• Amazon S3 Object Lambda now integrates with Amazon Athena

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Amazon S3 Object Lambda now integrates with Amazon Athena, allowing you to automatically modify S3 data as it is being queried. With S3 Object Lambda, you can add your own code to S3 GET, HEAD, and LIST API requests to modify data as it is returned to your application. For example, you can use a Lambda function to automatically mask sensitive data columns when running queries in Amazon Athena. When you use S3 Object Lambda with Amazon Athena, you can more easily customize your data for different applications, without having to maintain multiple derivative copies of source data in Amazon S3.

  • Announcing provider-generated notifications for AWS Data Exchange

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of provider-generated notifications for AWS Data Exchange. This launch allows AWS Data Exchange data providers to inform their subscribers about important events related to their data sets. This feature helps providers easily contact their subscribers in a structured manner and assists subscribers in processing events related to their entitled data consistently across providers.

  • Amazon EMR Studio adds support for interactive analytics on Amazon EMR Serverless

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Today, we are excited to announce that you can enable interactive analytics on EMR Serverless applications. This launch allows you to pick EMR Serverless applications as the compute, in addition to EMR on EC2 clusters and EMR on EKS virtual clusters, to run Jupyterlab notebooks from EMR Studio workspaces. Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it simple for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug analytics applications written in PySpark, Python, and Scala. Amazon EMR Serverless is a serverless option for Amazon EMR that makes it simple to run open-source big data analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers.

  • AWS Blu Age Runtime on Amazon EC2 adds new AWS Regions and new build, logging, alerting features

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    AWS Mainframe Modernization with AWS Blu Age Runtime on Amazon EC2 is now available in five additional AWS Regions and features new capabilities for build, runtime logging, and billing alerts.

  • AWS Elemental MediaPackage expands manifest configuration options

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Starting today you can use the new AWS Elemental MediaPackage filter configuration option to apply a combination of manifest filtering, start over, and time delay parameters to your HLS manifests. This option has the same effect on the manifest content as using query strings in playback URLs.

  • Amazon Athena announces one hour reservations for Provisioned Capacity

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Today, Amazon Athena announced 1-hour reservations for Provisioned Capacity. You can now reserve and release query processing capacity after one hour, which makes it simpler to optimize cost for workloads whose demand changes over time.

  • Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights clusters now support code updates without restarting

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights customers can now update code on a running kdb Insights cluster. This feature enables faster cycle time for deploying code updates during development and allows customers to deploy new code on long running clusters without having to terminate and recreate them.

  • AWS Elemental MediaPackage now available in Asia Pacific (Osaka) region

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    AWS Elemental MediaPackage is now available in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) region. You may now configure and operate MediaPackage using the console or API endpoints in this region.

  • New self-guided AWS Partner Central experience with automated Tasks

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    AWS launches a self-guided AWS Partner Central experience with automated tasks to help accelerate your journey from registration, to go-to-market readiness, and listing in AWS Marketplace. Tasks are personalized calls to action, customized based on information partners share during registration and onboarding. They include tips and resources to help new and existing partners complete the needed steps to progress on their AWS journey.

  • Announcing product lifecycle support for AWS Supply Chain Demand Planning

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2023

    Starting today, AWS Supply Chain Demand Planning users can ensure forecasts are only created for the product's active lifecycle by establishing forecast parameters for product introduction and retirement phases and improve forecast accuracy.

  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor now available in seven additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    AWS Elemental MediaTailor now available in the Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), and South America (Sao Paulo) regions. You may now configure and operate MediaTailor using the console or API endpoints in these regions.

  • AWS Resilience Hub adds support for AWS Step Functions

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    AWS Resilience Hub adds assessment support for AWS Step Functions resources when assessing your application resilience. Resilience Hub provides a single place to define, validate, and track the resilience of your applications so that you can avoid unnecessary downtime caused by software, infrastructure, or operational disruptions. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service that helps developers use AWS services to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches Custom Total for Table and Pivot table charts

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    Amazon QuickSight is excited to announce the launch of Custom Total feature for Tables and Pivot tables. This new functionality enhances user flexibility and streamlines the process of defining calculations. Users now have the convenience of specifying calculations such as Sum, Average, Min, Max, and None (Hide) from a predefined list to compute totals in table/pivot table charts with a straightforward, one-click method within the user interface. This eliminates the need for users to create intricate calculation formulas for accurate data retrieval at both the row level and total calculation. Additionally, the feature is accessible through public API and is supported by AWS CloudFormation. For further details, visit here.

  • Introducing eight new Amazon EC2 bare metal instances

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C7i, M7i, R7i and R7iz bare metal instances are available. Amazon EC2 M7i, C7i, and R7i instances are powered by custom 4th generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors, —available only on AWS — which offer up to 15% better performance over comparable x86-based Intel processors utilized by other cloud providers. Amazon EC2 R7iz instances are the fastest Sapphire Rapids based instances in the cloud with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.9 GHz. 

  • AWS Wickr is now available in the Europe (Frankfurt) Region

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    With Wickr’s latest region expansion, you can now establish an AWS Wickr network in the the AWS Europe (Frankfurt) Region, to help meet data residency requirements and other obligations.

  • AWS Config advanced queries support 41 new resource types

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    AWS Config supports 41 new resource types in advanced queries. Advanced queries within AWS Config is a feature that allows you to search the current configuration metadata and compliance state of your AWS resources based on their configuration properties. 

  • Amazon SageMaker now supports geospatial Processing jobs

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker now supports geospatial Processing jobs, making it easier for data scientists and ML engineers to run planetary-scale ML workloads. To run such large-scale workloads, customers need a flexible compute cluster that can scale from tens of instances to process a city block, to thousands of instances for planetary-scale processing. Manually managing a DIY compute cluster is slow and expensive. Additionally, building and maintaining a standardized environment to access, process, and visualize geospatial data is complex, time consuming, and expensive.

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams increases On-Demand write throughput limit to 2 GB/s

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    Amazon Kinesis Data Streams now supports On-Demand write throughput limit of 2 GB/s, a 2x increase from the current limit of 1 GB/s. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a serverless streaming data service that makes it easier to capture, process, and store streaming data at any scale. On-Demand is a capacity mode for Kinesis Data Streams that automates capacity management, so that you never have to provision and manage the scaling of resources. It requires you to pay for throughput consumed rather than for provisioned resources, making it easier to balance costs and performance while providing the same availability, durability, and integrations. You can create a new On-Demand data stream or convert an existing data stream into the On-Demand mode with a single-click without requiring any code changes or downtime for your existing applications.

  • Amazon Connect supports third-party applications (preview) in the unified agent workspace

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    Amazon Connect now allows you to add third-party applications to the unified agent workspace, giving agents everything at their fingertips to deliver the best service to customers. You can use the built-in capabilities of Amazon Connect along with homegrown (e.g. insurance policy portal) or vendor-built applications (e.g. shipment order tracker) to consolidate information in a unified agent workspace experience, reducing context switching and related errors.

  • AWS Trusted Advisor adds 64 new checks powered by AWS Config

    Posted On: Oct 30, 2023

    AWS Trusted Advisor adds a new operational excellence check category and integrates with AWS Config to deliver 64 new best practice checks across all categories. Trusted Advisor continuously evaluates your AWS environment using best practice checks in the categories of cost optimization, performance, resilience, security, operational excellence, and service limits, and recommends actions to remediate any deviations from best practices. The new best practice checks are powered by AWS Config managed rules which are predefined, customizable rules used to evaluate the compliance state of your AWS resources.

  • AWS IoT ExpressLink announces Technical Specification v1.2 with BLE connectivity

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    Today, AWS IoT ExpressLink, a connectivity software that powers a range of hardware modules developed and offered by AWS Partners, announces the release of Technical Specification v1.2. The updated specification provides hardware manufacturers, who design and develop Internet of Things (IoT) devices, a new command set to allow host software applications communicate wirelessly using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. 

  • Amazon SNS now supports in-place message archiving and replay for FIFO topics

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) First-In-First-Out (FIFO) topics now support a no-code, in-place option to store and replay your messages, without the need to provision a separate archival resource. This improves the durability of your event-driven applications, and can help you recover from downstream failure scenarios.

  • Amazon Security Lake is now available in four additional Regions

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Security Lake is available in AWS Regions Canada (Central), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and Asia Pacific (Osaka). You can now automatically centralize your security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on-premises environments, and cloud sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports efficient vector query filters for FAISS

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    Users can now benefit from more efficient query filtering with OpenSearch’s k-NN FAISS engine by using OpenSearch 2.9 on the Amazon OpenSearch Service. Previously exclusive to OpenSearch’s Lucene k-NN engine, OpenSearch’s efficient vector query filters capability intelligently evaluates optimal filtering strategies—like pre-filtering with approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) or filtering with exact k-nearest neighbor (k-NN)—to determine the best strategy to deliver accurate and low latency vector search queries. In earlier OpenSearch versions, vector queries on the FAISS engine used post-filtering techniques, which enabled filtered queries at scale, but it potentially returns less than the requested “k” number of results.

  • AWS Neuron adds support for Llama-2 70b model and PyTorch 2.0

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    AWS Neuron is the SDK for Amazon EC2 Inferentia and Trainium based instances purpose-built for generative AI. Today, with Neuron 2.15 release, we are announcing support for Llama-2 70b model training as well as PyTorch 2.0 support.

  • AWS X-Ray now supports W3C format trace IDs for distributed tracing

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    AWS X-Ray now supports W3C trace IDs generated via OpenTelemetry and other frameworks that conform to the W3C Trace Context specification, providing customers with complete, end-to-end trace visibility for faster triaging and debugging of applications. 

