• AWS Step Functions adds support for over 200 AWS Services with AWS SDK Integration

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    AWS Step Functions now integrates with the AWS SDK, expanding the number of supported AWS Services from 17 to over 200 and AWS API Actions from 46 to over 9,000.

  • Amazon Monitron launches iOS app

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Today, we are announcing the launch of Amazon Monitron iOS app. The iOS app joins the existing Android app, giving customers more options for using Amazon Monitron. iPhone users can now use the Amazon Monitron iOS app to set up their sensors and gateway devices, and receive reports on operating behavior and alerts to potential failures in their equipment.

  • Amazon Comprehend adds two Trusted Advisor checks

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Amazon Comprehend now supports two new AWS Trusted Advisor checks to help customers optimize the cost and security of Amazon Comprehend endpoints.

  • Amazon SES now supports 2048-bit DKIM keys

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) customers can now use 2048-bit DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) keys to enhance their email security. DKIM is an email security standard designed to make sure that an email that claims to have come from a specific domain was indeed authorized by the owner of that domain. It uses public-key cryptography to sign an email with a private key. Recipient servers can then use a public key published to a domain's DNS to verify that parts of the email have not been modified during the transit.

  • Amazon ECS Service Discovery Now Available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Today, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) launches integrated service discovery in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • AWS announces AWS Snowcone SSD

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    AWS Snowcone is now available in solid state drives (SSD) with 14TB storage capacity. AWS Snowcone is the smallest AWS Snow Family device equipped to handle edge computing, edge storage, and data transfers. With this launch, AWS Snowcone is now available in both hard disk drive (HDD) and solid state drive (SSD). Snowcone SSD has the same motherboard and industrial design as Snowcone, but Snowcone SSD will enable new data transfer and edge computing use cases that require 1) higher throughput performance 2) stronger vibration resistance operation 3) expanded durability and, 4) increased storage capacity (14TB Snowcone SSD vs. 8TB in Snowcone).

  • Monitoring clock accuracy on AWS Fargate with Amazon ECS

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    You can now monitor the system time accuracy for your Amazon ECS tasks running on AWS Fargate. For time-sensitive workloads running on Fargate, this gives customers the ability to monitor the clock error bound, which is used as a proxy for clock error, to know if the difference between reference time and system time exceeds a threshold. This capability leverages Amazon Time Sync Service to measure clock accuracy and provide the clock error bound for containers.

  • Announcing General Availability of Amplify Geo for AWS Amplify

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Today, we are announcing that Amplify Geo for JavaScript is generally available, following our initial Developer Preview release in August. Amplify Geo enables frontend developers to quickly add location-aware features to their web applications. Extending existing Amplify use case categories like Auth, DataStore and Storage, Amplify Geo includes a set of abstracted client libraries built on top of Amazon Location Service, and includes ready-to-use map UI components based on the popular MapLibre open-source library. Amplify Geo also updates the Amplify Command Line Interface (CLI) tool to make it simple for people who aren’t familiar with AWS to achieve common mapping use cases by provisioning all required cloud services

  • Amazon Redshift launches RA3.xlplus in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Amazon Redshift RA3.xlplus nodes are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Amazon Redshift RA3 instances with managed storage allow you to scale compute and storage independently for fast query performance and lower costs. RA3 is available in three different node types to allow you to balance price and performance depending upon your workload requirements. RA3.xlplus nodes offer one-third compute (4 vCPU) and memory (32 GiB) compared to RA3.4xlarge at one-third of the price. RA3 nodes are built on the AWS Nitro System and feature high bandwidth networking and large high-performance SSDs as local caches.

  • AWS Lambda now supports triggering Lambda functions from an Amazon SQS queue in a different account

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    AWS Lambda now allows customers to trigger functions from Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queues that are in a different AWS account. Previously, customers could trigger Lambda functions from SQS queues in the same account only. Starting today, customers can create Lambda functions in multiple AWS accounts without needing to replicate the event source in each account.

  • AWS Data Exchange now supports automatic exports of third-party data updates

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    AWS Data Exchange subscribers can now use auto-export to automatically copy newly published revisions from their 3rd party data subscriptions to an Amazon S3 bucket of their choice in just a few clicks. With auto-export, subscribers no longer have to manually export new revisions or dedicate engineering resources to build ingestion pipelines that export new revisions as soon as they are published. For data subscribers that manage frequent updates to their file-based 3rd party data, auto-export saves significant time and effort.

  • AWS announces the general availability of AWS Cloud Control API

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    AWS announces the general availability of AWS Cloud Control API, a set of common application programming interfaces (APIs) that is designed to make it easy for developers to manage their cloud infrastructure in a consistent manner and leverage the latest AWS capabilities faster. Using Cloud Control API, developers can manage the lifecycle of hundreds of AWS resources and over a dozen third-party resources with five consistent APIs instead of using distinct service-specific APIs. With this launch, AWS Partner Network (APN) Partners can now automate how their solutions integrate with existing and future AWS features and services through a one-time integration, instead of spending weeks of custom development work as new resources become available. Terraform by HashiCorp and Pulumi have integrated their solutions as part of this launch.

  • AWS IoT Core now makes it optional for customers to send the entire trust chain when provisioning devices using Just-in-Time Provisioning and Just-in-Time Registration

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    You can now provision devices using AWS IoT Core Just-in-Time Provisioning and Just-in-Time Registration features without having to send the entire trust chain on devices’ first connection to IoT Core. Until now, customers were required to configure their devices to present both the registered CA certificate and the client certificate signed by the registered CA certificate as part of the TLS handshake on devices’ first connection to IoT Core. Effective today, AWS IoT core makes it optional for customers to present the CA certificate on devices’ first connection to IoT Core when using Just-in-Time Provisioning and Just-in-Time Registration. This enhancement makes it easy for customers to migrate brownfield devices to AWS IoT Core, example, from customers’ self-managed cloud solutions.

  • AQUA for Amazon Redshift launches in three additional AWS regions

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) for Amazon Redshift is now generally available in three additional AWS regions: Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and US West (N. California).

  • Amazon SageMaker JumpStart introduces new multimodal (long-form text, tabular) financial analysis tools

    Posted On: Sep 30, 2021

    Amazon SageMaker JumpStart helps you quickly and easily get started with machine learning. SageMaker JumpStart provides a set of solutions for the most common use cases that can be deployed readily with just a few clicks and one-click deployment and fine-tuning of popular open source models. Starting today, you can now access a collection of multimodal financial text analysis tools, including example notebooks, text models, and a solution. 

  • Achieve up to 34% better price/performance with AWS Lambda Functions powered by AWS Graviton2 processor

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    AWS Lambda functions powered by next-generation AWS Graviton2 processors are now generally available. Graviton2 functions, using an Arm-based processor architecture, are designed to deliver up to 19% better performance at 20% lower cost for a variety of Serverless workloads, such as web and mobile backends, data, and media processing. With lower latency and better performance, functions powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are ideal for powering mission critical Serverless applications.

  • Announcing general availability of Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL databases as new data sources for federated querying

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    With Amazon Redshift federated query capability, many customers have been able to combine live data from operational databases with the data in Amazon Redshift data warehouse and the data in Amazon S3 data lake environment in order to get unified analytics view across all the data in the enterprise. Now Amazon Redshift federated query support is generally available for Amazon Aurora MySQL and Amazon RDS for MySQL databases in addition to the existing Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL databases.

  • AWS IoT SiteWise is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    AWS IoT SiteWise is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region, extending the footprint to 8 AWS Regions.

  • Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is now Generally Available with support for alert manager and rules

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is now generally available. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a fully managed Prometheus-compatible monitoring service that makes it easy to monitor and alarm on operational metrics at scale. Prometheus is a popular Cloud Native Computing Foundation open-source project for monitoring and alerting that is optimized for container environments.

  • Amazon Redshift announces the next generation of Amazon Redshift Query Editor

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 makes data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse and data lake more accessible with a web-based tool for SQL users such as data analysts, data scientists, and database developers. With Query Editor V2, users can explore, analyze, and collaborate on data. It reduces the operational costs of managing query tools by providing a web-based application that allows you to focus on exploring your data without managing your infrastructure.

  • AWS App Mesh is now available in the AWS China (Beijing) Region and AWS China (Ningxia) Region

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    AWS App Mesh is now available in the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that provides application-level networking to make it easy for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure. AWS App Mesh standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and options to tune for high-availability of your applications.

