AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Media Services

AWS Elemental MediaConnect adds SRT to its list of high-availability protocols

AWS Elemental MediaConnect provides reliable, secure live video transport using protocols like Zixi, Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST), and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) with forward error correction (FEC). Now MediaConnect has added another protocol to the list with support for SRT. SRT, which stands for Secure Reliable Transport, is a highly reliable, low-latency video streaming transport protocol. […]

Blackboard streamlines virtual instruction with new LTI tool built on Amazon IVS

2020 has turned out to be a landmark year for education, as K-12 and higher education administrators, staff, students, and caregivers quickly pivoted to distance learning amidst a global pandemic. Behind the scenes, technology developers like Blackboard and AWS have been working to make the transition smoother, creating solutions aimed at helping educators deliver more […]

How to: Delivering high-profile live video streams using AWS Media Services

Introduction In a previous Media Blog series, we provided several examples of sophisticated workflows using AWS Media Services. In this post, I demonstrate a workflow that delivers a basic HLS livestream with resiliency for high-visibility events. Workflow overview This workflow uses multiple levels of redundancy to eliminate several single points of failure that might take […]

Blaze Streaming Media delivers remote workflows for virtual events with AWS

Amidst the challenges presented by a global pandemic, the live events industry has shown incredible resiliency. Even as large, in-person gatherings ceased in 2020, and it became clear that they would remain unsafe for the foreseeable future, the industry quickly found new ways to move forward, albeit virtually. Organizers of established events quickly worked to […]

Discovery, Inc. is serving up content for the consumer with Food Network Kitchen

Today, Discovery Inc. is bringing some much-needed culinary camaraderie into kitchens around the world through Food Network Kitchen. The subscription-based app offers home-bound foodies the chance to cook alongside celebrity chefs. Food Network Kitchen offers a hands-free cooking experience via Amazon’s voice technology and access to a large selection of live and on-demand cooking classes, […]

Lexhag - Poldark

Creative Effects Studio Lexhag Virtualizes on AWS

With a background in special effects, founder Alexis Haggar established the boutique, UK-based visual effects studio in 2009 as a resource for filmmakers looking to solve creative problems. In the years since, Lexhag has been the sole visual effects vendor for many episodic television and feature film projects, most recently the BBC period drama “Poldark” […]

NBCUniversal International’s reality on-demand OTT platform hayu adds personalization and data analysis with AWS

Thanks to hayu – a unique multichannel OTT video service that’s dedicated to reality TV programming – international viewers have access to new episodes of their favorite programs on the same day as their US broadcast. First launched in the UK, Ireland, and Australia in 2016, the hayu service is now available in 27 countries […]

Nippon Television Network Corporation implements cloud playout using AWS

A playout system is used to stream video for broadcasting and over-the-top (OTT) video. It performs tasks such as: switching between a live feed and a pre-recorded asset; controlling and editing the progress of a TV program; and switching video sources if there is an emergency. Frame-level accuracy is vital because switching between a live […]

Part 2 – anatomy of a live streaming AWS CloudFormation template

In an earlier blog, we shared an AWS CloudFormation template that automated the deployment of a simple live streaming workflow using AWS Elemental MediaLive and AWS Elemental MediaStore. We took apart the template and analyzed the various sections of the template including the defined MediaLive and MediaStore resources. Since the blog’s publication, AWS Elemental MediaPackage […]

Three free training resources to build your Media Services skills

AWS Training and Certification has launched new resources designed to help you build skills in Media Services. Whether you are uncertain where to begin, interested in creating or using video to promote your business, or ready for a course that uses real-world examples there is training to suit your needs. You need to build solutions […]