AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Application Migration Service

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Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS

Healthcare organizations worldwide are leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) and partner solutions to modernize, transform, and innovate their businesses. Ensuring the availability and security of critical applications is paramount. For example, two renowned German medical facilities, Fachklinikum Mainschleife and Max Grundig Klinik, needed to modernize their IT infrastructure to comply with stringent regulatory requirements outlined in the country’s Law for Accelerating the Digitalization of Healthcare (DigiG). Reliable and compliant service offerings from AWS enabled the medical facilities to provide reliable access to essential systems.

How to migrate on-premises workloads with AWS Application Migration Service

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) is a highly automated lift-and-shift solution, which works by replicating your on-premises (physical or virtual) and/or cloud servers into your AWS account. When you’re ready, AWS MGN automatically converts and launches your servers on AWS so you can quickly benefit from the cost savings, productivity, resilience, and agility of the cloud. This guide teaches you how to migrate a content management system platform (CMS), based on an example with WordPress, running on a simulated on-premises environment to AWS Cloud, using MGN.

How one Caribbean university digitally transformed and saved money by migrating to the cloud

Moving to AWS helped The University of the West Indies, Open Campus (UWIOC) improve performance of systems and operational efficiency while optimizing costs. Learn how UWIOC migrated more than 70 virtual machines, 10 applications, and five networks, plus their Moodle learning management system (LMS) and the UWIOC website, while saving 50 percent total cost of ownership along the way.