  • Amazon ECR Public adds the ability to launch containers directly to AWS App Runner

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    Today, Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (Amazon ECR Public) announced the ability to launch containers directly from the ECR Public Gallery to AWS App Runner to quickly test popular web application container images. AWS App Runner is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to quickly deploy web applications and APIs, at scale with no prior infrastructure experience required.

  • AWS IoT Events is available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    AWS IoT Events is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region.

  • AWS Snowcone is now available in the US East (Ohio), US West (San Francisco) and South America (Sao Paulo) regions

    Posted On: Sep 29, 2021

    The AWS Snowcone service is now available for customer orders in the US East (Ohio), US West (San Francisco) and South America (Sao Paulo). With this launch, Snowcone is now available for order in US East (Ohio), US West (San Francisco) and South America (Sao Paulo), AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Sydney), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), US East (N. Virginia), and US West (Oregon) Regions. AWS Snowcone is the smallest member of the AWS Snow Family of edge computing, edge storage, and data transfer devices. Snowcone is portable, rugged, and secure – small and light enough to fit in a backpack, and able to withstand harsh environments. Customers use Snowcone to deploy applications at the edge, and to collect data, process it locally, and move it to AWS either offline (by shipping the device to AWS) or online (by using AWS DataSync on Snowcone to send the data to AWS over the network).

  • Amazon EC2 now offers Global View on the console to view all resources across regions together

    Posted On: Sep 28, 2021

    You can now view your AWS resources such as Instances, VPCs, Subnets, Security Groups, Volumes across AWS Regions. Previously, finding specific resources, monitoring for their status or taking inventory in the console was manual and time consuming. You had to know which region a particular instance resided in, or had to manually switch across multiple different regions to look for it. Global View provides visibility to all your resources in a single pane of glass across AWS regions. It helps monitor resource counts, notice abnormalities sooner rather than later, and find stray resources.

  • AWS Device Farm announces support for testing web apps on Microsoft Edge browser

    Posted On: Sep 28, 2021

    AWS Device Farm’s Desktop Browser Testing feature lets you test your web applications on different versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers. With today’s launch, we are adding support for the Microsoft Edge browser.

  • Amazon Connect Wisdom is now generally available

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021
  • Amazon Connect now offers, in Public Preview, high-volume outbound communications for calls, texts, and emails

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021
  • Amazon Connect Voice ID is now generally available

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Amazon Connect Voice ID is a Machine Learning (ML) powered voice authentication feature for Amazon Connect that makes voice interactions in contact centers more secure and efficient. Historically, contact centers have used a time-consuming knowledge-based authentication process where callers have to answer multiple questions based on personal details, such as social security number or date of birth. Amazon Connect Voice ID analyzes caller's unique voice characteristics using machine learning to verify identity in real-time without changing the natural flow of conversation. This helps improve agent productivity and contact center operating costs. Amazon Connect Voice ID also detects fraudsters in real-time from a custom watch-list for a contact center instance, improving security of contact center operations.

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports Oracle Application Express (APEX) Version 21.1

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for Oracle now supports version 21.1 of Oracle Application Express (APEX) for 12.1, 12.2 and 19c versions of Oracle Database. Using APEX, developers can build applications entirely within their web browser. To learn more about the latest features of APEX 21.1, please refer to Oracle’s blog post.

  • AWS Launch Wizard now supports Microsoft SQL Server Always On deployments on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Following the launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Microsoft SQL Server for Amazon EC2, you can now easily deploy RHEL SQL Server Always On availability groups using AWS Launch Wizard.

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports sqlnet.ora client parameters for the Oracle Native Network Encryption (NNE)option

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports four new customer modifiable sqlnet.ora client parameters for the Oracle Native Network Encryption (NNE) option. Amazon RDS for Oracle already supports server parameters which define encryption properties for incoming sessions. These client parameters apply to outgoing connections such as those used by database links.

  • Introducing AWS WAF Security Automations v3.2

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    The AWS Solutions team recently updated AWS WAF Security Automations, a solution that automatically deploys a set of AWS WAF (web application firewall) rules that filter common web-based attacks. Users can select from preconfigured protective features that define the rules included in an AWS WAF web access control list (web ACL). Once deployed, AWS WAF protects your Amazon CloudFront distributions or Application Load Balancers by inspecting web requests.

  • Amazon Genomics CLI is now Generally Available

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Today, we announced the general availability of Amazon Genomics CLI, an open-source tool for genomics and life science customers to process genomics data at petabyte scale on AWS.

  • Now auto-terminate idle EMR clusters to lower cost

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Amazon EMR is the industry-leading cloud big data platform for processing vast amounts of data using open source tools such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Apache Flink, Apache Hudi, and Presto. Today, we are excited to announce that Amazon EMR now supports auto-terminating idle EMR clusters, a new feature that automatically terminates your EMR cluster if it has been idle, to reduce the cost without the need to manually monitor cluster activity. You can specify the idle timeout value when enabling auto-termination for both existing and new clusters and EMR will automatically terminate the cluster when it has been idle for specified time.

  • AWS Backup simplifies recovery point deletions

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    AWS Backup now makes it easier to delete recovery points that customers no longer need. Customers can use the new asynchronous delete operation from the console, CLI or APIs, to clean up existing recovery points in bulk and manage their backups more cost-effectively.

  • Application Load Balancer now enables AWS PrivateLink and static IP addresses by direct integration with Network Load Balancer

    Posted On: Sep 27, 2021

    Elastic Load Balancing now supports forwarding traffic directly from Network Load Balancer (NLB) to Application Load Balancer (ALB). With this feature, you can now use AWS PrivateLink and expose static IP addresses for applications built on ALB.

  • Amazon QuickSight Q is now generally available

    Posted On: Sep 24, 2021
  • AWS IoT Device Defender now supports Detect alarm verification states

    Posted On: Sep 24, 2021

    With AWS IoT Device Defender, customers can now verify an alarm based on their investigation of detected behavior anomalies. They can verify an alarm as True positive, Benign positive, False positive, or Unknown and provide a description of their verification. Users, such as a security or operational team, can use this to manage alarms and improve response time.

  • Amazon ElastiCache for Redis now supports auto scaling in 17 additional public regions

    Posted On: Sep 24, 2021

    Amazon ElastiCache for Redis auto scaling is now generally available in all public AWS regions excluding AWS GovCloud (US) and AWS China (Beijing and Ningxia) Regions.

  • AWS announces availability of Microsoft Windows Server 2022 images on Amazon EC2

    Posted On: Sep 24, 2021

    AWS customers can now use managed Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with Microsoft Windows Server 2022. With these AMIs, customers can launch Windows Server 2022 and take full advantage of the latest Windows features on AWS. Amazon EC2 makes launching and running Windows Server 2022 easy whether it is for testing and enabling new features in the software, or for scalable adoption of the latest capabilities on compute instances globally.

  • AWS Storage Gateway simplifies tape management for Tape Gateway

    Posted On: Sep 24, 2021

    AWS Storage Gateway now makes it easier and faster for you to search, view, and manage your virtual tapes stored in AWS using Tape Gateway. From the Tapes page in the Storage Gateway management console, you can now quickly search for tapes using common filters such as tape barcode and status. You simply select the desired filter from the drop-down menu and quickly narrow down your search to the relevant set of tapes, saving you time and management overhead. For example, to delete archived tapes exceeding your defined retention period, you can use the Archived filter, select the desired date range, and delete all tapes that match your specified filter in just a few clicks.

  • Now Use Lifecycle Configurations to Customize Amazon SageMaker Studio

    Posted On: Sep 24, 2021

    Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). SageMaker Studio provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all ML development steps required to prepare data, as well as build, train, and deploy models. With a single click, data scientists and ML developers can quickly spin up SageMaker Studio Notebooks for exploring datasets and building models. Now you can use lifecycle configurations to automate customizations for your Studio development environment.

  • AWS WAF now offers in-line regular expressions

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    AWS WAF extends its regular expression (regex) support, allowing regex patterns to be expressed in-line within a rule statement. Previously, you had to create a regex pattern set, which provides a collection of regex patterns in a rule statement, even if you wanted to use just a single regex pattern in your WAF rule logic. With in-line regex, you can now include a single regex pattern directly inside a WAF rule statement, simplifying how WAF rules are expressed within your web ACL.

  • Customers can now manage AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry applications in AWS Systems Manager

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry and AWS Systems Manager Application Manager now provide an end-to-end AWS application management experience. With this release, customers can use AppRegistry to create applications within their infrastructure as code, CI/CD pipelines, and post-provisioning processes, and use Application Manager to view application operational data and perform operational actions. 

