Amazon ECS now launches tasks faster alongside tasks with prolonged shutdown
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon Elastic Container Services(Amazon ECS) now enables faster task launches on container instances that have tasks with prolonged shutdown. This enables customers to scale their workloads faster and improve infrastructure utilization.
3rd Party Event Ingestion for AWS Incident Detection & Response
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023AWS Incident Detection and Response now supports ingestion of events from third party Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools via Amazon EventBridge. AWS Incident Detection and Response offers AWS Enterprise Support customers proactive monitoring and incident management to increase workload resiliency and accelerate recovery from critical incidents.
AWS App Runner adds support to update and rebuild a failed service
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023AWS App Runner adds support for editing and rebuilding a failed service. App Runner makes it easier for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs to the cloud, at scale, and minimizing the need to manage infrastructure.
AWS introduces CSI Driver for Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023The Amazon FSx for OpenZFS Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver is now available as an open-source project. The CSI driver makes it easy for developers to use Amazon FSx for OpenZFS with their Kubernetes containers running on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or on self-managed Kubernetes clusters running on Amazon EC2.
Mountpoint for Amazon S3 adds support for creating new files
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023You can now use Mountpoint for Amazon S3 to create new files in Amazon S3. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 is a file client that translates local file system API calls to S3 object API calls like GET and PUT. It is ideal for workloads that read large datasets (terabytes to petabytes in size) and write sequentially to a file from a single process or thread. Common use cases include machine learning training as well as rendering and transcoding in media applications.
AWS IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph now supports showing query results in scenes
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Today, AWS announced the ability to visualize AWS IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph query results in its 3D scenes. AWS IoT TwinMaker makes it easier for customers to create digital twins of real-world systems, and TwinMaker Knowledge Graph knowledge graph structures and organizes information about the digital twin for easier access and understanding. This launch updates the Scene Composer in AWS IoT App Kit that allows users to bind their entities with objects in 3D scenes. Once TwinMaker Knowledge Graph entities are linked with objects in 3D scenes, users can initiate TwinMaker Knowledge Graph queries and highlight the results in their 3D scenes along with a graph representation of their entity models.
AWS Elemental MediaConnect now available in three additional AWS Regions
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Today, AWS announces the availability of AWS Elemental MediaConnect in the Asia Pacific (Osaka), Canada (Central), and Africa (Cape Town) AWS Regions, allowing you to ingest, transport, and process your high-quality video in the cloud in more locations globally.
Amazon SageMaker Feature Store now supports time to live (TTL) in online store
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon SageMaker Feature Store now supports the ability to set a time to live (TTL) for records in the online store. The online store contains the most recent features and is used for low latency model serving. With this launch, you can now set a TTL duration after which a record will be hard deleted, so you have more flexibility when it comes to managing online store data.
AWS Elemental MediaConnect now publishes higher frequency metrics
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Starting today, AWS Elemental MediaConnect now publishes flow metrics to Amazon CloudWatch in 1-second intervals, instead of the previous 1-minute interval rate. These metrics can be retrieved using the console or the CloudWatch API at 1-second periods for up to 3 hours after the datapoints are created.
Amazon SageMaker Canvas announces support for Apache Parquet file format
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon SageMaker Canvas now supports the Apache Parquet file format, enabling additional file formats for tabular, time-series forecast, and NLP datasets. SageMaker Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own — without requiring any machine learning experience or having to write a single line of code.
Amazon CloudWatch now supports dashboard variables
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023We are excited to announce Amazon CloudWatch dashboard variables, a new experience that makes it easier for you to quickly navigate between different operational views by using variables as navigation to view different data sets for the same resource.
RStudio on Amazon SageMaker now provides improved developer productivity
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023RStudio on Amazon SageMaker now comes with the new RStudio Workbench version 2023.03 with enhanced developer productivity capabilities. The new capabilities include improvements to auto-completion and accessibility and support for R-4.3.0.
Amazon Omics now supports Common Workflow Language
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Today, Amazon Omics announces support for Common Workflow Language (CWL) version 1.0-1.2. This new capability extends support for multiple workflow languages (WDL, Nextflow, and CWL) in Amazon Omics, allowing customers to use the workflow language of their choice. Customers can now easily bring their CWL workflows along with their software tools and Amazon Omics will provision and manage all the underlying infrastructure for their workflow runs.