  • Amazon EC2 C6in instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Seoul) region

    Posted On: Oct 27, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6in instances are available in AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) region. These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. 

  • AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter now supports deletion of operational issues

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Starting today, OpsCenter, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, provides a new API to delete operational issues (OpsItems). This API provides a programmatic way to manage your operational issues at scale by enabling you to clean up unused resources, reduce noise in OpsCenter, and free up storage space that counts towards OpsCenter quotas. To get started, see the DeleteOpsItem API documentation.

  • Multi-VPC ENI Attachments

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    AWS announces the general availability of multi-Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) elastic network interface (ENI) attachments for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. With this capability, customers can now launch an instance with a primary ENI in one VPC and attach a secondary ENI from another VPC. With multi-VPC ENI attachments, customers can maintain VPC level segregation between networks, while allowing select workloads like centralized appliances and databases to communicate between them.

  • AWS User Notifications is now available in Israel (Tel Aviv) Region

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    AWS User Notifications is now available in Israel (Tel Aviv) AWS Region. User Notifications enables you to view notifications across accounts, regions, and services in a Console Notifications Center, and configure delivery channels where you want to receive these notifications, like email, AWS Chatbot, and AWS Console Mobile App. You can centrally setup and view notifications from AWS services, such as AWS Health events, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, or Amazon EC2 instance state changes, in a consistent, human-readable format. Notifications include URLs to direct you to resources on the AWS Console, where you can take take additional actions.

  • Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments now supports Aurora and RDS PostgreSQL

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Blue/Green Deployments now supports safer, simpler, and faster updates to your Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL databases. Blue/Green Deployments create a fully managed staging environment using PostgreSQL community logical replication, that allows you to deploy and test production changes, keeping your current production database safer. With a few clicks, you can promote the staging environment to be the new production system in as fast as a minute, with no data loss and no changes to your application to switch database endpoints. 

  • AWS Network Firewall announces support for egress TLS inspection in 2 regions

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    AWS Network Firewall now supports egress Transport Layer Security (TLS) inspection, enabling customers to strengthen their security posture on AWS by improving visibility into encrypted outbound VPC traffic. Starting today, you can use AWS Network Firewall to decrypt, inspect, and re-encrypt outbound TLS traffic destined for the internet, another VPC, or another subnet.

  • Amazon Kendra launches feature to collapse and expand query results

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, enabling organizations to provide relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use Amazon Kendra to collapse (or group) and expand the query results based on specified document metadata fields.

  • Amazon EC2 C6gn instances are now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6gn instances are available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West and US-East) Regions. 

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 announces multi-session fleets for Windows Server OS

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Today, AWS announces multi-session capability for Amazon AppStream 2.0 fleets powered by Microsoft Windows server operating system. This new feature enables IT admins to host multiple end-user sessions on a single AppStream 2.0 instance, helping to make better use of instance resources.

  • Amazon EC2 I4i instances introduce two new sizes: i4i.12xlarge and i4i.24xlarge

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 I4i instances are now available in two additional instance sizes i4i.12xlarge and i4i.24xlarge in 28 AWS regions: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (N. California, Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Paris, London, Milan, Zurich), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Mumbai, Jakarta, Hyderabad, Melbourne, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Middle East (Bahrain, UAE), Africa (Cape Town), South America (Sao Paulo), and AWS GovCloud (US-East, US-West). 

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

    Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers customers the option to use Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses for their new and existing domains. Customers moving to IPv6 can simplify their network stack by running their OpenSearch Service domains on a network that supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

  • Amazon Aurora MySQL 3.05 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.32) is generally available

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition 3 (with MySQL 8.0 compatibility) will support MySQL 8.0.32. In addition to several security enhancements and bug fixes, MySQL 8.0.32 includes several improvements, such as Instant DDL support for drop column operations, support for new language-specific collations, Generated Invisible Primary Keys (GIPKs), and performance schema monitoring enhancements. For more details, refer to the Aurora MySQL 3 and MySQL 8.0.32 release notes.

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL now captures query plans on replica instances with query plan management

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL query plan management supported by the apg_plan_mgmt extension now includes the ability to capture query plans on read-only replica instances. Query plan management (QPM) includes other improvements in this version such as limiting the capture of query plans based on the estimated cost.

  • Announcing general availability of Amazon EC2 M2 Mac instances for macOS

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M2 Mac instances are now generally available (GA). These instances deliver up to 10% faster performance over the existing M1 Mac instances when building and testing applications for Apple platforms such as iOS, macOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Safari. M2 Mac instances are powered by the AWS Nitro System and are built on Apple M2 Mac Mini computers featuring 8 core CPU, 10 core GPU, 24 GiB of memory, and 16 core Apple Neural Engine.

  • AWS Application Discovery Service adds new actions to remove servers, data collectors and imports

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Today, we are excited to introduce a new set of management actions for AWS Application Discovery Service (ADS), supporting the removal of resources no longer needed to be tracked as part of a migration.

  • AWS Migration Hub adds ability to change the AWS Region used to store migration data

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Today, we are excited to introduce a new management action for AWS Migration Hub, giving the ability to change the AWS Region used to store discovery and migration planning information.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle is now available in Europe (Milan) AWS Region

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle, a managed database services for legacy, custom, and packaged applications that require access to the underlying operating system and database environment, is now available in the AWS Region of Europe (Milan).

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL now supports federated query to MySQL and MariaDB databases

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports the mysql_fdw extension which allows your PostgreSQL database to connect and retrieve data stored in Amazon Aurora MySQL-compatible, RDS MySQL, and self-managed MySQL and MariaDB databases.

  • AWS announces an enhanced sign in experience in the AWS Console Mobile App for iOS

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    AWS customers using the AWS Console Mobile App for iOS can now use their mobile device’s password manager for faster sign in, set a default AWS identity for quicker recurring access to their resources, and use supported virtual authenticator apps, FIDO security keys and hardware TOTP tokens for multi-factor authentication (MFA). The enhanced sign in experience for the AWS Console Mobile App for Android is coming soon.

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB support M7g, R7g DB instances in additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB now support AWS Graviton3-based M7g and R7g database instances in Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo) and Europe (Frankfurt). Graviton3-based instances provide up to a 30% performance improvement and up to a 27% price/performance improvement (based on on-demand pricing) over Graviton2-based instances on RDS for open-source databases depending on database engine, version, and workload.

  • AWS Glue now offers example jobs, drag-and-drop, and a preview-first layout

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    AWS Glue now provides example jobs for visual ETL and notebooks, drag-and-drop for connecting nodes, a data-preview-focused layout, and a simpler UI with fewer clicks. AWS Glue Studio offers a visual extract-transform-and-load (ETL) interface to author, run, and monitor AWS Glue ETL jobs. These improvements make it faster to work with and easier to learn.

  • AWS Transfer Family announces Basic authentication for outbound AS2 messages

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    AWS Transfer Family now supports the option to include username and password credentials, termed as Basic authentication, when sending Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) messages over HTTPS. This enables you to be compatible with your trading partner’s AS2 implementations that require Basic authentication and comply with their security requirements. 

  • Announcing Amazon Aurora MySQL 3.04 as long-term support (LTS) release

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Starting today, long-term support (LTS) will be provided on Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition 3 (with MySQL 8.0 compatibility) on the Aurora MySQL 3.04 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.28) minor version. Database clusters that use LTS releases can stay on the same minor version for at least three years. During the lifetime of an Aurora MySQL LTS release, new patches introduce fixes to critical matters such as security issues. These patches don't include any new features. 

  • Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights adds more historical database cache options

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights introduces two new historical database cache options to provide customers more price/performance choices when configuring high-speed caching for their historical kdb clusters. The new 250 MB/s/TiB and 12 MB/s/TiB options are now offered along with the existing 1000 MB/s/TiB option. 

  • AWS Config now supports 19 new resource types

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    AWS Config now supports 19 more resource types for services, including Amazon AppStream 2.0, AWS Batch, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon CodeGuru Profiler, AWS Cloud Map, AWS Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS Elemental MediaConnect, Amazon Inspector, AWS IoT, AWS IoT TwinMaker, AWS IoT Wireless, AWS Managed Service for Prometheus, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), Amazon Personalize, Amazon Route 53 Resolver, Amazon SageMaker, and AWS Transfer Family.

  • AWS Lambda supports IPv6 for outbound connections in VPC in 6 additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Starting today, AWS Lambda’s support for Lambda functions to access resources in dual-stack VPC (outbound connections) over IPv6 is available 6 additional AWS regions: Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Israel (Tel Aviv), and Middle East (UAE). 

  • Amazon SNS message data protection now supports custom data identifiers

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Amazon SNS message data protection is a set of capabilities that leverage pattern matching, machine learning models, and content policies to help security and engineering teams facilitate real-time data protection in their applications that use Amazon SNS to exchange high volumes of data. Now, you can use custom data identifiers to detect the protect domain-specific sensitive data, such as your company's employee IDs. Previously, you could only use managed data identifiers to detect and protect common sensitive data, such as names, addresses, and credit card numbers.

  • Amazon Aurora MySQL includes optimizations that reduce the database restart time by up to 65%

    Posted On: Oct 25, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Aurora MySQL includes optimizations that reduce the database restart time by up to 65% versus without optimizations. These improvements are achieved by deferring portions of the buffer pool initialization and validation process to occur after the database is already online and accepting connections. These optimizations will improve database availability for unplanned events such as unexpected database restarts and planned operations such as minor version upgrades. To learn more about availability benefits, you can refer to our blog titled ‘Reduce downtime with Amazon Aurora MySQL database restart time optimizations’.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now supports automated time-based data deletion

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    We are pleased to announce Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now supports automated data deletion based on time through easy set up of index lifecycle policies. OpenSearch Serverless is the serverless option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it simpler for you to run search and analytics workloads without having to think about infrastructure management.