  • Amazon Simple Email Service is now available in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is now available in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) AWS Region. Amazon SES is a scalable, cost-effective, and flexible cloud-based email service that allows digital marketers and application developers to send marketing, notification, and transactional emails from within any application. To learn more about Amazon SES, visit this page.

  • Amazon ElastiCache now supports M6g and R6g Graviton2-based instances in additional regions

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    Amazon ElastiCache for Redis and Memcached now supports Graviton2 M6g and R6g instance families in additional regions: South America (Sao Paulo), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Seoul), Europe (London, Stockholm), North America (Montreal), US East (GovCloud US East), US West (GovCloud US West), and mainland China (Ningxia, Beijing). Customers choose Amazon ElastiCache for workloads that require blazing-fast performance with sub-millisecond latency and high throughput. Now, with Graviton2 M6g and R6g instances, customers can enjoy up to a 45% price/performance improvement over previous generation instances. Graviton2 instances are now the default choice for Amazon ElastiCache customers.

  • AQUA is now available for Amazon Redshift RA3.xlplus nodes

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) for Amazon Redshift is now generally available for Amazon Redshift RA3.xlplus nodes.

  • Announcing General Availability of Tracing Support in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    Today, we are announcing the general availability of AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) for tracing, a secure, production-ready, AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry project. With this launch, customers can use OpenTelemetry APIs and SDKs in Java, .Net, Python, Go, and JavaScript to collect and send traces to AWS X-Ray and monitoring destinations supported by the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP).

  • Amazon Macie adds support for selecting managed data identifiers

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    Amazon Macie now allows you to select which managed data identifiers to use when you create a sensitive data discovery job. This allows you to customize what data types you deem sensitive and would like Macie to alert on per specific data governance and privacy needs in your organization. When you create a job, choose from the growing list of managed data identifiers such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial information, or credential materials that you would like to target for each sensitive data discovery job you configure and run with Macie.

  • Amazon Connect Customer Profiles adds product purchase history to personalize customer interactions

    Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

    Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now supports out-of-the-box integration with product purchase history from Salesforce. When a customer calls or messages a contact center for service, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles equips contact center agents with the customer information they need to deliver personalized customer service and resolve issues quickly. Customer Profiles helps make it simple to bring together customer information (e.g., name, address, phone number, contact history, purchase history, open issues) from multiple applications into a unified customer profile, delivering the profile directly to the agent as soon as they begin interacting with the customer. If an agent wants to understand previous interactions to service a customer, they can visit Contact Trace Record (CTR) details page by clicking “CTR Details” to review information such as call categorization, call sentiments and transcripts. Customer Profiles can be used out of the box by agents or embedded in your existing agent application.

  • Amazon ECR adds the ability to replicate individual repositories to other regions and accounts

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    Today, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) launched the ability to replicate specific repositories to accounts or regions, and see when images were replicated through the ECR API. This gives you granular control to replicate images within repositories you want, instead of replicating all images in a registry, and the ability to automate actions through the new DescribeImageReplicationStatus API whenever images are replicated.

  • AWS Ground Station announces Licensing Accelerator

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    AWS is announcing Licensing Accelerator, a new AWS Ground Station feature which provides commercial businesses, space start-ups, and universities access to resources to help them more efficiently secure spectrum licenses required for their operations and missions. Licensing accelerator is free-of-charge to AWS Ground Station customers. AWS Ground Station is a fully managed service that lets customers control satellite communications, process satellite data, and scale their satellite operations. With Licensing Accelerator, AWS Ground Station customers can launch and scale their spacecraft operations faster by leveraging the latest, centrally located information about satellite licensing regulations such as space station licensing, remote sensing licenses, and International Telecommunications Union (ITU) coordination.

  • AWS Single Sign-On is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    AWS Single Sign-On is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region. For a full list of the regions where AWS SSO is available, see the AWS Regional Services List.

  • Amazon Lex is now available in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Africa (Cape Town) regions

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    Starting today, Amazon Lex  is available in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Africa (Cape Town) regions. Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. Amazon Lex combines advanced deep learning functionalities of automatic speech recognition (ASR) for converting speech to text, and natural language understanding (NLU) to recognize the intent of the text. This enables you to build applications with engaging users experiences and lifelike interactions. With Amazon Lex, you can easily create sophisticated, natural language, conversational bots (“chatbots”), virtual agents and IVR systems.

  • Amazon DynamoDB now provides you more granular control of audit logging by enabling you to filter Streams data-plane API activity in AWS CloudTrail

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    You now can use AWS CloudTrail to filter and retrieve Amazon DynamoDB Streams data-plane API activity, giving you more granular control over which DynamoDB API calls you want to selectively log and pay for in CloudTrail and to help address compliance and auditing requirements.

  • Amazon Lex announces utterances statistics for bots built using Lex V2 console and API

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. Starting today, Amazon Lex makes utterances statistics available through the Amazon Lex V2 console and API. You can now use utterances statistics to tune bots built on Lex V2 console and APIs to further improve conversational experience for your users. With this launch, you can view and analyze utterance information processed by the bot. This information can be used to improve performance of your bot by adding new utterances to existing intents and helping you discover new intents that can be serviced by the bot. Utterances statistics also enable you to compare performance across multiple versions of a bot. 

  • Amazon EC2 Fleet instant mode now supports targeted Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    Starting today, you can use EC2 Fleet with targeted On-Demand Capacity Reservations. On-Demand Capacity Reservations enable you to reserve compute capacity for your Amazon EC2 instances in a specific Availability Zone for any duration. For targeted Capacity Reservations, instances must specifically target the Capacity Reservation to run in the reserved capacity. Until now, there was no option to use targeted Capacity Reservations when launching an EC2 Fleet.

  • AWS IoT Device Defender announces Audit One-Click

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    Today we are launching Audit One-Click for AWS IoT Device Defender. Audit One-Click makes it easy for AWS IoT Core customers to improve their security baseline by making it possible to start auditing their account and IoT devices against security best practices with a single click.

  • Amazon EMR Studio now supports multi-language Jupyter-based notebooks for Spark workloads

    Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

    EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easy for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug big data and analytics applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. Today, we are excited to announce that from EMR 6.4.0 and later, you can use Python, Scala, SparkSQL, and R within the same Jupyter notebook in EMR Studio, providing flexibility to use different programming languages for Spark workloads.

  • AWS Site-to-Site VPN releases updated Download Configuration utility

    Posted On: Sep 21, 2021

    Today, AWS Site-to-Site VPN released an updated Download Configuration utility. Customers can now generate configuration templates for compatible Customer Gateway (CGW) devices, simplifying how customers setup VPN connections to AWS.

  • Optimize your Amazon Forecast model with the accuracy metric of your choice

    Posted On: Sep 21, 2021

    We’re excited to announce that in Amazon Forecast, you can now select the accuracy metric of your choice to direct AutoML to optimize training a predictor for the selected accuracy metric. Additionally, we have added three more accuracy metrics to evaluate your predictor – average weighted quantile loss (Average wQL), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and mean absolute scaled error (MASE).

  • Amazon SageMaker Autopilot now generates additional metrics for classification problems

    Posted On: Sep 21, 2021

    Amazon SageMaker Autopilot automatically builds, trains, and tunes the best machine learning models based on your data, while allowing you to maintain full control and visibility. Starting today, SageMaker Autopilot generates additional metrics, along with the objective metric, for all model candidates. For binary classification problems, Autopilot now generates F1 score (harmonic mean of the precision and recall), accuracy, and AUC (area under the curve) for all model candidates. For multi-class classification, Autopilot now generates both F1 macro and accuracy for all model candidates. As previously supported, you can select any of these metrics as the objective metric to be optimized by your Autopilot experiment. By viewing additional metrics along with the objective metric, you can now quickly assess and compare multiple candidates to build a model that best meets your needs.

  • Amazon Comprehend announces model management and evaluation enhancements

    Posted On: Sep 21, 2021

    Amazon Comprehend has launched a suite of features for Comprehend Custom to enable continuous model improvements by giving developers the ability to create new model versions, to continuously test on specific test sets, and to migrate new models to existing endpoints. Using AutoML, custom entity recognition allows you to customize Amazon Comprehend to identify entities that are specific to your domain; custom classification enables you to easily build custom text classification models using your business-specific labels. Custom models can subsequently be used to perform inference on text documents, both in real-time and batch processing modes. Creating a custom model is simple - no machine learning experience required. Below is a detailed description of these features:

  • SageMaker Studio enables interactive Spark based data processing from Studio Notebooks

    Posted On: Sep 21, 2021

    Amazon SageMaker announces a new set of capabilities that will enable interactive Spark based data processing from SageMaker Studio Notebooks. Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). SageMaker Studio provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all ML development steps required to prepare data, as well as build, train, and deploy models. With a single click, data scientists and developers can quickly spin up Studio Notebooks to interactively explore datasets and build ML models.

