• Amazon EventBridge API destinations now supports content-type header customization

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Amazon EventBridge API destinations now supports custom HTTP content-type header values for API destinations connection resources and when using API destinations as a target in EventBridge Event Buses or Pipes.

  • AWS Step Functions adds support for Open Workflow Metrics

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    AWS Step Functions announces open workflow metrics for Step Functions workflows in Amazon CloudWatch to track and monitor the number of open workflow executions in real-time through Amazon CloudWatch. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service capable of orchestrating over 12,000+ API actions from over 220 AWS services to build distributed applications and data processing workloads.

  • Amazon Redshift announces support for scoped permissions and object-level privileges in data sharing

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Amazon Redshift customers can now use scoped permissions to manage permissions for a role or user on a database or schema scope, avoiding the need to manually grant permissions on every object. Scoped permissions apply to objects in the selected scope when you grant or revoke the permission, as well as to new objects created after you grant or revoke the permission. For example, granting SELECT permission to tables in a schema allows access to current and future tables within the schema. Scoped permissions can also be used on shared databases created from a datashare.

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB support M7g and R7g database instances in additional regions

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB now support AWS Graviton3-based M7g and R7g database instances in US West (N. California), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad, Seoul), Canada (Central), Europe (London, Spain), and Middle East (Bahrain). Graviton3-based instances provide up to a 30% performance improvement and up to a 27% price/performance improvement (based on on-demand pricing) over Graviton2-based instances on RDS for open-source databases depending on database engine, version, and workload

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) supports in-place major version upgrade in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports an in-place major version upgrade (MVU) from Amazon DocumentDB versions 3.6 and 4.0 to version 5.0 in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. Instead of backing up and restoring the database to the new version or relying on database migration tools, you can perform an in-place major version upgrade with a few clicks using the AWS console, the latest AWS Software Development Kit (SDK), or Command Line Interface (CLI). With in-place MVU, no new clusters are created in the process and you can continue using the existing cluster endpoints for your applications.

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams adds capability to easily query data in AWS Management Console

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Today, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams adds the ability for you to run SQL queries with one click in the AWS Management Console using Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. With this new capability, you can easily analyze and visualize the data in your streams in real-time.

  • AWS Backup now supports restore testing for Amazon Aurora continuous backups

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    AWS Backup announces support for restore testing of Amazon Aurora continuous backups. AWS Backup restore testing helps perform automated and periodic restore tests of supported AWS resources that have been backed up. AWS Backup is a fully managed service that centralizes and automates data protection across supported AWS services and hybrid workloads. With this launch, AWS Backup customers can test recovery readiness to prepare for possible data loss events and to measure duration times for restore jobs for their Amazon Aurora continuous backups to satisfy compliance or regulatory requirements.

  • Amazon EC2 m7i.metal-24xl instance is now generally available for VMware Cloud on AWS

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    AWS announces the general availability of Amazon EC2 m7i.metal-24xl instance for VMware Cloud on AWS. This offering features a disaggregated storage architecture from compute, supporting both Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP and VMware Cloud Flex Storage as primary storage options for customers. With this new offering, customers can now choose among three instance types for VMware Cloud on AWS: i3en.metal, i4i.metal and m7i.metal-24xl.

  • Amazon Connect now provides case management metrics

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Amazon Connect now provides metrics for case management which give customers insights into case volumes and performance. With this launch, contact center managers can view new reports using the historical metrics dashboard in the Amazon Connect admin website to analyze case resolution performance based on point in time snapshots or specific time intervals.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Serverless customers can now control access to VPC endpoints

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    We are excited to announce that Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is enhancing access controls for VPC endpoints. With this feature, administrators can attach endpoint policies to control which AWS principals are allowed or denied access to the OpenSearch resources through their VPC endpoint(s). With a VPC endpoint policy, users can also combine actions along with AWS principals and resources to have finer control on the allowing or denying the traffic through their VPC endpoint(s).

  • AWS announces new AWS Direct Connect location in Honolulu, Hawaii

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Today, AWS announced the opening of a new AWS Direct Connect location within the Aloha NAP data center in Honolulu, Hawaii. By connecting your network to AWS at the new Hawaii location, you gain private, direct access to all public AWS Regions (except those in China), AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, and AWS Local Zones. This is the first AWS Direct Connect site within Hawaii and the 42nd site in the United States. 

  • Amazon Connect now supports DID & Toll Free calling in Venezuela

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Amazon Connect has expanded availability to support inbound Direct Dial (DID) and Toll Free telephone numbers in Venezuela from the US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon) regions. 

  • Amazon Security Lake now supports audit logs from Amazon EKS

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the expansion in the log coverage support for Amazon Security Lake, which includes Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs. This enhancement allows you to automatically centralize and normalize your Amazon EKS audit logs in Security Lake, making it easier to monitor and investigate potential suspicious activities in your Amazon EKS clusters.

  • AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator now supports custom templates

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator now allows you to save customized workflows as new templates for your subsequent migration and modernization projects on AWS. You can create a workflow from a predefined AWS managed template and customize the workflow based on your own needs. With this launch, you can now save the customized workflow as a new custom template to simplify your future projects and save time with no need to customize the workflow again.

  • AWS Lambda improves responsiveness for configuring stream and queue-based event sources

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    AWS Lambda now improves the responsiveness for configuring Event Source Mappings (ESMs) and Amazon EventBridge Pipes with event sources such as self-managed Apache Kafka, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK), Amazon DocumentDB, and Amazon MQ. This enhancement allows changes—such as updating, disabling, or deleting ESMs or Pipes—to take effect within 90 seconds, an improvement from the previous time frame of up to 15 minutes.

  • AWS Resource Groups now supports 161 more resource types

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Today, AWS Resource Groups is adding support for an additional 161 resource types for tag-based Resource Groups. Customers can use Resource Groups to group and manage resources from services such as AWS Backup, AWS Media Connect, and AWS Network Manager. 

  • Amazon Q for Business launches support for metadata boosting for Q&A fine tuning

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    We are excited to announce that Amazon Q for Business now supports metadata boosting for Q applications. This feature allows customers to easily fine-tune the underlying ranking of retrieved RAG passages in order to optimize Q&A answer relevance in their Q applications. 

  • Amazon Security Lake enhances analytics performance with OCSF 1.1.0 and Apache Iceberg

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Today, AWS announces support for Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) v.1.1.0 and Apache Iceberg tables in Amazon Security Lake, enhancing query performance for your security analytics. Apache Iceberg is an open table format that provides fast query performance over large tables in data lakes. As part of these changes, Security Lake has adopted several OCSF mapping enhancements. Your transformed events now include OCSF Observables, which streamlines tasks like matching threat intelligence indicators or searching for logs pertaining to a specific identity across all of your environments, making them much easier and more efficient than before. Security Lake now maps security findings from AWS Security Hub to more specific event classes available in OCSF v1.1.0 such as detection or vulnerability findings, which represent finding data more succinctly and improves usability. Security Lake has also adopted the latest version of OCSF datetime profile which utilizes human readable RFC-3339 timestamps.

