AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Amazon Rekognition

Video monetization with Amazon IVS

Live video streaming is increasing globally, and more companies now offer this interactive format to users across a multitude of industries. According to Statistita, online video recorded an audience reach of around 92 percent among internet users worldwide in the first quarter of 2023. Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), a managed service that enables […]

How FOX teamed up with AWS for AI-powered highlights

Groundbreaking Recap Feature, Catch Up With Highlights, Built with Amazon Media Replay Engine (MRE) With the digitization and continued advancement of broadcast delivery technology, sports fans have come to expect a dynamic viewing experience. Whether streaming a game live or recording to view on-demand, audiences are increasingly looking for standout elements in the coverage of […]

Part 1: Build powerful news stories with historical context using machine learning

Introduction The expansive and ongoing market penetration of broadband services and mobility devices has triggered exponential demand for content across the globe. News content is no exception, with steady growth in the number of players in the news business. User generated content (UGC) on social media platforms is also a strong disruptor. At times, breaking […]

Part 3: contextualized viewer engagement and monetization for live OTT events

This is the third and final post in the series of blog posts on contextualized viewer engagement and monetization for live over-the-top (OTT) events. This post details how Amazon Personalize, which allows developers to quickly build and deploy curated recommendations and intelligent user segmentation at scale using machine learning (ML), can be adopted to determine […]

Nippon Professional Baseball image.

DAZN leverages Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels to score big with Nippon Professional Baseball fans

Baseball isn’t just America’s favorite pastime; it’s also one of the most popular sports in Japan. Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB), the Japanese equivalent of Major League Baseball (MLB), attracts a fanbase of more than 20 million. Following the sport, however, requires ultimate fan dedication, as NPB teams hit the field more than three times a […]

Live content moderation using machine learning

Managing live channels requires humans to monitor streams for unexpected content. It is particularly important to detect harmful content quickly and take appropriate measures for moderation. This guide describes the steps you can take to implement an automatic solution to extract, store, analyze, and sort images from your live channel using cloud services from Amazon […]

AWS Partner TrackIt streamlines the content curation process with AI Video Reviewer

Authored by Brad Winett, President and Partner at TrackIt. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. As the availability and demand for media content continues to explode, companies that deal with large volumes of media assets […]

Best Practices for Implementing a Media Asset Management (MAM) Solution on AWS

Media & Entertainment (M&E) customers seeking to modernize their Media Asset Management (MAM) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) have questions to consider before getting started: Should they build their own solution or invest in a 3rd party system? How can they best leverage AWS services to get the most from a MAM in the cloud? […]

A view of the Aggregated AI/ML detections on the Media2Cloud Stats page.

Media intelligence just got smarter with Media2Cloud 3.0

We are happy to announce the official release of Media2Cloud 3.0. This release helps AWS customers simplify and expedite their media migration workflow into AWS. It provides a framework to implement artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to create frame-level descriptive metadata about content. This new version of Media2Cloud still includes the features that customers have […]

Use machine learning to filter user-generated content and protect your brand

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) helps speed up many operations that were unthinkable until some time ago. In many cases, it is necessary to understand the content of your image archive or the dialogue in an audio or video file to intercept content deemed harmful, dangerous, or out of place for a given situation […]