  • AWS Amplify CLI and Admin UI is now generally available in US West (N. California), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), South America (São Paulo), and Middle East (Bahrain)

    Posted On: Sep 21, 2021

    AWS Amplify offers a fully managed static web hosting service that accelerates your application release cycle by providing a simple CI/CD workflow for building and deploying full-stack static web applications. Simply connect your application's code repository in the console, and changes to your frontend and backend are deployed in a single workflow on every code commit.

  • AWS announces General Availability of the Amazon GameLift Plug-in and AWS CloudFormation Templates for Unity

    Posted On: Sep 20, 2021

    Today, we are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of the Amazon GameLift Plug-in for Unity, making it easier to access GameLift resources and integrate GameLift into your Unity game. Trusted by some of the most successful game companies in the world like Ubisoft and Gungho, GameLift deploys, operates, and scales dedicated servers for multiplayer games. With this update, game developers can use the GameLift Plug-in for Unity to access GameLift APIs and deploy AWS CloudFormation templates for common gaming scenarios.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports Dynamic Instance Type Selection

    Posted On: Sep 20, 2021

    AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports dynamic instance type selection for Elastic Beanstalk’s environments. This means Elastic Beanstalk will automatically fetch all EC2 instance types based on region and availability zone for you to run a variety of applications. With dynamic instance type, you can choose the best suited instance type to optimize your application’s performance. For example, if you have machine learning applications, you can optimize performance by selecting an accelerated computing instance type such as p3, or p4d. On the Elastic Beanstalk console, you can navigate to the ‘Capacity’ tab in ‘Configure more options’ to select the instance type.

  • Amazon Detective supports S3 and DNS finding types, adds finding details

    Posted On: Sep 20, 2021

    Amazon Detective expands security investigation support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and DNS-related findings on Amazon GuardDuty, providing full coverage of all detections from GuardDuty. Along with this, Detective now makes it even easier for a security analyst to investigate entities and behaviors using a revamped user experience. 

  • Amazon Redshift Cross-Account Data Sharing is now generally available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Sep 20, 2021

    Amazon Redshift data sharing allows you to share live and transactionally consistent data across different Redshift clusters without the complexity and delays associated with data copies and data movement. Ability to share data across clusters that are in the same AWS account is already available in AWS GovCloud(US) Regions. Now sharing data across Redshift clusters in different AWS accounts is also generally available in AWS GovCloud(US) Regions. Cross-account data sharing is supported on all Amazon Redshift RA3 node types. There is no additional cost to use cross-account sharing on your Amazon Redshift clusters. 

  • Now authenticate Amazon EMR Studio users using IAM-based authentication or IAM Federation, in addition to AWS Single Sign-On

    Posted On: Sep 20, 2021

    Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easy for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug data engineering and data science applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. Today, we are introducing additional authentication options with EMR Studio. Before this release, to login to EMR Studio, you needed to integrate your identity provider (IdP) with AWS Single Sign-on (AWS SSO). With this release, you can now choose to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication or use IAM federation with your corporate credentials to login to EMR Studio, in addition to using AWS SSO.

  • Amazon Connect Chat now supports passing a customer display name and contact attributes through the chat user interface

    Posted On: Sep 20, 2021

    Amazon Connect Chat now supports passing a customer display name and contact attributes through the chat user interface so you can personalize the chat customer experience. Contact attributes include relevant metadata associated with the contact such as customer ID, loyalty status, or even context about the webpage the customer was on when they started the chat. Contact attributes are available in Amazon Connect flows, making it easy to create unique and compelling customer experiences, such as prioritizing a platinum level customer or performing an agent screen pop with the relevant customer information displayed. In addition, you can also share the customer name using the chat user interface, ensuring that the name is visible to both the agent and customer throughout the interaction, enabling your agents to personalize the conversation.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches Dataset-as-a-Source

    Posted On: Sep 17, 2021

    Amazon QuickSight announced Dataset-as-a-Source, a new feature that saves customers time and improves data governance. Dataset-as-a-Source allows users to create a new dataset using one or more existing datasets as input, and combine it with brand new data sources, such as other databases, CSV files, and apps like Twitter. Curators can create central datasets that Authors can reuse to create their own. Curators can control the definitions of business metrics in the central datasets, and Authors save time by getting a starting point to create new datasets themselves. If the dataset’s definition needs to be updated, Curators can make changes to the central datasets and dependent datasets get automatically updated. Dataset-as-a-Source can be used to combine datasets with Direct Query, SPICE, or a combination of the two. To learn more, visit here.

  • Amazon MSK now supports running multiple authentication modes and updates to TLS encryption settings

    Posted On: Sep 17, 2021

    Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) now supports the simultaneous use of multiple authentication modes and updates to encryption-in-transit settings for Amazon MSK clusters. These features allow you to migrate your clients seamlessly from one authentication mode to another and update encryption settings to match those changes. 

  • Amazon CloudWatch request metrics for Amazon S3 Access Points now available

    Posted On: Sep 17, 2021

    Amazon S3 Access Points customers can now configure Amazon CloudWatch request metrics. With this launch, S3 request metrics can now be generated for all objects in a bucket, or you can generate metrics for specific combinations of prefix, object tags, or access points. With S3 Access Points, you can easily build the right access controls to shared dataset and now with the support of filtering by access points, you can monitor the request patterns by access controls. You can use the S3 Management Console, SDK, API, or AWS CloudFormation to enable S3 request metrics. The metrics are available at 1-minute intervals and can be monitored on both the Amazon S3 Console or on Amazon CloudWatch Console.

  • AWS RoboMaker now supports container images in simulation

    Posted On: Sep 17, 2021

    AWS RoboMaker, a service that allows customers to simulate robotics applications at cloud scale, now supports container images. This feature enables customers to use the container tools that they are already familiar with to build and package their code for running simulations in RoboMaker.  

  • AWS CodeCommit is Now Available in the Africa (Cape Town) Region

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    AWS CodeCommit is now available in the Africa (Cape Town) region. AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories. CodeCommit eliminates the need for you to manage your own source control system or worry about scaling its infrastructure. You can use CodeCommit to store anything from code to binaries. It supports the standard functionality of Git, so it works seamlessly with your existing Git-based tools.

  • AWS IQ now supports AWS Certified experts and consulting firms located in the UK & France

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    AWS IQ now supports AWS Certified experts and consulting firms located in the UK & France. Quickly find, engage, & get help from experts and consulting firms in UK and France for on-demand work.

  • Announcing Amazon MSK Connect: Run serverless, scalable Kafka Connect clusters in Amazon MSK

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Amazon MSK Connect is now available, enabling you to run fully managed Kafka Connect clusters with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). With a few clicks, MSK Connect allows you to easily deploy, monitor, and scale connectors that move data in and out of Apache Kafka and Amazon MSK clusters from external systems such as databases, file systems, and search indices. MSK Connect eliminates the need to provision and maintain cluster infrastructure. Connectors scale automatically in response to increases in usage and you pay only for the resources you use. With full compatibility with Kafka Connect, it is easy to migrate workloads without code changes. MSK Connect will support both Amazon MSK-managed and self-managed Apache Kafka clusters.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights adds account application auto-discovery and new health dashboard

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Setting up monitoring and managing the health of your business applications is now even easier with the ability to discover the applications and resources in your account even without a Resource Group, automatically set up monitoring for them and see their health at a glance in a summary health dashboard presented when you complete setup or open CloudWatch Application Insights. CloudWatch Application Insights is a service that helps customers easily setup monitoring and troubleshoot their enterprise applications running on AWS resources. The new feature makes setting up monitoring for all the resources in your account a truly one step process.