  • Amazon EKS announces support for Amazon Linux 2023

    Posted On: Feb 29, 2024

    Today, we are announcing general availability of Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). AL2023 is the next generation of Amazon Linux from Amazon Web Services and is designed to provide a secure, stable, high-performance environment to develop and run your cloud applications. EKS customers can enjoy the benefits of AL2023 by using the standard AL2023-based EKS optimized Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with Managed Node Groups, self-managed nodes, and Karpenter.

  • AWS Blu Age runtime is now available packaged for easier ECS on Fargate deployment

    Posted On: Feb 28, 2024

    AWS Mainframe Modernization with AWS Blu Age Runtime is now available for seamless deployment on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate to run modernized applications in serverless containers.

  • AWS Batch now offers multi-container jobs

    Posted On: Feb 28, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of multi-container jobs for AWS Batch. The multi-container jobs feature makes it easier and faster for you to run simulations when testing complex systems like those used in autonomous vehicles and robotics. With the ability to run multiple containers in a job, you can benefit from the advanced scaling, scheduling, and cost optimization capabilities of AWS Batch without rebuilding your system into a complex monolithic container. Instead, you can use multiple smaller, modular containers that each represent different system components like a 3D virtual environment, robot perception sensors, or a data logging sidecar.

  • AWS Glue now available in Canada West (Calgary) region

    Posted On: Feb 28, 2024

    We are happy to announce that AWS Glue, a serverless data integration service, is now available in the AWS Canada West (Calgary) region.

  • Announcing Terraform support for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion deployments

    Posted On: Feb 28, 2024

    Starting today you can use Terraform to provision and configure your Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines and benefit from Terraform’s Infrastructure as Code capabilities to automate and streamline the deployment of Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines, providing you with a fast, repeatable, and secure deployment option that can scale.

  • Amazon Data Firehose adds message extraction feature for decompressed CloudWatch Logs

    Posted On: Feb 27, 2024

    Amazon Data Firehose (Firehose) decompression for CloudWatch Logs now supports message extraction, so customers can automatically filter out header information and deliver only the message content from their CloudWatch logs to destinations such as Amazon S3 and Splunk for analytics.

  • Accelerate machine learning model training with Amazon SageMaker and Amazon S3 Express One Zone

    Posted On: Feb 27, 2024

    The Amazon S3 Express One Zone storage class can now accelerate Amazon SageMaker Model Training with faster load times for training data, checkpoints, and model outputs. S3 Express One Zone is purpose-built to deliver the fastest cloud object storage for performance-critical applications and delivers consistent single-digit millisecond request latency and high throughput to reduce the time and cost to train and tune machine learning models through Amazon SageMaker.

  • Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys now supports General Purpose gp3 storage volumes

    Posted On: Feb 27, 2024

    The Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys now supports next-generation General Purpose gp3 storage volumes. Amazon RDS gp3 volumes give you the flexibility to provision storage performance independently of storage capacity, paying only for the resources you need. Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys provides up to 2x faster transaction commit latency, automated failovers typically under 35 seconds, and two readable standby instances.

  • Announcing CloudWatch performance metrics for Amazon WorkSpaces Web

    Posted On: Feb 27, 2024

    Today, Amazon WorkSpaces Web announced two new CloudWatch metrics for customers to monitor session performance. Administrators can conveniently enable monitoring across web portals from the Amazon CloudWatch console. These metrics provide administrators with greater insight into the in-session experience.

  • Amazon Location Service releases authentication library for iOS and Android

    Posted On: Feb 27, 2024

    Amazon Location Service has released authentication libraries for iOS and Android platforms, simplifying the integration of Amazon Location Service into mobile apps. Along with the existing Javascript library, these provide a consistent authentication experience across web and mobile platforms.

  • Amazon EC2 C7a and R7a instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Feb 27, 2024

    Starting today, the compute-optimized Amazon EC2 C7a instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt, Spain, Stockholm) regions. The memory-optimized R7a instances are now available in Europe (Frankfurt, Spain, Stockholm) regions. C7a and R7a instances, powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors (code-named Genoa) with a maximum frequency of 3.7 GHz, deliver up to 50% higher performance compared to C6a and R6a instances, respectively.

  • AWS AppConfig L2 constructs now available for AWS CDK

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    The AWS AppConfig Level 2 (L2) Constructs module for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is now available. These new AWS AppConfig constructs simplify provisioning of AWS AppConfig resources, including feature flags and dynamic configuration data. Customers can use these constructs for all AWS AppConfig resources, including Applications, Deployment Strategies, Environments, Extensions, and Configuration Profiles. These interfaces make it easy to create, manage, and deploy configuration data for your application using CDK stacks.

  • NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB adds support for cloning tables

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB, a client-side application that helps you visualize and build scalable, high-performance data models, now supports cloning tables between development environments. With this feature, you can quickly develop and test your application with your DynamoDB tables across multiple environments.

  • Amazon RDS for MariaDB supports minors 10.11.7, 10.6.17, 10.5.24, 10.4.33

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MariaDB now supports MariaDB minor versions 10.11.7, 10.6.17, 10.5.24, and 10.4.33. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MariaDB, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the MariaDB community.

  • AWS launches a new Local Zone in Atlanta

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of a new AWS Local Zone in Atlanta, Georgia. This new Local Zone supports Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6i, M6i, R6i, C6gn, and P5 instances and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume types gp2, gp3, io1, sc1, and st1. With the P5 instances, you can now train and deploy complex large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models in the Atlanta Local Zone, powering your demanding generative AI application. You can also access Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Application Load Balancer, and AWS Direct Connect in this new Local Zone to support a broad set of workloads at the edge.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs now supports IPv6

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch Logs now allows customers to use Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses for their new and existing domains. Customers moving to IPv6 can simplify their network stack by running their CloudWatch log groups on a dual-stack network that supports both IPv4 and IPv6. 

  • Amazon EC2 I4g Instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) I4g storage-optimized instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are now available in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region. I4g instances deliver the best compute price performance for a storage-optimized EC2 instance and the best storage performance per TB for a Graviton-based storage instance. 

  • EC2 Auto Scaling Warm Pools supports hibernating instances in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Feb 26, 2024

    Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling customers in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions can now hibernate their Warm Pool instances. With Warm Pools, customers can scale out faster by bringing instances into service from a pre-initialized pool of EC2 instances. Warm Pools are a good fit for applications that have time consuming initialization steps — like loading gigabytes of data, provisioning services, or running custom scripts — that can take several minutes or longer before those EC2 instances are ready to serve traffic.

  • Amazon Connect now provides time zone support for agent shift profiles

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    Amazon Connect now provides time zone setting for shift profiles in agent scheduling, enabling contact center managers to reduce time spent configuring and maintaining agent shift configurations.