  • Amazon Aurora supports PostgreSQL 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, and 11.21 versions

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Following the announcement of updates to the PostgreSQL database by the open source community, we have updated Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition to support PostgreSQL 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, and 11.21. These releases contains product improvements and bug fixes made by the PostgreSQL community, along with Aurora-specific improvements. This release also contains new features and improvements such as Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL version 3.3. Refer to the Aurora version policy to help you to decide how often to upgrade and how to plan your upgrade process. As a reminder, if you are running any version of Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 11,  you must upgrade to a newer major version by February 29, 2024. 

  • AWS CodePipeline supports parameterized pipelines

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Today, AWS CodePipeline announces the general availability of parameterized pipelines, a new feature that enables customers to dynamically pass input parameters to a pipeline execution. For a pipeline to accept input parameters, customers have to declare the variables and use them in action configurations. When releasing a change through the console, customers can set values for variables to use in the pipeline execution. These input variables can be used in configuration of all action types except Source action types. Customers can also set the values for the input parameters when starting a pipeline through API, CLI, SDK and CDK.

  • Amazon EKS adds support for customer managed IAM policies

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) announced that customers can now bring their own managed IAM policies for use with EKS clusters, helping them meet regulatory and compliance requirements with fine grained control over what IAM permissions their Kubernetes clusters can assume.

  • Amazon IVS announces audio-only pricing for Real-Time Streaming

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) now offers audio-only pricing for its Real-Time Streaming capability at 1/10th of the existing Real-Time Streaming rate.

  • AWS IoT Core Credential Provider supports Virtual Private Cloud endpoints

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Today, AWS IoT Core announced the ability to create private AWS IoT Core Credential Provider endpoints in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to improve the security posture of your Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. AWS IoT Core is a fully managed cloud service that supports connectivity for billions of devices, while AWS IoT Core’s Credential Provider feature authenticates software clients and IoT devices to AWS services using X.509 client certificates.

  • EC2 Hibernate now supports 20 additional instance families on EC2 Spot

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) customers can hibernate their Spot instances on 20 additional instance families. With this expanded coverage, customers can now enjoy the benefits of hibernate on the supported instance families, regardless of whether their purchase option is On Demand, Spot, or Savings Plan.

  • AWS Cloud WAN goes Tunnel-less to enable high-performant global SD-WANs

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Today AWS announces Tunnel-less connect, a new feature of AWS Cloud WAN that provides you with a simple and more performant way to build global SD-WAN (Software Defined Wide Area Network). With this capability, third-party SD-WAN appliances can natively integrate with Cloud WAN without the need for any specialized tunneling protocols.

  • Amazon SQS announces increased throughput quota for FIFO High Throughput mode

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) announces an increased quota for a high throughput mode for FIFO queues, allowing you to process up to 18,000 transactions per second per API action in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt) regions. For Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions, the throughput quota has been increased to 9,000 transactions per second, per API action. For Europe (London) and South America (Sao Paulo) regions, the throughput quota has been increased to 4,500 transactions per second per API action. For all other regions where SQS is generally available today, the quota for high throughput mode is 2,400 transactions per second.

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL now supports pgvector v0.5.0 with HNSW indexing

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports v0.5.0 of the pgvector extension to store embeddings from machine learning (ML) models in your database and to perform efficient similarity searches. This version includes Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) indexing support, parallelization of ivfflat index builds, and improves performance of its distance functions.

  • Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP supports Multi-AZ file systems in US West (N. California)

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    You can now create Multi-AZ Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems in the US West (N. California) Region, making it easy to deploy file storage that spans multiple AWS Availability Zones (AZs) to support business-critical workloads that require high availability and enhanced durability.

  • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server supports Multi-AZ file systems in the US West (N. California) Region

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    You can now create Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Multi-AZ file systems in the US West (N. California) Region to support your business-critical workloads that require highly available shared storage deployed across multiple AWS Availability Zones (AZs), including SQL Server database workloads and line-of-business workloads such as banking, retail, and healthcare applications.

  • Amazon MemoryDB now supports Graviton3-based R7g nodes

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Amazon MemoryDB now supports Graviton3-based R7g nodes, which deliver improved price-performance compared to Graviton2. R7g nodes deliver up to 28% increased throughput (read and write operations per second) per node compared to R6g. In addition, these nodes deliver higher networking bandwidth.

  • AWS CodePipeline supports triggering on git tags

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Today, AWS CodePipeline announces support for starting a pipeline execution on git tags pushed to repositories in GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, GitLab Cloud and Bitbucket Cloud using CodeStarSourceConnection source actions. Customers can now add a “triggers” section in their pipeline definition that has a filter for git tags using include and exclude patterns. When a git tag applied to a commit in the source repository matches the trigger filter, CodePipeline starts a pipeline execution. The CodeStarSourceConnection action clones the commit associated with the git tag. Customers can see the git tag that started the pipeline execution in the console as output variable of the corresponding source action. Customers can use the triggers section using API/CLI/SDK and CDK.

  • Amazon EKS now allows modification of cluster subnets and security groups

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Starting today, customers can update the subnets and security groups associated with their existing Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters. This additional cluster management flexibility makes it simpler for cluster administrators to stay in sync with changes made to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources. 

  • Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights now available in five additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

    Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights is now generally available in 5 new regions: Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (London), and Europe (Frankfurt). This launch is based on increased customer demand in these regions, and expands availability to 10 AWS regions.

  • Build ML feature pipelines from custom data sources with Amazon SageMaker Feature Store

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker Feature Store supports the ability to incorporate custom data sources into feature processing pipelines. You can build richer and more varied ML features by incorporating diverse data sources, defining transformation functions to perform, and SageMaker Feature Store takes care of processing the data into ML features. 

  • AWS Marketplace announces enhanced private offer user experience for sellers

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Today, AWS Marketplace announces the general availability of an enhanced private offer user experience to improve ease of use across different product types and pricing models. AWS Marketplace sellers can now directly view and manage active agreements in the AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP) Agreements tab for AMI, container, SaaS, and professional services products with all pricing types.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports minor version 2019 CU22

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    A new minor version of Microsoft SQL Server is now available on Amazon RDS for SQL Server, offering performance and security fixes. Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports a new minor version for SQL Server 2019 on the Express, Web, Standard, and Enterprise Editions.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server now supports M6i and R6i instances

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Amazon Custom for SQL Server now supports M6i and R6i instances. M6i instances are the 6th generation of Amazon EC2 x86-based General Purpose compute instances, designed to provide a balance of compute, memory, storage, and network resources. R6i instances are the 6th generation of Amazon EC2 memory optimized instances, designed for memory-intensive workloads. Both M6i and R6i instances are built on the AWS Nitro System, a combination of dedicated hardware and lightweight hypervisor, which delivers practically all of the compute and memory resources of the host hardware to your instances.

  • AWS Entity Resolution expands data protection capabilities

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Today we are announcing a new capability for AWS Entity Resolution to help customers protect their datasets. You can now use AWS PrivateLink with AWS Entity Resolution to establish private connectivity between your data tables and your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) without exposing your organization’s traffic to the Internet, so your data remains encrypted in transit and at rest. This improvement is especially helpful for customers that require this capability to meet their organization’s security and data protection requirements.

  • Amazon ECS increases applications resiliency to unpredictable load spikes

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Today, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) enhanced tasks scheduling to make customers’ applications even more resilient to unpredictable load spikes. Now, Amazon ECS will first start a healthy replacement for each unhealthy task, that failed to pass a container or load balancer health check, before terminating it. This enhancement increases the resilience of customers’ applications with no additional efforts or configuration.

  • AWS re:Post introduces Selections

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Today, AWS re:Post launches Selections, a feature that organizes AWS knowledge for a specific topic, technical issue, or use case. For example, Selections can aggregate content based on a topic such as “Configure CORS in Amazon S3”, a technical issue such as “Troubleshoot the Amazon S3 403 Access Denied error”, or a use case such as “Migrating Windows workloads to AWS.” To date, re:Post has published 10 Selections. re:Post community members with 5,000+ points can publish new Selections. 

  • AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager now supports additional MacOS and Linux versions

    Posted On: Oct 23, 2023

    Patch Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, now supports instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.8, MacOS Monterey, and MacOS Ventura. Patch Manager enables you to automatically patch instances with both security-related and other types of updates across your infrastructure for a variety of common operating systems, including Windows Server, Amazon Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). For a full list of supported operating systems, see the Patch Manager prerequisites user guide page

  • AWS Service Catalog announces support for additional Infrastructure as Code (IaC) provisioning tools

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    AWS Service Catalog customers can now create, distribute, and launch AWS resources that are configured using third- party Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Ansible, Chef, Pulumi, Puppet, and more. Within AWS Service Catalog, customers can use these IaC tools in addition to previously supported AWS CloudFormation and HashiCorp Terraform Cloud configurations. 

  • AMI Block Public Access now enabled for all new accounts and existing accounts with no public AMIs

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Amazon EC2 has enabled the Amazon Machine Image Block Public Access (AMI BPA) setting by default for all new AWS accounts and all existing AWS accounts that have not owned a public AMI since July 15, 2023. AMI BPA restricts an AWS account from accidentally sharing an AMI publicly within an AWS Region, which helps improve the security and privacy posture for customers. 

  • AWS Config conformance packs are now available in Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    AWS Config conformance packs, organization level management capabilities for conformance packs, and individual AWS Config rules are now available in Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region. Conformance packs allow you to bundle AWS Config rules and their associated remediation actions into a single package, simplifying deployment at scale. You can deploy and manage these conformance packs throughout your AWS environment. 