  • Amazon Corretto 17 is now generally available

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Amazon Corretto 17 is now generally available. This version supports the latest Java feature release JDK 17 and is available on Linux, Windows, and macOS. You can download Corretto 17 from the downloads page

  • Announcing Build on AWS for Startups

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces the general availability of Build on AWS, a new offering from AWS Activate designed to help startups build their infrastructure on AWS in minutes. Build on AWS is a collection of infrastructure templates and reference architectures covering a wide variety of solutions curated specifically for startups. These solutions are built by experts at AWS and based on AWS best practices. This enables startups to focus on building their core product knowing they’re using AWS best practices for their underlying cloud infrastructure. With the launch of Build on AWS, we’ve simplified the first steps of launching scalable, reliable, secure, and optimized infrastructure tailored to startups’ industry or use case.

  • Amazon RDS now supports T4g instances for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL databases.

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g database (DB) instances for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL  databases. T4g DB instances offer up to 36% better price performance over comparable current generation x86-based T3 DB instances depending on the workload characteristics.

  • Amazon RDS now supports R5b instances for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports R5b database (DB) instances for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. R5b DB instances support up to 3x the I/O operations per second (IOPS) and 3x the bandwidth on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) compared to the latest x86-based memory-optimized DB instances (R5) available in Amazon RDS for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. R5b DB instances are a great choice for IO-intensive DB workloads.

  • AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow supports AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Starting today, customers can view their registered applications on AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry in their ServiceNow CMDB leveraging the AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow. Organizations are creating, migrating, and managing applications on AWS that are associated with multiple AWS resources. Customers define applications within AppRegistry by providing a name, description, and associations to the AWS CloudFormation stacks and application metadata that constitute their application. With this integration, customers can view AWS applications in their ServiceNow system of record and operational tooling. Customers can then relate ITSM process such as change requests, incidents/problem at the Application level in ServiceNow. This will allow for streamlined impact analysis and operational investigation of AWS applications.

  • Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Now Available in Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Today, we are pleased to announced that the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall is now generally available in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. The Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall is a managed firewall that allows customers to block DNS queries made for known malicious domains and to allow queries for trusted domains.

  • Amazon RDS now supports X2g instances for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL databases.

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports AWS Graviton2-based X2g database (DB) instances for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL databases. X2g DB instances offer double the memory per vCPU compared to R6g/R5 instances and the lowest cost per GiB of memory in Amazon RDS for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL databases. The X2g.16xl DB instance has 33% more memory than previously available in Amazon RDS DB instances for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL databases and is a great choice for memory-intensive DB workloads.

  • Amazon SageMaker now supports inference endpoint testing from SageMaker Studio

    Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

    You can now get real-time inference results from your models hosted by Amazon SageMaker directly from Amazon SageMaker Studio.

  • Extract custom entities from documents in their native format with Amazon Comprehend

    Posted On: Sep 15, 2021

    Amazon Comprehend, a natural-language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to uncover information in text, now allows you to extract custom entities from documents in a variety of formats (PDF, Word, plain text) and layouts (e.g., bullets, lists). This enables you to more easily extract insights and further automate your document processing workflows.

  • AWS Lake Formation is now available in Asia Pacific (Osaka)

    Posted On: Sep 15, 2021

    You can now use AWS Lake Formation in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) AWS region.

  • Amazon Timestream is now in scope for AWS SOC Reports

    Posted On: Sep 15, 2021

    You can now use Amazon Timestream in applications that are subject to System and Organization Control (SOC) compliance. Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, secure, and purpose-built time series database for application monitoring, IoT, and real-time analytics workloads that can scale to process trillions of time series events per day.

  • Announcing Amazon Redshift RSQL, a command line client for interacting with Amazon Redshift clusters and databases

    Posted On: Sep 15, 2021

    Amazon Redshift, a fully-managed cloud data warehouse, announces availability of Amazon Redshift RSQL, a command line client for interacting with Amazon Redshift clusters and databases. With Amazon Redshift RSQL, you connect to an Amazon Redshift cluster, describe database objects, query data, and view query results in various output formats.

  • Amazon EC2 T3 instances are now supported on EC2 Dedicated Hosts in multiple AWS Regions

    Posted On: Sep 14, 2021

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces the general availability of the Amazon EC2 T3 instances on EC2 Dedicated Hosts, designed to provide the most cost-efficient way for customers to run their eligible Bring Your Own Licenses (BYOL) software on AWS. With T3 Dedicated Hosts, customers can run up to 4 times more instances per host than comparable EC2 general purpose Dedicated Hosts, and reduce their infrastructure footprint and license costs by up to 70%. T3 Dedicated Hosts are best suited for running BYOL software with low-to-moderate CPU utilization and eligible per-socket, per-core or per-VM software licenses including Microsoft Windows Desktop, Windows Server and SQL Server, and Oracle Database.

  • Amazon Transcribe now supports redaction of personal identifiable information (PII) for streaming transcriptions

    Posted On: Sep 14, 2021

    Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition service that you can use to add speech-to-text capability to your applications. Starting today, you can utilize Amazon Transcribe to automatically remove personal identifiable information (PII) from your streaming transcription results. Amazon Transcribe uses state-of-the-art machine learning technology to help identify sensitive information such as Social Security number, credit card/bank account information, and contact information (i.e. name, email address, phone number and mailing address). With this feature, companies can provide their contact center agents with valuable transcripts for on-going conversation while maintaining privacy standards. These transcripts can then be used to help supervisors extract real-time insights and identify calls that require attention.

  • Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer enhances security findings generated by GitHub Action by adding severity fields and CWE tags

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    Today, we are announcing the enhancement of security findings generated by CodeGuru Reviewer’s GitHub action by adding severity fields and CWE (Common Weakness Enumerations) tags. Customers can use these new features to sort, filter, and prioritize their backlog of security vulnerabilities within GitHub’s user interface.

  • AWS Firewall Manager now supports AWS WAF rate-based rules

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    AWS Firewall Manager now enables customers to centrally deploy AWS WAF rate-based rules across accounts in their organization. An AWS WAF rate-based rule allows customers to track the rate of requests for each originating IP address and trigger a rule action on IPs once it goes over the limit. With this launch, security administrators on AWS Firewall Manager can now deploy rate-based rules across accounts, mandating request limits per account, using Firewall Manager security policy for AWS WAF.

  • AWS CodeBuild now supports a small ARM machine type

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    AWS CodeBuild’s support for Arm-based workloads now run on an additional AWS Graviton2 machine type suited for less-resource intensive workloads.

  • Amazon SES now supports emails with a message size of up to 40MB

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) customers can now request a limit increase to send and receive emails with a message size of up to 40MB.

  • Announcing general availability of Amazon EC2 VT1 instances - the first EC2 instance optimized for video transcoding

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces the general availability of Amazon EC2 VT1 instances powered by Xilinx® Alveo™ U30 media accelerators for video transcoding. VT1 instances are AWS’s first EC2 instances that feature hardware acceleration for video transcoding and are optimized for workloads such as live broadcast, video conferencing, and just-in-time transcoding. These instances deliver up to 30% lower cost per stream than Amazon EC2 G4dn GPU-based instances and up to 60% lower cost per stream than Amazon EC2 C5 CPU-based instances.

  • Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds support for 8 languages

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    Contact Lens for Amazon Connect has now launched both post-call and real-time analytics support for 3 new languages, Korean (South Korea), Japanese (Japan), and Mandarin (Mainland China). In addition, 5 languages, French (Canada), French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), German (Germany), and Italian (Italy), that were already supported for post-call analysis, are now also supported for real-time analytics. With this launch, Contact Lens now supports 21 languages for post-call analytics and 12 languages for both post-call and real-time analytics.

  • AWS Health Aware (AHA) is now available for Organizational and Personal AWS Accounts to customize Health Alerts

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    AWS Health Aware or AHA, is an incident management & communication framework to ingest proactive and real-time alerts from AWS Health to a customer’s preferred communication channels. Customers using AWS Organizations can get aggregated active account level alerts from impacted accounts across their organization. Alerts can be configured to endpoint(s) such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Amazon Chime and Email Alerts. AHA can also be integrated with a broad range of other endpoints during configuration. These alerts are targeted to give customers event visibility and guidance to help quickly diagnose and resolve issues that are impacting our customer’s applications or workloads.

  • Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 supports configurable autoscaling timeout

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 now supports setting timeout for autoscaling. Based on your application’s needs, you can specify a timeout between 1 and 10 minutes with a default value of 5 minutes. Aurora Serverless v1 looks for a period of no activity to initiate a scaling operation. If the timeout period is reached without such a point, you can stay at the current capacity or force the capacity change. Learn more about autoscaling in the Aurora Serverless v1 documentation. To set the timeout, visit the AWS Management Console or use the latest AWS SDK or CLI.

