AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Broadcast

Part 2: 4K HDR VOD workflows using AWS Elemental MediaConvert and AWS Elemental Server

Part 1: Expanding the color gamut with HDR and AWS Elemental Part 2: HDR VOD workflows using AWS Elemental Server and AWS Elemental MediaConvert (this post) Part 3: Live and VOD-to-Live HDR workflows on AWS You have probably heard 4K and HDR many times, but exactly what do they mean for you and your customers? […]

Part 1: Expanding the color gamut with HDR and AWS Elemental

In this three part series, we discuss the current status of High Dynamic Range (HDR) video support across the AWS Elemental Media Services and appliances. Since our founding in 2006, our customers have expected our products to continue to produce the best quality video per bit using the latest codecs and formats. HDR is now […]

Live media workflows on AWS: To compress, or to not compress?

Introduction In a cloud migration journey, there are many decisions that need to be made. One of the primary decisions for live media workflows is how to bring content from on-premises to the cloud. For example, how to take an event that is being shot at a sporting arena to the cloud for processing, and […]

Part 2: Working with SMPTE ST 2022-6 on AWS Elemental Live appliances

This two-part blog post is a look at the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2022-6 standard. The first post explores some of the reasons customers are transitioning from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices using AWS […]

Part 1: Background and key benefits of SMPTE ST 2022-6 on AWS Elemental Live

This two-part blog is a look at the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2022-6 standard. This first post explores some of the reasons customers are transitioning from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices using AWS […]

AWS Partners use AWS CDI to interoperate with the highest-quality live video

Momentum for live production in the cloud has grown, accelerated by an unprecedented demand for remote workflows in 2020 and 2021. For the live production community to fully realize the benefits and scalability of the cloud, however, there are challenges to overcome. One such barrier today is that a large majority of standard tasks – […]

AWS Elemental Live SRT outputs configuration and workflows

Introduction AWS Elemental Live version 2.21 introduced support for ingesting transport stream (TS) inputs using SRT. Now, version 2.22 supports delivering TS outputs using SRT. The SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) protocol is an open-source transport technology optimized for live audio/video streaming. SRT enables secure and reliable transport of content across unpredictable, noisy networks, such as […]

New instructor-led course: Video Streaming Essentials for AWS Media Services

Learn best practices for designing and using cloud-based video workflows in the updated instructor-led course Video Streaming Essentials for AWS Media Services. Get expert-led, hands-on experience using AWS Media Services in this 2-day course covering: How key variables – including quality, latency, and budget – influence video workflow design decisions. How companies select and use […]

Automatically compare two videos to find common content

Comparing two videos to determine what is common and what is different between them is useful in many ways. The ability to find common content across two video sources opens up a number of interesting possible applications, including: Searching third-party videos for unauthorized use of your content Monitoring a pair of video streams to ensure […]

How to broadcast video chats to a streaming platform with ultra-low latency using Daily and Amazon IVS

Authored by Jessica Mitchell, Engineer, at Daily. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. At Daily, we build real-time video and audio APIs that let developers embed calls into any site or app, with support for […]