AWS Media Blog

Category: *Post Types

Part 1: Expanding the color gamut with HDR and AWS Elemental

In this three part series, we discuss the current status of High Dynamic Range (HDR) video support across the AWS Elemental Media Services and appliances. Since our founding in 2006, our customers have expected our products to continue to produce the best quality video per bit using the latest codecs and formats. HDR is now […]

AWS Artist Series: Laying out the opening shots of Spanner

This is the 5th post in our AWS Artist series, find the other four below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa  AWS Artist Series: Rigging the bridge for “Spanner” Project introduction Spanner is a short film about two bridge makers: Ulysse is an overly […]

discovery+ uses Amazon Personalize to combat decision fatigue

Discovery, Inc., a multinational mass media company, has a colossal library available to stream. So much so, that customers encountered “decision fatigue”. The company found that too many choices can become overwhelming, and can take away from the viewer experience. Discovery, Inc. responded to this challenge by building discovery+, a streaming service using Amazon Personalize. […]

Guest post: Electronic Arts modernizes data storage on Amazon S3

Electronic Arts (EA) is a global leader in digital interactive entertainment, best known for video games like FIFA, Madden, and Battlefield. The increasing scale and complexity of telemetry data over the years, along with data archiving and long-term backup needs, left them with an immense storage challenge. The company used AWS to solve their large […]

Improve streaming content security with SPEKE v2.0 and AWS Elemental MediaPackage

A quick history of CPIX and SPEKE Until the publishing of the DASH-IF’s Content Protection Information Exchange Format (CPIX) specification in 2015, there was no standard payload format that encoders and packagers could leverage when requesting encryption keys from key servers. CPIX filled this gap by providing a high-level framework, based on XML, describing the […]

AWS Artist Series – Rigging the bridge for “Spanner”

This is the 4th post in our AWS Artist series, find the other three below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa  Project introduction Spanner is a short film about two bridge makers: Ulysse is an overly confident worker whose insecurities become very evident when […]

How to get to market fast with Automated ABR encoding

Automated ABR is an AWS Elemental MediaConvert feature that is ideal for customers who are launching an application and require the encoding of video files, but are not video experts. Before Automated ABR, developers had to guess which bitrates/resolutions and encoding settings were ideal to enable the best picture quality for end users. Usually when […]

Contextualized viewer engagement and monetization for live OTT events

Popular live stream events often command higher viewer attention due to the thrill, uncertainty, freshness, and unknowns of the content. On the other hand, in the over-the-top (OTT) world the last mile network latency and media player buffer often push a viewer at least few seconds behind real time. This elevated viewer attention and last-mile […]

BeLive provides one-stop solution for ecommerce livestreams with Amazon IVS

From powering live trivia sessions for Samsung, to helping fashion retailers sell out limited edition inventory in minutes, BeLive Technology has delivered more than 50 million hours of live video since 2018. Offering rich interactivity and analytics, the company’s customizable live streaming service is a go-to for notable brands and celebrities in southeast Asia looking […]

AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa 

This is the 3rd post in our AWS Artist series, find the other two below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  Noa and Ulysse under the bridge in Spanner. Spanner is the story of two bridge builders, Noa and Ulysse. Noa is an expert in her field; she trained hard […]