AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon S3

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Gathering Market Intelligence from the Web Using Cloud-Based AI and ML Techniques

Many organizations face the challenge of gathering market intelligence on new product and platform announcements made by their partners and competitors—and doing so in a timely fashion. Harnessing these insights quickly can help businesses react to specific industry trends and fuel innovative products and offerings inside their own company.Learn how Accenture helped a customer use AWS to gather critical insights along with key signals and trends from the web using AI and ML techniques.


Building a Business Case for SAP on AWS to Unlock New Value for the Enterprise

Many organizations will find the migration to S/4HANA in the cloud to be as transformative as their initial adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Choosing trusted providers that understand both your business needs and technology environment is the shortest path to value. Deloitte’s collaboration with AWS helps clients accelerate their ability to achieve digital transformation and powerful insights-based outcomes with SAP S/4HANA and the SAP HANA platform.

Cutting Costs with AWS Lambda for Highly Scalable Image Processing

Learn how APN Partner Toptal applied a horizontally scalable solution for a customer’s image upload processing. This type of serverless solution can reduce the strain on API servers and eliminate the need for running separate servers to handle spikes without crashing. A serverless computing model with AWS Lambda is a natural fit for utility classes of tasks, such as preparing and sending transactional emails and push notifications.

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Listing Serverless Applications with Your Amazon Machine Images on AWS Marketplace

By using serverless applications alongside existing Amazon Machine Images, ISVs can provide customers with solutions that are easier to use, more elastic, and more scalable. AWS Marketplace recently announced a feature that enables sellers to publish solutions comprised of AMIs and serverless applications that customers can deploy AWS CloudFormation. This makes it easier for customers to deploy software solutions, rather than ISVs packaging AWS Lambda code into an AMI or referencing their own Amazon S3 bucket.


Microsoft SQL Standard Clustering Across AWS Availability Zones with Zadara Storage as a Service

With Zadara offering Storage-as-a-Service across Availability Zones, the platform’s centralized storage services release the ability to connect multiple Microsoft (MSSQL) servers in a standard Windows Server Failover Cluster model to a single set of shared storage volumes. This removes the need for MSSQL Enterprise Edition licensing and the doubling up of Amazon EBS disk for Amazon EC2 instances. In this post, explore the use of high availability MSSQL Standard Clustering on AWS with Zadara.


Improving Dataset Query Time and Maintaining Flexibility with Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift

Analyzing large datasets can be challenging, especially if you aren’t thinking about certain characteristics of the data and what you’re ultimately looking to achieve. There are a number of factors organizations need to consider in order to build systems that are flexible, affordable, and fast. Here, experts from CloudZero walk through how to use AWS services to analyze customer billing data and provide value to end users.


How Deep Neural Networks Built on AWS Can Help Predict and Prevent Security Threats

Deep learning is inspired by the human brain and once a brain learns to identify an object, its identification becomes second nature. Similarly, as Deep Instinct’s artificial neural network learns to detect more and more types of cyber threats, its prediction capabilities become instinctive. As a result, malware both known and new can be predicted and prevented in zero-time. Deep Instinct’s predictive threat prevention platform can be applied against known or unknown threats, whether it be a file or fileless attack.

Veeam_AWS Solutions

How to Achieve On-Demand Disaster Recovery with VMware Cloud on AWS and Veeam Cloud Tier

One of the costliest aspects of any disaster recovery (DR) implementation is the price associated with keeping resources on-demand at the target end. VMware Cloud on AWS provides the enterprise capabilities of VMware’s SDDC, including compute, storage, and networking, delivered as a service on AWS. Within hours, an SDDC can be ready to start deploying workloads into, and this is where leveraging VMware Cloud on AWS and Veeam Cloud Tier for on-demand disaster recovery is possible.

AWS Partner Network

The Most Viewed APN Blog Posts in 2019

Take a look at the most popular APN Blog posts in 2019. Our goal with this blog is to share timely and relevant news, technical solutions, partner success stories, and more from Amazon Web Services and the AWS Partner Network (APN) specifically. The APN is the global partner program for AWS and helps tens of thousands of organizations across the world build, market, and sell their AWS-based offerings. Thank you for reading, and Happy New Year!

Accenture_AWS Solutions

Maximizing the Value of Your Cloud-Enabled Enterprise Data Lake by Tracking Critical Metrics

Successful data lake implementations can serve a corporation well for years. Accenture, an APN Premier Consulting Partner, recently had an engagement with a Fortune 500 company that wanted to optimize its AWS data lake implementation. As part of the engagement, Accenture moved the customer to better-suited services and developed metrics to closely monitor the health of its overall environment in the cloud.