AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Public Sector Partners


Managing the Evolution of an Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse Using a Declarative Deployment Pipeline

Enterprise data warehouses are complex and consist of database objects that need to be modified to reflect the changing needs of business, data analytics, and machine learning teams. In this post, learn about an approach to managing the evolution of enterprise-scale data warehouses based on the experience of Deloitte’s Data and AI global practice teams. The declarative tool developed by Deloitte that can automatically generate DDL statements to align Amazon Redshift’s state to an approved baseline configuration.


Know Before You Go: An AWS Partner’s Guide to re:Invent 2021

We are looking forward to bringing you Global Partner Summit as part of AWS re:Invent 2021 both in-person and virtually. The in-person conference is Nov. 29 – Dec. 3 in Las Vegas, with virtual opportunities to watch keynotes and leadership sessions live. Virtual options for the breakout sessions will be available the following week, Dec. 6-10. Don’t miss the Partner Keynote, leadership sessions, APN booth and mini-theater at the Expo, and more!


How to Tier Your Data in MongoDB Atlas to Reduce Storage Costs

With the proliferation of different, constantly changing applications, it’s become a challenge to innovate quickly while having a strategy in place to prevent ballooning storage costs. Legacy archival and analytic tools often restrict developers and diminish the benefits of NoSQL’s handling of modern, rich data sources. Learn how MongoDB is committed to making it easier for customers to scale and transform their data management solutions to make developers’ lives easier.


How to Simplify Machine Learning with Amazon Redshift

Building effective machine learning models requires storing and managing historical data, but conventional databases can quickly become a nightmare to regulate. Queries start taking too long, for example, slowing down business decisions. Learn how to use Amazon Redshift ML and Query Editor V2 to create, train, and apply ML models to predict diabetes cases for a sample diabetes dataset. You can follow a similar approach to address other use cases such as customer churn prediction and fraud detection.

Proving the Performance of Oracle Exadata-Based Workloads on AWS

Organizations the world over rely on the Exadata database platform to operate and manage Oracle databases, simplify data management, and ensure performance-intensive systems are running as expected. While Exadata workloads perform well on premises, customers are looking to achieve the scalability, flexibility, and cost benefits of AWS. Learn how Navisite tests the performance of Exadata workloads once they have been migrated to AWS using Oracle Real Application Testing (RAT).


Using Databricks SQL on Photon to Power Your AWS Lake House

Databricks SQL is a dedicated workspace for data analysts that comprises a native SQL editor, drag-and-drop dashboards, and built-in connectors for all major business intelligence tools as well as Photon. In this post, Volker Tjaden, an APN Ambassador from Databricks, shares the technical capabilities of Databricks SQL and walks through two examples: ingesting, querying, and visualizing AWS CloudTrail log data, and building near real-time dashboards on data coming from Amazon Kinesis.


Migrate Legacy Systems to Modern Application Development Environments with MongoDB Atlas on AWS

To reap the benefits of cloud computing, organizations cannot simply take their existing applications and architectures in their legacy on-premises environment and move them as-is to the cloud. True cloud modernization with MongoDB Atlas on AWS enables you to move data and simultaneously apply the latest innovations in development methodologies, architectural patterns, and technologies to refresh your portfolio of existing applications.


How TCS is Delivering Remote Virtual Inspections for Insurers Enabled by AWS Services

By avoiding inspections, insurers lose the opportunity to adequately consider all factors during underwriting and take on more risk. TCS has built a virtual inspection solution on AWS that is customizable to various inspection use cases, such as home insurance inspections and claims, auto claims damage assessment and estimation, and mortgage inspection. This post provides an overview of the TCS virtual inspection solution, describes the high-level architecture, and explores the potential business benefits for insurers.

Security and Compliance at Scale with CloudHealth Secure State

Security is the highest priority for AWS, which works closely with industry-leading partners such as CloudHealth by VMware to build security solutions for customers like CloudHealth Secure State (CHSS). Learn how you can set up CHSS projects, suppress rules and alerts, find misconfigurations through CHSS Explore, and set up remediation jobs all built on CloudHealth’s unified security monitoring approach for AWS.


Implementing SaaS Tenant Isolation Using Amazon SageMaker Endpoints and IAM

As multi-tenant SaaS providers look to leverage machine learning services, they must consider how they’ll protect the data that flows in and out of these services from different tenants. Learn how tenant isolation of machine learning services can be achieved using AWS IAM, and how the integration between IAM, Amazon SageMaker, and many other AWS services provide developers with a rich set of mechanisms that can be applied to realize tenant isolation goals.