AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog



How to Use AWS Glue to Prepare and Load Amazon S3 Data for Analysis by Teradata Vantage

Customers want to use Teradata Vantage to analyze the data they have stored in Amazon S3, but the AWS service that prepares and loads data stored in S3 for analytics, AWS Glue, does not natively support Teradata Vantage. To use AWS Glue to prep and load data for analysis by Teradata Vantage, you need to rely on AWS Glue custom database connectors. Follow step-by-step instructions and learn how to set up Vantage and AWS Glue to perform Teradata-level analytics on the data you have stored in Amazon S3.


Using Terraform to Manage AWS Programmable Infrastructures

Terraform and AWS CloudFormation allow you to express infrastructure resources as code and manage them programmatically. Each has its advantages, but some enterprises already have expertise in Terraform and prefer using it to manage their AWS resources. To accommodate that preference, CloudFormation allows you to use non-AWS resources to manage AWS infrastructure. Learn the steps to create a CloudFormation registry resource type for Terraform and deploy it as an AWS Service Catalog product.


Using GitLab CI/CD Pipeline to Deploy AWS SAM Applications

In order to deliver serverless applications, customers often turn to DevOps principles to efficiently build, deploy, operate, and iterate on features and changes. CI/CD is one of the major components of DevOps that helps deliver code faster and more reliably to production. GitLab’s continuous integration offering provides a rich set of features for automating how new code is incorporated into your software and how new versions of your software get built and deployed.


Developing Payment Card Industry Compliant Solutions on AWS to Protect Customer Data

Financial institutions possess and process data that are very sensitive and have immense business value. In recent years, regulations like open banking and data residency law have forced organizations to be even more adaptive to frequent challenges to systems storing and processing the data. Explore how Capgemini developed an application to address this customer challenge and learn how the approach helped worldwide credit card provider comply with PCI DSS security standards.


In-Depth Strategies for Building a Scalable, Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution with Amazon Redshift

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) presents developers and architects with a unique set of challenges. One essential decision you’ll have to make is how to partition data for each tenant of your system. Learn how to harness Amazon Redshift to build a scalable, multi-tenant SaaS solution on AWS. This post explores trategies that are commonly used to partition and isolate tenant data in a SaaS environment, and how to apply them in Amazon Redshift.


How to Visualize and Monitor Your AWS Container Fleet with Datadog

To fully leverage the versatility and scalability of containers, you need a monitoring solution capable of providing clarity into a highly dynamic environment comprising thousands (or even tens of thousands) of ephemeral containers. Learn how Datadog provides visibility into dynamic, ephemeral container workloads running on Amazon EKS, a service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes clusters.


How to Send CloudHSM Audit Logs to Splunk and Monitor Critical Events on the HSM

AWS CloudHSM is a cloud-based hardware security module (HSM) that enables you to easily generate, store, import, export, and manage your cryptographic keys. This post walks through using AWS services to create a pipeline that sends HSM audit logs into Splunk. You’ll also learn how to interpret the audit events and gain specific data insights that enable you to flag critical events taking place on the CloudHSM appliance.

Secure Certificate Management with HashiCorp Consul on AWS

The adoption of service mesh has been accelerated by the emergence of microservices. Companies leverage orchestration tools for deploying services, and then use a service mesh to manage the connections between them. These solutions provide important capabilities, such as traffic management and load balancing. Learn how HashiCorp Consul and AWS Certificate Manager Private CA automate certificate management, perform signing operations, and rotate private certificates.


Improving Dataset Query Time and Maintaining Flexibility with Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift

Analyzing large datasets can be challenging, especially if you aren’t thinking about certain characteristics of the data and what you’re ultimately looking to achieve. There are a number of factors organizations need to consider in order to build systems that are flexible, affordable, and fast. Here, experts from CloudZero walk through how to use AWS services to analyze customer billing data and provide value to end users.

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The Most Viewed APN Blog Posts in 2019

Take a look at the most popular APN Blog posts in 2019. Our goal with this blog is to share timely and relevant news, technical solutions, partner success stories, and more from Amazon Web Services and the AWS Partner Network (APN) specifically. The APN is the global partner program for AWS and helps tens of thousands of organizations across the world build, market, and sell their AWS-based offerings. Thank you for reading, and Happy New Year!