  • Amazon Kendra releases connectors for 11 JDBC data sources to enable structured data search

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, enabling organizations to provide relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use the Amazon Kendra connectors for the following 11 databases, Aurora (MySQL Compatible), Aurora (PostgreSQL Compatible), RDS (MySQL), RDS (PostgreSQL), RDS (Oracle), RDS (Microsoft SQL Server), MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and DB2 to index and search messages from these data sources. 

  • Amazon EC2 M6id instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 M6id instances are available in AWS Region Europe (Zurich). These instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable Ice Lake processors with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz and up to 7.6 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage. Compared to previous generation M5d instances, M6id instances deliver up to 15% better price performance, offer up to 58% higher TB storage per vCPU, and 34% lower cost per TB.

  • Amazon EC2 C6a, M6a, R6a instances now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Starting today, the compute-optimized Amazon EC2 C6a instances are now available in Canada (Central), the general-purpose Amazon EC2 M6a instances are now available in Canada (Central), and Europe (Milan) regions, and the memory-optimized Amazon EC2 R6a instances are now available in US West (N. California), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions. C6a, M6a and R6a instances are powered by third-generation AMD EPYC processors. M6a and R6a instances deliver up to 35% better price performance than comparable M5a, and R5a instances, while C6a instances deliver up to 15% better price performance than comparable C5a instances. These instances offer 10% lower cost than comparable x86-based EC2 instances.

  • Amazon MSK announces Amazon EventBridge Pipes console integration

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Today, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) announces an integration with Amazon EventBridge Pipes in the MSK service console, making it easier to send events from your Apache Kafka cluster to one of over 14 AWS service targets, including Amazon SQS, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Firehose, AWS Step Functions, Amazon SNS, or Amazon EventBridge event buses. The EventBridge Pipes integration also supports the EventBridge API Destinations target which uses API calls to send your events to software as a service (SaaS) applications or your own applications within or outside AWS.

  • AWS Wickr is now FedRAMP Moderate authorized

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    AWS Wickr has achieved FedRAMP Moderate authorization. You can now use Wickr to help protect communications that are subject to FedRAMP Moderate compliance.

  • Amazon QuickSight now supports direct connectivity to Trino

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Today, Amazon QuickSight is announcing the general availability of a native Trino connector that will enable customers to connect to Trino directly from Amazon QuickSight. This launch provides both console and full API support to create, update, edit and delete data sources. 

  • Amazon QuickSight now supports direct connectivity to Starburst

    Posted On: Oct 20, 2023

    Today, Amazon QuickSight is announcing the general availability of a native Starburst connector that will enable customers to connect to Starburst directly from Amazon QuickSight. The native Starburst data connector supports connectivity to Starburst Enterprise for on-premises instances and Starburst Galaxy for managed instances. 

  • Amazon Bedrock now available in Europe (Frankfurt) AWS Region

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Starting today, customers can use Amazon Bedrock in Europe (Frankfurt, Germany) AWS Region to easily build and scale generative AI applications.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces now supports Windows Server 2022 bundles

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Amazon WorkSpaces now offers new bundles powered by Windows Server 2022. With these bundles, customers can launch Windows Server 2022 WorkSpaces and take advantage of the latest Windows server operating systems features. It also enables customers to run applications that require recent Windows versions.

  • Amazon EMR Managed Scaling is now available in Indonesia (Jakarta)

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    We are excited to announce that Amazon EMR Managed Scaling is now available for EMR on EC2 customers in the AWS Region in Indonesia (Jakarta).

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers Amazon EC2 Im4gn instances

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers Amazon EC2 Im4gn instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. The new Im4gn instance type is best suited for storage-intensive workloads and offers a lower cost per TB than the existing storage optimized instances available on OpenSearch Service. Im4gn supports up to 30 TB of NVMe SSD instance storage with AWS Nitro SSDs.

  • AWS Security Hub launches 19 new security controls

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    AWS Security Hub has released 19 new security controls, increasing the number of controls offered to 292. With these new controls, Security Hub now supports four additional AWS services: Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK), Amazon MQ, and Amazon Route 53. Security Hub also released new controls against eight previously supported services including Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). For the full list of recently-released controls and the AWS Regions in which they are available, visit the Security Hub user guide.

  • Amazon Route 53 traffic flow now supports geoproximity routing for AWS Local Zones

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Starting today, Route 53 geoproximity routing can be used with AWS Local Zones in Route 53 traffic flow to reduce latency for end users connecting to applications running in their nearest Local Zone. With this release, you can improve application performance for latency-sensitive workloads by routing traffic within the same geographic area as that of Local Zone infrastructure.

  • AWS Resilience Hub now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    AWS Resilience Hub is now generally available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. AWS customers and AWS Partners who operate in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions can now use AWS Resilience Hub, a service to help customers compliantly improve the resilience of applications running on AWS.

  • AWS announces member account level credit sharing preferences

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Starting today, AWS is launching new options for credit sharing. The Billing preferences page of the Billing Console now allows you to manage credit sharing preferences for your organization at a more granular level by selecting which accounts from your organization to share your credits with and exclude others from sharing. 

  • AWS Glue for Apache Spark announces native connectivity for Google BigQuery

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    AWS Glue for Apache Spark now supports native connectivity to Google BigQuery, which enables users to efficiently read and write data from BigQuery without the need to install or manage BigQuery connector for Apache Spark libraries. Users can now add BigQuery as a source or target within AWS Glue Studio's no-code, drag-and-drop visual interface or use the connector directly in an AWS Glue ETL job script. When combined with AWS Glue's ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) capabilities, this new connector simplifies the creation of ETL pipelines enabling ETL developers to save time building and maintaining data pipelines.

  • Announcing Sepolia Testnet support for Amazon Managed Blockchain Query

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query now supports the Sepolia Testnet, delivering foundational balance and transactional data with full history and sub-second latency without the need for specialized infrastructure. With this release, AMB Query now supports the Sepolia Testnet and completes its Testnet and Mainnet coverage for Bitcoin and Ethereum, helping developers from test to production.

  • Enable Amazon RDS Optimized Writes using RDS Blue/Green Deployments

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Optimized Writes can now be enabled for your current RDS for MySQL and RDS for MariaDB database instances and promoted to production in as fast as a minute using RDS Blue/Green deployments. RDS Optimized Writes can improve up to 2x write throughout for your databases. 

  • Amazon EC2 M6gd instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6gd instances are available in South America (Sao Paolo) and Canada (Central) regions. These instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and are built on the AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. These instances offer up to 25 Gbps of network bandwidth, up to 19 Gbps of bandwidth to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), and offer up to 3.8 TB of NVMe-based SSD storage.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces introduces Graphics G4dn bundles for Ubuntu desktops

    Posted On: Oct 19, 2023

    Amazon WorkSpaces now introduces two new graphics bundles for Ubuntu desktops based on the EC2 G4dn family: Graphics.g4dn and GraphicsPro.g4dn. These bundles enable you to run graphics-intensive and compute-intensive workloads on Ubuntu desktops with 4k monitors in the cloud. They offer cost-effective solutions for graphics applications optimized for NVIDIA GPUs using NVIDIA libraries such as CUDA, CuDNN, OptiX, and Video Codec SDK.

  • Share Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller clusters across multiple AWS accounts

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    You can now use AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) to share cluster resources across accounts in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC). A cluster in Route 53 ARC is a set of five redundant endpoints in separate AWS Regions that you can use with API calls to manage failover for your multi-Region applications. When you opt to share a cluster across AWS accounts in your organization, teams can set up and operate failover controls using the same cluster independently. 

  • AWS Resource Explorer supports 12 new resource types

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    AWS Resource Explorer now supports 12 more resource types from services including Amazon Cognito, AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EBS), and Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).

  • Amazon Connect now provides additional levels of granular access control

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    Amazon Connect now supports additional levels of granularity for tag based access controls within the admin website, allowing you to configure up to four levels of access control on a single security profile. Additional access control tags makes a security profile more restrictive because users will only gain access to resources that contain corresponding resource tags. For example you may have a supervisor who should only be able to manage seasonal agents within their line of business, on their team, and who report to a specific worksite. To achieve this, you can now create a security profile with access control tags like Department:Retail, Team:Avengers, Type:Seasonal, and Location:McLean. Any supervisors with this security profile will only be able to access users who have all four of those tags.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service announces new administrative options

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports new administrative options that provide more granular control over troubleshooting potential issues with your cluster. These options include the ability to restart the OpenSearch process on a node, and the ability to restart a data node.

  • AWS Data Provider for SAP now supports Oracle Linux OS, more JDK versions, and Linux logrotate

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    AWS Data Provider for SAP now supports a new operating system and Java Development Kit (JDK) versions, integrates with Linux logrotate, and expands support to new AWS regions.

  • AWS IoT TwinMaker is now available in Tokyo, Seoul, and Mumbai

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    AWS IoT TwinMaker is now available in the following Asia Pacific regions: Tokyo, Seoul, and Mumbai, extending the service footprint to ten AWS Regions.

  • Amazon Redshift announces integration with AWS Secrets Manager

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    Amazon Redshift now supports integration with AWS Secrets Manager to simplify the management of Redshift administration (admin) credentials for your data warehouse. With this feature, Amazon Redshift works with AWS Secrets Manager to generate and manage your admin credentials when a database instance is created, modified, or restored. AWS Secrets Manager supports the entire lifecycle maintenance for your Amazon Redshift admin credentials which can help relieve you from complex credential management activities such as setting up custom AWS Lambda functions to manage password rotations.