  • Amazon MWAA now supports Apache Airflow version 2.8

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    You can now create Apache Airflow version 2.8 environments on Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA). Apache Airflow 2.8 is the latest minor release of the popular open-source tool that helps customers author, schedule, and monitor workflows.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) Elastic Clusters now support automatic backups and snapshot copying

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) Elastic Clusters now support automated backups and the ability to copy snapshots. These new features enhance your application resilience and recovery objectives of your Elastic Clusters.

  • Remediating non-compliant resources with AWS Config rules is now available in Canada West (Calgary)

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    Starting today, remediating non-compliant resources with AWS Config rules is available in Canada West (Calgary) Region. This feature gives you the ability to associate and execute remediation actions with AWS Config rules to address noncompliant resources. You can choose from a list of available remediation actions. For example, you can create an AWS Config rule to check that your Amazon S3 buckets does not allow public read access. You can then associate a remediation action to disable public access for noncompliant S3 buckets.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) Elastic Clusters supports readable secondaries, and start and stop clusters

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) Elastic Clusters now support readable secondaries, ability to configure the shard instance count, and ability start and stop clusters. These new features help you scale read workloads and improve usage efficiency of your Elastic Clusters. 

  • Amazon EMR Serverless is now available in Europe (Spain) Region

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    Amazon EMR is excited to announce that Amazon EMR Serverless is now available in Europe (Spain) Region.

  • Amazon CloudFront announces availability of Embedded Points of Presence

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    Amazon CloudFront embedded Points of Presence (POPs) are a new type of CloudFront infrastructure deployed closest to end viewers, within internet service provider (ISP) and mobile network operator (MNO) networks. Embedded POPs are custom built to deliver large scale live-stream video, video-on-demand (VOD), and game downloads. Today, CloudFront has 600+ embedded POPs deployed across 200+ cities globally.

  • Elastic Beanstalk now supports Windows 2022

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports Windows Server 2022 based Elastic Beanstalk environments. Elastic Beanstalk Windows 2022 environments come with .NET Framework 4.8.1 and .NET Core 8.0 installed by default. 

  • AWS HealthOmics now provides additional information for workflow runs

    Posted On: Feb 23, 2024

    AWS HealthOmics now provides customers with more detailed information about their workflow runs. Customers can now see detailed performance metrics in their CloudWatch log streams and use this information to quickly right size their workloads. Additionally, customers now receive engine logs for all workflow runs in their S3 location of choice and receive detailed status messages to aid in debugging. All of this information is readily available in the revamped run details page in the HealthOmics console.

  • Announcing Region Expansion of G5 instances on SageMaker notebooks

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    We are pleased to announce general availability of Amazon EC2 G5 instances in Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Israel (Tel Aviv), Middle East (UAE), and US East (Ohio) on SageMaker Studio notebooks. We are also pleased to announce general availability of G5 instances in Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (London), Europe (Stockholm), Israel (Tel Aviv), Middle East (UAE), South America (São Paulo), and US East (Ohio) on SageMaker notebook instances.

  • AWS Lambda adds support for .NET 8

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    AWS Lambda now supports creating serverless applications using .NET 8. This runtime is based on the latest long-term support release of .NET 8. Developers can use .NET 8 as both a managed runtime and a container base image, and AWS will automatically apply updates to the managed runtime and base image as they become available.

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL supports minor versions 16.2, 15.6, 14.11, 13.14, and 12.18

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for PostgreSQL now supports the latest minor versions PostgreSQL 16.2, 15.6, 14.11, 13.14, and 12.18. This release of RDS for PostgreSQL also includes support for pgvector 0.6.0, which adds performance improvements for building Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) indexes including parallelism and in-memory builds. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix the known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of PostgreSQL, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the PostgreSQL community.

  • Amazon Neptune announces support for data APIs in the AWS SDK

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    Today, Amazon Neptune announces the support for Neptune’s data APIs in the AWS SDKs. This launch provides developers access to Neptune’s 40+ data plane APIs using the AWS SDK. You can now utilize Neptune to perform tasks such as data loading or query execution with SDKs in Gremlin and openCypher query languages. 

  • Amazon Neptune now supports for Amazon OpenSearch 2.3, 2.5, and Serverless

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    Amazon Neptune announces support for versions 2.3 and 2.5 of Amazon OpenSearch for a Neptune versions and support for OpenSearch Serverless with Neptune engine version and higher. This is in addition to previously supported Elasticsearch 7.1 or higher versions, to allow customers to perform full text search within their graphs. Customers can now use search indexing capabilities with OpenSearch 2.3 and 2.5 , and Serverless with their graph data stored in Neptune.

  • AWS Supply Chain Demand Planning announces Demand Driver-Based Forecasting

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    AWS Supply Chain now allows demand planners to input factors (demand drivers) that could influence forecasted demand. Demand Driver Based Forecasting is an adaptive approach that enables machine learning models to capture influence factors that improve forecast accuracy.

  • AWS announces Amazon Neptune I/O-Optimized

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon Neptune I/O-Optimized, a new configuration for Amazon Neptune Database that provides improved price performance and predictable pricing for customers with I/O-intensive applications. With Neptune I/O-Optimized, there are zero charges for read and write I/O operations—you only pay for your database instances and storage usage, making it easy to predict your database spend up front. Neptune I/O-Optimized offers up to 40% cost savings for I/O-intensive applications where I/O charges exceed 25% of the total Neptune database spend.

  • Amazon DynamoDB zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift in the US East (Virginia) region

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    Amazon DynamoDB zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift is now available in limited preview in the US East (Virginia) region. This zero-ETL integration enables customers to run high performance analytics on their DynamoDB data and has no impact on production workloads running on DynamoDB. As data is written into a DynamoDB table, it is seamlessly made available in Amazon Redshift, eliminating the need for customers to build and maintain complex data pipelines for performing extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations.

  • AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store now supports cross-account sharing

    Posted On: Feb 22, 2024

    Parameter Store, a capability of AWS Systems Manager that provides secure storage for configuration data, now allows you to share advanced-tier parameters with other AWS accounts, enabling you to centrally manage your configuration data. Parameters are key-value pairs that you can reference in code and through several AWS integrations such as AWS CloudFormation and Amazon EC2. Today, many customers have workloads in multiple AWS accounts that depend on shared configuration data. Now, you can maintain a single source of truth for configuration data by sharing parameters with other accounts that need access rather than manually duplicating and synchronizing data across accounts.

  • AWS Incident Detection and Response now offers five minute response time for critical incidents

    Posted On: Feb 21, 2024

    AWS Support announces five-minute response to critical incidents on workloads onboarded to AWS Incident Detection and Response. AWS Incident Detection and Response offers AWS Enterprise Support customers proactive engagement and incident management for critical workloads. With AWS Incident Detection and Response, AWS Incident Management Engineers (IMEs) monitor your workloads 24x7, detect incidents, and engage you with AWS Support experts to provide guidance toward mitigation and recovery.

  • Amazon EMR Studio is now available in the Europe (Spain) Region

    Posted On: Feb 21, 2024

    Starting today, you can use Amazon EMR Studio in the Europe (Spain) Region to run interactive workloads on EMR.

