AWS Architecture Blog

Figure 2. Architecture diagram for financial crime discovery

Financial Crime Discovery using Amazon EKS and Graph Databases

Discovering and solving financial crimes has become a challenge due to an increasing amount of financial data. While storing transactional payment data in a structured table format is useful for searching, filtering, and calculations, it is not always an ideal way to represent transactional data. For example, determining if there is a suspicious financial relationship […]

Figure 2. Simulated RLN architecture in the AWS Cloud

Scaling DLT to 1M TPS on AWS: Optimizing a Regulated Liabilities Network

SETL is an open source, distributed ledger technology (DLT) company that enables tokenisation, digital custody, and DLT for securities markets and payments. In mid-2021, they developed a blueprint for a Regulated Liabilities Network (RLN) that enables holding and managing a variety of tokenized value irrespective of its form. In a December 2021 collaboration with Amazon […]

HighByte Intelligence Hub

Connecting an Industrial Universal Namespace to AWS IoT SiteWise using HighByte Intelligence Hub

This post was co-authored with Michael Brown, Sr. Manufacturing Specialist Architect, AWS; Dr. Rajesh Gomatam, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect, Industrial Software Specialist, AWS; Scott Robertson, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect, Manufacturing, AWS; John Harrington, Chief Business Officer, HighByte; and Aron Semie, Chief Technology Officer, HighByte Merging industrial and enterprise data across multiple on-premises deployments and industrial […]

Figure 1. Pulse ingestion module architecture

Codacy Measures Developer Productivity using AWS Serverless

Codacy is a DevOps insights company based in Lisbon, Portugal. Since its launch in 2012, Codacy has helped software development and engineering teams reduce defects, keep technical debt in check, and ship better code, faster. Codacy’s latest product, Pulse, is a service that helps understand and improve the performance of software engineering teams. This includes […]

Let's architect! logo

Let’s Architect! Architecting for Sustainability

We often read news about sustainability and how governments and large corporations are working to build a better world for the future. But, have you ever asked yourself what you can do? As a software architect, how can you make a difference by addressing sustainability challenges? In this first post of Let’s Architect!, a series […]

Figure 2. Simulating Regional failover using service control policies

Minimizing Dependencies in a Disaster Recovery Plan

The Availability and Beyond whitepaper discusses the concept of static stability for improving resilience. What does static stability mean with regard to a multi-Region disaster recovery (DR) plan? What if the very tools that we rely on for failover are themselves impacted by a DR event? In this post, you’ll learn how to reduce dependencies […]

Figure 1. Redundant direct connection from Hawaii to the US mainland

Building Resilient and High Performing Cloud-based Applications in Hawaii

Hawaii is building a digital economy for a sustainable future. Many local businesses are already embarking on their journey to the cloud to meet their customers’ growing demand for digital services. To access Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the US mainland, customers’ data must traverse through submarine fiber-optic cable networks approximately 2,800 miles across the […]

Figure 2. Control plane architecture

How Ribbon Built a Scalable, Resilient Robocall Mitigation Platform

Ribbon provides communications software, and IP and optical networking end-to-end solutions that deliver innovation, unparalleled scale, performance, and agility to service providers and enterprise. Ribbon is helping customers modernize their networks. In today’s data-hungry, 24/7 world, this equates to improved competitive positioning and business outcomes. Companies are migrating from on-premises equipment for telephony services and looking […]

Figure 2. Credit application – technical solution using Amazon SageMaker and Experian CaaS ML models

How Experian uses Amazon SageMaker to Deliver Affordability Verification 

Financial Service (FS) providers must identify patterns and signals in a customer’s financial behavior to provide deeper, up-to-the-minute, insight into their affordability and credit risk. FS providers use these insights to improve decision making and customer management capabilities. Machine learning (ML) models and algorithms play a significant role in automating, categorising, and deriving insights from […]

Building an application with AWS multi-Region services using services covered in Part 1

Creating a Multi-Region Application with AWS Services – Part 2, Data and Replication

Data is at the center of stateful applications. Data consistency models will vary when choosing in-Region vs. multi-Region. In this post, part 2 of 3, we continue to filter through AWS services to focus on data-centric services with native features to help get your data where it needs to be in support of a multi-Region […]