AWS Database Migration Service now provides more comprehensive premigration assessments
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) has expanded the functionality of premigration assessments. A premigration assessment evaluates the source and target databases of a database migration task to help identify any problems that might prevent a migration from running as expected. By identifying and fixing issues before a migration starts, you can avoid delays in completing the database migration.
Amazon DynamoDB now simplifies and lowers the cost of handling failed conditional writes
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon DynamoDB now simplifies and lowers the cost of handling failed conditional writes by providing a copy of the item as it was during the failed write attempt. This lets you easily determine the cause of the condition error and then respond to failed conditional writes without having to perform a separate read operation to retrieve the item.
Amazon Translate enhances its custom terminology feature
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, affordable, and customizable language translation. Today we are announcing enhancements to the custom terminology feature that will improve translation fluency and accuracy. The enhancement creates contextually appropriate versions of matching terms to generate translations of higher quality. For example, if the matching term is singular, but the sentence requires a plural, the new version automatically performs this conversion. This enhancement also allows customers to expand the application of their term bases to wider set of translations, as illustrated in the example below.
AWS SDK for SAP ABAP now generally available
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Today, AWS announces the general availability of the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP.
AWS CloudFormation launches Guard 3.0 with support for stateful rules
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023AWS CloudFormation announces the general availability (GA) of AWS CloudFormation Guard 3.0 (cfn-guard). cfn-guard is an open-source domain-specific language (DSL) and command line interface (CLI) that helps enterprises validate that their cloud infrastructure complies with company policy guidelines. Developers use cfn-guard to write rules and validate JSON- and YAML-formatted data such as CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON plans/configurations against those rules. Guard 3.0 allows customers to define complex rules and accelerates development velocity with a new deployment method for cfn-guard-lambda.
Amazon GameLift adds support for Amazon Linux 2023
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon GameLift now supports Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023), a new Linux-based operating system for AWS that is designed to provide a secure, stable, high-performance environment to develop and run your cloud applications. Amazon GameLift is a fully managed service that allows you to manage and scale dedicated game servers for multiplayer games. With this release, Amazon GameLift now supports new game servers that run on Windows 2016, Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) and AL2023.
Amazon Connect Chat now supports quick reply and carousel messages
Posted On: Jun 30, 2023Amazon Connect Chat now supports new interactive message types, including quick replies and carousels, enabling you to create richer customer experiences and resolve issues faster. Quick replies allow you to present a list of options that customers can click to respond (e.g., “Yes,” “No”), and carousels enable customers to browse through options (e.g., list of products) and make a selection. These interactive message types enable you to send customers pre-configured response options, eliminating the need for a customer to type their response.
AWS Backup Audit Manager is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, we are announcing the availability of AWS Backup Audit Manager in AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. AWS Backup Audit Manager is a feature within the AWS Backup service that allows you to audit and report on the compliance of your data protection policies to help you meet your business and regulatory needs. AWS Backup enables you to centralize and automate data protection policies across AWS services based on organizational best practices and regulatory standards, and AWS Backup Audit Manager helps you maintain and demonstrate compliance with those policies.
Amazon DevOps Guru now supports encryption using customer managed keys
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Amazon DevOps Guru now allows you to use customer managed keys (CMKs) with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). DevOps Guru already provides encryption by default using AWS-owned KMS keys for data stored in DevOps Guru. This feature provides you the option of adding a self-managed security layer, which can help you meet the compliance and regulatory requirements of your organization.
AWS Global Accelerator adds new edge location
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023AWS Global Accelerator now supports traffic through a new edge location in Osaka (Japan). With the addition of this edge location, Global Accelerator is now available through 107 Points of Presence globally and supports application endpoints in 24 AWS Regions.
Amazon Athena is now available in the AWS Middle East (UAE) Region
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023With today’s release, Amazon Athena and its latest features and benefits are available in the AWS Middle East (UAE) Region. This release expands Athena’s availability in the Middle East to include Bahrain and the UAE.
Amazon Kendra launches Retrieval API
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, enabling organizations to provide relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use Amazon Kendra as a retriever to build retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems.
New ODBC driver now available for Amazon Athena
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, Amazon Athena released a new ODBC driver that improves the experience of connecting to, querying, and visualizing data from your favorite SQL development and business intelligence applications.