  • AWS Resilience Hub is now PCI compliant

    Posted On: Feb 21, 2024

    AWS Resilience Hub is pleased to announce two new service enhancements, including Payment Card Industry (PCI) certification and AWS Migration Acceleration Program 2.0 (MAP 2.0) availability. 

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports Partial Indexes

    Posted On: Feb 21, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) announces support for partial indexes. With partial indexes, developers can create an index on a subset of documents that meet a specific filter criterion. By indexing a subset of data, partial indexes can reduce query times and improve performance during index creation and management.

  • Amazon Location Service Maps SDK now supports Metal-based rendering for iOS applications

    Posted On: Feb 21, 2024

    Amazon Location Service Maps SDK now supports Metal-based rendering for iOS applications. This update allows developers to render maps and geospatial visualizations using Metal, Apple's native graphics API, on iOS devices.

  • AWS announces new edge location in Türkiye

    Posted On: Feb 20, 2024

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces expansion in Türkiye by launching a new Amazon CloudFront edge location in İstanbul. Customers in Türkiye can expect up to 30% improvement in latency and performance, on average, for data delivered through the new edge location. The new AWS edge location brings the full suite of benefits provided by Amazon CloudFront, a secure, highly distributed, and scalable content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic content, APIs, and live and on-demand video with low latency and high performance.

  • AWS Resource Explorer supports 65 new resource types

    Posted On: Feb 20, 2024

    AWS Resource Explorer now supports 65 more resource types from services including AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Amazon Route53, and Amazon Fraud Detector. With this launch, customers can now use AWS Resource Explorer to search for and discover resources for the following newly supported resource types:

  • AWS Amplify Hosting announces support for custom SSL certificates/TLS

    Posted On: Feb 20, 2024

    AWS Amplify Hosting now supports custom SSL certificates for custom domains. This new feature allows developers to easily upload and use their SSL/TLS certificates for their web applications hosted on Amplify, offering improved flexibility and security. With this feature, developers can now leverage certificates they've obtained from third-party Certificate Authorities (CAs) or use certificates issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to have greater control over your domain and IT compliance needs.

  • Amazon DocumentDB now supports vector search with HNSW index

    Posted On: Feb 19, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports vector search with Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) index. HNSW index lets you execute vector similarity searches with low latency and produce highly relevant results. Vectors are numerical representations of unstructured data, such as text, created from machine learning (ML) models that help capture the semantic meaning of the underlying data. Vector search for Amazon DocumentDB can store vectors from Amazon Bedrock, Amazon SageMaker, and more.

  • CloudWatch alarm guidelines and console enhancements now in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Feb 19, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch announces a comprehensive set of enhancements to the alarm and dashboard experience. It introduces out-of-the-box, best practice alarm recommendations for 24 AWS services, streamlining your monitoring setup. You can easily view all metrics with recommended alarms using a convenient toggle. Creating alarms is simpler with pre-filled configuration in the alarm wizard or bulk downloading infrastructure-as-code templates for the recommended alarms.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server reduces prices on R5 and R6i Standard Edition in Asia Pacific (Osaka)

    Posted On: Feb 19, 2024

    We are announcing that Amazon for RDS SQL Server is reducing the price of R5 and R6i instance for both On-Demand and Reserved DB instances prices on Standard Edition in Asia Pacific (Osaka).

  • Announcing Amazon EMR Serverless in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Feb 19, 2024

    Amazon EMR is excited to announce that Amazon EMR Serverless is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East, US-West) Regions.

  • Multiple solution tagging on ACE opportunities

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    AWS Partners can now attach multiple solutions to a single sales opportunity in AWS Partner Central.

  • AWS Wickr is now available in the AWS Europe (Stockholm) region

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    AWS Wickr now allows you to establish a network in the AWS Europe (Stockholm) region to help you meet data residency requirements, and other obligations.

  • Amazon EFS is now available in the AWS Canada West (Calgary) region

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    Customers can now create file systems using Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) in the AWS Canada West (Calgary) Region.

  • Amazon MSK now supports in-place version upgrades for Tiered Storage enabled clusters

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    You can now upgrade the Apache Kafka version of Tiered Storage enabled Amazon MSK clusters. Clusters using version v2.8.2.tiered can now upgrade in-place to the latest Apache Kafka version 3.6.0, which supports production-grade Tiered Storage in Amazon MSK. In-place upgrades use Amazon MSK’s rolling version upgrade capability, which keeps the cluster available at all times during the upgrade.

  • Amazon Data Firehose enables selecting a time zone for bucket prefixes when delivering streams to Amazon S3

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    Amazon Data Firehose now enables selecting a time zone for bucket prefixes when delivering streams to Amazon S3,

  • Amazon EC2 M7i-flex and M7i instances are available in South America (Sao Paulo) region

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-flex and M7i instances powered by custom 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code-named Sapphire Rapids) are available in South America (Sao Paulo) region. These custom processors, available only on AWS, offer up to 15% better performance over comparable x86-based Intel processors utilized by other cloud providers.

  • Introducing pull request approval rules in Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of pull request approval rules in Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst customers can now configure and enforce a minimum number of pull request approvals required before source code can be merged to the destination branch. Pull request approval rules in CodeCatalyst help development teams promote a high quality bar for changes in their codebase. 

  • AWS Marketplace now supports managing Private Marketplace catalogs for organizational units

    Posted On: Feb 16, 2024

    AWS Marketplace now provides Private Marketplace support for AWS organizational units (OUs), allowing customers to create, manage, and govern Private Marketplace catalogs for organizational units within their AWS Organizations. With Private Marketplace, customers can curate catalogs of approved third-party software available in AWS Marketplace. Previously, customers were limited to governing Private Marketplace catalogs at the AWS account level, or for their entire organization. This launch enhances Private Marketplace functionality, enabling customers to scale their software governance across their organization while increasing agility and enabling faster software procurement.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is now available in 2 additional commercial regions

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is now available in 2 additional commercial regions: South America (Sao Paulo) and Europe (Stockholm).

  • AWS Control Tower introduces APIs to register Organizational Units

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    AWS Control Tower customers can now programmatically extend governance to organizational units (OUs) via APIs. These new APIs enable the AWS Control Tower baseline which contains best practice configurations, controls, and resources required for AWS Control Tower governance. For example, when you enable a baseline on an OU, member accounts within the OU will receive resources including AWS IAM roles, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, AWS Identity Center, and come under AWS Control Tower governance.

  • Amazon EC2 R6in and R6idn instances are now available in an additional region

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R6in and R6idn instances are available in AWS Region Europe (Stockholm). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. Customers can use R6in and R6idn instances to scale the performance and throughput of network-intensive workloads such as memory-intensive SQL and NoSQL databases, distributed web scale in-memory caches (Memcached, Redis), in-memory databases (SAP HANA), and real-time big data analytics (Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark).