  • Amazon MSK announces MSK Replicator for cross-region and same-region streaming data replication

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    We are introducing Amazon MSK Replicator, a new feature of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) that enables you to reliably replicate data across Amazon MSK clusters in different or the same AWS region(s) in a few clicks. With MSK Replicator, you can easily build regionally resilient streaming applications for increased availability and business continuity. MSK Replicator provides automatic asynchronous replication across MSK clusters, eliminating the need to write custom code, manage infrastructure, or setup cross-region networking. 

  • Subscribe to Amazon EKS add-ons from independent software vendors in the EKS console

    Posted On: Oct 18, 2023

    AWS Marketplace announces a new subscription experience in the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) console. This feature allows AWS customers to subscribe to Kubernetes software from leading Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) directly in the EKS console without needing to visit the AWS Marketplace website. 

  • Announcing Regional Expansion of ml.p4d instances on SageMaker Inference

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    We are pleased to announce the general availability of ml.p4d instances, in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and Europe (Frankfurt), to deploy machine learning (ML) models for Real-time and Asynchronous inference on Amazon SageMaker.

  • Metric Streams adds a quick setup experience for AWS Partner destinations

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Amazon CloudWatch announces a new quick setup experience for AWS Partner destinations in the CloudWatch Metric Streams console. With Metric Streams, you can create a continuous, near real-time stream of metrics to a destination of your choice. With this new simplified getting-started experience you can create a Metric Stream to an AWS Partner destination in a single step.

  • Preview of Regional Expansion for ml.p4d, ml.trn1, and ml.g5 instances on SageMaker Inference

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    We are pleased to announce the preview of ml.p4d, ml.trn1, and ml.g5 instances, in new regions, for asynchronous and real-time inference of machine learning (ML) models on Amazon SageMaker. These instances are also generally available in other regions for inference.

  • AWS CodePipeline supports retrying a pipeline execution from the first action in a failed stage

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Today, AWS CodePipeline announces support for retrying a pipeline execution from the first action in a stage that failed. This launch provides another remediation option for a failed pipeline execution in addition to the existing option of retrying a failed pipeline execution from the failed action(s).

  • Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer customization capability (Preview)

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Today, AWS announces the preview of an Amazon CodeWhisperer customization capability. With this new capability, you can customize CodeWhisperer to generate more precise suggestions by including your organization’s internal APIs, libraries, classes, methods, and best practices. With this capability, CodeWhisperer can save developers hours typically spent examining previously written code or internal documentation to understand how to use internal APIs, libraries, and more. 

  • Amazon Corretto October, 2023 Quarterly Updates

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    On Oct 17, 2023 Amazon announced quarterly security and critical updates for Amazon Corretto Long-Term Supported (LTS) versions of OpenJDK. Corretto 21.0.1, 17.0.9, 11.0.21, and 8u392 are now available for download. Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK.

  • Amazon Relational Database Service announces Dedicated Log Volume

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports a Dedicated Log Volume for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB databases. An Amazon RDS Dedicated Log Volume allows customers to select a configuration where the most latency sensitive components of their database, the transaction logs, are stored in a separate, dedicated volume. Dedicated Log Volumes work with Provisioned IOPS storage and are recommended for databases with 5,000 GiB or more of allocated storage.

  • Autocomplete suggestions are now available on Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Auto-complete suggestion and syntax error checking is now available in Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. This feature empowers you to build queries more efficiently and accurately, as you can quickly access and utilize relevant database object names without the need to remember each detail by providing SQL syntax or database object name suggestions, either within an editor tab or a notebook. The suggestions are sorted by relevance and indicate availability, as well as help with spelling difficult database object names.

  • SageMaker announces preview of ml.p5.48xlarge Instances for Inference

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    We are pleased to announce the preview of ml.p5.48xlarge instances for deploying machine learning (ML) models for real-time and asynchronous inference on Amazon SageMaker.

  • AWS announces Amazon Redshift integration with Visual Studio Code

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    AWS announces the support for Amazon Redshift with Visual Studio Code (VSCode), a free and open-source code editor. The integration with Visual Studio Code enables Amazon Redshift customers to use Visual Studio Code to author and run their SQL queries in a notebook interface and view the schema objects in their Redshift data warehouses. 

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service adds support for four new language analyzers

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Amazon OpenSearch Service adds support for four new language analyzer plugins- Nori (Korean), Sudachi (Japanese), Pinyin (Chinese), and STConvert Analysis (Chinese) plugins. These are available as optional plugins that you can associate with your OpenSearch Service clusters.

  • Personalize search results with Amazon Personalize and Amazon OpenSearch service integration

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Amazon Personalize is excited to launch a new integration with Amazon OpenSearch Service that enables customers to personalize search results for each user and improve the user engagement from their search. The Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin within Amazon OpenSearch Service helps customers leverage the deep learning capabilities offered by Amazon Personalize and add personalization to OpenSearch search results, without any ML expertise.

  • Amazon CodeCatalyst now supports scheduled workflow triggers

    Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

    Today, Amazon Web Services announces support for scheduling Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows to be run at predetermined times. A workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. A workflow defines a series of steps, or actions, to take during a workflow run. This launch allows you to add a cron expression to a workflow, providing a way to start workflows at set times. For example, you could schedule a workflow run to start every day at midnight.

  • Security analytics in OpenSearch Service now supports OCSF and custom logs

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    Security analytics in Amazon OpenSearch Service adds native support for Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) formatted data and provides security detection rules for OCSF data ingested from Amazon Security Lake. In addition, security analytics also supports ingesting virtually any custom log type and creating custom detection rules. Correlation engine helps reduce incident response time by analyzing and highlighting connections between potential security incidents.

  • Introducing Amazon EC2 R7i instances

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    AWS announces the general availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R7i instances powered by custom 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code-named Sapphire Rapids). These custom processors are exclusive to AWS and offer the best performance among comparable Intel processors in the cloud – up to 15% faster than Intel processors utilized by other cloud providers.

  • CloudWatch launches out-of-the-box alarm recommendations for AWS services

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    Amazon CloudWatch announces out-of-the box, best practice alarm recommendations for AWS service-vended metrics. It provides alarm recommendations and alarm configurations for key vended metrics, along with the ability to download pre-filled infrastructure-as-code templates for these alarms. Furthermore, you can now see in-line descriptions for AWS service metrics across the AWS console, which enables you to easily see metric details to help you troubleshoot or assess system health.

  • AWS Client VPN extends availability to three additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    Starting today, customers can use AWS Client VPN in three additional Asia Pacific (Osaka, Hyderabad, and Jakarta) Regions. Using AWS Client VPN customers can provide secure access to their resources in AWS or on-premises network for their remote workforce. 

  • Bitcoin Testnet and new Asset APIs now available for Amazon Managed Blockchain Query

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query now supports the Bitcoin Testnet to develop and test applications without risking real funds, and Asset APIs for developers to get on-chain properties of smart contracts.

  • Introducing Recover into Existing Instance for AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    Today, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) announces the general availability of Recover Into Existing Instance, which allows you to recover into an original or pre-defined existing instance instead of spinning up a new Amazon EC2 instance.

  • AWS Entity Resolution launches records matching with data service providers

    Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

    Today, AWS Entity Resolution launches a new capability to help you link and enhance your records with trusted data service providers including LiveRamp, TransUnion, and Unified ID 2.0 (UID2) in a few steps. With this launch you can connect your records with trusted industry IDs including RampID, Unified ID 2.0, and TruAudience. You can also enhance your records with insights such as demographic attributes to better understand, reach, and engage your customers, while minimizing the movement of your data and eliminating the need to write custom code to map your records with these providers. 

  • Announcing ability to enable AWS Systems Manager by default for all EC2 instances in an organization

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    AWS customers now have the option to enable Systems Manager, and configure permissions for all EC2 instances in an organization that has been configured to use AWS Organizations, with a single action using Default Host Management Configuration (DHMC). This feature provides a method to help customers ensure core Systems Manager capabilities such as Patch Manager, Session Manager, and Inventory are available for all new and existing instances. DHMC is recommended for all EC2 customers, and offers a simple, scalable process to standardize the availability of System Manager tools.

  • Enhance accuracy of pre-trained Rekognition moderation model with Custom Moderation

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    Amazon Rekognition content moderation is a deep learning-based feature that can detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive images and videos, making it easier to find and remove such content at scale. Customers across industries, such as social media, gaming, and advertising, use Rekognition’s content moderation capabilities to protect their brand reputation, and enable safe user communities. With Custom Moderation, customers can now enhance the accuracy of the moderation deep learning model on their business-specific data by training an adapter with as few as twenty annotated images in less than hour.

  • Amazon EC2 M6in and M6idn instances are now available in new regions

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6in and M6idn instances are available in AWS Regions Europe (Stockholm) and Asia Pacific (Sydney). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. Customers can use M6in and M6idn instances to scale the performance and throughput of network-intensive workloads such as high-performance file systems, distributed web scale in-memory caches, caching fleets, real-time big data analytics, and Telco applications such as 5G User Plane Function (UPF).

  • Announcing Unified Settings for the AWS Management Console in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    We are excited to launch Unified Settings for the AWS Console in the AWS GovCloud (US-West and US-East) Regions. With Unified Settings, settings will persist across devices, browsers, and services. At launch, Unified Settings supports default language, default Region, visual mode, and favorite service display. Default language displays your preferred language across the Management Console, default Region sets the AWS Region each time you sign in or visit a service console, visual mode lets you toggle between the default light mode or dark mode, and favorite service display will show services in the favorites bar with either the service icon and full name or only the service icon.

  • Deploy ML models built in SageMaker Canvas to SageMaker real-time endpoints

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas now supports deploying machine learning (ML) models to real-time inferencing endpoints, allowing you take your ML models to production and drive action based on ML powered insights. SageMaker Canvas is a no-code workspace that enables analysts and citizen data scientists to generate accurate ML predictions for their business needs.