AWS Batch now supports ‘Min vCPUs’ for Multi-Node Parallel Jobs
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023AWS Batch now supports specifying a minimum number of vCPUs (Min vCPUs) for Multi-Node Parallel (MNP) Jobs. MNP jobs allow users to run large-scale tightly coupled workloads, such as ML training, across multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. With this launch, customers can now retain a specified number of vCPUs on a compute environment (CE) even when there are no jobs running. This feature enables customers to maintain a warm pool of healthy instances for MNP jobs, helping prevent situations where capacity is returned to EC2 due to rapid scale down.
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Edge Agent is now generally available
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023We are announcing the general availability of the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Edge Agent. This feature offers a simple, efficient, and cost-effective way to connect to IP cameras on customer premises, locally record and store video from those cameras, and stream videos to the cloud on a customer-defined schedule for long term storage, playback, and analytical processing.
AWS Amplify Hosting announces support for monorepo frameworks
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, AWS Amplify Hosting announces monorepo framework support for npm workspaces, Yarn workspaces, pnpm workspaces, Turborepo and Nx. With this release, AWS Amplify Hosting offers fully managed CI/CD deployments and hosting for apps contained within a monorepo (aka monorepository, multi-package repository, multi-project repository, or monolithic repository).
Amazon Simple Email Service now supports metric export
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Now you can export key deliverability metrics in Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) through Virtual Deliverability Manager's (VDM) dashboard. This makes it easier to export performance indicators such as delivery volume, complaint rate, and click rate into analysis tools such as spreadsheets for custom analysis.
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud now supports Bring Your Own IP in three additional AWS Regions
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Starting today, Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) is available in three additional AWS Regions: Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich) and Asia Pacific (Melbourne).
Amazon VPC IP Address Manager is now available in three additional AWS Regions
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Amazon Virtual Private Cloud IP Address Manager (Amazon VPC IPAM) makes it easier for you to plan, track, and monitor IP addresses for your AWS workloads. Amazon VPC IPAM is now available in three new AWS Regions: Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Melbourne).
AWS Backup expands cross-account management in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, AWS Backup is announcing expanded regional coverage for cross-account management in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. Cross-account management helps customers manage and monitor backups across their AWS accounts with AWS Organizations.
AWS Cloud WAN is now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Starting today, AWS Cloud WAN is available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region.
Amazon Athena now supports querying restored data in S3 Glacier
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023We are excited to announce that you can now use Amazon Athena to query data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Glacier storage classes. S3 Glacier is a secure and durable service for low-cost data archiving and long-term backup. With this launch, you can use Athena to directly query restored data in the Glacier Flexible Retrieval and Deep Archive storage classes, saving you time by removing the need to move and duplicate data.
Announcing applications manager for Amazon AppStream 2.0
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, Amazon AppStream 2.0 introduces a new applications manager feature to help you package and mobilize your Windows applications between different environments without affecting the underlying base image or operating system. To achieve this, you can launch an app block builder instance, install your application(s) and create a self-contained and sharable application image. You can share these application images across multiple AppStream 2.0 elastic fleets provisioned across different AWS regions.
NoSQL Workbench is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Starting this week, NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West and US-East) Regions. NoSQL Workbench is a client-side tool that helps you design, visualize, and build scalable, high-performance data models, and query Amazon DynamoDB tables with a point-and-click interface.
Announcing AWS Marketplace transaction purchase order support for server products
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, AWS Marketplace is extending transaction purchase order support to server products with certain pricing types, giving customers the ability to ensure their invoices reflect the proper purchase order. This launch makes it easier for customers to process and pay invoices.
Amazon EC2 R6a instances now support faster Amazon EBS-optimized performance
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Today, we are announcing an improvement for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) performance on Amazon EC2 memory-optimized R6a instance type.
Amazon S3 provides restore status of S3 Glacier objects using the S3 LIST API
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023Amazon S3 now provides the restore status of objects stored in Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive using the S3 LIST API. This new information in S3 LIST API responses can be integrated into your applications, helping you identify and access restored objects from S3 Glacier. For example, S3 Glacier restore status is now integrated into Amazon Athena, so you can run queries against your restored data from low-cost S3 Glacier storage classes.
AWS Lambda simplifies copying environment variables in the console code editor
Posted On: Jun 29, 2023AWS Lambda console code editor now includes a read file listing all the environment variables associated with the function, making it easier for developers to discover the variables and reference them in their code. Environment variables are key-value pairs that developers use to extend a function's configuration outside of their code. When referencing the environment variables in their code, developers need the keys.
Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio now supports Apache Flink version 1.15
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023Customers can now use Apache Flink 1.15 with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio to perform ad hoc queries to quickly inspect data streams and build and run stream processing applications in minutes.
