AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon Athena

Understanding Apache Iceberg on AWS with the new technical guide

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Apache Iceberg on AWS technical guide. Whether you are new to Apache Iceberg on AWS or already running production workloads on AWS, this comprehensive technical guide offers detailed guidance on foundational concepts to advanced optimizations to build your transactional data lake with Apache Iceberg on AWS.

How Fujitsu implemented a global data mesh architecture and democratized data

This is a guest post co-authored with Kanehito Miyake, Engineer at Fujitsu Japan.  Fujitsu Limited was established in Japan in 1935. Currently, we have approximately 120,000 employees worldwide (as of March 2023), including group companies. We develop business in various regions around the world, starting with Japan, and provide digital services globally. To provide a […]

Multicloud data lake analytics with Amazon Athena

Many organizations operate data lakes spanning multiple cloud data stores. This could be for various reasons, such as business expansions, mergers, or specific cloud provider preferences for different business units. In these cases, you may want an integrated query layer to seamlessly run analytical queries across these diverse cloud stores and streamline your data analytics […]

Architecture diagram

Gain insights from historical location data using Amazon Location Service and AWS analytics services

Many organizations around the world rely on the use of physical assets, such as vehicles, to deliver a service to their end-customers. By tracking these assets in real time and storing the results, asset owners can derive valuable insights on how their assets are being used to continuously deliver business improvements and plan for future […]

Bring your workforce identity to Amazon EMR Studio and Athena

Customers today may struggle to implement proper access controls and auditing at the user level when multiple applications are involved in data access workflows. The key challenge is to implement proper least-privilege access controls based on user identity when one application accesses data on behalf of the user in another application. It forces you to […]

Use AWS Glue ETL to perform merge, partition evolution, and schema evolution on Apache Iceberg

As enterprises collect increasing amounts of data from various sources, the structure and organization of that data often need to change over time to meet evolving analytical needs. However, altering schema and table partitions in traditional data lakes can be a disruptive and time-consuming task, requiring renaming or recreating entire tables and reprocessing large datasets. […]

Automate AWS Clean Rooms querying and dashboard publishing using AWS Step Functions and Amazon QuickSight – Part 2

Public health organizations need access to data insights that they can quickly act upon, especially in times of health emergencies, when data needs to be updated multiple times daily. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, access to timely data insights was critically important for public health agencies worldwide as they coordinated emergency response efforts. Up-to-date […]

Mastering market dynamics: Transforming transaction cost analytics with ultra-precise Tick History – PCAP and Amazon Athena for Apache Spark

This post is cowritten with Pramod Nayak, LakshmiKanth Mannem and Vivek Aggarwal from the Low Latency Group of LSEG. Transaction cost analysis (TCA) is widely used by traders, portfolio managers, and brokers for pre-trade and post-trade analysis, and helps them measure and optimize transaction costs and the effectiveness of their trading strategies. In this post, […]

Use Amazon Athena with Spark SQL for your open-source transactional table formats

In this post, we show you how to use Spark SQL in Amazon Athena notebooks and work with Iceberg, Hudi, and Delta Lake table formats. We demonstrate common operations such as creating databases and tables, inserting data into the tables, querying data, and looking at snapshots of the tables in Amazon S3 using Spark SQL in Athena.