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB supports M6in, M6idn, R6in, R6idn database instances

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports M6in, M6idn, R6in, and R6idn database (DB) instances for RDS for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB. These network optimized DB instances deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, which is 300% more than similar sized M6i and R6i database instances. Enhanced network bandwidth makes M6in and R6in DB instances ideal for write-intensive workloads. M6idn and R6idn support local block storage with up to 7.6 TB of NVMe-based solid state disk (SSD) storage.

  • Amazon EC2 now supports setting AMIs to a disabled state

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    Starting today, customers can disable their unused or obsolete Amazon Machine Images (AMIs; pronounced ah-mee). Disabling an AMI changes its state to disabled, makes the AMI private if it was previously shared, and prevents any new EC2 instance launches from that disabled AMI. Customers creating, managing, and consuming AMIs at-scale can now simplify and streamline their workflows with this new capability.

  • Amazon EC2 C7gd, M7gd, and R7gd instances now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 13, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7gd, M7gd, and R7gd instances with up to 3.8 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage are available in Asia Pacific (Singapore) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions. Additionally, C7gd instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Sydney). 

  • Announcing AWS Lambda’s support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) for outbound connections in VPC

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    AWS Lambda now allows Lambda functions to access resources in dual-stack VPC (outbound connections) over IPv6, at no additional cost. With this launch, and Lambda’s support for public IPv6 endpoints (inbound connections) in 2021, Lambda enables you to scale your application without being constrained by the limited number of IPv4 addresses in your VPC, and to reduce costs by minimizing the need for translation mechanisms.

  • Amazon Textract launches Custom Queries to improve information extraction for business-specific documents

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    Amazon Textract is a machine learning service that automatically extracts printed text, handwriting, and data from any document or image. Today, we are pleased to announce Custom Queries, a new Amazon Textract feature that enables customers to adapt the Queries feature and improve extraction accuracy for their business-specific documents. Queries is a feature within the Analyze Document API that lets you extract specific pieces of information from documents using natural language questions. Custom Queries allows customers to quickly adapt the Queries feature to meet their business-specific needs without requiring them to have machine learning expertise.

  • AWS Step Functions launches Optimized Integration for Amazon EMR Serverless

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    AWS Step Functions announces an Optimized Integration for Amazon EMR Serverless , adding support for the Run a Job (.sync) integration pattern with 6 EMR Serverless API Actions (CreateApplication, StartApplication, StopApplication, DeleteApplication, StartJobRun, and CancelJobRun).

  • Announcing new AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) availability and performance capabilities

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) now supports Availability Zone DNS affinity, disable connection termination for unhealthy targets, and UDP connection termination by default.

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas expands content summarization and information extraction capabilities

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a service for business analysts to generate machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) predictions without having to write a single line of code. As announced on October 5, customers can access and evaluate foundation models (FMs) to generate and summarize content. 

  • AWS Global Accelerator launches second Edge location in Vietnam

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    AWS Global Accelerator now supports traffic through a new AWS edge location in Hanoi in Vietnam. This is our second Global Accelerator edge location in Vietnam. With this addition, Global Accelerator is now available through 110 Points of Presence globally and supports application endpoints in 28 AWS Regions.

  • AWS Direct Connect announces new location in Seoul, South Korea

    Posted On: Oct 12, 2023

    Today, AWS announced the opening of a new AWS Direct Connect location within the Digital Realty ICN10 data center in Seoul, South Korea. By connecting your network to AWS at the new location, you gain private, direct access to all public AWS Regions (except those in China), AWS GovCloud Regions, and AWS Local Zones. 

  • AWS Systems Manager Application Manager now supports SAP HANA

    Posted On: Oct 11, 2023

    You can now use AWS Systems Manager Application Manager to perform operational activities with SAP HANA databases in addition to command line interfaces. AWS Systems Manager for SAP also now supports highly available SAP HANA deployments.

  • Announcing Link Your Bank Account for SEPA direct debit payments in Germany

    Posted On: Oct 11, 2023

    Link Your Bank Account allows you to add a bank account immediately after becoming an AWS customer. New customers with a Germany billing address can now pay AWS invoices with a bank account that supports the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) standard. Prior AWS payments are no longer required to add SEPA direct debit payment method.

  • AWS announces Search Pipelines for OpenSearch

    Posted On: Oct 11, 2023

    Search Pipelines, a new feature in OpenSearch 2.9, make it easy to build query and result processing pipelines. This lets you build search query and result processing as a composition of modular processing steps without complicating your application software.

  • New Amazon CloudWatch metric monitors EC2 instance reachability to EBS volumes

    Posted On: Oct 11, 2023

    Starting today, we are introducing a new Amazon CloudWatch metric called Attached EBS Status Check to monitor if one or more Amazon EBS volumes attached to your EC2 instances are reachable and able to complete I/O operations. With this new metric, you can now quickly detect and respond to any EBS impairments that may potentially be impacting the performance of your applications running on Amazon EC2 instances. 

  • Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

    Posted On: Oct 11, 2023

    Customers can now create Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region.

  • Announcing pgactive: Active-active Replication Extension for PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS

    Posted On: Oct 10, 2023

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of pgactive: Active-active Replication Extension for PostgreSQL, available for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for PostgreSQL. pgactive lets you use asynchronous active-active replication for streaming data between database instances to provide additional resiliency and flexibility in moving data between database instances, including writers located in different AWS Regions, for the purposes of maintaining availability for operations like switching write traffic to a different instance.

  • Amazon Linux announces support for Ansible and Corretto 21 with AL2023.2

    Posted On: Oct 10, 2023

    Today we are announcing the availability of Ansible and Corretto 21 on Amazon Linux 2023 as a part of second quarterly update.

  • Amazon QuickSight adds total positioning options for pivot table

    Posted On: Oct 10, 2023

    Amazon QuickSight now supports total positioning option for both rows and columns in pivot tables, providing authors added flexibility to style and present tabular data according to their specific use cases and individual needs. Additionally, it makes it easier to compare and view totals which could otherwise be multiple scrolls or pages away. 

  • Launch Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor from Amazon Virtual Private Cloud console

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    You can now launch Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor directly from the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console. Internet Monitor provides visibility into how internet issues impact the performance and availability for your application hosted on AWS. To use Internet Monitor, you create a monitor and associate it with one or more resources: VPCs, Network Load Balancers, Amazon CloudFront distributions, or Amazon WorkSpaces directories.

  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor now supports ad break discovery in Channel Assembly

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    With AWS Elemental MediaTailor Channel Assembly you can now detect ad break markers that exist within VOD sources and insert ads at those existing times.

  • Amazon QuickSight now supports running queries as an IAM role for Redshift data sources

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    Amazon QuickSight now supports connection to Redshift data with an IAM role. By connecting to data in QuickSight with an IAM role, administrators can enhance data security by using fine-grained IAM access policies for Redshift data sources.

  • AWS Glue now supports GitLab, BitBucket in its Git integration feature

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    AWS Glue now supports GitLab and BitBucket, alongside GitHub and AWS CodeCommit, broadening your toolset for managing data integration pipeline deployments. AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it simpler to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development.

  • AWS Organizations now supports service control policies (SCPs) in AWS China Regions

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    Starting today, you can use service control policies (SCPs) to set permission guardrails with the fine-grained controls used in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in the AWS China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and the AWS China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. This feature makes it easier to meet the specific requirements of your organization’s governance rules.

  • New features for cdk8s include synthesize and import Helm charts and resolve cloud tokens

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    AWS unveils new capabilities for cdk8s, allowing seamless synthesis of applications into Helm charts on one hand, and native import of existing Helm charts into cdk8s applications on the other. In addition, cdk8s can now interpret deploy-time tokens of the AWS CDK and CDK For Terraform, all during the cdk8s synthesis phase. Helm stands out as a widely embraced solution for the deployment and management of Kubernetes applications. By converging cdk8s and Helm, users can enjoy a unified workflow for creating and deploying Kubernetes manifests. With the recent addition to the "cdk8s synth" command, you can transform a cdk8s app directly into a Helm Chart, ready to be integrated with Helm deployments. 

  • AWS Verified Access is now available in two additional AWS regions

    Posted On: Oct 9, 2023

    Starting today, AWS Verified Access that allows you to provide secure access to your corporate applications without using VPNs is available in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions. Built using AWS Zero Trust guiding principles, Verified Access helps you implement a work-from-anywhere model in a secure and scalable manner.

  • AWS HealthOmics sequence store now includes auto-calculated ETags for read sets

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    AWS HealthOmics now calculates Entity Tags (ETags) when ingesting into the sequence store. Sequence store ETags enable customers to validate that files are not altered as part of their ingestion into, storage lifecycle in, and egress from the sequence store, an important audit requirement for many clinical and life science users. The new capability calculates a hash of the file’s semantic content during sequence store imports and direct uploads, making it easier to identify when content is changed or duplicated. The ETag’s immutability, verifiability, and auto-calculation simplifies data audits, duplicate data identification, and supports customer compliance validation.

  • Catalog API now supports JSON object alongside String for “Details” attribute

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    Catalog API (CAPI) introduced a new request/response attribute “DetailsDocument” that accepts and returns a JSON object. As a developer, building on top of the APIs, you can send JSON object in CAPI StartChangeSet API request and get a JSON object in the response of DescribeEntity and DescribeChangeSet API. This capability will exist along side the current experience of sending and receiving a string object in the “Details” attribute of StartChangeSet, DescribeChangeSet and DescribeEntity APIs respectively.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle is now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) AWS Region

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle, a managed database services for legacy, custom, and packaged applications that require access to the underlying operating system and database environment, is now available in the AWS Region of Asia Pacific (Jakarta).