AWS announces Amazon Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift (Public Preview)
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023Amazon Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift is now available in public preview. This feature enables near real-time analytics and machine learning (ML) on petabytes of transactional data stored in Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition. Data written into Aurora is available in Amazon Redshift within seconds, so you can quickly act on it without having to build and maintain complex data pipelines. Amazon Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift is now available for Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 and Provisioned as well as Amazon Redshift Serverless and RA3 instance types.
Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 is now available in Asia Pacific (Melbourne)
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023Amazon Aurora Serverless v2, the next version of Aurora Serverless, is now available in the Asia Pacific (Melbourne).
Aurora MySQL improves performance when binlog is enabled in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition now supports a new, enhanced binary log (binlog). The enhanced binlog reduces the compute performance overhead caused by enabling binlog, which, in certain cases, can reach up to 50%, down to 13%. The enhanced binlog also improves database recovery time by up to 99% after restarts and failovers, as compared to when native MySQL binlog is enabled.
Amazon Timestream now offers a free trial
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023You can now try Amazon Timestream with a 1-month free trial. First time users now have the opportunity to experiment with and adopt Timestream at zero cost for a duration of one month, while adhering to specific usage quotas. This free trial enables you to evaluate the feature set of Timestream and without any financial commitment.
New commitment pricing is now generally available for AWS Private 5G
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023AWS announces two new pricing options for AWS Private 5G for longer-term network deployments. Now, in addition to the 60-day pricing option, you can deploy your private mobile network with a 1-year or 3-year pricing option, at a lower per-hourly rate.
Amazon Linux announces support for secure boot with AL2023.1
Posted On: Jun 28, 2023Today we are announcing the support for UEFI Secure Boot on Amazon Linux instances. Starting with AL2023.1, customers can now use Secure Boot on Amazon Linux instances to verify the digital signature of all boot components.
Amazon OpenSearch Service now lets you update cluster manager nodes without blue/green
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Amazon OpenSearch Service now lets you update cluster manager (master node) instance type or instance count without requiring a blue/green deployment, helping you complete the updates faster with the least potential disruption to your cluster operations and without involving any data movement.
AWS announces general availability of AWS Wavelength in Manchester with BT
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Today, we are announcing the general availability of AWS Wavelength on the BT 4G/5G network in Manchester. Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), enterprises, and developers can now use the AWS Wavelength Zone in Manchester to build ultra-low latency applications for mobile devices and users in the United Kingdom.
AWS Resilience Hub Expands Amazon EC2 Support
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023AWS Resilience Hub expands support for applications using Amazon EC2 . Resilience Hub provides a single place to define, validate, and track the resilience of your applications so that you can avoid unnecessary downtime caused by software, infrastructure, or operational disruptions.
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is now available in the Middle East (UAE) Region
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Today, we are announcing the availability of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) in the Middle East (UAE) Region.
Amazon EC2 M6in and M6idn instances are now available in Europe (Frankfurt)
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6in and M6idn instances are available in AWS Region Europe (Frankfurt). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. Customers can use M6in and M6idn instances to scale the performance and throughput of network-intensive workloads such as high-performance file systems, distributed web scale in-memory caches, caching fleets, real-time big data analytics, and Telco applications such as 5G User Plane Function (UPF).
Amazon EC2 R6in and R6idn instances are now available in Europe (Frankfurt)
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R6in and R6idn instances are available in AWS Region Europe (Frankfurt). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances. Customers can use R6in and R6idn instances to scale the performance and throughput of network-intensive workloads such as memory-intensive SQL and NoSQL databases, distributed web scale in-memory caches (Memcached and Redis), in-memory databases (SAP HANA), and real-time big data analytics (Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark clusters).
AWS announces AWS AppFabric
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Today, AWS announced the general availability of AWS AppFabric, a new no code service that quickly connects software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications including Asana, Atlassian Jira suite, Dropbox, Miro, Okta, Slack, Smartsheet, Webex by Cisco, Zendesk, Zoom, Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365—with security tools including Logz.io, Netskope, NetWitness, Rapid7, and Splunk. With AppFabric, IT and security teams can more easily manage and secure applications by aggregating and normalizing log data into a central repository that is accessible to leading security tools, and employees can complete everyday tasks faster using generative artificial intelligence (AI).
