AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: The Next Smart

How Ensono Delivered Guinness World Records’ Award-Winning Migration of Windows Workloads to AWS

Many organizations are cautious about moving to the cloud, or are fighting against gravity by staying on-premises. To keep up with their community’s needs, Guinness World Records has had to reimagine their IT architecture. Learn how Ensono helped Guinness World Records move all-in on AWS over a period of 10 months, and explore how Ensono continues to help them innovate using advanced AWS services.


How to Leverage Amazon Route 53 VPC DNS Queries in Splunk on AWS

Customers are always looking for new ways to improve operational efficiency and the security posture of applications running in their virtual private clouds (VPCs). Amazon Route 53 recently launched a Resolver Query Logs capability which lets customers log the DNS queries originating in their Amazon VPC. Follow along with our step-by-step instructions for logging VPC DNS queries in Amazon Route 53, ingesting them into Splunk, and then analyzing them with Splunk.


One Thousand Orders Per Minute: Peak Retail Planning and Architecture from VTEX and Grupo Éxito

In Colombia, Grupo Éxito has been using VTEX’s marketplace platform capabilities to allow more than 1,000 retailers to connect and sell their products, extend their reach, and ease customer access to an extensive variety of products in a single place. Together with other features such as VTEX Intelligent Search (a fine-tuning search system), Éxito has received positive feedback by making the migration from Oracle ATG to VTEX. They have also experienced continuous improvements, culminating with the Día sin IVA series.


Rapid Data Lake Development with Data Lake as Code Using AWS CloudFormation

Data lakes have evolved into the single store-platform for all enterprise data managed. On AWS, an integrated set of services are available to engineer and automate data lakes. A data lake on AWS is able to group all of the previously mentioned services of relational and non-relational data and allow you to query results faster and at a lower cost. Learn how nClouds used code automation via AWS CloudFormation to create a dynamic data lake stack to visualize and analyze the financial market data.

How to Export a Model from Domino for Deployment in Amazon SageMaker

Data science is driving significant value for many organizations, including fueling new revenue streams, improving longstanding processes, and optimizing customer experience. Domino Data Lab empowers code-first data science teams to overcome these challenges of building and deploying data science at scale. Learn how to build and export a model from the Domino platform for deployment in Amazon SageMaker. Deploying models within Domino provides insight into the full model lineage.


How AWS Machine Learning Services Increase Medical Coding Accuracy and Efficiency

Medical coding helps providers maintain patient records and obtain reimbursement for services. Unfortunately, the process is complicated, time-consuming, and prone to error. Learn how ClearScale developed a solution that increases the efficiency and accuracy of the coding process. Powered by AWS Machine Learning, the application translates recorded medical appointment notes, and uses the information to generate more accurate medical codes.


Connecting Applications Securely to a MongoDB Atlas Data Plane with AWS PrivateLink

Customers want to guarantee private connectivity to MongoDB Atlas running on AWS. All dedicated clusters on MongoDB Atlas are deployed in their own VPC, so customers usually connect to a cluster via VPC peering or public IP access-listing. AWS PrivateLink allows you to securely access MongoDB Atlas clusters from your own VPC. In this post, follow step-by-step instructions to configure AWS PrivateLink for MongoDB Atlas, ensuring private connectivity to your data.

How Provectus and GoCheck Kids Built ML Infrastructure for Improved Usability During Vision Screening

For businesses like GoCheck Kids, machine learning infrastructure is vital. The company has developed a next-generation, ML-driven pediatric vision screening platform that enables healthcare practitioners to screen for vision risks in children in a fast and easy way by utilizing GoCheck Kids’ smartphone app. Learn how GoCheck Kids teamed up with Provectus to build a secure, auditable, and reproducible ML infrastructure on AWS to ensure its solution is powered by highly accurate image classification model.

How Insider Learned to Scale a Production Grade Elasticsearch Cluster on AWS

Insider, an AWS Competency Partner, has been using Elasticsearch for a long time and is satisfied with its performance and features. They had a couple of issues when scaling up its usage, however, but they fixed them by making changes on configurations, architecture, and hardware. Follow along as Insider’s team realizes that fixing symptoms without understanding the root cause may lead to worse scenarios, and how they learned the hard way the importance of identifying the real issue as soon as possible.


Making Cloud Transformation Simpler and Faster with SnapStart

Knowing what customers have in their IT estate is important when beginning strategic transformation initiatives, consolidating data centers, migrating workloads, or modernizing data platforms. Explore the cloud migration journey of one of Insight’s clients to understand how they used SnapStart and various technologies to make the migration process more efficient. SnapStart helps organizations identify and map IT environments spanning cloud, edge, and both on-premises and off-premises data centers.