AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: education

Innovative internet safety solutions keep students connected and secure online

For school systems across the U.S., making sure students have a secure environment to use the internet is not only the right thing to do— it’s the law. When the Kentucky Department of Education switched to 100 percent remote learning, they turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Lightspeed Systems to keep students safe and engaged in online learning at home.

two employees confer at the EComm center

Improving public safety and innovating through voice and video technology: The latest from AWS CICs

Our global network of Cloud Innovation Centers (CICs) powered by AWS and in collaboration with our CIC sponsors, who host and run the centers, aim to empower public sector organizations to quickly create and test new ideas using Amazon’s innovation methodology and cloud technology. Check out some stories of digital prototypes the CICs have published over the last few months that focus on improving public safety, adapting to the pandemic, and innovating through voice and video technology.

Singapore University of Social Sciences supports remote learning and examination with Amazon Connect

College exams are stressful enough without a pandemic. Singapore University of Social Sciences wanted a remote contact center solution to make it easier for students and faculty to get support during remote learning and examinations. They turned to Amazon Connect to create a streamlined, accessible, and equitable solution for their community.

Blockchain makes student achievement records safe and simple to share with portable credentials

Students’ educational achievements—including academic transcripts, work history, and skill credentialing—are often scattered across multiple institutions and disparate IT systems. EdTechs are adopting blockchain technology to simplify this process, with credential portability, data privacy, simplified workflows, and added data security.

Indiana and Ivy Tech Community College collaborate with AWS to provide tech training to 5,000 residents

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) has been focused on preparing  citizens for the growing tech, IT, and cloud industries. Collaborating with Ivy Tech and Amazon Web Services will help reach more learners and accelerate economic growth by fueling the state’s tech industry with skilled talent.

Satellite imagery over Africa, a large-scale climate ensemble, and product listings with 3D renderings: The latest open data on AWS

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. This quarter, we released 44 new or updated datasets including satellite imagery over Africa, a large-scale climate ensemble, and product listings with 3D renderings. Learn how you can put these open datasets to work.

How the cloud can help educational institutions with grading, assessments, and admissions

During the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions that operated on in-person model shifted many of their traditionally in-person operations and activities—including grading, assessments and testing, and admissions—to a virtual format, where many had never been before. Educational technology (EdTech) companies around the world used the cloud to help quickly create and scale to meet the needs of these academic institutions while maintaining a consistent and smooth student experience.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Hybrid connectivity to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial Regions using AWS Direct Connect"

Hybrid connectivity to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial Regions using AWS Direct Connect

To establish network connectivity between on-premises data centers, branch locations, and cloud resources, organizations use a hybrid network. This technical walkthrough explains how to implement hybrid connectivity from your premises to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial AWS Regions using a dedicated private network connection provided by AWS Direct Connect (DX).

group sits collaborating at a table with a laptop

Announcing the AWS Public Sector Startup Ramp

AWS announced the launch of AWS Public Sector Startup Ramp in India, a new program to help early stage public sector focused technology startups build solutions on AWS. AWS Startup Ramp is an acceleration program for startups that are building innovative solutions for public sector customers worldwide, including but not limited to customers in national and local government, space and defense, and healthcare.

How one Caribbean university digitally transformed and saved money by migrating to the cloud

Moving to AWS helped The University of the West Indies, Open Campus (UWIOC) improve performance of systems and operational efficiency while optimizing costs. Learn how UWIOC migrated more than 70 virtual machines, 10 applications, and five networks, plus their Moodle learning management system (LMS) and the UWIOC website, while saving 50 percent total cost of ownership along the way.