AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: public sector

Four ways to buy cloud with federal year-end funds

The end of the US federal government fiscal year is fast approaching. With budget left to spend before September 30, agencies need to obligate their remaining 2022 fiscal year funds. AWS can provide federal agencies with options to procure future cloud computing resources using current-year funds. Learn more about efficient purchasing recommendations to meet your agency’s needs.

OpenFold, OpenAlex catalog of scholarly publications, and Capella Space satellite data: The latest open data on AWS

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. Our full list of publicly available datasets are on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and are now also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange. This quarter, we released 15 new or updated datasets including OpenFold, OpenAlex, and radar data from Capella Space. Check out some highlights from the new or updated datasets.

New research shows EU and UK healthcare sectors could save 14.4 billion euros with AWS

The AWS Cloud Economics Centre published a new analysis that identified 14.4 billion euros in potential information technology (IT) savings across the European Union and United Kingdom healthcare sectors over the next five years—the equivalent of 5,665 euros per hospital bed—through the digital transformation of IT systems by migrating to the cloud.

How NRCan used an AWS open source solution to complete a PBMM evidence package in 60 days

Since signing a framework agreement with the Government of Canada (GC) in 2019, AWS has developed an open source solution to automate the deployment of security controls for GC customers, which can reduce the time it takes to achieve an Authority to Operate (ATO). Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) used this solution to implement their cloud landing zone controls aligned with the Protected B, Medium Integrity, Medium Availability (PBMM) profile. They worked with AWS Partner Kainos to complete an ATO evidence package in only 60 days—a process that typically takes 18 months.

How one nonprofit uses AWS to amplify citizen advocacy across Africa

ONE is a global movement to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030. Advocacy is about taking action in real time, so we need to reach people wherever they are. In Africa, that means using mobile devices. To help us reach audiences across Africa, we launched a mobile chatbot built on AWS.

What we learned at Amazon re:MARS 2022 for the public sector

The Amazon re:MARS 2022 conference brought together thought leaders, technical experts, and groundbreaking companies and organizations that are transforming what’s possible in machine learning (ML), automation, robotics, and space. Advancements in these fields are the engines that will drive innovation for the next 100 years. Read on to learn about announcements from re:MARS related to the public sector, plus some of the innovative organizations and companies that were onsite to inspire guests with breakthrough technologies and ideas.

How the City of Fort St. John increased access to government services with AWS

In 2020, the City of Fort St. John in British Columbia began searching for innovative solutions to make life more simple for its young population. City staff wanted to better serve residents in ways that would suit their busy, digitally connected lifestyles. So the city worked with Cocoflo, a smart cities technology company, to implement a digital solution that could make municipal information and services more accessible through their SmartLiving portal—powered by AWS.

Get ahead this summer with no-cost cloud training from AWS Educate

Are you one of the many students that spent all year dreaming of summer vacation? Summer is here, but if you’re a motivated go-getter, you may find yourself ready for a challenge or to learn something new. AWS Educate helps you build your cloud skills at your own pace, on your own time—no matter where you are on your journey in learning about the cloud.

teacher in front of chalkboard lecturing students on laptop

Data is helping EdTechs shape the next generation of solutions

Forrester estimates that data-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30 percent annually. This is also happening at education technology companies. With new data sources have emerging, including real-time streaming data from virtual classrooms, mobile engagement, unique usage, and new learners, these data sources are shaping the next generation of EdTech products that engage learners meaningfully around the world. Learn how four AWS EdStart Members are utilizing data to power their solutions.

Empowerment through mentorship: Girls In Tech

In 2021, AWS announced global support for Girls in Tech, a nonprofit founded in 2007 dedicated to eliminating the gender gap in tech. Last week, AWS and Girls In Tech hosted an Evening with Experts event at Amazon HQ2 in Arlington, VA. The in-person event provided an opportunity for women in the local area to hear from public sector and public service technology experts on professional growth opportunities and partnerships to reshape the industry to be more equitable and efficient.