  • Amazon Bedrock now available in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS Region

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    Starting today, customers can use Amazon Bedrock in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS Region to easily build and scale generative AI applications.

  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert now supports video source replacement

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    Today, AWS launches video source replacement for AWS Elemental MediaConvert, allowing you to frame-accurately replace sections of source video with alternative content versions.

  • AWS Control Tower releases 22 proactive controls and 12 AWS Security Hub Detective controls

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    We are excited to announce the launch of 22 new proactive controls and 10 AWS Security Hub detective controls in the AWS Control Tower controls library to help you meet regulatory requirements. These new controls are managed by AWS Control Tower and help you meet control objectives such as encrypt data in transit, encrypt data at rest, or use strong authentication. Proactive controls block non-compliant resources before they are provisioned for services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) and Amazon Neptune. The AWS Security Hub detective controls for services such as Amazon Neptune, Amazon Athena and Amazon RDS help you detect noncompliance of resources within your accounts.

  • Private Access to the AWS Management Console is available in Israel (Tel Aviv) Region

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    Today, AWS announces the availability of AWS Management Console Private Access in Israel (Tel Aviv) Region. AWS Management Console Private Access is an advanced security feature that allows customers to define a set of trusted AWS accounts and organizations that can access the AWS Management Console from within their network. For example, with AWS Management Console Private Access, customers can restrict access to personal AWS accounts from the company network.

  • AWS WorkSpaces now provides bundle selection guidance in AWS console

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    AWS WorkSpaces now provides bundle selection guidance within the AWS console that make it easier for administrators to choose a bundle during the WorkSpaces creation process. A WorkSpace bundle is a combination of an operating system, storage, compute, and software resources. When you launch a WorkSpace, you select the bundle that meets your needs. Today, we offer more insights about each bundle including: recommended use cases, supported communication tools, example user roles, and use cases for which specific bundles are not recommended. 

  • Amazon QuickSight announces predictive analytics using Amazon SageMaker Canvas

    Posted On: Oct 6, 2023

    Amazon QuickSight now supports predictive analytics using machine learning (ML) models created in Amazon SageMaker Canvas, without writing a single line of code. QuickSight authors can now export data to SageMaker Canvas, build ML models, and share them back to QuickSight for consumption. This allows you to build predictive dashboards for better insights. With this new capability, you can evolve your analytics from descriptive to predictive capabilities, enabling the entire organization with a forward-looking view of the business.

  • AWS Wickr is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    AWS Wickr is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region. This expansion allows you to establish a Wickr network in an AWS Asia Pacific Region to help meet data residency requirements, and other obligations.

  • AWS IoT Device Management announces general availability of Software Package Catalog

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Today, AWS IoT Device Management, a fully managed cloud service that helps you register, organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale, announces the general availability of the Software Package Catalog feature. With this new feature, you can now track and monitor software package versions across fleet, gain valuable insights from a central dashboard, and perform targeted updates on devices running on a specific software version. 

  • Amazon Connect now supports multiple out-of-the-box chat widgets per instance

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Amazon Connect Chat now supports up to 15 out-of-the-box chat widgets, making it easy for you to customize chat experiences on different websites with just a few clicks.

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas expands its support for ready-to-use models to include foundation models (FMs)

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a service for business analysts to generate predictions without having to write a single line of code. Starting today, business analysts can access and evaluate foundation models (FMs) to generate and summarize content using foundation models, in addition to the ready-to-use models for common use cases such as sentiment analysis, object and text detection, and data extraction from documents. 

  • AWS Resource Explorer is now available in 2 additional regions

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    We are pleased to announce that AWS Resource Explorer, a managed capability that simplifies the search and discovery of resources, is now available in the AWS Middle East (Bahrain) and Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Regions.

  • Amazon VPC IP Address Manager is now available in Israel (Tel Aviv)

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Amazon Virtual Private Cloud IP Address Manager (Amazon VPC IPAM) that makes it easier for you to plan, track, and monitor IP addresses for your AWS workloads, is now available in Israel (Tel Aviv).

  • AWS Lambda adds support for Python 3.11 in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    AWS Lambda now supports Python 3.11 as a managed runtime and a container base image in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. AWS will automatically apply updates to the managed runtime and base image as they become available. Powertools for AWS Lambda, a developer toolkit to implement serverless best practices and increase developer velocity, also supports Python 3.11.

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL now supports pgvector v0.5.0 with HNSW indexing

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for PostgreSQL now supports v0.5.0 of the pgvector extension to store embeddings from machine learning (ML) models in your database and to perform efficient similarity searches. This version of the extension introduces pgvector introduces HNSW indexing support, parallelization of ivfflat index builds, and improves performance of its distance functions.

  • Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now available in Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 High Memory instances with 12TiB of memory (u-12tb1.112xlarge) are now available in Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region. Customers can start using these new High Memory instances with On Demand and Savings Plan purchase options.

  • AWS launches more encryption options for AWS AppConfig feature flags

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    AWS AppConfig is launching new encryption options for additional security considerations with feature flags and other types of configuration data. Using AWS Key Management Service’s customer managed keys (CMKs), customers can use keys that they themselves manage to encrypt/decrypt configuration data hosted by AWS AppConfig. AWS AppConfig helps engineers move faster and safer by decoupling feature releases from code deployments; with AWS AppConfig, you can change your software’s behavior on production without pushing out new code. 

  • Amazon WorkSpaces Services expand Microsoft productivity apps offerings

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Today, Amazon WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces Core announce the general availability of a new feature that provides administrators increased flexibility to manage application bundles on WorkSpaces instances while retaining the end user's data and configurations. It provides administrators with an easier way to add or remove application bundles on existing WorkSpaces instances, including upgrading them to the latest version.

  • Amazon EC2 C7g, M7g and R7g instances are now available in AWS Region US West (N. California)

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7g, M7g and R7g instances are now available in AWS Region US West (N. California). These instances are powered by AWS Graviton3 processors that provide up to 25% better compute performance compared to AWS Graviton2 processors, and built on top of the the AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed innovations that deliver efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. 

  • Amazon Connect launches new contact and agent metrics in the API

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Amazon Connect now provides five additional contact and agent performance metrics in the GetMetricDataV2 API to help contact center managers derive more granular insights into queue and agent performance. These metrics include the time it takes to resolve a contact from when it was initiated until it is terminated, rate of abandoned contacts, and the number of contacts an agent did not answer, excluding those abandoned by a customer while connecting. For example, using these metrics, businesses can create custom dashboards to analyze how quickly they resolve customer callback requests or the total time to complete longer running contacts such as tasks.

  • Amazon Connect enhances API for accessing historical agent and contact metrics

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Amazon Connect now allows users to access trailing 90 days (previously 35 days) of historical agent and contact metrics (e.g., service level, average handle time) in GetMetricDataV2 API. Additionally, users can now make requests (spanning up to 35 days) with data broken out by customizable time intervals such as 15 minutes, hourly, or weekly. Using GetMetricDataV2 API, business can build custom dashboards to measure historical queue and agent performance. For example, businesses can track the number of incoming contacts for the last 7 days, with data split by day, to see how contact volume changed per day of the week. 

  • AWS App Runner launches improvements for using custom domains

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    Today, App Runner launched improvements for associating custom domain(s) to an App Runner service in the App Runner console. App Runner makes it easier for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs to the cloud, at scale, and without managing infrastructure. When you create an App Runner service, by default, App Runner allocates a domain name to your service. If you have your own domain name, you can associate it to your App Runner service as a custom domain name. With App Runner you do not need to manage TLS/SSL certificates.

  • AWS Health now aggregates Health events in your organization to Amazon EventBridge

    Posted On: Oct 5, 2023

    You can now receive a single feed of AWS Health events on Amazon EventBridge from all accounts within your organization in AWS Organizations using organizational view and delegated administrator. AWS Health is the authoritative source of information about service events and planned changes affecting your AWS cloud resources. EventBridge is a serverless integration service that makes it easier to build event-driven applications at scale using events generated from your applications, third-party SaaS applications, and AWS services. 

  • Announcing compute optimized Amazon EC2 C7a instances

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    AWS announces the general availability of compute optimized Amazon EC2 C7a instances. C7a instances, powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors (code-named Genoa) with a maximum frequency of 3.7 GHz, deliver up to 50% higher performance compared to C6a instances.

  • Amazon DataZone is now generally available

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of Amazon DataZone. This data management service is designed to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data at scale across organizational boundaries with governance and access controls. It provides data visibility and helps data producers and consumers across business units more securely share data.

  • Amazon Kendra releases Drupal Connector to enable Drupal document search

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, enabling organizations to provide relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use the Amazon Kendra Drupal Connector to index and search documents from Drupal. 

  • AWS Global Accelerator adds a new edge location in Nigeria

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    AWS Global Accelerator now supports traffic through a new edge location in Lagos (Nigeria). With the addition of the new edge location, Global Accelerator is now available through 109 Points of Presence globally and supports application endpoints in 28 AWS Regions.

  • AWS Mainframe Modernization is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Today, we are announcing the availability of the AWS Mainframe Modernization service in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. The AWS Mainframe Modernization service allows customers and partners to modernize and migrate on-premise mainframe applications to AWS Cloud native fully-managed runtimes. For the modernization, it enables modernization patterns like refactor and replatform, as well as augmentation patterns supported by data replication and file transfer.