  • API Gateway now supports TLS 1.3

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    API Gateway now supports version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol on its Regional REST, HTTP, and WebSocket endpoints. TLS 1.3 on API Gateway works by offloading encryption and decryption of TLS traffic from your application servers to API Gateway.

  • AWS Batch now supports private registry on ECS compute environments

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    Starting today, AWS Batch supports the use of private Docker registries with managed Elastic Container Service (ECS) compute environments. This feature allows customers to pull images from private repositories to run within their jobs on AWS Batch, supporting our customers security and compliance standards.

  • Amazon EMR Managed Scaling is now available in Europe (Spain)

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    We are excited to announce that Amazon EMR Managed Scaling is now available for Amazon EMR on EC2 customers in the AWS Region in Europe (Spain).

  • Amazon RDS for Db2 now supports audit logging

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Db2 now supports auditing of Db2 databases. When enabled, Amazon RDS for Db2 stores the audit logs in Amazon S3 to meet your long-term retention policies. The audit log retention in Amazon S3 and other auditing categories can be configured in option group through rdsadmin.confgure_db_audit stored procedure.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 now supports administrative controls for limiting clipboard

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    Starting today, you have greater control over data movement to and from your users' Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions via clipboard. You can independently specify the maximum number of characters (up to 20,971,520) that can be transferred out of and/or into the session via the clipboard functionality. For example, you could let your users copy a maximum of 300 characters from their AppStream 2.0 session on to their personal devices while setting a different limit of 100 characters for data from their personal device to AppStream 2.0 and vice-versa. You still have an ability to completely block the clipboard functionality, if so desired. This new configuration will allow customers flexibility in controlling data exfiltration.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 adds support for session scripts and Audio Out on multi-session fleets

    Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

    Amazon AppStream 2.0 announces support for custom session scripts and audio out on multi-session fleets. Multi-session fleets enable IT admins to host multiple end-user sessions on a single AppStream 2.0 instance, helping to make better use of instance resources.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now supports TLS 1.3 and perfect forward secrecy

    Posted On: Feb 14, 2024

    We are pleased to announce Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now offers improved security options for workloads with the support of Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.3. OpenSearch Serverless is the serverless option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it simpler for you to run search and analytics workloads without having to think about infrastructure management.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now lets you update cluster volume without blue/green

    Posted On: Feb 14, 2024

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now lets you update cluster volume size, volume type, IOPS and throughput without requiring a blue/green deployment. This makes it easier for you to make changes to your EBS settings without having to plan upfront for a blue/green deployment.

  • AWS IoT Device Management Software Package Catalog available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Feb 14, 2024

    AWS IoT Device Management Software Package Catalog (SPC) is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. AWS IoT Device Management SPC allows you to keep up to 10,000 software package versions and associated metadata, providing enhanced visibility into fleet-wide software versions for improved management and control. 

  • New Amazon Polly Neural Turkish Voice: Burcu

    Posted On: Feb 14, 2024

    Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Burcu - new Turkish Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) female voice for Amazon Polly. 

  • Introducing the Messaging API for the AWS SimSpace Weaver app SDK

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    We’re excited to announce the release of a new Messaging API for the SimSpace Weaver app SDK. With the API, developers can communicate directly between simulation applications running on SimSpace Weaver.

  • Announcing libraries and tools for Open Job Description

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    Today, AWS released new tools for the Open Job Description (OpenJD) specification for describing portable render jobs. This update includes a set of three Python libraries and tools packages: openjd-cli, openjd-model, and openjd-sessions. The openjd-cli package provides a command-line tool that you can use to develop and run OpenJD jobs on your own workstation or render farm. The openjd-model and openjd-sessions packages provide functionality that you can use to integrate OpenJD into your own render farm and pipeline software. These libraries and tools packages are provided under the Apache 2.0 license and available on GitHub and the PyPI package manager for Python.

  • Amazon Redshift announces support for the INTERVAL data type and Continue Handler statements in stored procedure

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    Amazon Redshift announces support for the INTERVAL data type that allows you to specify periods or ranges of time, such as 12 hours, 6 weeks, or 1 month. Additionally, Redshift now supports Continue Handlers that allow you to better control the execution flow inside stored procedures. This new exception handler enables applications to handle exceptions inside a stored procedure more gracefully to simplify the programming model.

  • Amazon GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring protects clusters running in shared VPC

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    Amazon GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring, which detects potential runtime-based threats, now protects workloads running in shared virtual private cloud (VPCs) across all supported compute services. VPC sharing allows multiple AWS accounts to create their application resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, into shared, centrally-managed VPCs. Customers use shared VPCs to simplify network management across different accounts in the organization, providing cost benefits and reduced operational overhead with fewer VPCs to manage. GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring uses a VPC endpoint to securely send the agent telemetry to the GuardDuty backend for processing and detecting threats. With GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring, customers can automatically manage the security agent—including the creation of the VPC endpoint and installing, deploying, and updating the agent—at no extra cost. With this launch, customers who are already opted into automated agent management in GuardDuty will benefit from a renewed 30-day trial of GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring where we will automatically start monitoring the resources (clusters) deployed in shared VPC setup. Customers also have the option to manually manage the agent and provision the VPC endpoint in their shared VPC environment.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client inventory now available to purchase in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client inventory is now available to purchase in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain on Amazon Business.

  • Amazon EMR on EC2 now supports retrieval of 10,000 steps completed within last 7 days

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    Today, Amazon EMR on EC2 announced an enhancement to the DescribeStep and ListStep API to allow customers to view up to 10,000 completed steps within the last 7 days, an increase from the previous limit of 1,000 steps. The service will also continue supporting the retrieval of 1,000 steps from the past two months. These API improvements provide greater visibility into completed steps and makes it easier for you to monitor and manage your steps workflow.

  • Amazon MSK expands support for M7g instances to 2 additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Feb 13, 2024

    You can now create Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) provisioned clusters running on AWS Graviton3-based M7g instances in the South America (Sao Paulo) and Middle East (Bahrain) AWS Regions.

  • AWS Wickr now allows you to try premium features for free

    Posted On: Feb 12, 2024

    AWS Wickr announces an enhanced free trial experience, so you can try the features available under Standard and Premium plans for up to three months at no cost. The free trial is available as an option when you create or manage a Wickr network.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports maintenance notifications

    Posted On: Feb 12, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now adds support for maintenance notifications to provide users visibility into scheduled maintenance activities on their Amazon DocumentDB clusters. Users can now receive near real time notifications of scheduled maintenance activities through health events in AWS Health Dashboard (AHD) in AWS console and through emails.

  • AWS AppSync introduces 12 new Amazon CloudWatch metrics for enhanced monitoring

    Posted On: Feb 12, 2024

    AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that allows customers to connect applications to data and events with GraphQL APIs. AppSync allows customers to create APIs that connect to multiple data sources like microservice APIs, relational databases, and NoSQL databases. With AppSync APIs, applications can efficiently fetch data from different sources in one request.

