Amazon Web Services ブログ

Category: Industries

Figure 1. Offload IT infrastructure operations to AWS by utilizing AWS managed services

Contribution: Introduction of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. (Part 3) — Second half

This article is the third of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. We received a contribution from Mr. Yasuo Matsuura, an executive officer. The introduction will be divided into 2 parts: the first half and the second half. This article is the second half of that.

Figure 3. IaC Benefits on AWS

Contribution: Introduction of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. (Part 3) — First half

This article is the third of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. We received a contribution from Mr. Yasuo Matsuura, an executive officer. The introduction will be divided into 2 parts: the first half and the second half. This article is the first half of that.

Figure 8. Role and responsibility base on AWS shared responsibility model

Contribution: Introduction of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. (Part 2) — Second half

This article is the second half of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. We received a contribution from Mr. Yasuo Matsuura, an executive officer. The introduction will be divided into 2 parts: the first half and the second half.

Figure 2. Implementation image of loose coupling in our smart meter system

Contribution: Introduction of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. (Part 2) — First half

This article is the first half of the second efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. We received a contribution from Mr. Yasuo Matsuura, an executive officer. The introduction will be divided into 2 parts: the first half and the second half. This article is the first half of that.

Figure 3. The direction of our smart meter system development

Contribution: Introduction of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution Inc. (Second half)

This article was contributed by Mr. Yasuo Matsuura, an executive officer, efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution Inc. The introduction will be divided into 2 parts: the first half and the second half. This article is the second half of that.

Figure 3 Full Cloud Transition of Current and next-generation system

Contribution: Introduction of efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. (First half)

This article was contributed by Mr. Yasuo Matsuura, an executive officer, efforts aimed at cloud adoption of smart meter systems by Kansai Transmission and Distribution Inc. The introduction will be divided into 2 parts: The first half and the second half. This article is the first half of that.

味の素食品株式会社の AWS 事例「Amazon Rekognition を用いた製品の賞味期限検出システム」のご紹介

本ブログは、味の素食品株式会社と Amazon Web Services Japan が共同で執筆しました。
同社では製品の写真から自動で賞味期限を読み取る機能を実装しました。これにより、工程管理における賞味期限印字の正誤確認 (指図通りの賞味期限を印字しているか) の作業品質の向上と作業負荷軽減を実現しています。この機能を実現するための Amazon Rekognition をはじめとしたサービスを活用した事例を紹介いたします。