  • Amazon Connect adds near real-time insights into voice call, chat, and task activity in the Canada (Central) region

    Posted On: Sep 13, 2021

    Amazon Connect now allows customers to subscribe to a near real-time stream of contact (voice calls, chat, and task) events (e.g., call is queued) in your Amazon Connect contact center in the Canada (Central) region. These events include when a voice call, chat, or task is initiated, queued to be assigned to an agent, connected to an agent, transferred to another agent or queue, and disconnected. Contact events can be used to create analytics dashboards to monitor and track contact activity, integrate into workforce management (WFM) solutions to better understand contact center performance, or to integrate applications that react to events (e.g., call disconnected) in real-time. Amazon Connect contact events are published via Amazon EventBridge, and can be set up in a couple of clicks by going to the Amazon EventBridge AWS console and creating a new rule.

  • Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g instances

    Posted On: Sep 10, 2021

    Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g database instances. Graviton2 T4g database instances deliver a performance improvement of up to 49% over comparable current generation x86-based database instances. You can launch these database instances when using Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition

  • AWS ParallelCluster now supports cluster management through Amazon API Gateway

    Posted On: Sep 10, 2021

    Amazon ParallelCluster is a fully supported and maintained open source cluster management tool that makes it easier for scientists, researchers, and IT administrators to deploy and manage high performance computing (HPC) clusters on Amazon Web Services. HPC clusters are traditionally collections of tightly coupled compute, storage, and networking resources that enable customers to run large scale scientific and engineering workloads.

  • Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based X2g instances

    Posted On: Sep 10, 2021

    Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based X2g database instances. Customers can now get double the memory per vCPU compared to R6g instances. X2g instances provide the highest memory per vCPU at the lowest cost per GiB of memory for Amazon Aurora. X2g instances are available when using both Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.

  • Amazon EC2 D3 instances with dense local HDD storage now available in India (Mumbai) Region

    Posted On: Sep 10, 2021

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 D3 instances, the latest generation of the dense HDD-storage instances, are available in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region.

  • AWS Amplify announces command hooks to execute custom scripts when running Amplify CLI commands

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    With today’s launch, customers can execute custom scripts before, during, and after Amplify CLI commands (“amplify push”, “amplify api gql-compile”, and more). This allows you to extend Amplify’s best-practice defaults to meet your organization’s specific security guidelines and operational requirements. AWS Amplify CLI is a command line toolchain that helps frontend web and mobile developers create cloud backends and connect them to their app for common use cases. To create a command hook, customers place their bash shell scripts into the “amplify/hooks" folder with the associated Amplify CLI command as the script file name, such as "post-push.sh" or "pre-add-function.sh”. Command hooks support bash scripts by-default but customers can extend it with their preferred scripting runtime.

  • Amazon EC2 announces increases for instance network bandwidth

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Amazon EC2 now offers increased instance bandwidth from AWS region to traffic destined towards Internet Gateway, Direct Connect and between regions for the current generation of instances.

  • Amazon Braket introduces verbatim compilation for quantum circuits

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Amazon Braket, the AWS quantum computing service, now offers greater control over how quantum circuits are executed on quantum computers. With the new verbatim compilation feature, customers can now specify their circuits to run exactly as defined without any modification during the compilation process.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights and AWS Systems Manager Application Manager combine to offer an integrated application management experience

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Manage and monitor your applications on AWS seamlessly and easily with new service integrations for AWS Systems Manager Application Manager and CloudWatch Application Insights. AWS Systems Manager Application Manager is a service in AWS Systems Manager which brings together operations information from multiple AWS services so customers can investigate and remediate issues. CloudWatch Application Insights is a service that helps customers easily setup monitoring and troubleshoot their enterprise applications running on AWS resources. Together, the two services provide a combined view of your application health and an ability to dive deep into problems to quickly resolve issues.

  • Amazon EC2 Hibernation adds support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, CentOS 8, and Fedora 34

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Amazon EC2 now supports Hibernation for On-Demand Nitro-based instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 8, CentOS version 8, and Fedora version 34 onwards. Hibernation allows you to pause your EC2 Instances and resume them at a later time, rather than fully terminating and restarting them. Resuming your instance lets your applications continue from where they left off so that you don’t have to restart your OS and application from scratch. Hibernation is useful for cases where rebuilding application state is time-consuming (e.g., developer desktops) or an application’s start-up steps can be prepared in advance of a scale-out.

  • Amazon Lex launches support for Korean

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    We are delighted to announce that Amazon Lex now supports Korean. Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. Amazon Lex provides deep learning powered automatic speech recognition (ASR) for converting speech to text and natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities to recognize the intent of the text, enabling you to build applications with lifelike conversational interactions. Now you can deliver a robust and localized conversational experience that understands Korean. You can also respond to users with natural sounding Amazon Polly Korean voices and provide a fully localized, voice experience.

  • Ability to customize reverse DNS for Elastic IP addresses now available in additional regions for Virtual Private Cloud customers

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Starting today, the ability to customize reverse DNS for Elastic IP addresses for Virtual Private Clouds (VPC) is available in 16 additional regions. These AWS Regions are US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California, Oregon), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris, Stockholm), Middle East (Bahrain), and South America (São Paulo). With today’s launch, this feature is available in all commercial regions.

  • AWS announces enhancements to the AWS Marketplace Consulting Partner Private Offer self-service experience.

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Today, AWS Marketplace announced a new feature the enables Consulting Partners the ability to easily view and create offers from Independent Software Vendors' (ISV) resell authorization opportunities in the AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP). With this launch, Consulting Partners can now review all resell Opportunities ISVs have granted them, and quickly create a Consulting Partner Private Offer (CPPO) from the Opportunity. A CPPO allows customers to purchase software solutions in AWS Marketplace directly from Consulting Partners with custom terms and pricing not publicly available. With the improved transparency of resell opportunities and streamlined private offer creation process, Consulting Partners can reduce operational load while accelerating deal delivery.

  • AWS Cloud Map now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    AWS Cloud Map is now available in both AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • Amazon EC2 I3en Instances are Now Available in AWS Regions in the Middle East (Bahrain), South Africa (Cape Town), and Europe (Milan)

    Posted On: Sep 9, 2021

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 I3en Instances are Now Available in Amazon Web Services regions in the Middle East (Bahrain), South Africa (Cape Town), and Europe (Milan). I3en instances offer up to 60 TB of low latency NVMe SSD instance storage and up to 50% lower cost per GB over I3 instances.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports Data Streams with OpenSearch 1.0 to simplify management of time-series data

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports data streams to help simplify management of time-series data such as logs, metrics, and traces. Data streams abstract the underlying indexes required for your time-series data, the rollover process, and the optimizations required to efficiently manage and query time-based data, reducing operational overhead. You can move your older rolled-over indexes that are part of a data stream to UltraWarm and beyond that to cold storage, helping you retain data for longer, cost-effectively.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports Index Transforms

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports index transforms that enables customers to extract significant information from large data sets and store summarized views in new indices. Customers can derive new insights, further analyze, and visualize trends from the new summary index.

  • Amazon EKS Connector is now in public preview

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) now allows you to connect any conformant Kubernetes cluster to AWS and visualize it in the Amazon EKS console. You can connect any conformant Kubernetes cluster, including Amazon EKS Anywhere clusters running on-premises, self-managed clusters on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), and other Kubernetes clusters running outside of AWS. Regardless where your cluster is running, you can use the Amazon EKS console to view all connected clusters and the Kubernetes resources running on them.

  • AWS Managed Services (AMS) now offers a catalog of operational offerings with Operations on Demand

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    AWS Managed Services (AMS) is excited to announce Operations on Demand, a flexible and scalable option to gain access to additional skilled AMS operations capacity, skills, and experience. Operations on Demand gives customers access to a full range of operational capabilities above and beyond the extensive scope provided by AMS Operations Plans. Customers choose from a curated and continually expanding catalog of operational offerings which are delivered by a combination of automation and highly skilled AMS resources. The catalog includes a mix of short-term and ongoing operational use cases and can be used to supplement your existing operations or fill a knowledge or capacity gap. Examples of catalog offerings include assisting with the maintenance of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), operations of AWS Control Tower, management of SAP clusters, and performing in-place upgrades of instances running out-of-support operating systems. Customers pay for what they use in blocks of hours, and can unsubscribe from a catalog offering at any time. Please see our public documentation for a listing of current catalog offerings. The Operations on Demand feature is available for both the AMS Advanced and Accelerate Operations Plans in all regions where AMS is available.

