AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: AWS CloudFormation

The Weather Company enhances MLOps with Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch

In this post, we share the story of how The Weather Company (TWCo) enhanced its MLOps platform using services such as Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch. TWCo data scientists and ML engineers took advantage of automation, detailed experiment tracking, integrated training, and deployment pipelines to help scale MLOps effectively. TWCo reduced infrastructure management time by 90% while also reducing model deployment time by 20%.

Manage your Amazon Lex bot via AWS CloudFormation templates

Amazon Lex is a fully managed artificial intelligence (AI) service with advanced natural language models to design, build, test, and deploy conversational interfaces in applications. It employs advanced deep learning technologies to understand user input, enabling developers to create chatbots, virtual assistants, and other applications that can interact with users in natural language. Managing your […]

Automate your time series forecasting in Snowflake using Amazon Forecast

This post is a joint collaboration with Andries Engelbrecht and James Sun of Snowflake, Inc. The cloud computing revolution has enabled businesses to capture and retain corporate and organizational data without capacity planning or data retention constraints. Now, with diverse and vast reserves of longitudinal data, companies are increasingly able to find novel and impactful […]

Create a cross-account machine learning training and deployment environment with AWS Code Pipeline

A continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline helps you automate steps in your machine learning (ML) applications such as data ingestion, data preparation, feature engineering, modeling training, and model deployment. A pipeline across multiple AWS accounts improves security, agility, and resilience because an AWS account provides a natural security and access boundary for your […]

Creating an end-to-end application for orchestrating custom deep learning HPO, training, and inference using AWS Step Functions

Amazon SageMaker hyperparameter tuning provides a built-in solution for scalable training and hyperparameter optimization (HPO). However, for some applications (such as those with a preference of different HPO libraries or customized HPO features), we need custom machine learning (ML) solutions that allow retraining and HPO. This post offers a step-by-step guide to build a custom deep […]

Rust detection using machine learning on AWS

Visual inspection of industrial environments is a common requirement across heavy industries, such as transportation, construction, and shipbuilding, and typically requires qualified experts to perform the inspection. Inspection locations can often be remote or in adverse environments that put humans at risk, such as bridges, skyscrapers, and offshore oil rigs. Many of these industries deal […]

Creating Amazon SageMaker Studio domains and user profiles using AWS CloudFormation

February 2021 Update: Customers can now use native AWS CloudFormation code templates to model the infrastructure set up for Amazon SageMaker Studio and configure its access for users in their organizations at scale. For more information, please see the announcement post.  Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning […]