AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: government

Islands of innovation: Creating smart and sustainable European marinas and ports

Ports and marinas are important catalysts for economic growth, tourism, and employment. Increasingly, they are also hubs for renewable energy and the blue economy. Islands can serve as test beds for transforming ports and marinas. Learn how some European islands are using cloud technology to create innovative new solutions to manage their ports and marinas.

How Government of Canada customers can use AWS to securely migrate data

How Government of Canada customers can use AWS to securely migrate data

Learn how AWS Snowcone and Amazon S3 can help Government of Canada (GC) organizations securely transfer and store their data, and how two GC organizations have already used these services to migrate data securely. Find out how these AWS services address data security, privacy, and compliance with regulatory requirements specific to GC customers.

Introducing the Government Lens for the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Introducing the Government Lens for the AWS Well-Architected Framework

AWS announced the launch of a Government Lens for the AWS Well-Architected Framework. The Government Lens is a collection of customer-proven design principles, scenarios, and technology agnostic best practices designed to encourage the unique context and requirements of governments globally to be considered when designing, building, and operating government workloads on AWS.

Implement a secure, serverless GraphQL architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) to optimize API flexibility and efficiency

Implement a secure, serverless GraphQL architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) to optimize API flexibility and efficiency

GraphQL is a query language and server-side runtime system for application programming interfaces (APIs) that prioritizes giving clients exactly the information they request and no more. GraphQL can help public sector customers focus on their data and provide ways to explore the data in their APIs. Learn a reference architecture using serverless technologies that you can use to build GraphQL-enabled solutions in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions to unify data access in real-time and simplify operations.

Scaling intelligent document processing workflows with AWS AI services

Scaling intelligent document processing workflows with AWS AI services

As the daily volumes of document submissions increases for government organizations, intelligent document processing (IDP) solution architectures must absorb spikes in requests without creating delays or other impact for the users. In cases where the processing volume exceeds the limits of the resources available in an AWS Region, organizations can distribute the workloads across multiple regions to increase the document processing throughput. This post presents high-level architecture guidance built around Amazon Comprehend to create a distributed document processing workload that can overcome the challenges of unpredictable request patterns.

How one council used machine learning to cut translation costs by 99.96%

Swindon Borough Council serves a multicultural community of 230,000 citizens in the south of England. We continuously review emerging and evolving technologies, seeking to leverage them to reimagine and improve services, lower costs, and enhance efficiency. The success of a recent translation project that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud services is a prime example of this.

Navigating common use cases spanning AWS GovCloud (US) and standard AWS

Navigating common use cases spanning AWS GovCloud (US) and standard AWS

There may be use cases where customers must orchestrate actions spanning AWS GovCloud (US) and standard AWS partitions. The common reasons customers may need to invoke AWS services in a standard account from an AWS GovCloud (US) account (or vice versa) include: cross-domain applications, feature parity, and if the AWS service doesn’t exist in AWS GovCloud (US). In this blog post, learn how to navigate these scenarios.

AWS selects 13 startups to participate in the AWS European Defence Accelerator

AWS announced the 13 startups selected to participate in the AWS European Defence Accelerator. The startups offer solutions to help the European Defence industry enhance its energy resilience, secure information sharing, sensing and decision making, quantum, and cyber resilience for mission-critical needs for land, air, maritime, space, and cyber domains. Applications were invited from startups around the globe who are interested in doing business with defence and national security organizations across Europe.

Raising the bar on accessibility for open-source public sector solutions

Raising the bar on accessibility for open-source public sector solutions

Performance Dashboard on AWS is an open source solution in the AWS Solutions Library designed by AWS experts to help organizations build, deploy, and maintain customizable dashboards to communicate the data-driven performance of public sector services. After this initial release, the Government Transformation Team (GTT) at AWS enlisted the help of the UK’s Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC), LevelAccess, and an internal AWS accessibility team to conduct accessibility audits to help our product team identify possible accessibility opportunities within the application.

Creating a strategic approach to government continuity

Moving digital assets to the cloud is one of the first steps governments can take to secure their public services against large-scale disruptions. But according to our customers, this journey often brings challenges and roadblocks that are organizational rather than technical. Learn key takeaways from our engagements with public sector customers that can help you better prepare for this transformation.