AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: serverless

Nonprofits save time and money with AWS Lambda: How to set up a function

Nonprofit need solutions that help them spend less money and time on IT infrastructure and allow them to further core goals. AWS Lambda can help. Learn how AWS Lambda can reduce IT management burden and how to create an example AWS Lambda function that streamlines how nonprofits cut down their AWS spend.

Dr. B helps with equitable vaccine distribution using AWS

Healthcare organization Dr. B launched to get as many COVID-19 vaccines into as many arms as possible. To achieve its mission to make access to care—specifically the COVID-19 vaccine—more efficient and equitable, the company created a serverless solution built on Amazon Web Services (AWS).   

CANImmunize creates end-to-end vaccination app solution to help Canadians get vaccinated faster

CANImmunize is an end-to-end vaccination enablement system that helps Canadians coast to coast do everything from scheduling their appointment to proving their vaccination status—all in one interface. CANImmunize uses AWS to scale its operations and enable hundreds of thousands of people to get vaccinated and stay on top of their vaccination status.

woman takes photo of document on her smart phone

Using AI to rethink document automation and extract insights

The maturing of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought ready-made services that organizations can use, not only to automate data entry work but also to apply intelligence into the business process. Using modern AI capabilities on AWS, organizations can transform approaches to document management. This allows public sector organizations to save time (enabling faster throughput especially during higher volume paperwork times), so they can help get constituents their services faster, and focus on the most valuable work of the high-touch or high-need cases. Document automation helps reduce human entry error and provide backup services in case of natural disaster.

Rush Medical analytics hub

Rush University Medical Center creates COVID-19 analytics hub on AWS

Rush University Medical Center embraced cloud transformation for internal operations and organizational needs as well as in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rush analytics team worked with the city of Chicago department of public health to create a working reference implementation of a cloud-based public health analytics hub. This hub aggregates, combines, and analyzes multi-hospital data related to patient admissions, discharges and transfers, electronic lab reporting, hospital capacity, and clinical care documents of COVID-19 patients receiving care in and across Chicago hospitals.

AWS Public Sector Summit Online 2021 Jam Lounge

AWS Jam Lounge and virtual workshops offer hands-on learning at AWS Public Sector Summit Online

Join us at the upcoming AWS Public Sector Summit Online (April 15-16, 2021) where attendees will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and learn new skills in the AWS Jam Lounge and virtual workshops. Put your skills to the test in the AWS Jam Lounge (Sponsored by Intel and Fortinet) and learn something new by attending virtual workshops

woman researcher at computer in lab

An introduction to AWS for research IT: Getting started in the cloud

The cloud can help researchers process complex workloads, store and analyze enormous amounts of data, collaborate globally, and accelerate research and innovation. For research IT, Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help build scalable, cost-effective, and flexible environments while still maintaining the governance and guardrails for security and compliance. Following best practices, AWS allows for centralized management of resources, improved security and compliance of research workloads, and can save costs and accelerate innovation. What are some common questions from research IT customers?

Public sector security serverless - Darren House

How public sector security teams can use serverless technologies to improve outcomes

Serverless applications are typically discreet pieces of code that customers can use to manage security-related processes or stitch together multiple AWS services to solve a larger problem. They allow customers to build and run applications and services without dealing with infrastructure management tasks such as server or cluster provisioning, patching, operating system maintenance, and capacity provisioning. In this blog, I explain the serverless computing model, the Serverless Application Repository (SAR), solution constructs and implementations, why they matter to our government customers, and how they can use them to solve common problems.

Photo by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash

T Digital shares lessons learned about flexibility, agility, and cost savings using AWS

T-Digital, a division of Tshwane University Technology Enterprise Holding (TUTEH) in South Africa, built TRes, a digital platform for students living in student housing and for accommodation providers. TRes connects students with available housing and verified and authorized property owners. It addresses student accommodation needs and helps verified and approved property owners fully allocate their residences, while alleviating administrative burden. With help from AWS Professional Services, T-Digital experienced flexibility, agility, and realized cost savings.

aerial photo of doctor on laptop at desk with stethescope and chart

Adding an ingress point and data management to your healthcare data lake

Data lakes can help hospitals and healthcare organizations turn data into insights and maintain business continuity, while preserving patient privacy. A data lake is a centralized, curated, and secured repository that stores all your data, both in its original form and prepared for analysis. A data lake enables you to break down data silos and combine different types of analytics to gain insights and guide better business decisions. In my previous post, “Getting started with a healthcare data lake,” I shared how to get started using data lakes in managing healthcare data and what a good “first sprint” architecture might look like. Here, I walk through building your first solution on AWS using a healthcare data lake as our example workload.