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Category: Technical How-to


Exposing Private APIs Across AWS Accounts Only for Authorized Access Methods

Virtusa recently received a requirement to make an application programming interface (API) accessible across another AWS account. The API was an internal-only API hosted in a private subnet, and could be accessed only from within the network. The requirement also stipulated Virtusa make only a few read-only (Get) methods accessible, and not all the methods from the API. Learn how Virtusa addressed the customer’s challenge by designing a solution that uses Amazon API Gateway with IAM authentication.

Data Tokenization with Amazon Redshift and Protegrity

Many companies are using Amazon Redshift to analyze and transform their data. As data continues to grow and become even more important, they are looking for more ways to extract valuable insights. One use case we’re especially excited to support is that of data tokenization and masking. Amazon Redshift has collaborated with Protegrity, an AWS Advanced Technology Partner, to enable organizations with strict security requirements to protect their data while being able to obtain the powerful insights.


How to Tokenize and De-Identify Your Data in Amazon RDS with Baffle

Baffle Data Protection Services (DPS) provides a data-centric protection layer allowing customers to tokenize, encrypt, and mask data in Amazon RDS at the column or row level, without any application code modifications while supporting a BYOK or HYOK model. Review the architecture for Baffle DPS, and walk through how to launch and test Baffle DPS from an AWS CloudFormation template with Amazon RDS databases to encrypt data at the column level.


How to Build and Deploy a Contact Tracing Solution with AWS IoT Core and SafeTrack Lite

As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, institutions are working tirelessly to ensure they are prepared. Contact tracing is a complex problem to solve, and CareBand’s SafeTrack is a solution. This post covers how to get started partnering with CareBand’s technology and building a solution using AWS that collects data from SafeTrack wearables and integrates that with AWS IoT. The solution will generate a report of all the individuals who have been exposed to a detected case of COVID-19.


Loading SaaS Application Data into Snowflake Using Amazon AppFlow and AWS PrivateLink

Customers often need to rely on third-party solutions to extract and transform data from sources such as Slack and Zendesk. Some vendors, however, do not support all of the sources and rely on multiple products to perform ETL and persist data into Snowflake. This post details how Amazon AppFlow simplifies the data transfer process, and how customers can use AWS PrivateLink for transmitting data over AWS rather than via the public internet.

How to Build and Deploy Amazon SageMaker Models in Dataiku Collaboratively

Organizations often need business analysts and citizen data scientists to work with data scientists to create machine learning (ML) models, but they struggle to provide a common ground for collaboration. Newly enriched Dataiku Data Science Studio (DSS) and Amazon SageMaker capabilities answer this need, empowering a broader set of users by leveraging the managed infrastructure of Amazon SageMaker and combining it with Dataiku’s visual interface to develop models at scale.

How Etleap Integrates with Amazon Redshift Data Sharing to Provide Isolation of ETL and BI Workloads

Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day and power analytics workloads such as business intelligence, predictive analytics, and real-time streaming analytics. Learn how Etleap integrates with new data sharing and cross-database querying capabilities in Amazon Redshift to enable workload isolation for diverse analytics use cases in customer environments. Etleap integrates with any data source and runs either as a hosted solution (SaaS) or inside your VPC.


Using AWS CodeBuild and Bridgecrew to Prevent Misconfigurations in AWS CloudFormation and Terraform

Scanning for misconfigurations as part of your CI/CD pipeline helps maintain a solid security posture for all changed resources before provisioning them to a running environment. Learn how to integrate infrastructure as code security and compliance scanning using AWS CodeBuild and Bridgecrew, a cloud security platform for developers. Bridgecrew is generally used to find security misconfigurations and policy violations across Amazon Web Services (AWS) and in configuration frameworks.


How to Connect Your LoRaWAN Devices to AWS IoT Core Using Actility ThingPark 

AWS IoT Core offers a managed cloud service to support trillions of messages from billions of devices, and route messages easily and securely to devices and other AWS services. Learn how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to build the Actility ThingPark X connector to AWS IoT as the first step to connect LoRaWAN-enabled endpoints to AWS IoT Core, and to make use of other cloud services available on AWS.


Building an Intelligent Contact Center with Zendesk and Amazon Connect

Zendesk and VoiceFoundry released the Amazon Connect app on the Zendesk Marketplace as part of a broader vision for the intelligent contact center of the future. The Amazon Connect app for Zendesk brings together a wide set of capabilities and unlocks endless possibilities for you to empower your agents and better engage your customers. By combining the powers of Amazon Connect and Zendesk, businesses can build a more intelligent contact center.