AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Artificial Intelligence

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "34 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS"

34 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS

This quarter, AWS released 34 new or updated datasets on the Register of Open Data. What will you build with these datasets? Read through this blog post for inspiration.

photo showing a person crossing a bridge on a remote roadway in Peru

Alteia and the World Bank assess and enhance road infrastructure data quality at scale using AWS

Read this blog post to learn how the World Bank assesses road infrastructure faster and at less cost by using Alteia data analytics powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), geospatial imagery, and satellite imagery available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "BriBooks improves children's creative writing with generative AI, powered by AWS"

BriBooks improves children’s creative writing with generative AI, powered by AWS

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) has the potential to play several important roles in education, transforming the way we teach and learn. This blog post looks at how one EdTech startup, BriBooks, is leveraging generative AI to assist young children with creative writing.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "USAID uses Amazon Transcirbe to publish speeches in minutes"

USAID uses Amazon Transcribe to publish speeches in minutes

After migrating to the cloud, USAID knew it could streamline its transcription process of its leader’s public remarks with cloud technology. Read this blog to learn how USAID created a solution with Amazon Transcribe, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered service from Amazon Web Services (AWS), in collaboration with AWS Partner CloudShape that helps the agency transcribe and publish remarks in minutes.

How to detect wildfire smoke using Amazon Rekognition

Since wildfires can double in size and intensity every three to five minutes, early detection and reduced response times are essential. Cloud technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), can help with this. Learn a high-level architecture to create a solution with AWS that uses AI to identify and classify wildfire smoke imagery and then rapidly alert and inform first responders about the location and condition of a fire incident.

Scaling intelligent document processing workflows with AWS AI services

Scaling intelligent document processing workflows with AWS AI services

As the daily volumes of document submissions increases for government organizations, intelligent document processing (IDP) solution architectures must absorb spikes in requests without creating delays or other impact for the users. In cases where the processing volume exceeds the limits of the resources available in an AWS Region, organizations can distribute the workloads across multiple regions to increase the document processing throughput. This post presents high-level architecture guidance built around Amazon Comprehend to create a distributed document processing workload that can overcome the challenges of unpredictable request patterns.

Kim Majerus at the IMAGINE conference.

Top highlights from the 2023 IMAGINE: Education, State, and Local Leaders conference

From July 11-12, 2023, the IMAGINE: Education, State, and Local Leaders conference from AWS gathered public sector leaders from around the world in Sacramento, CA to reimagine the future of state and local government and education. At the keynote address, Kim Majerus, vice president of global education and US state and local government at AWS, shared stories of education and state and local organizations using cloud technology to provide meaningful services for their communities. Three guest speakers joined the stage to share how they’re using AWS to protect education services against the rising threat of cyber attacks, advance cutting-edge research, promote innovative citizen services, and more.

36 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data: AI analysis-ready datasets and more

36 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data: AI analysis-ready datasets and more

This quarter, AWS released 36 new or updated datasets. As July 16 is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciation Day, the AWS Open Data team is highlighting three unique datasets that are analysis-ready for AI. What will you build with these datasets?

A framework to mitigate bias and improve outcomes in the new age of AI

A framework to mitigate bias and improve outcomes in the new age of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are transforming many industries. But although public sector organizations are realizing the benefits of these technologies, there are many remaining challenges, including biases and a lack of transparency, that limit the wider adoption to unlock the full potential of AI and ML. In this post, learn a high-level framework for how AWS can help you address these challenges and provide better outcomes for constituents.

Optimizing operations for ground-based, extremely large telescopes with AWS

Ground-based, extremely large telescopes (ELTs), such as the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), will play a crucial role in modern astronomy by providing observations of the universe with remarkable clarity and detail. However, managing the vast amount of data generated by these instruments and supporting optimal performance can be a challenging task. AWS provides a suite of cloud-based solutions that can help address these challenges and streamline ELT operations. Learn how various AWS services can be used to optimize data storage, management, and processing, as well as advanced monitoring and remote continuity techniques, leading to improved overall performance and efficiency for ELTs.