  • Amazon SageMaker Model Registry announces support for private model repositories

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker Model Registry now allows you to register machine learning (ML) models that are stored in private Docker repositories. This capability enables you to track all your ML models across multiple private AWS and non-AWS model repositories in one central service to simplify ML operations (MLOps) and ML governance at scale.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Metric Insights available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Metrics Insights is a fast, flexible, SQL-based query engine which enables developers, operators and systems engineers to identify trends and patterns across operational metrics in real time. With Metrics Insights, operators can gain better visibility on their infrastructure and large scale application performance with flexible querying, on-the-fly metric aggregations and dynamic alarms that monitor fast moving environments.

  • AWS Firewall Manager supports referencing of Security Groups

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Starting today, AWS Firewall Manager supports referencing of security groups as part of its security group common policies. With this feature, customers can update the inbound or outbound rules for the Firewall Manager primary security groups to reference security groups in the peered VPC. This allows traffic to flow to and from instances that are associated with the referenced security group in the peered VPC. 

  • Announcing memory optimized Amazon EC2 R7a bare metal instances

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    AWS announces the general availability of Amazon EC2 R7a bare metal instances. R7a instances, powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors (code-named Genoa) with a maximum frequency of 3.7GHz, deliver up to 50% higher performance compared to R6a instances.

  • Amazon SageMaker Feature Store in-memory online store for low latency feature retrieval

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Amazon SageMaker Feature Store now supports a fully managed, in-memory online store, which enables you to retrieve features for model serving in real time for high throughput ML applications. The new online store is powered by ElastiCache for Redis, which is a blazing fast in-memory data store built on open-source Redis.

  • Announcing Amazon SQS binding extension support in CoreWCF

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) binding extension support in the CoreWCF open source project. As you modernize your Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) based service-oriented applications using MSMQ bindings to cross-platform CoreWCF, you can now use Amazon SQS as one of the bindings. 

  • AWS Amplify's GraphQL API capabilities now available as AWS CDK construct

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    AWS Amplify announces an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) construct for building GraphQL APIs backed by data sources such as Amazon DynamoDB tables or AWS Lambda functions using a single GraphQL schema definition. Launching an API for application frontends requires developers to author thousands of lines of repetitive, undifferentiated code to build and wire together API endpoints, custom business logic, and data sources. AWS Amplify removes this heavy-lifting by allowing developers to define their application data model in a single definition file and automatically generate the required AWS cloud resources to support common API operations like create, update, list, read, subscribe, and delete for their data sources. Today, we’re extending this capability, previously only available using the Amplify CLI to AWS CDK. 

  • Amazon EKS Extended support for Kubernetes Versions now available in preview

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    Amazon EKS Extended Support for Kubernetes Versions is now available in preview. Starting with Kubernetes v1.23, you can now use a Kubernetes version for up to 26 months from the time the version is generally available from Amazon EKS.

  • AWS CodePipeline can use external source providers in Europe (Milan) and AWS GovCloud (US-East)

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    You can now use source repositories from GitHub.com, GitHub Enterprise Server, Bitbucket Cloud, and GitLab.com with AWS CodePipeline in Europe (Milan) and the AWS GovCloud (US-East) Regions, to build, test, and deploy code changes. Connect your source provider account using AWS CodeStar Connections, and use the connection in your pipeline to automatically start a pipeline execution on changes in your repository. 

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports alerting and anomalies on dashboards

    Posted On: Oct 4, 2023

    OpenSearch Service 2.9 now supports the ability for customers to manage and overlay alerts and anomalies onto dashboard visualization line charts. Customers can create new, or associate existing, alerting monitors and anomaly detectors from dashboard line charts. For example, if a customer opts to create a new monitor or detector, the new monitor will inherit the setting of the line chart and prepopulate the creation form. If customers have existing monitors or detectors present that they want to use, they can associate them with the line chart visualization on the dashboard.

  • Reduce duplication using Well-Architected Templates

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Introducing AWS Well-Architected Review Templates, designed to eliminate duplication and foster consistency across your workloads. With the Well-Architected Tool's latest feature, you can effortlessly craft review templates to answer questions, update notes, and even incorporate Custom Lenses across your workloads.

  • Amazon EventBridge announces support for wildcard filters in rules

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Amazon EventBridge rules now support wildcard filters, which enable you to match any character or sequence of characters within a string in your event payload. For example, you can use wildcards to match against values that end in a specific file type in a directory, such as “dir/*.png”, or contain a specific word, such as “*AcmeCorp*”. Support for wildcards allow you to more precisely specify the types of events you want to consume from an EventBridge Event Bus, opening new use cases and helping to optimize your event consumers.

  • AWS Supply Chain Demand Planning now supports Product Lineage

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Starting today, you can link products with their predecessor versions or alternates to improve forecasts. 

  • New updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    AWS is pleased to announce an update to the AWS Well-Architected Framework, which will provide customers and partners with more prescriptive guidance on building and operating in the cloud, and enable them to stay up-to-date on the latest architectural best practices in a constantly evolving technological landscape.

  • Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides manager alerts on real-time metrics

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides manager alerts on real-time metrics via email notifications, EventBridge events, or Amazon Connect Tasks. These new alerts enable businesses to notify their managers on unexpected changes in contact center operations that could impact the end-customer experience. With this launch, businesses can now configure alerts that include choosing a metric (e.g., service level), defining a metric threshold (e.g., service level of 90 seconds drops below 75% on a business critical queue), and sending an automated email notification or assigning a task to a manager for follow-up action. 

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service announced Amazon OpenSearch Service Integrations

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    OpenSearch Service 2.9 now comes with OpenSearch Service Integrations, where customers can take advantage of new schema standards such as Open Telemetry and build dashboards based on an agreed up on schema between your ingestion pipeline and OpenSearch Service.

  • Amazon Location Service adds bounding box search for device positions

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Amazon Location Service now supports geographical bounding box search for device positions, allowing developers to retrieve the latest position of their devices within a specific polygon. With bounding box search, developers can efficiently find devices within an area of interest to support use cases such as searching for tracked assets near a location, showing device positions on a map at different zoom levels, and personalizing communication to customers within specific geographical areas.

  • Lambda test events are now available in AWS SAM CLI

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Developers using SAM CLI to author their serverless application with Lambda functions can now create and use Lambda test events to test their function code. Test events are JSON objects that mock the structure of requests emitted by AWS services to invoke a Lambda function and return an execution result, serving to validate a successful operation or to identify errors. Previously, Lambda test events were only available in the Lambda console. With this launch, developers using SAM CLI can create and access a test event from their AWS account and share it with other team members.

  • Amazon ECR Public introduces new navigation and search features to the ECR Public Gallery

    Posted On: Oct 3, 2023

    Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Public has added new features that make it easier for customers to navigate the ECR Public Gallery and find the images they are looking for. New filters allow customers to search for images from well-known publishers such as Docker and Amazon, and a new landing page highlights those filters as well as other frequently used repositories.

  • Amazon EC2 Hibernate now supports more operating systems

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances (Amazon EC2 instances) now support Hibernation for the Microsoft Windows Server 2022, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, and Amazon Linux 2023 operating systems. Hibernation is an Amazon EC2 feature that helps lower costs and achieve faster startup times by enabling customers to pause and resume their running instances at scale. Customers are not billed for compute time while instances are suspended, and your applications will resume from right where they left off.

  • AWS CodeDeploy now supports multiple load balancers for Amazon EC2 applications

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    AWS CodeDeploy now supports deploying to applications that use multiple AWS Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). Before, CodeDeploy could only support one application per Classic Load Balancers (CLB), Application Load Balancers (ALB) or Network Load Balancer (NLB). CodeDeploy now supports up to 10 load balancer target groups per application on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service version 2.9 expands geospatial aggregations support

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    We are excited to announce that the Amazon OpenSearch Service has expanded its geospatial capacities. With new aggregation support in version 2.9, you can do more statistical analysis on your data, making it simpler to draw conclusions and interpret them.

  • Amazon EMR on EKS Interactive Endpoints is now generally available

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    Today, we are excited to launch the general availability of Interactive Endpoints for Amazon EMR on EKS. With this launch, Amazon EMR on EKS customers will be able to run interactive workloads using an integrated development environment such as EMR Studio. For customers that require control on their execution environment, they will be able to use their self-hosted Jupyter notebooks as an another mechanism to run their interactive workloads via Interactive Endpoints.

  • Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer now support registering instances addressed by IPv6 as targets

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Network Load Balancer (NLB) now support registering instances as targets when addressed by Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) to simplify load balancer configuration. This launch enables you to directly register instances using IPv6 addresses as targets, removing the need to track individual IP addresses. The feature also enables the use of EC2 auto scaling groups with your target groups, which provides automatic registration of targets based on the scaling needs of your application.

  • AWS Glue Data Quality is now generally available in AWS GovCloud (US)

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    AWS announces general availability of AWS Glue Data Quality in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. Glue Data Quality automatically measures and monitors quality of data in data repositories and in AWS Glue ETL pipelines. AWS Glue is a serverless, scalable data integration and ETL (extract, transform, and load) service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports OpenSearch version 2.9

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    You can now run OpenSearch version 2.9 in Amazon OpenSearch Service. With OpenSearch 2.9, we have made several improvements to Search, Observability, Security analytics, and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities in OpenSearch Service.

  • Amazon IVS introduces in-console broadcasting for low-latency streaming

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) now offers in-console broadcasting for its low-latency streaming capability. Once you create at least one channel, you can initiate your first stream from the AWS Management Console.

  • AWS Verified Access now supports customer managed KMS keys

    Posted On: Oct 2, 2023

    AWS Verified Access, a service that helps you provide secure VPN-less access to your corporate applications, now supports customer managed KMS keys (CMKs) for encryption of data at rest, making it easier to meet the compliance and regulatory requirements of your organization.