AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Predicting diabetic patient readmission using multi-model training on Amazon SageMaker Pipelines

Diabetes is a major chronic disease that often results in hospital readmissions due to multiple factors. An estimated $25 billion is spent on preventable hospital readmissions that result from medical errors and complications, poor discharge procedures, and lack of integrated follow-up care. If hospitals can predict diabetic patient readmission, medical practitioners can provide additional and personalized care to their patients to pre-empt this possible readmission, thus possibly saving cost, time, and human life. In this blog post, learn how to use machine learning (ML) from AWS to create a solution that can predict hospital readmission – in this case, of diabetic patients – based on multiple data inputs.

How Nomad uses Amazon IVS to scale public court livestreams

According to the United States Constitution, public access to judicial proceedings is a right covered by the First and Sixth Amendments. To make hearings visible to the public, even when in-person attendance is limited, state and local governments are beginning to mandate many court proceedings be live streamed, often with a very short window to do so. The cloud-native media and asset management platform Nomad, which is built on AWS, helps governments implement scalable live streaming capabilities quickly and simply.

Enhance the citizen experience with deep learning-powered suggestions

Citizens want to report issues to their local governments in a fast and simple manner and not have to worry about identifying the right government agency or phone number—for instance, if a fire hydrant is broken, or a road sign has fallen over. In this blog post, learn how to set up a solution with AWS deep learning services that creates a fluid experience for reporting and addressing these issues.

Zero Waste Zero Hunger: Using data and AI to reduce food waste in South Korea

The Busan Cloud Innovation Center (CIC) teamed up with the World Food Programme (WFP), the Busan IT Promotion Agency, and technology startup Nuvilab to use cloud technology to address food waste in South Korea. Using Amazon’s “Working Backwards” approach with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data lake solutions on AWS, the team developed Zero Waste Zero Hunger (ZWZH), a program that uses artificial intelligence AI to provide data about food consumption.

How to modernize legacy HL7 data in Amazon HealthLake

Healthcare providers and healthcare systems want to modernize their healthcare data exchanges so they can better analyze and gain more insight from their clinical data. In this walkthrough, learn how to use AWS to migrate legacy healthcare messaging data into Amazon HealthLake, which can use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to discover meaningful and actionable healthcare information embedded in unstructured text.

How to create a cybersecurity analytics platform with AWS analytics and machine learning

Cybersecurity analytics is a systematic methodology designed to collect, ingest, process, aggregate, and analyze security events. This methodology empowers organizations to proactively perform security investigations, powered by advanced analytics and machine learning (ML), which help mitigate cyber issues more effectively and efficiently at scale. Learn about the core components of a cybersecurity analytics framework and how organizations can use AWS to design a cybersecurity analytics platform with analytics and ML services.

Jacaranda Health advances maternal and infant health across Kenya and beyond with AWS

Jacaranda Health, a Kenya-based nonprofit organization, is on a mission to end preventable maternal and newborn deaths by deploying low-cost, sustainable solutions that improve the quality of care in government health systems. Jacaranda Health, a recipient of the 2021 AWS IMAGINE Grant award, uses AWS to power a health platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to connect mothers with timely information about pregnancy care, as well as potentially lifesaving advice and referrals to care facilities when it matters most.

Nara Space uses AWS to improve satellite image quality up to three times with deep learning

Nara Space Technology is a South Korea-based startup that builds nano satellite constellations and provides satellite data services to let customers quickly identify and address issues like changing climate conditions and disaster recovery to improve life on Earth. Nara Space provides solutions for nano satellite and small spacecraft system design, integration, development, and testing; enables satellite data analytics based on deep learning; and improves the visual quality of standard satellite imagery with its Super Resolution core technology. To do this, Nara Space uses AWS for secure, flexible, scalable, and cost-efficient cloud solutions.

Accelerating and democratizing research with the AWS Cloud

The cloud is changing the way we do research—accelerating the pace of innovation, democratizing access to data, and allowing researchers and scientists to scale, work collaboratively, and make new discoveries from which we may all benefit. Researchers from around the world look to the AWS Cloud for customer-focused, pioneering, and secure solutions for their toughest challenges. Discover how customers in Latin America and Canada use AWS for research.

Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab helps educators focus on teaching rather than technology

The browser-based computational notebook tool, Jupyter, provides students and educators with an interactive learning environment to accelerate programming learning. But setting up collaborative Jupyter notebooks at the classroom and institutional level can be time-consuming and costly. Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab is a no-cost service built on Jupyter notebooks that takes care of the configuration and security of setting up multi-user Jupyter notebook environments – so educators can focus on teaching and learners can accelerate their journey in ML.