  • AWS Control Tower’s Account Factory for Terraform increases customization

    Posted On: Feb 12, 2024

    AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT) now allows you to customize the resources deployed and recorded by AFT. You can now choose whether or not to deploy AFT using a virtual private cloud (VPC). You can also customize the retention periods for AWS Backup recovery points, Amazon Cloudwatch log groups, and Amazon S3 log archive buckets to meet your unique data retention needs. This release includes enhancements to AFT VPC default security group to align with AWS Foundational Security Best Practices.

  • Amazon RDS for MySQL supports new minor version 8.0.36

    Posted On: Feb 12, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL now supports MySQL minor version 8.0.36. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MySQL, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the MySQL community.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports text search

    Posted On: Feb 12, 2024

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports text search, making it easy to run text search queries on extensive string data using a native text index. You can now perform text searches of specific terms or phrases on large string data using $text and $search operators, assign different significance levels to the indexed fields using weights, and sort the search results based on relevance using $meta operator.

  • AWS Marketplace Sellers can now access Tax documents in AWS Marketplace Management Portal

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    Tax documents for AWS Marketplace sellers, such as independent software vendors (ISVs), consulting partners, and channel partners, are now available in the AWS Marketplace Management Portal.

  • AWS IoT Core supports Online Certificate Status Protocol Stapling for server certificates

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    AWS IoT Core, a managed cloud service that lets customers securely connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices to the cloud and manage them at scale, announces support for Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling for TLS X.509 Server Certificates using Custom Domains and Configurable Endpoints. The new feature enables customers to add an additional layer of verification to their custom domain's server certificate validity, for example to respond to server certificate revocations more quickly. By including the OCSP response with the certificate during the TLS handshake, it eliminates the need for a separate request from the client to an OCSP server, resulting in faster connection establishment.

  • Amazon Bedrock console gets a modern look-and-feel

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    Amazon Bedrock, the easiest way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models, now offers users a new look-and-feel for an enhanced console experience. The updated UI improves usability, responsiveness, and accessibility. In addition, the console now provides more seamless support for dark mode, which helps reduce eye strain and sharpens contrast in bright environments for better readability.

  • ROSA is available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Public sector and commercial sector customers can now run their containerized applications on ROSA in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions to meet compliance and regulatory requirements.

  • Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection now supports scanning EBS managed key encrypted volumes

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection can now scan Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are encrypted with EBS managed keys attached to EC2 instance and container workloads, in addition to unencrypted EBS volumes, and volumes encrypted with AWS KMS customer-managed keys (CMKs). You can now configure automatic malware scanning based on GuardDuty network-based findings, and initiate on-demand malware scans of EBS volumes encrypted with EBS managed keys. When potential malware is identified, GuardDuty generates actionable security findings with information such as the threat and file name, the file path, the Amazon EC2 instance ID, resource tags and, in the case of containers, the container ID and the container image used, helping customers identify and respond to the malware security finding. GuardDuty Malware Protection does not require you to deploy additional security agents or software and is designed to have no performance impact on running workloads

  • Introducing Amazon Data Firehose, formerly known as Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    AWS is renaming Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to Amazon Data Firehose. Amazon Data Firehose is the easiest way to capture, transform, and deliver data streams into Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon OpenSearch Service, Splunk, Snowflake, and other 3rd party analytics services. The name change is effective in the AWS Management Console, documentation, and service web pages. There are no other changes, including service endpoints, APIs, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policies, and Amazon CloudWatch metrics. Your existing applications will continue to work as they did previously.

  • CodePipeline supports additional trigger filters and new execution modes

    Posted On: Feb 9, 2024

    AWS CodePipeline V2 type pipelines now support additional pipeline trigger filters, and two new pipeline execution modes: Parallel and Queued. Pipeline trigger filters enable customers using sources from GitHub.com, GitHub Enterprise Server, Bitbucket.com, GitLab.com, and GitLab self-managed to control when a pipeline execution should be triggered. Pipeline execution modes enable customers to control the concurrency behavior when multiple executions of a pipeline are started. 

  • Amazon EC2 M6in and M6idn instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6in and M6idn instances are available in AWS Region Europe (Spain). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. Customers can use M6in and M6idn instances to scale the performance and throughput of network-intensive workloads such as high-performance file systems, distributed web scale in-memory caches, caching fleets, real-time big data analytics, and Telco applications such as 5G User Plane Function (UPF).

  • AWS Transfer Family now publishes events to Amazon EventBridge for SFTP connectors

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    SFTP connectors will now publish file transfer event notifications in Amazon EventBridge. With this enhancement, you can orchestrate your file transfer and file-processing workflows in AWS using Amazon EventBridge, or any workflow orchestration service of your choice that integrates with these events.

  • Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query now supports Amazon CloudWatch usage metrics

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query now supports Amazon CloudWatch usage metrics, enabling customers to monitor their AMB Query API usage.

  • AWS Glue Data Catalog now supports delegating KMS key permissions to an IAM role

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    AWS Glue Data Catalog now supports delegating encryption permissions to an IAM role. Customers can configure an IAM role with Glue Data Catalog to manage KMS key permissions on behalf of calling users. Delegating the configured IAM role simplifies the management of the KMS key permissions used to encrypt the Glue Data Catalog and reduces the number of grants needed to allow users to access their catalog.

  • AWS Transfer Family now publishes events to Amazon EventBridge for SFTP, FTPS, and FTP servers

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    AWS Transfer Family now enables conditional workflows by publishing SFTP, FTPS, and FTP file transfer events to Amazon EventBridge in near real-time. You can use these event notifications to easily build and automate file transfer and file-processing workflows. Based on your need for flexibility and low code automation, Transfer Family support for EventBridge as well as existing managed workflows allows you to automate your Managed File Transfer (MFT) workloads.

  • Amazon MSK Replicator is now available in 9 additional AWS regions

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    You can now use Amazon MSK Replicator to replicate streaming data across Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) clusters in US West (N. California), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (Sao Paulo) AWS regions.

  • Amazon EC2 C6in instances are now available in Israel (Tel Aviv)

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6in instances are available in AWS Region Israel (Tel Aviv). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. 

  • AWS Transfer Family now publishes events to Amazon EventBridge for AS2 servers and connectors

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    AWS Transfer Family now enables conditional workflows by publishing events to Amazon EventBridge for all successful and failed inbound and outbound Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) transfer operations. These events can be used to easily automate processing of your AS2 messages and message disposition notifications (MDN), or to send real-time status notifications to you and your trading partners.

  • Amazon Redshift announces programmatic access to Advisor recommendations via API

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    Amazon Redshift now allows you to programmatically access Redshift Advisor recommendations via API, enabling you to integrate recommendations about how to improve your provisioned cluster performance into your own applications. You can now access Advisor recommendations via the ListRecommendations API to consume in your automation tools and dashboards. 

  • Amazon SNS now supports sending SMS from five new regions

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    Customers that use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) can now host their applications in Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Middle East (UAE), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Melbourne) regions, and send text messages (SMS) to consumers in more than 200 countries and territories. Using Amazon SNS, customers can send a message directly to one phone number, or multiple phone numbers at once by subscribing those phone numbers to a topic and sending messages to the topic. 

