AWS Training and Certification Blog

Category: Database

New courses and updates from AWS Training and Certification in January 2023

In January 2023, AWS Training and Certification released 20 digital training products on AWS Skill Builder, including a games-focused AWS Jam Journey for AWS Skill Builder subscribers, two new learning plans (and earn digital badges) for Solutions Architects and Game Developers, and updates to two AWS Certification exams.

10 study areas for the AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty exam

In this blog, learn how an AWS Sr. Solutions Architect prepared for the AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty exam, and the 10 areas you can study to prepare yourself to take this certification exam. Earning the credential will validate your expertise in designing data solutions and using analytics services to derive insights from data. This credential also helps organizations identify and develop talent with critical skills for implementing cloud initiatives.

Life (science) in the cloud: Researchers dealing with petabytes of data become cloud experts

When Chris Dagdigian graduated with a degree in Biotechnology in 1995, the industry was poised to explode with innovation and possibility. There was only one problem, the explosion was being recorded using pen and paper. “Until that point scientists were documenting everything in notebooks,” he recalls. “As the research started to blossom, data volumes were starting to exceed what could reasonably be tracked in a handwritten lab book.”

New courses and updates from AWS Training and Certification in December 2022

AWS Training and Certification courses and offerings in December 2022 include AWS Industry Quest: Financial Services, a fourth learning path for AWS Jam Journey, a sixth role for AWS Cloud Quest, and 13 AWS Builder Labs. There are seven, free, fundamental-level digital courses; two classroom courses about planning and managing databases on AWS and Amazon SageMaker Studio; two AWS Partner courses about security essentials and AWS GovCloud (US); and an AWS Certification update about the availability of online Mandarin-speaking proctors in Mainland China.

New AWS Power Hour: Specialty Certification starts October 3

Join us for six, all-new Twitch training series focused on each of the domain areas corresponding to the specialty-level AWS Certifications, starting October 3 on Mondays and Fridays. And, sign up for our Get AWS Certified: Specialty Challenge and get a 50% off exam voucher.

New digital courses from AWS Training and Certification in September 2022

Learn about new free, digital courses from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Training and Certification released in September 2022. New fundamental-level courses help you learn about threat modeling, AWS Fargate, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Neptune, and Amazon Keyspaces. New intermediate-level courses focus on AWS Cloud Game Development, AWS for Games – Databases, and the AWS Transfer Family.

Steps to start your AWS Certification journey

Are you contemplating pursuing an AWS Certification? Learn about the different levels of certification and how to prepare with the training resources available from AWS.

AWS Certifications

How one learner earned four AWS Certifications in four months

Ever wonder what it takes to earn an AWS Certification? Imagine earning four in four months. Rola Dali, a senior software developer at Local Logic, shares her experience and insights about challenging herself to do just that. She breaks down the resources she found most helpful and her overall motivation to invest in her cloud learning journey . . .

Accelerate your application-development skills with three free Amazon DynamoDB courses

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed, multi-region, key-value, durable database with built-in security that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. DynamoDB can handle more than 10 trillion requests per day and can support peaks of more than 20 million requests per second. DynamoDB reflects a paradigm shift from relational databases in terms of management, […]

10 study tips for the AWS Certified Database – Specialty Certification

April 30, 2024 Update: The AWS Certified Database – Specialty certification is retired. Learn more in this blog. I’ve worked in the IT industry for a little over 20 years. I began my career as a junior database administrator learning relational database administration skills from a group of seasoned professionals. At that time, relational database […]