  • AWS CDK releases v1.117.0 - v1.120.0 with improved support for Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Cognito, and more

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    During August, 2021, 4 new versions of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python, .NET and Go were released (v1.117.0 through v1.120.0). These releases include multiple additions to the Kinesis Firehose Construct Library, including compression and prefixes on S3 delivery stream destinations, delivery stream metrics, S3 source backups, AWS Lambda-based data processors and more. Additionally, CloudFront Construct Library now supports Origin Shield, CloudWatch supports defining alarms across AWS accounts, and Cognito User Pools support Device Tracking. These releases resolve 28 issues and introduce 37 new features that span 30 different modules across the library. Many of these changes were contributed by the developer community.

  • OpenSearch Dashboards Notebooks, a new visual reporting feature, now available on Amazon OpenSearch Service

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports OpenSearch Dashboards Notebooks, a new feature that enables OpenSearch users to interactively and collaboratively develop rich reports backed by live data and queries. A notebook is a document made up of cells or paragraphs that can combine markdown, SQL and Piped Processing Language (PPL) queries, and visualizations with support for multi-timelines so that users can easily tell a story. Notebooks can be developed, shared as an OpenSearch Dashboards link, PDF or PNG, and refreshed directly from OpenSearch Dashboards to foster data driven exploration and collaboration among OpenSearch users and their stakeholders. Common use cases for notebooks includes creating postmortem reports, designing run books, building live infrastructure reports, or even documentation.

  • AWS Marketplace launches aliases for all single AMI products

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Today, AWS announced that customers can use aliases to refer to Amazon Machine Images (AMI) purchased from AWS Marketplace. AMI aliases are unique identifiers that be used instead of an AMI ID in deployment scripts. Starting today, aliases are available for all single AMI products on AWS Marketplace. This simplifies launching new AMIs as customers don’t have to change AMI IDs for each region every time there is a version update. Customers can rather use a single alias that will auto-resolve to current AWS region. Additionally, customers can always refer to the latest version by using the ‘latest’ alias for a given AMI product. This will automate deployment pipelines and reduce the manual steps required to upgrade to a new version of AMI purchased from AWS Marketplace.

  • Amazon MQ now supports RabbitMQ version 3.8.22

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    You can now launch RabbitMQ 3.8.22 brokers on Amazon MQ. This release includes a fix for an issue with queues using per-message TTL (time to live), identified in the previously supported version, RabbitMQ 3.8.17, and we recommend upgrading to RabbitMQ 3.8.22.

  • Announcing the General Availability of AWS Local Zones in Chicago, Kansas City, and Minneapolis

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Today we are announcing the general availability of AWS Local Zones in Chicago, Kansas City, and Minneapolis. Customers can now use these new Local Zones to deliver applications that require single-digit millisecond latency to end-users or for on-premises installations in these three metro areas.

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Anywhere is now generally available

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Anywhere, a new deployment option for Amazon EKS that allows customers to create and operate Kubernetes clusters on customer-managed infrastructure, supported by AWS. Customers can now run Amazon EKS Anywhere on their own on-premises infrastructure using VMware vSphere starting today, with support for other deployment targets in the near future, including support for bare metal coming in 2022.

  • AWS Launch Wizard now supports SAP deployment from accounts using AWS Managed Services

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    AWS Managed Services (AMS) now allows customers to deploy SAP HANA-based workloads using AWS Launch Wizard

  • AWS Firewall Manager Automations for AWS Organizations v1.1 is now available

    Posted On: Sep 8, 2021

    The AWS Firewall Manager Automations for AWS Organizations solution allows you to centrally configure, manage, and audit firewall rules across all your accounts and resources in AWS Organizations. This solution is a reference implementation to automate the process to setup AWS Firewall Manager security policies. This solution supersedes AWS Centralized WAF and VPC Security Group Management solution.

  • Support for multi-key encryption now available with AWS Elemental MediaPackage and SPEKE v2.0

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    AWS Elemental MediaPackage now supports version 2.0 of the Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) API. SPEKE v2 makes it possible to use native Content Protection Information Exchange Format (CPIX) 2.3 documents which allows for the use of multiple encryption keys for different media tracks. With MediaPackage and SPEKE v2 you can now use two keys, one for audio tracks and one for video tracks with live DASH and CMAF streams, with support for more complex encryption models for content protection requirements to follow.

  • AWS Systems Manager Change Calendar now supports third-party calendar imports, giving you a more holistic view of events

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    Change Calendar, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, now supports importing of third-party calendars, such as Microsoft Outlook calendars, thereby enabling you to view all your events centrally and control what changes can be made to your AWS resources during those events.

  • Amazon Pinpoint now supports encrypted SNS topics for inbound SMS

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    Amazon Pinpoint now supports encrypted SNS topics as destinations for incoming SMS text messages. This enables you to add another layer of protection when using Amazon Pinpoint for two-way SMS text messaging. When you enable two-way SMS messaging, you can publish inbound messages to encrypted SNS topics for retrieval and processing. Amazon SNS uses an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key to encrypt the messages that it sends to these topics.

  • Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer adds new inconsistency detectors

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is a developer tool that leverages automated reasoning and machine learning to detect potential code defects that are difficult to find and offers suggestions for improvements. Today, we are announcing the addition of a new set of detectors that can identify inconsistencies within a code repository. These inconsistency detectors are a new type of machine learning based detector that analyzes coding patterns within a developer’s repository and helps detects when there is an anomaly that deviates from their standard pattern.

  • Cloud9 is now available in 2 more regions

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    AWS Cloud9 is now available in Asia Pacific (Osaka) and Africa (Cape Town). AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that lets you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser.

  • Amazon Detective offers Splunk integration

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    Amazon Detective, in coordination with the Splunk Trumpet project, has released the ability to pivot from an Amazon GuardDuty finding in Splunk directly to an Amazon Detective entity profile so that customers can quickly identify the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports MSDTC JDBC XA for SQL Server 2017 CU16+ and SQL Server 2019

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports MSDTC JDBC XA transactions. With MSDTC you can either execute the transaction using SQL Server as the Transaction manager using linked servers, or you can promote MSDTC running on the same host as the Client application to the role of Transaction manager.

  • AWS Network Firewall is Now HIPAA Eligible

    Posted On: Sep 7, 2021

    Starting today, AWS Network Firewall is a HIPAA eligible service. This means you can use AWS Network Firewall to secure and inspect protected health information (PHI) stored in your accounts.

  • ACM Private CA now supports the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)

    Posted On: Sep 3, 2021
    AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (CA) announces the availability of Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) for distributing certificate revocation information. When establishing an encrypted TLS connection, endpoints can use OCSP to query, in near real time, if a certificate has been revoked. Thus alerting the endpoint that the certificate should not be trusted. This feature provides a fully managed OCSP solution for notifying endpoints that certificates have been revoked without the need to manage or operate infrastructure themselves. 
  • Cross-account event discovery for Amazon EventBridge schema registry

    Posted On: Sep 3, 2021

    Amazon EventBridge schema registry now supports discovery of cross-account events published to an event bus. The EventBridge schema registry stores event structure - or schema - in a shared central location and maps those schemas to code for Java, Python, and Typescript to use events as objects in your code. Schemas from your event bus are automatically added to the registry when you turn on the schema discovery feature. You can connect to and interact with the schema registry from the AWS console, APIs, or through the SDK Toolkits for Jetbrains (Intellij, PyCharm, Webstorm, Rider) and VS Code.

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL now supports oracle_fdw extension in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Sep 3, 2021

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports the oracle_fdw extension in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, which allows your PostgreSQL database to connect to and retrieve data stored in Oracle databases.

  • Amazon EMR Studio is now HIPAA eligible and HITRUST certified

    Posted On: Sep 3, 2021

    Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easy for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug data engineering and data science applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. 

  • New full-text search non-string indexing capabilities for Amazon Neptune

    Posted On: Sep 3, 2021

    Amazon Neptune now supports searching on new data types, such as numbers and dates, in addition to strings when using the full-text search integration with Elasticsearch. This improvement allows Neptune customers to replicate non-string values into an Elasticsearch cluster, such as provided by the Amazon Elasticsearch Service, to run Gremlin or SPARQL queries searching on these values.

