AWS Public Sector Blog
Tag: Amazon Textract
AWS Partners help public sector organizations harness the power of data
Organizations deal with ever-growing data volumes. This means that growth-minded businesses must put data at the heart of every application, process, and decision. But how you use your organization’s data is the key to accelerating innovation and accomplishing your organizational goals.
Extracting, analyzing, and interpreting information from Medicaid forms with AWS
What if paper forms could be processed at the same speed as digital forms? What if their contents could be automatically entered in the same database as the digital forms? Medicaid agencies could analyze data in near real time and drive actionable insights on a single dashboard. By using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) services from AWS, Medicaid agencies can create this streamlined solution. In this walkthrough, learn how to extract, analyze, and interpret relevant information from paper-based Medicaid claims forms.
Automating returned mail to keep members enrolled during Medicaid unwinding
As the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) begins to wind down, starting April 1, 2023, state Medicaid agencies (SMAs) will have one year to “unwind” temporary COVID-era changes and return to pre-pandemic ways of working. For nearly a year, AWS has supported SMAs with in-house Medicaid expertise to identify unwinding issues and develop solutions to address them. The top four concerns that SMAs have shared for unwinding are constituent outreach and engagement, staffing shortages, returned mail, and reporting capabilities. In this blog post, explore how AWS can help with automating returned mail to support members in keeping their coverage.
Creating a video storage and management system for your nonprofit
Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using videos to fundraise, raise awareness, and attract new members or donors. But storing large quantities of video has traditionally meant purchasing and maintaining expensive hardware, while cataloging large video collections can be a time-consuming task. The Media2Cloud on AWS solution in the AWS Solutions Library can help nonprofit organizations store, catalog, and search their video libraries in a way that is cost-effective, and that scales to meet any need. In this blog post, learn how Media2Cloud works and how your organization can use it to support your video program.
Automatically extracting email attachment data to reduce costs and save time for local public health departments
Local public health departments must notify public health agencies, like state health departments or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of reportable conditions. These departments receive various types of reports of healthcare conditions through email, in addition to more traditional methods such as mail, fax, or phone calls. Local health departments can dramatically reduce the time and costs associated with manually processing email attachments and improve processing efficiency using automation. In this blog post, learn how to create an automated email attachment ingestion, storage, and processing solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) services from AWS.
4 ways AWS can help with Medicaid unwinding
Beginning on April 1, 2023, state Medicaid agencies (SMA) will have one year to “unwind” temporary COVID-era changes and return to pre-pandemic ways of working. A major part of that will be re-verifying that all 91 million members still qualify to receive Medicaid benefits. For nearly a year, AWS has supported SMAs with in-house Medicaid expertise to identify unwinding issues and develop solutions to address them. The top four concerns that SMAs have shared are in approaching outreach and engagement, staffing shortages, returned mail, and reporting capabilities. Learn how AWS can help states across the country overcome these challenges across different scenarios.
Using AWS to help students find an affordable college
Moneythink is an education technology nonprofit providing big solutions to help with college affordability, accessibility, and student loan debt. We built DecidED, a web app that runs on AWS and provides students across the country with guidance and support to understand financial aid options and budgeting for college costs. Our work gives students the cost transparency necessary to make clear decisions about their futures, and is especially beneficial for historically marginalized students, as they often lack resources due to institutionally imposed barriers.
From open data to machine learning, making 1950 Census data available with AWS
On April 1, the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the 1950 Census data to the general public. Census data is released 72 years after a census is conducted, and it has been 10 years since the last census data for the 1940 Census was publicly released. With the support of cloud technologies, this release marks a number of important firsts. AWS is honored to support the release of the 1950 Census and help make this data available to the public.
Taxes, governments, and great experiences using the cloud
Information technology and cloud services can be enablers for modernization of these business processes and tax systems, and improved constituent experience. For public administrators, these tools can also shorten the window between the enactment of a new law and its timely and successful implementation. Here’s how governments are addressing some major challenges using the AWS Cloud.
Using AI to rethink document automation and extract insights
The maturing of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought ready-made services that organizations can use, not only to automate data entry work but also to apply intelligence into the business process. Using modern AI capabilities on AWS, organizations can transform approaches to document management. This allows public sector organizations to save time (enabling faster throughput especially during higher volume paperwork times), so they can help get constituents their services faster, and focus on the most valuable work of the high-touch or high-need cases. Document automation helps reduce human entry error and provide backup services in case of natural disaster.