AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Management Tools

Detect silent audio tracks in VOD content with AWS Elemental MediaConvert

Introduction In file-based video processing workflows, content providers often standardize on the mezzanine file format used to share content with their customers and partners. When sharing video-on-demand (VOD) content, produced mezzanine files often have same number of audio tracks regardless of how many are in the actual content. For example, MXF media assets may be […]

Monitor performance with AWS Elemental MediaStore HTTP access logs

AWS Elemental MediaStore is an AWS storage service optimized for media. It gives you the performance, consistency, and low latency required to deliver live streaming video content. To monitor ingest and egress for MediaStore, pipeline access logs provide detailed records for requests that are made for any object stored in a MediaStore container. This information […]

Introduction to top-down monitoring of live video workflows

Introduction to Top-Down Monitoring of Live Video Workflows with Amazon CloudWatch and Media Services Application Mapper Live video workflows are a collection of software and hardware resources that process and deliver live streams to consumers. Traditional live video workflows include encoding appliances, networking hardware, and other forms of on-premises and appliance equipment to package and originate […]

How to set up a resilient end-to-end live workflow using AWS Elemental products and services: Part 1

Part 1: Single-region reference architecture deployment walkthrough: The Fundamentals (This Post) Part 2: Single-region reference architecture deployment walkthrough: Advanced Workflows Part 3: Multi-regions reference architecture deployment walkthrough: Advanced Workflows Part 4: High-Availability Advanced Workflows with Automatic Failover Single-region reference architecture deployment walkthrough: The Fundamentals In a recent blog post, Kiran Patel described the resiliency challenges […]

Automated way to create an AWS media services-centric CloudWatch Dashboard

An Amazon CloudWatch dashboard is a customizable home page in the CloudWatch console that monitors multiple resources in a single view. It can consist of a number of widgets, with each widget providing operational information about different resources monitored by the dashboard. For media workflows, CloudWatch dashboards can make it easy to view and monitor […]

Working with AWS Elemental MediaTailor logs and metrics

AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a content personalization and monetization service that allows customers to implement stitched server-side ad insertion for streaming video while maintaining high quality of service. It uses dynamic transcoding to reduce storage requirements and ensure that video seamlessly transitions between advertising and primary content during playback. AWS Elemental MediaTailor manipulates the HTTP Live […]