  • Amazon Aurora Supports PostgreSQL 9.6.22, 10.17, 11.12, and 12.7 in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Sep 3, 2021

    Following the announcement of updates to the PostgreSQL database by the open source community, we have updated Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition to support PostgreSQL versions 9.6.22, 10.17, 11.12, and 12.7 in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. These releases contain bug fixes and improvements by the PostgreSQL community. As a reminder, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 9.6 will reach end of life on January 31, 2022. Minor version 9.6.22 is limited to upgrades for clusters already running Aurora PostgreSQL 9.6.

  • Amazon Monitron launches a new ethernet gateway device

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Today, we are announcing the launch of Amazon Monitron Gateway (Ethernet), a new gateway device that allows customers to use their ethernet network to connect Monitron to the internet. The ethernet gateway joins the Wi-Fi gateway that was launched in December 2020, giving customers even more options for Amazon Monitron internet connectivity. Amazon Monitron is an end-to-end  system that uses machine learning (ML) to detect abnormal conditions in industrial equipment, enabling you to implement predictive maintenance and reduce unplanned downtime. It includes sensors to capture vibration and temperature data from equipment, a gateway device to securely transfer data to AWS, the Amazon Monitron service that analyzes the data for abnormal equipment conditions using machine learning, and a companion mobile app to set up the devices and receive reports on operating behavior and alerts to potential failures in your equipment.

  • Amazon RDS for MariaDB supports new minor versions 10.5.12, 10.4.21, 10.3.31, 10.2.40

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MariaDB now supports MariaDB minor versions 10.5.12, 10.4.21, 10.3.31, and 10.2.40. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MariaDB, and to benefit from the numerous bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the MariaDB community.

  • Introducing Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces the general availability of Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, a storage service that allows customers to launch and run complete, fully managed ONTAP file systems in the cloud for the first time. ONTAP is NetApp’s file system technology that has traditionally powered on-premises network-attached storage (NAS) and provides a widely adopted set of data access and data management capabilities. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP provides the popular features, performance, and APIs of ONTAP file systems with the agility, scalability, and simplicity of a fully managed AWS service, making it easier for customers to migrate on-premises applications that rely on NAS appliances to AWS. It also provides developers with high-performance and feature-rich file storage that makes it easy to build, test, and run cloud-native applications.

  • AWS Database Migration Service now supports migrating multiple databases in one task using MongoDB as a source

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) expands functionality by adding support for migrating multiple databases in one task using MongoDB and Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now group multiple databases of a MongoDB cluster and migrate them using one DMS task to any AWS DMS supported targets including Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) with minimal downtime.

  • Amazon SageMaker is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Amazon SageMaker is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. SageMaker removes the heavy lifting from each step of the machine learning process to make it easier to develop high quality models.

  • Updated AWS Solutions Implementation: AWS CloudEndure Migration Factory Solution

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    AWS CloudEndure Migration Factory Solution coordinates and automates manual processes for larger scaled migrations involving a substantial number of servers. This solutions implementation helps enterprises improve migration velocity and prevents long cutover windows by providing an orchestration and automation platform for rehosting servers to AWS at scale.

  • AWS Transfer Family simplifies managed file transfer workflows with low code automation

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    AWS Transfer Family now supports managed workflows that makes it easy for you to create, execute, and monitor post upload processing for file transfers over SFTP, FTPS, and FTP for Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS. Using this feature, you can save time with low code automation to coordinate all the necessary tasks such as copying and tagging. You can also configure custom logic to scan for errors in the data including Personal Identifiable Information (PII), viruses, malware, or incorrect file formats or types. With managed workflows, quickly detect anomalies and meet your compliance requirements with ease.

  • Amazon Elastic File System introduces Intelligent-Tiering to automatically optimize storage costs

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) now supports Intelligent-Tiering, a new capability that makes it easier for you to optimize costs for shared file storage, even when access patterns change. EFS Intelligent-Tiering is designed to help you achieve the right price and performance blend for your application file data by placing your file data in a storage class based on file access patterns.

  • Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points accelerate access to replicated data sets by up to 60%

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points accelerate performance by up to 60% when accessing data sets that are replicated across multiple AWS Regions. Based on AWS Global Accelerator, S3 Multi-Region Access Points consider factors like network congestion and the location of the requesting application to dynamically route your requests over the AWS network to the lowest latency copy of your data. This automatic routing allows you to take advantage of the global infrastructure of AWS while maintaining a simple application architecture.

  • Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering further automates storage cost savings by removing the minimum storage duration and monitoring and automation charge for small objects

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    The Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class automates storage cost savings for a wider range of workloads by eliminating the minimum storage duration, and removing the low per-object monitoring and automation charges for objects smaller than 128 KB. S3 Intelligent-Tiering is the only cloud storage class that delivers automatic storage cost savings when data access patterns change, without performance impact or operational overhead. Previously, S3 Intelligent-Tiering was optimized for long-lived objects stored for a minimum of 30 days and objects larger than 128 KB. With these changes, S3 Intelligent-Tiering is the ideal storage class for data with unknown, changing, or unpredictable access patterns, independent of object size or retention period. You can use S3 Intelligent-Tiering as the default storage class for data lakes, analytics, and new applications.

  • Amazon EBS direct APIs now supports creating 64 TB EBS Snapshots

    Posted On: Sep 2, 2021

    Amazon EBS direct APIs now supports creating 64 TB EBS Snapshots directly from any block storage data, including on-premises data. With this new capability, customers can use EBS Snapshots for disaster recovery of their largest on-premises workloads and achieve business continuity in AWS at lower costs.

  • AWS Lambda now supports AWS PrivateLink in previously unsupported Availability Zones

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    AWS Lambda now supports AWS PrivateLink in previously unsupported Availability Zones in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), South America (São Paulo), Canada (Central), and EU (London) regions. With this launch, AWS Lambda now supports AWS PrivateLink in all Availability Zones in all commercial regions, AWS GovCloud (US-East), and AWS GovCloud (US-West). 

  • NICE DCV releases version 2021.2

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    NICE DCV is a high-performance remote display protocol that helps customers securely access remote desktop or application sessions, including 3D graphics applications hosted on servers with high-performance GPUs.

  • NICE DCV releases web client SDK 1.0.3

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    NICE DCV is a high-performance remote display protocol that helps users to securely access remote desktop or application sessions, including 3D graphics applications hosted on servers with high-performance GPUs.

  • AWS Firewall Manager now supports AWS WAF log filtering

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    AWS Firewall Manager now enables security administrators to specify which web requests to log and which requests to exclude from logs when using AWS WAF to inspect web traffic. If you use Firewall Manager security policies to centralize AWS WAF logging, you can now log only the information you want to analyze. By reducing the amount of log data stored, you can reduce your log delivery and storage costs.

  • Amazon Polly offers full support in the AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    Amazon Polly, a service that turns text into speech, extends its offering to the AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region. Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Ayanda, Polly’s first South African English Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) voice, as well as full support for the entire portfolio of Amazon Polly's Neural and Standard voices in the AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region. With this launch, the service now supports 31 languages including 7 different varieties of English. Neural TTS voices are available in 12 AWS Regions.

  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor now supports time based schedules for Channel Assembly streams

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    Channel Assembly with AWS Elemental MediaTailor now lets you schedule programs based on a wall-clock time. Using "linear mode" you have fine-grained control of when individual sources will be played and which sources are to follow on a channel output. Looping mode is also available where timing on individual programs is loosely defined to ensure that there is content always playing on a channel output.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights adds support for Microsoft SQL Server FCI and FSx storage

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    Now you can easily setup monitoring, alarms and dashboards for your Microsoft SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances (FCI) running on AWS and for applications using FSx managed storage with CloudWatch Application Insights. CloudWatch Application Insights is a capability that helps customers monitor and troubleshoot their enterprise applications running on AWS resources. The new feature adds automatic discovery of the database and managed storage, the FCI configuration and the underlying resources along with setting up the metrics, telemetry and logs for monitoring its health and wellness. 

  • AWS Security Hub Automated Response and Remediation adds support for PCI-DSS v3.2.1 Security Standard

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    AWS Security Hub Automated Response & Remediation solution is a reference implementation that includes a library of automated security response and remediation actions to common security findings. The solution makes it easier for customers to resolve common security findings and improve their security posture in AWS.

  • Amazon SageMaker now supports M5d, R5, and P3dn instances for SageMaker Studio Notebooks

    Posted On: Sep 1, 2021

    Today, we are excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker Studio now supports Amazon EC2 M5d, R5, and P3dn instances. Customers can launch SageMaker Studio Notebooks with these instances types in the regions where they are available.