  • Amazon Redshift announces auto and incremental materialized views for data sharing consumer tables

    Posted On: Feb 8, 2024

    Amazon Redshift now supports automatic and incremental refresh of materialized views on the data sharing consumer data warehouses when base tables used for materialzied views are shared data. With automatic and incremental refresh of materialized views, Amazon Redshift identifies the changes to the data in the base tables since the last refresh, and updates only these changes in the materialized views, executing refresh faster as compared to full refresh.

  • Amazon VPC IP Address Manager is now available in Canada West (Calgary) Region

    Posted On: Feb 7, 2024

    Amazon Virtual Private Cloud IP Address Manager (Amazon VPC IPAM) that makes it easier for you to plan, track, and monitor IP addresses for your AWS workloads, is now available in Canada West (Calgary) Region.

  • Amazon EC2 C6id instances are now available in additional Regions

    Posted On: Feb 7, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6id instances are available in Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions. C6id instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable Ice Lake processors with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz and up to 7.6 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage.

  • AWS DataSync now supports manifests for transferring a specific set of files

    Posted On: Feb 7, 2024

    AWS DataSync introduces manifests, a new feature that enables you to provide a definitive list of source files or objects to be transferred by your DataSync tasks. Using manifests, you can decrease your task execution times by specifying only the files or objects that need to be processed by your task.

  • Amazon EC2 C6g instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Feb 7, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6g instances are available in AWS Africa (Cape Town). These instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and are built on the AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. These instances offer up to 25 Gbps of network bandwidth and up to 19 Gbps of bandwidth to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS).

  • Announcing support for IdP-initiated SSO with Amazon WorkSpaces Web

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Today, Amazon WorkSpaces Web announced support for identity provider (IdP) initiated single sign on (SSO) for standard authentication web portals. IdP-initiated SSO support provides administrators with more options in defining the sign in flow for their users.

  • AWS Application Load Balancer announces one-click WAF integrations

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports console integration with AWS WAF that allows you to secure your applications behind ALB with a single click. This integration enables AWS WAF protections as a first line of defense against common web threats for your applications that use ALB. You can still optionally configure additional protections like bot detection and fraud prevention for your applications from the AWS WAF console.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers improved visibility into domain updates

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now provides improved visibility into the progress of domain updates. You can see granular status values representing different stages of an update, simplifying monitoring and automation of configuration changes.

  • AWS AppSync now supports environment variables in GraphQL resolvers and functions

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    AWS AppSync is a managed service that connects applications to data. With AppSync, API developers can write resolvers and functions in JavaScript to define the business logic that connects their AppSync GraphQL and Pub/Sub APIs to data.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics releases NodeJS/Puppeteer Runtime versions 6.2, version 5.2 and Python/Selenium Runtime version 2.1

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics announces release of Synthetics NodeJS Runtime versions - syn-nodejs-puppeteer-6.2, syn-nodejs-puppeteer-5.2 - and Python Runtime version - syn-python-selenium-2.1. This release brings updated Chromium dependency libs for forward compatibility with Lambda OS and adds new Lambda Ephemeral Storage usage metric in customer account. To learn more, see release notes.

  • Announcing disruption controls for Karpenter

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Starting with today’s release of v0.34.0, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) customers using the open-source Karpenter project have a new way to control how and when disruptive changes are made to the Amazon EC2 instances in their Kubernetes clusters. You can use Karpenter with EKS to help improve application availability, lower operational overhead, and increase cost-efficiency. Disruption controls offer deeper configuration for the automatic EC2 instance management capabilities of Karpenter so that you can fine-tune them for your specific needs and use cases.

  • Amazon SQS launches the Extended Client Library for Python to support payloads up to 2GB

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) launches an open-source Extended Client Library for Python that allows you to send and receive large message payloads. Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. 

  • AWS WAF announces Captcha improvements

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    AWS WAF Captcha adds support for audio Captcha in 8 additional languages, a new Captcha type that improves usability, and revocable API keys. With support for more languages, a new Captcha puzzle, and the option to promptly disable compromised keys, WAF Captcha provides enhanced capabilities to protect web applications globally.

  • Amazon Connect adds more flexibility to copying agent schedules

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Amazon Connect now enables more efficient management of agent schedules through three new shift copy capabilities.

  • AWS AppFabric now supports Cisco Duo and Terraform

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Today, AWS AppFabric announces support for two new software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications: Cisco Duo and Terraform. Starting now, IT administrators and security analysts can use AppFabric to quickly integrate with 22 SaaS applications, aggregate enriched and normalized SaaS audit logs, and audit end-user access across their SaaS apps. This launch expands AWS AppFabric supported applications used across an organization.

  • Amazon Redshift announces support for H3 Indexing and related spatial grid indexing functions

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    Amazon Redshift support for Hexagonal Hierarchical Geospatial Indexing System, H3 for short, offers an easy way to index spatial coordinates into a hexagonal grid, down to a square meter resolution. Indexed data can be quickly joined across different datasets and aggregated at different levels of precision. H3 enables several spatial algorithms and optimizations based on the hexagonal grid, including nearest neighbors, shortest path, gradient smoothing, and more. H3 Indexing and related H3 spatial functions are now available for Amazon Redshift spatial analytics.

  • AWS Fargate announces a price reduction for Windows containers on Amazon ECS

    Posted On: Feb 6, 2024

    We are excited to announce that AWS Fargate for Windows containers on Amazon ECS has reduced infrastructure pricing by up to 49%. Fargate simplifies the adoption of modern container technology for ECS customers by making it even easier to run their Windows containers on AWS. With Fargate, customers no longer need to set up automatic scaling groups or manage host instances for their application. 

  • Announcing Single sign-on (SSO) support for JetBrains IDE within Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Today, AWS announces support for single sign-on when using JetBrains IntelliJ, GoLand and PyCharm IDEs with Amazon CodeCatalyst development environments. This launch allows customers who've setup AWS IAM Identity Center with CodeCatalyst to create, delete, pause, and resume supported JetBrains development environments from their teams' CodeCatalyst projects.

  • Amazon Redshift Query Editor is now available in 2 additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Amazon Redshift Query Editor is now available in Israel (Tel Aviv) and Asia Pacific (Melbourne) regions. Amazon Redshift Query Editor makes data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse and data lake more accessible with a web-based tool for SQL users such as data analysts, data scientists, and database developers. With Query Editor, users can explore, analyze, and collaborate on data. It reduces the operational costs of managing query tools by providing a web-based application that allows you to focus on exploring your data without managing your infrastructure.

  • AWS Elemental MediaConnect adds new Amazon CloudWatch metrics

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Starting today, AWS Elemental MediaConnect offers additional output metrics for SRT and MediaLive outputs to improve video stream monitoring. The new metrics are total packets sent, Forward Error Correction (FEC) packets, Automatic Repeat Requests (ARQ), number of resent packets, number of packets not recovered, round trip time, and bitrate for each output from a MediaConnect flow.