Amazon EC2 G5 instances now available in additional regions
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Starting today, the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) G5 instances powered by NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPUs are now available in US East (Ohio), Asia Pacific (Jakarta, Seoul, Sydney), Middle East (UAE), and South America (Sao Paulo). G5 instances can be used for a wide range of graphics intensive and machine learning use cases. They deliver up to 3x higher performance for graphics-intensive applications and machine learning inference over Amazon EC2 G4dn instances. For training simple to moderately complex machine learning models, they deliver up to 3.3x higher performance than G4dn instances.
Announcing general availability for watchOS and tvOS support on AWS Amplify Library for Swift
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Today, we are announcing general availability of watchOS and tvOS support for AWS Amplify for Swift (>= v2.12.0)! This launch enables developers to build cloud-connected apps for Apple Watch and Apple TV devices. Developers can now leverage the power of Amplify from one Swift project and build across iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms for production workloads.
Amazon Connect Chat now offers additional customization options for the chat widget
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023Amazon Connect Chat now provides additional options to customize the out-of-the-box chat widget, enabling you to add a logo and change fields such as 'System Message', 'Bot', 'Text Input Placeholder', and 'End Chat'. You can also further customize the widget using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to change visual elements like the size of the widget, font size and color so you can easily align the widget with your website branding.
AWS Elemental MediaTailor now supports creative ad id signaling in video manifests
Posted On: Jun 27, 2023AWS Elemental MediaTailor performs server-side ad insertion (SSAI) for a seamless viewing experience when transitioning from program content to ad breaks. You can now configure MediaTailor to condition the personalized SSAI manifests with metadata associated with the ads that have been stitched into the stream.
Amazon SageMaker Neo now supports compilation of PyTorch and TensorFlow models for Inferentia 2 and Trainium 1 instances
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Starting today, you can choose Inferentia 2 and Trainium 1 as additional targets to compile your PyTorch and TensorFlow models for Amazon SageMaker Neo, a capability of Amazon SageMaker that enables customers to optimize machine learning (ML) models for inference on SageMaker to achieve faster inference without any loss in accuracy. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Inf2 instances deliver high performance at the lowest cost for generative artificial intelligence (AI) models, including large language models (LLMs) and vision transformers. AWS Trainium is a machine learning (ML) accelerator that AWS purpose built for deep learning training of 100B+ parameter models.
Amazon SageMaker Role Manager now provides CDK library to create fine-grained permissions within minutes
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Today, we are excited to announce the CDK library for Amazon SageMaker Role Manager. This CDK library allows you to define activity based fine-grained permissions in minutes.
Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler now enables direct connection to Snowflake data
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler now enables direct connection to Snowflake to prepare data and create features for machine learning (ML). SageMaker Data Wrangler reduces the time it takes to aggregate and prepare data for ML from weeks to minutes using a visual interface in Amazon SageMaker Studio.
AWS SAM CLI announces remote invoke feature for AWS Lambda
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) Command Line Interface (CLI) announces the launch of remote invoke command which enables developers to quickly invoke their AWS Lambda functions deployed to the AWS cloud. The AWS SAM CLI is a developer tool that makes it easier to build, test, package, and deploy serverless applications.
AWS Glue now supports native Snowflake connectivity with new ETL capabilities (preview)
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023AWS Glue for Spark now supports the Snowflake connector for Spark out-of-the-box with new ETL capabilities enabling users to preview Snowflake data, use Snowflake SQL queries as a source, and write to new or existing Snowflake tables. AWS Glue Studio offers a visual extract-transform-and-load (ETL) interface that helps ETL developers to author, run, and monitor AWS Glue ETL jobs quickly. With this new feature, ETL developers can read and write data into Snowflake more effectively using AWS Glue.
Amazon Redshift announces native console integration with ThoughtSpot
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Amazon Redshift, a fully-managed cloud data warehouse, now supports native integration with ThoughtSpot from the Amazon Redshift Console. Thoughtspot simplifies the exploration and analysis of data in a user friendly environment without the need for complex transformations or technical expertise.
AWS Control Tower achieves FedRAMP High authorization in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Starting today, you can now use AWS Control Tower with workloads that require FedRAMP High categorization level in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions.
Amazon Connect now allows you to search for tags within an instance
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Amazon Connect now provides the ability to search for existing tags within an instance, both programmatically via API and within the UI. When tagging resources, you can now search from pre-existing key:value pairs before creating new ones. For example, administrators can create a tag such as “Division:ConsumerCredit”, and users with permissions to tag resources within the same instance will be able to view and apply “Division:ConsumerCredit”, to save time and avoid mistakenly creating new variations of the intended tag such as “Division:CC” or “Div:ConsumerCredit”. To learn more about how to search for tags within an instance, see the Administrative Guide .
