for critical workloads, facing rising license costs and a shrinking talent pool. To reduce reliance on these aging technologies and enable digital transformation, companies are modernizing to AWS with Advanced’s solutions. Advanced offers automated refactoring of Natural code to Java/C# and replatforming to execute Natural on Windows, along with migrating Adabas databases to modern relational databases.

Comprinno Simplifies Customer Data Migration to AWS to Save Time and Reduce Cost

Comprinno migrated a fitness app’s databases from Google Cloud to AWS to reduce costs. Challenges included migrating large PostgreSQL databases without downtime and accessing Google’s managed subnets. Comprinno established a VPN between clouds, used a SQL proxy to enable the AWS Database Migration Service, and parallelized data loading to meet the tight migration window. By moving to Graviton-based Amazon RDS, the customer reduced database costs by 30%.


How to Enable Secure Self-Service Amazon EKS Cluster Provisioning with ArgoCD, Kyverno, and Nirmata Policy Manager

Containers are a leading method for packaging applications, with Kubernetes emerging as the top orchestration solution. You can enable secure and efficient self-service cluster provisioning on Amazon EKS using open-source tools like AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK), Kyverno, and ArgoCD. This post demonstrates how enterprises can leverage these tools along with Nirmata’s Policy Manager to streamline EKS cluster management, apply security policies, and ensure compliance in a Kubernetes environment.

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Transforming Cloud Operations, Security, and Cost Optimization on AWS with iCOPS from Tech Mahindra

In the dynamic digital landscape, enterprises are embracing cloud computing for its scalability and high availability. As cloud migration becomes a strategic priority, efficient cloud management is crucial. Tech Mahindra’s iCOPS (Intelligent Cloud Operations and Subscription Management Services) is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline cloud operations, enhance security, and optimize costs on AWS. iCOPS automates tasks like provisioning and deployment to help maximize their AWS investments.

Migrate Sensitive Digital Assets to AWS with Eviden Data Sovereignty Solutions

Many European customers face data sovereignty challenges due to regulations and want to adopt cloud while meeting requirements around data location, autonomy, and resilience. Eviden’s advisory services help define a tailored sovereignty framework. Its implementation services with AWS enforce technical, operational, and organizational compliance. Eviden guides customers’ full cloud journey adhering to their sovereignty needs leveraging AWS services.


Using Amazon Security Lake with New Relic for Threat Detection and Incident Response

Amazon Security Lake centralizes security data from multiple AWS sources into a customer-owned data lake. A New Relic integration provides a single pane for performance and security telemetry, ingests Amazon Security Lake data, and allows threat detection via curated dashboards and anomaly alerts. This solution improves cloud security posture by consolidating data, providing insights, and enabling automated response to potential threats.


How to Use ThoughtSpot to Create Live Queries Against Amazon Athena Tables

Amazon Athena allows analyzing petabytes of data directly with SQL queries or via analytics tools like ThoughtSpot. This post covers creating an IAM access key, two Amazon S3 buckets (one for data storage, one for query results), creating an Amazon Athena table from sample data using an AWS Glue crawler, and establishing a connection between Athena and ThoughtSpot. With the connection, ThoughtSpot can search and visualize the Athena data using AI capabilities.


Harnessing HERE Explore Truck Map Style and Amazon Location Service for Large Vehicle Transportation

In the transportation and logistics industry, navigating large vehicles comes with challenges like bridge heights, travel restrictions, and compliance. A previous AWS blog explored efficient truck routing using Amazon Location Service and HERE Technologies. This new post explores the HERE Explore Truck map styles to help visualize routes in real-time. By combining this style with Amazon Location Service, companies can leverage safe, efficient, and compliant routing for improved fleet operations.

Best Practices from Quantiphi for Unleashing Generative AI Functionality by Fine-Tuning LLMs

Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) is crucial for leveraging their full potential across industries. Quantiphi unveils how fine-tuning supercharges LLMs to deliver domain-specific AI solutions that redefine possibilities. From personalized healthcare to precise financial predictions and streamlined legal reviews, fine-tuned models offer transformative value and unleash the power of customized, efficient, and responsible generative AI deployments.