AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Data Science & Analytics for Media

Protecting streaming services using GeoComply

This post is co-authored by Kevin Yao, Principal Partner SA, OTT, Direct to Consumer at AWS and James Clark, General Manager, Media & Entertainment at GeoComply. The content of this post was updated on May 5, 2022. GeoGuard from GeoComply is a VPN and proxy detection solution with 99.6% accuracy. It is pre-integrated with leading […]

[Updated 4/20] AWS showcases the power of the cloud at NAB Show 2022

Join Amazon Web Services (AWS) at NAB Show 2022, April 23–27 in Las Vegas, to meet with media and entertainment (M&E) subject matter experts and see demonstrations showcasing the transformative power of the cloud across five solution areas: content production; media supply chain and archive; broadcast; direct-to-consumer and streaming; and data and analytics. Designed for […]

How to use IMDb data in search and machine learning applications

Introduction The IMDb Essential Metadata for Movies/TV/OTT licensed data package provides metadata for more than 8 million movies, TV shows and video games. Many AWS media and entertainment customers license this data through AWS Data Exchange (ADX) to improve content discovery and increase customer engagement and retention. This blog post explains how to transform and […]

A view of the Aggregated AI/ML detections on the Media2Cloud Stats page.

Media intelligence just got smarter with Media2Cloud 3.0

We are happy to announce the official release of Media2Cloud 3.0. This release helps AWS customers simplify and expedite their media migration workflow into AWS. It provides a framework to implement artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to create frame-level descriptive metadata about content. This new version of Media2Cloud still includes the features that customers have […]

Listen now: AWS Innovation with Eurosport

On this episode of the Innovation Ambassadors podcast, hear the VP of IT from Eurosport discuss how the company leveraged Machine Learning (ML)-powered video processing services on AWS to power replay generation for live and video-on-demand content. Listen in and dive into the Media Replay Engine (MRE) open source framework, used to build automated video clipping […]

Watch now: M&E sessions from AWS re:Invent 2021

Videos and presentation materials from re:Invent 2021 are now available on demand. Check out this re:Invent playlist for the Media & Entertainment breakout sessions. Details about each presentation, links to session recordings and slides, and pointers to related customer stories are available in this blog post. Read on! Transform and innovate with AWS for media […]

Best practices for CDP design and implementation using AWS and Databricks

This post is co-authored by Steve Sobel, Global Industry Leader for Media & Entertainment at Databricks and Dan Morris, Technical Director, Communications, Media & Entertainment at Databricks. Media and entertainment companies are dealing with more data than ever before and increasingly struggle to gain the insights needed to grow their business. This deluge of data […]

Use machine learning to filter user-generated content and protect your brand

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) helps speed up many operations that were unthinkable until some time ago. In many cases, it is necessary to understand the content of your image archive or the dialogue in an audio or video file to intercept content deemed harmful, dangerous, or out of place for a given situation […]

A new standard for remote QC and playback

Guest post by Jason Dvorkin (Sr. M&E Partner Solutions Architect, AWS Partner Program) and Scott Sharp (Head of Technology, GrayMeta).   Over the past year and during a global health crisis, media companies faced the challenge of connecting a remote workforce to content production and quality control (QC) workflows. Many studios increased the use of […]

re:Invent 2021 releases and launches for M&E workloads

With more than 50 launches and announcements of new services and major features during AWS re:Invent 2021, the following is a tailored list of those most relevant for media and entertainment (M&E) workloads. Watch the full Adam Selipsky Keynote here for even more announcements and information. AWS Private 5G for on-set connectivity AWS Private 5G is […]