AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Technical How-to

How to: Delivering high-profile live video streams using AWS Media Services

Introduction In a previous Media Blog series, we provided several examples of sophisticated workflows using AWS Media Services. In this post, I demonstrate a workflow that delivers a basic HLS livestream with resiliency for high-visibility events. Workflow overview This workflow uses multiple levels of redundancy to eliminate several single points of failure that might take […]

Part 2 – anatomy of a live streaming AWS CloudFormation template

In an earlier blog, we shared an AWS CloudFormation template that automated the deployment of a simple live streaming workflow using AWS Elemental MediaLive and AWS Elemental MediaStore. We took apart the template and analyzed the various sections of the template including the defined MediaLive and MediaStore resources. Since the blog’s publication, AWS Elemental MediaPackage […]

How to: Hands-free interaction for AR/VR with Amazon Lex and Babylon.js

It’s common to wonder how the cloud helps with developing a spatial computing application. Most of the effort within spatial computing/augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR)/3D is focused on frontend design and hardware optimizations. As applications become more integrated and easier to develop, the cloud plays a critical role in a complete spatial application. DevOps principles […]

How to: Build an engaging feed app with React and Amazon IVS

Introduction While live video streaming has become the new standard for engaging content, it is often difficult for developers with no video expertise to get started. Managing live video ingestion, processing, packaging, delivery and playback with a good user experience is a daunting task. Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) is designed to take care […]

How to: Dolby Atmos Live streaming using AWS Elemental and AWS Media Services

It’s the right time to get immersive. Dolby Atmos was first released in 2012 with the animated movie “Brave”. Since then, more than 950 movies, TV shows and Live events have been created using Dolby Atmos. Dolby Atmos audio is now distributed globally via broadcasts such as: SkyUK, Xfinity (Comcast); BT for top tier sporting […]

How to screencast apps using Amazon Kinesis Video Streams with WebRTC on Android

Over the past year, the requirements for remote communication have increased rapidly. Historically, over-the-top (OTT) content delivery was focused on reliably delivering high-quality content. There was less concern about latency, so technology was not focused on transmitting media with minimum delay time. With WebRTC technology that supports media transmission with latency of less than 1 […]

Protecting your media assets with token authentication

Video streaming is no longer exclusively done by media companies. Schools, ecommerce retailers, tech companies, and banks are creating media content to distribute directly to their consumers. Video streaming, both live and on-demand, has become the prevailing communication tool to reach the target audiences. As the value and number of media assets grow, creating a […]

Delivering a reliable live video stream using AWS Elemental Link and Amazon IVS

Working remotely has become more common, so many customers are looking for easy-to-setup and cost-efficient ways to deliver a reliable live video stream to their customers, colleagues, and business partners. For example, an auctioneer may want to stream their auctions for online bidding or a teacher may need to deliver remote lectures with live Q&A. For […]

Amazon Transcribe and email integration

Amazon Transcribe makes it easy for developers to add speech to text capabilities (also known as ASR) to their applications. Audio data is virtually impossible for computers to search and analyze. Therefore, recorded speech needs to be converted to text before it can be used by business intelligence applications. This post shows how an audio […]

Processing user-generated content using AWS Lambda and FFmpeg

In this post, we introduce a workflow to process media files stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using AWS Lambda that doesn’t require copying files to Lambda’s local storage. Lambda is equipped with temporary storage space of 512 MB, which is often not sufficient for media processing. At the same time, Lambda can […]