  • VPC DNS Query Logging now available in the Canada West (Calgary) Region

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Today, we are announcing the availability of Route 53 Resolver Query Logging in the Canada West (Calgary) Region. Route 53 Resolver Query Logging enables you to log DNS queries that originate in your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs). With query logging enabled, you can see which domain names have been queried, the AWS resources from which the queries originated - including source IP and instance ID - and the responses that were received.

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports January 2024 Release Update

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports the January 2024 Release Update (RU) for Oracle Database versions 19c and 21c.

  • AWS HealthOmics now supports Ultima Genomics DeepVariant Ready2Run workflow

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Today, AWS HealthOmics expands its Ready2Run workflows with Ultima Genomics DeepVariant Ready2Run workflow, which is designed to perform variant calling from whole genome sequencing data generated on Ultima Genomics UG100 sequencing instrument. With this release, customers can now bring their own CRAM files and use Ultima Genomics DeepVariant Ready2Run workflow to generate a single-sample whole genome gVCF or VCF of the variants.

  • Generate AWS CloudFormation templates and AWS CDK apps for existing AWS resources in minutes

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    AWS CloudFormation launches a new feature that makes it easy to generate AWS CloudFormation templates and AWS CDK apps for existing AWS resources that are managed outside CloudFormation. You can use the generated templates and apps to import resources into CloudFormation and CDK or replicate resources in a new AWS Region or account. With this launch, you can onboard workloads to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in minutes, eliminating weeks of manual effort. You can then leverage the IaC benefits of automation, safety, and scalability for the workloads. 

  • AWS announces a new Local Zone in Houston

    Posted On: Feb 5, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of a new AWS Local Zone in Houston, Texas. This new Local Zone supports Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6i, M6i, R6i, and C6gn instances and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume types gp2, gp3, io1, sc1, and st1. You can also access Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Application Load Balancer, and AWS Direct Connect in this new Local Zone to support a broad set of workloads at the edge.

  • Amazon Connect Cases now provides audit history on cases

    Posted On: Feb 2, 2024

    Amazon Connect Cases now provides audit history on cases, a chronological record showing which users worked on the case and what changes they made. With this launch, contact center agents and managers can more easily review case history for improved collaboration, quality assurance, and compliance, such as showing that a case was handled according to standard operating procedures.

  • Amazon Q in Connect is now available in additional Asia Pacific & Canadian regions

    Posted On: Feb 2, 2024

    Amazon Q in Connect can now be used by Amazon Connect customers in the Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Canada (Central) AWS regions.

  • Amazon Rekognition adds new moderation labels and improves accuracy of content moderation for images

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Amazon Rekognition content moderation is a machine learning-based feature that can detect inappropriate, unwanted, and offensive content. Today, Amazon Rekognition has launched an enhanced machine learning model for content moderation for images. This update adds new labels, improves model accuracy, and introduces the new capability to identify animated and illustrated content.

  • AWS Free Tier now includes 750 hours of free Public IPv4 addresses, as charges for Public IPv4 begin

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Starting today, we are updating the AWS Free Tier for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, 12 month free, to include 750 hours of public IPv4 address usage per month. If you are an existing or new AWS Free Tier customer for Amazon EC2, you will get 750 hours public IPv4 address usage per month free when launching any EC2 instance with a public IPv4 address. 

  • AWS Mainframe Modernization service is now available in two additional regions

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Today, we would like to announce expansion of AWS Mainframe Modernization service to two additional regions: Europe (Spain) and Israel (Tel Aviv).

  • Amazon Managed Blockchain Query now provides access to non-finalized blockchain data

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query, which provides serverless access to multi-blockchain datasets, now delivers non-finalized blockchain transactions. This enables applications to quickly respond to the most recent events on the blockchain, including events from internal transactions.

  • Amazon IVS now supports playback restriction policies

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    With playback restriction policies in Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), you can now enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) response headers and geo-blocking for IVS channels without having to implement token authorization.

  • Amazon Cognito adds signing, encryption, and Identity Provider-initiated SSO for SAML federation

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Amazon Cognito has added three features for customers using the SAML standard for federation. Customers can use Amazon Cognito user pools to send signed SAML authentication requests, require encrypted responses from a SAML identity provider, and use identity provider-initiated single sign-on (SSO) for SAML federation.  

  • Amazon Monitron to enable static IP for gateways network configuration

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Today, we are excited to launch the ability for Amazon Monitron customers to use a static IP to commission their devices. Our gateway devices securely transfer Monitron vibration and temperature sensor data to the AWS Cloud, where the Monitron service analyzes the data for abnormal machine patterns using machine learning. Today, customers with firewall protection have to allow-list whole subdomains of amazonaws.com to enable this communication between the sensors installed in their factories and the AWS Cloud. Some customer prefer not to allow-list a full domain/subdomain due to security reasons. Others find it challenging due to limitations in their firewall configuration capabilities.

  • Amazon EC2 Capacity Blocks for ML expands to P4d instances

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Today, Amazon Web Services announces that Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Capacity Blocks for ML now supports P5 instances in the US East (N. Virginia) Region and P4d instances in the US East (Ohio) and US West (Oregon) Regions. You can use EC2 Capacity Blocks to reserve highly sought-after GPU instances in Amazon EC2 UltraClusters for a future date for the amount of time that you need to run your machine learning (ML) workloads.

  • Amazon EventBridge Event Bus event matching now runs on Open Source Event Ruler v1.5.0

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Amazon EventBridge event matching now runs on Open Source Event Ruler v1.5.0, enabling advanced filtering capabilities such as combining anything-but filtering (matching anything except for the value) with suffix filtering (matching against characters at the end of a value), and equals-ignore-case filtering (matching against a string regardless of case). For example, you can now match against values that don’t end with a specific file type such as .png or .jpeg. You can also combine prefix filtering (matching against characters at the beginning of a value) and suffix filtering with equals-ignore-case filtering.

  • Amazon FSx for OpenZFS now supports up to 400,000 IOPS

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Amazon FSx for OpenZFS, a service that provides fully managed file storage powered by the popular OpenZFS file system, now provides 14% higher levels of I/O operations per second (IOPS) at no additional cost, bringing the new maximum IOPS level to 400,000. The increased IOPS levels enable you to improve price–performance for IOPS-intensive workloads like Oracle databases and optimize costs for workloads like periodic reporting jobs with IOPS requirements that vary over time. 

  • Finch is now available on Windows

    Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

    Today, AWS announced the general availability of Windows support for Finch, an open source command line tool that allows developers to build, run, and publish Linux containers on Windows and macOS. Finch simplifies container development by bundling a minimal native client with a curated selection of open source components, allowing developers to build and manage containers without the hassle of managing intricate details.

  • Amazon Data Firehose now supports specifying a file extension for data streams delivered to Amazon S3

    Posted On: Jan 16, 2024

    Amazon Data Firehose now supports specifying a file extension for objects delivered to S3 destinations.