AWS for M&E Blog

Category: AWS Elemental Live

Enhance your live stream with HTML5 motion graphics

Adding HTML5 graphic elements to live content has become a popular method to enhance linear broadcasts. This popularity is largely due to the ease of creation. Because these graphical elements are built using standard web technologies, content creators no longer need to use proprietary authoring or rendering tools. Common use cases include adding scoreboards and […]

Getting started with SRT inputs in AWS Elemental Live

What is SRT? Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is an open source video transport protocol, originally developed by Haivision, that optimizes video streaming performance. It includes a technology package and protocol that connect two endpoints to deliver low latency video across unreliable networks. It is designed to deliver superior video quality over unreliable networks and survive minor network […]

Introducing AWS Elemental MediaConnect inputs for AWS Elemental Live appliances

AWS Elemental Live 2.21.2 GA introduces a new input type for use with AWS Elemental MediaConnect that makes it easier to securely and reliably ingest content. In this article, I review use cases where MediaConnect inputs are helpful, and show how to configure both MediaConnect and Elemental Live to utilize this capability. This new input type […]

How to stream 4K, HDR live video to YouTube using AWS Elemental Live or AWS Elemental MediaLive via HLS ingest

YouTube supports HLS ingest for premium content that requires high-quality and high-resolution video via HLS endpoint. YouTube supports MPEG2 transport stream muxed video with H.264 and HEVC codec, up to 60 fps with closed GOP. Audio must be AAC codec and muxed in MPEG2 transport stream. Customers can now use AWS Elemental Live appliance and […]

Choosing the right AWS live streaming solution for your use case

In July last year, AWS launched Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), a managed live streaming platform for creating low latency interactive streaming services. While Amazon IVS is a great addition to the existing AWS Media Services for building live streaming experiences, I am often asked by customers which option is best for their given […]

AWS Elemental MediaConnect adds SRT to its list of high-availability protocols

AWS Elemental MediaConnect provides reliable, secure live video transport using protocols like Zixi, Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST), and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) with forward error correction (FEC). Now MediaConnect has added another protocol to the list with support for SRT. SRT, which stands for Secure Reliable Transport, is a highly reliable, low-latency video streaming transport protocol. […]

How to: Dolby Atmos Live streaming using AWS Elemental and AWS Media Services

It’s the right time to get immersive. Dolby Atmos was first released in 2012 with the animated movie “Brave”. Since then, more than 950 movies, TV shows and Live events have been created using Dolby Atmos. Dolby Atmos audio is now distributed globally via broadcasts such as: SkyUK, Xfinity (Comcast); BT for top tier sporting […]

Part 3: Simplifying SMPTE ST 2110 Management with NMOS

This multi-post series is a dive deep into the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2110 suite of standards. The series explores the reasons customers transition from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices to use AWS Elemental […]

Part 2: Working with SMPTE ST 2110 on the AWS Elemental Live Appliance

This multi-post series is a dive deep into the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2110 suite of standards. The series explores the reasons customers transition from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices to use AWS Elemental […]

Part 1: Background and key benefits of SMPTE ST 2110 on AWS Elemental Live

This multi-post series is a dive deep into the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2110 suite of standards. The series explores the reasons customers transition from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices to use AWS […]