AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Amazon QuickSight

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Near real-time dashboards from a source database to a cloud data warehouse on AWS"

Near real-time dashboards from a source database to a cloud data warehouse on AWS

Organizations require solutions for real time or near real time dashboards that can be provided to their customers without impacting their database performance or service level agreements (SLAs) to their end users. In this post, we showcase the integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS) capabilities to present an end-to-end architecture for this data flow.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Data dissemination for public sector on AWS"

Data dissemination for public sector on AWS

Sharing data is essential for organizations to make informed decisions and foster innovation. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a variety of tools and services to help distribute data securely and at scale. Whether it’s sharing public data for the common good, monetizing private datasets for business purposes, or collaborating with colleagues, AWS provides the necessary infrastructure and support. Read this post to learn more.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Agile satellite communication ground systems with Amazon EC2 F2 FPGA solutions "

Agile satellite communication ground systems with Amazon EC2 F2 FPGA solutions

In this post, we provide technical guidance to help satellite operators build, deploy, and analyze satcom waveforms on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Details are provided about the orchestration of multiple waveforms, including an example of one Amazon Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Image being swapped in for another. We analyze the FPGA utilization and metrics in Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon QuickSight, and validate network performance against system latency requirements. Finally, we recommend actions you can take to build an agile satcom strategy.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Stop Soldier Suicide partners with Pariveda, AWS on mission to reduce suicide rates among US service members and veterans"

Stop Soldier Suicide partners with Pariveda, AWS on mission to reduce suicide rates among US service members and veterans

Because more than two-thirds of service members who die by suicide have no history of mental illness or suicidal ideation, Stop Soldier Suicide (SSS) started the Black Box Project in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Professional Services. Launched as an early prototype to identify data from devices of those lost to suicide, the project is an effort to gain better insight into the warning signs of suicide in veterans to help support suicide postvention, intervention, and ultimately prevention. Read this post to learn more.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Simplify satellite contact reporting with the AWS Ground Station contacts dashboard"

Simplify satellite contact reporting with the AWS Ground Station contacts dashboard

This post shows how Amazon Web Services (AWS) Ground Station customers can start using the Contacts dashboard for AWS Ground Station solution to fulfill their AWS Ground Station reporting and tracking needs. This solution automatically maps AWS Ground Station contacts to their associated costs and provides a feature-rich dashboard reporting capability.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Using ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine on Amazon EMR to predict rideshare demand"

Using ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine on Amazon EMR to predict rideshare demand

Rideshare demand prediction is a well-explored topic in academia and industry, with abundant online resources offering diverse modeling frameworks tailored to different geographic contexts. A challenge with rideshare demand prediction, however, is that the trip data required to calibrate or train models can be exceptionally large. In this post, we explore the challenges of big data analytics and showcase how ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine, a spatial analytics library for the Apache Spark environment, can be used on Amazon EMR to effectively address these problems.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust digitizes and improves patient experience with AWS"

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust digitizes and improves patient experience with AWS

Like many healthcare providers, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust, which manages two major hospitals and serves a population of more than one million, has operated with legacy technology that relies heavily on phone calls and manual processes for contacting patients. Recognizing an opportunity to modernize, the Trust linked up with IBM Consulting for an innovative pilot project to digitize patient engagement channels using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Read this post to learn more.

The role AWS is playing in Prosper Africa Tech initiatives

The Prosper Africa Tech for Trade Alliance is a collaboration uniting leading American and African tech companies behind the mission of accelerating e-commerce and digital trade in Africa. The recently announced collaboration between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Choppies, a leading supermarket chain in Botswana, exemplifies the Alliance’s model of impact-oriented public-private partnerships. This post highlights the AWS-powered deployment of Choppies’ state-of-the-art Farmer’s app across its supplier network.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "4 ways AWS can help states transform healthcare for incarcerated individuals"

4 ways AWS can help states transform healthcare for incarcerated individuals

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently enabled states to extend Medicaid coverage to eligible incarcerated individuals, with hopes of ensuring continuity of care upon release, reducing the risk of relapse, and encouraging better health management. To help states begin benefitting from this new CMS policy, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a suite of data storage, telehealth, analytics, and reentry services. In this post, we break down four specific areas where AWS services—and AWS Partners—can help.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS"

Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS

Healthcare organizations worldwide are leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) and partner solutions to modernize, transform, and innovate their businesses. Ensuring the availability and security of critical applications is paramount. For example, two renowned German medical facilities, Fachklinikum Mainschleife and Max Grundig Klinik, needed to modernize their IT infrastructure to comply with stringent regulatory requirements outlined in the country’s Law for Accelerating the Digitalization of Healthcare (DigiG). Reliable and compliant service offerings from AWS enabled the medical facilities to provide reliable access to essential systems.