AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Management Tools

Delivering rugged video and spatial streaming capability in a flexible, cost-effective solution

The Government of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Emergency Services Agency (ESA) leverages the security and reliability of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for live video streaming, archive, and complex spatial data processing. ESA is the ACT Government organisation charged with providing emergency management services to the Canberra community and works closely with its counterparts across […]

Monitoring AWS Elemental MediaStore with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

Many customers have built live streaming workflows using AWS Elemental MediaStore as a high performant live video origin in the cloud. For example, FOX recently used MediaStore as a low latency origin for its AWS-enabled production workflow for Super Bowl LIV. In a previous blog post, I explained how to use MediaStore access logs to […]

Deploying your favorite post-production applications on AWS Virtual Desktop infrastructure

Virtualization quickly became a requirement to enable creative professionals to be productive during work from home mandates. This blog entry outlines key considerations when considering running your favorite post production applications from the AWS cloud. Customers frequently ask if they can run their editing software in AWS. From these inquiries, it’s clear that patterns of […]

Monetize media content with AWS Elemental MediaTailor and Computer Vision

In a previous post, we explained how to build a Media Analysis Solution that extracts key details from media files without machine learning expertise. However, for media content in the cloud, there are many additional applications and business opportunities to explore. In this blog post, we show how to increase the monetization potential of media content by […]

Jordan develops e-learning platform for 2 million students with AWS

Earlier this year, as schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Jordan wanted to quickly help students across the country reconnect with their teachers and classmates and resume their education. Through a multi-faceted collaboration led by, the largest Arabic-language platform in the world, the e-learning platform was built in just […]

Providing remote learning for millions of Israel students through live stream

With students around the world now learning from home due to COVID-19, governments and educators are using technology to provide remote learning experiences. In Israel, the Ministry of Education collaborated with education technology (EdTech) companies and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide continuity of learning for 1.8 million students. Together, AWS, the Israel Center for […]

Addressing the needs of media customers during unprecedented times

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, IT and communications leaders of commercial businesses, government agencies, schools, and religious organizations around the world are working quickly to keep the lines of communication open. The ability to quickly set up streaming platforms and to scale video infrastructures in the cloud helps government agencies keep first-line responders informed and […]

Create a live streaming CloudWatch dashboard using AWS Elemental MediaStore access logs

Customers build live streaming video workflows using AWS Elemental MediaStore as a high performant live video origin in the cloud. But when it comes to monitoring live video streams, customers can find it a little challenging to create an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard using AWS Elemental MediaStore access logs. By default, AWS Elemental MediaStore does not […]

Managing hybrid video processing workflows with Apache Airflow

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. Authored by Riccardo Vescovi, Head of Solution Engineering – Fincons; Donato Fraccalvieri, Solution Architect – Fincons; Gianluca De […]

New this Is my architecture: Media analysis solution

Join us to discuss a turn-key solution created by AWS for Media Analysis. The Media Analysis Solution uses advanced ML services such as Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Rekognition and others to understand and interpret what is happening in a video clip. The analysis of this content then leads to a set of time-coded meta […]