AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Learning Levels


Intelligent Case Management Using Amazon Connect and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

There is a flurry of contact center solutions being brought to market, but enterprise customers often find these solutions time-consuming, cost-intensive, and difficult to implement. Learn how to integrate an Amazon Connect instance with Salesforce Service Cloud to automatically create a case in Salesforce using REST APIs and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This allows you to proactively handles call drops occurring for customers when they dial into a contact center solution.

How to Enhance the Security and Compliance of Cloud Architectures with Datacom and AWS Services

Security and compliance governance is one of the most challenging problems organizations face when managing their cloud infrastructure. After years of working with AWS, Datacom Group has observed that each client has their own industry-specific security and compliance requirements. What’s needed is a solution that is flexible enough to cater to diverse customer requirements. Datacom’s governance solution is flexible and can integrate with a number of AWS native services to offer enhanced capabilities.


Using Amazon SQS in a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution

Modern applications often rely on queuing for service integrations, batch processing, or as part of workflow orchestration. Queues are key to adding scale and resiliency to your environment. This is especially true in software-as-a-service (SaaS) environments. Explore some of the common scenarios used when building SaaS solutions with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and learn how data isolation, scalability, and compliance requirements might influence the queuing model you select.

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10 Best Practices to Help Partners Build AWS Quick Starts for Customers

AWS Partners in the AWS Quick Start program can help their customers automate the deployment of their solutions, increasing customer engagements and improving the customer experience. The AWS Quick Start team has had considerable experience working with a variety of partner products, and has identified best practices to follow when developing a Quick Start and common missteps to avoid. By following these steps, you can efficiently and effectively develop Quick Starts using the AWS platform.


Preparing Your Ecommerce Website for the Holiday Traffic Spike Using AWS and Moovweb XDN

With Moovweb XDN and AWS, retailers can avoid costly slowdowns and maximize revenue potential during the holiday season. Once a product is requested, Mooweb’s CDN-as-JavaScript caches the JSON data at the edge, so it loads instantly. As visitor levels rise, so does cache hit rates for data at the edge, resulting in a faster experience. This enables ecommerce companies to deliver a lightning-fast experience that squeezes the maximum possible conversions out of every visit this holiday season.


Provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud at Scale with AWS CDK

Infrastructure as code is one of the most important concepts used with cloud solutions, and AWS CloudFormation enables IaC by deploying stacks and provisioning resources on AWS using JSON or YAML files called templates. APN Ambassador Francois Rouxel from Slalom will show you how to create a hundred VPCs in one AWS region without providing any parameters, and how to easily establish a peering connection between two of them within a single line of code.


Interactive Scientific Visualization on AWS with NVIDIA IndeX SDK

Scientific visualization is critical to understand complex phenomena modeled using high performance computing simulations. However, it has been challenging to do this effectively due to the inability to visualize, explore, and analyze large volumes of data and lack of collaborative workflow solutions. NVIDIA IndeX on AWS addresses each of these problems by providing a scientific visualization solution for massive datasets, thus opening the doors for discovery.

Amazon Fraud Detector Can Accelerate How AI is Embedded in Your Business

Online fraud is estimated to be costing businesses billions of dollars a year. As Fraudsters evolve new behaviors to get around preventive measures, businesses need a strategy that enables them to be responsive to new problems as they emerge. Learn how Inawisdom uses Amazon Fraud Detector to accelerate how AI can be embedded in a company’s strategy. What makes machine learning more flexible is its focus on identifying general patterns by looking at lots of examples.


How nClouds Helps Accelerate Data Delivery with Apache Hudi on Amazon EMR

Apache Hudi on Amazon EMR is an ideal solution for large-scale and near real-time applications that require incremental data pipelines and processing. This post provides a step-by-step method to perform a proof of concept for Apache Hudi on Amazon EMR. Learn how a non-customer-facing PoC solution from nClouds set up a new data and analytics platform using Apache Hudi on Amazon EMR and other managed services, including Amazon QuickSight for data visualization.


How to Unleash Mainframe Data with AWS and Qlik Replicate

Historically, mainframes have hosted core-business processes, applications, and data, all of which are blocked in these rigid and expensive systems. AWS and Qlik can liberate mainframe data in real-time, enabling customers to exploit its full business value for data lakes, analytics, innovation, or modernization purposes. In this post, we describe how customers use Qlik Replicate real-time data streaming to put mainframe core-business data onto AWS.