AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Database

Securing and automating compliance in the public sector with AWS

Compliance is essential, but ensuring compliance in the cloud with various regulations and standards can be challenging, especially for public sector organizations. The requirements are highly dynamic, constantly evolving, and they vary across countries. Read this blog post to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources that can help customers meet compliance requirements, reduce their time and effort, and focus on core business objectives.

A photograph showing a birds-eye view of a lush rainforest

SeloVerde uses geospatial big data and AI/ML to monitor deforestation in supply chains, powered by AWS

Open source geospatial artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) analyses along with Internet of Things (IoT)-connected sensors can power near real-time data built on the cloud and assist in decision-making. Read this blog post to learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) is supporting the Government of Pará, Brazil, in designing and deploying SeloVerde (Green Seal), a cutting-edge tool to address climate change challenges and traceability in deforestation-risk supply chains.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Nebraska Judicial Branch modernizes its Electronic Exhibits System using AWS"

Nebraska Judicial Branch modernizes its Electronic Exhibits System using AWS

More than 180 courts compose the Nebraska Judicial Branch, which together handle more than 285,000 cases annually and all of the case exhibits that come with such a workload. This blog post highlights the Judicial Branch’s journey to building an electronic exhibits system on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Alberta, CA

Alberta Motor Association transforms member experience and optimizes cost on AWS Cloud

The Alberta Motor Association (AMA) is a multi-service member-run organization that provides driving education, rewards, roadside assistance, travel, insurance, banking, and many other member-focused services. When AMA wanted to launch its community membership — their first true subscription-based membership — AMA decided to rethink its existing membership system

Implement a secure, serverless GraphQL architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) to optimize API flexibility and efficiency

Implement a secure, serverless GraphQL architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) to optimize API flexibility and efficiency

GraphQL is a query language and server-side runtime system for application programming interfaces (APIs) that prioritizes giving clients exactly the information they request and no more. GraphQL can help public sector customers focus on their data and provide ways to explore the data in their APIs. Learn a reference architecture using serverless technologies that you can use to build GraphQL-enabled solutions in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions to unify data access in real-time and simplify operations.

How to store historical geospatial data in AWS for quick retrieval

How to store historical geospatial data in AWS for quick retrieval

Learn how to store historical geospatial data, such as weather data, on AWS using Amazon DynamoDB. This approach allows for virtually unlimited amounts of data storage combined with query performance fast enough to support an interactive UI. This approach can also filter by date or by location, and enables time- and cost- efficient querying.

Designing an educational big data analysis architecture with AWS

In this blog post, learn a high-level architecture, built on AWS, that uses a graph database to analyze unstructured and structured educational data that can, for example, help inform a recommendation to a student for the appropriate courses to take in their next semester based on multiple personalized data factors.

How graph databases can enhance learning

Graph database solutions like Amazon Neptune from AWS help organize learner information to enable more holistic analysis for educational institutions and education technology companies (EdTechs). By linking learner data from multiple sources and drawing new correlations from data, educators can deliver more personalized learning experiences. In this blog post, learn how educators can use graph databases to enhance the learning experience.

How to partition your geospatial data lake for analysis with Amazon Redshift

Data lakes are becoming increasingly common in many different workloads, and geospatial is no exception. In 2021, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced geography and geohash support on Amazon Redshift, so geospatial analysts have the capability to quickly and efficiently query geohashed vector data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). In this blog post, I walk through how to use geohashing with Amazon Redshift partitioning for quick and efficient geospatial data access, analysis, and transformation in your data lake.

How one nonprofit uses AWS to amplify citizen advocacy across Africa

ONE is a global movement to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030. Advocacy is about taking action in real time, so we need to reach people wherever they are. In Africa, that means using mobile devices. To help us reach audiences across Africa, we launched a mobile chatbot built on AWS.