Amazon Pinpoint journeys now supports time zone estimation for endpoints
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Amazon Pinpoint journeys now offers organizations the ability to estimate local time zone and allows them to contact customers at convenient times. Journeys are customized, multi-step engagement experience to send customer communication across channels such as SMS, email, push notifications, and voice.
Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion now supports ingesting events from Amazon Security Lake
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion now allows you to ingest events from Amazon Security Lake in real-time, reducing the time taken to index your security data in Amazon OpenSearch Service and uncover valuable insights into potential security issues. Amazon Security Lake automatically centralizes security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers and on- premises into a purpose-built data lake. With this integration, customers can now use the extensive security analytics capabilities and rich dashboard visualizations of Amazon OpenSearch Service to quickly make sense of all their security data.
Amazon RDS Optimized Writes for MySQL and MariaDB supports m5d, r5d, and m6gd database instances
Posted On: Jun 26, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Optimized Writes now supports m5d, r5d, and m6gd database (DB) instances. With Amazon RDS Optimized Writes, you can improve the write throughput for Amazon RDS for MySQL and MariaDB workloads by up to 2x at no additional cost. This is especially useful for write-intensive database workloads, commonly found in applications, such as digital payments, financial trading, and online gaming.
Amazon EFS now supports up to 10 GiB/s of Provisioned Throughput
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) has increased the maximum per file system throughput on Amazon EFS Provisioned Throughput mode by 3x. With this launch, you now have a cost-effective way to drive up to 10 GiB/s of read throughput and 3 GiB/s of write throughput for workloads including machine learning, data processing, analytics, and transcoding that demand consistent and high levels of throughput performance.
Amazon SageMaker Inference Recommender now in AWS Console, gives recommendations at model creation
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Amazon SageMaker Inference Recommender is a capability of Amazon SageMaker that reduces time required to get machine learning (ML) models in production by automating load testing and model tuning across SageMaker ML instances. Today, SageMaker Inference Recommender is announcing two key features. First, you can now use Inference Recommender from the AWS console for SageMaker. Second, Inference Recommender now offers recommendations on prospective instances to deploy a model at the time of model creation.
AWS Security Hub announces enhanced management capabilities with AWS CloudFormation
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Today, AWS announces expanded AWS CloudFormation support for AWS Security Hub, which allows you to use CloudFormation to deploy Security Hub and manage its standards and controls. Using the updated AWS::SecurityHub::Hub resource, you can now enable Security Hub, decide if it should be provisioned with default standards (the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices and CIS Foundations Benchmark version 1.2), and opt into its Consolidated Control Findings capability. You can also use the new AWS::SecurityHub::Standard resource to enable specific security standards such as NIST 800-53 or PCI DSS and manage individual controls in them. This expanded integration is available in all AWS Regions where Security Hub and CloudFormation are available.
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis achieves FedRAMP Moderate compliance
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is now in scope for FedRAMP Moderate in the US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), and US West (Oregon) Regions. You can now use MemoryDB to build applications for workloads that are subject to FedRAMP Moderate compliance.
Amazon MQ now supports cross-region data replication for ActiveMQ brokers
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Amazon MQ now supports cross-region data replication for ActiveMQ brokers on Amazon MQ. This feature allows you to build regionally resilient messaging applications using continuous asynchronous message replication from a primary broker to a replica broker in a standby AWS region with a few clicks, eliminating the need to use third-party tools or custom code to replicate data between regions.
Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts now support targeted allocations in AWS Outposts rack
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023You can now target allocation of Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts to specific AWS Outpost hosts. With targeted Dedicated Host allocations, you can control the deployment location of your workloads on specific Outposts racks. This allows you to allocate Dedicated Hosts on physical servers closely located on the same Outposts rack to achieve low latency goals. You can also use this feature to spread workloads on hardware across multiple Outposts racks for additional resiliency.
AWS IAM now supports FIDO2 for multi-factor authentication in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Today, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) announces the general availability of support for FIDO2 security keys in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. The FIDO2 specifications rely on public key cryptography, enabling cryptographically secure and phishing-resistant multi-factor (MFA) authentication.
AWS Glue now can detect 250 sensitive entity types from over 50 countries
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023Sensitive data detection feature in AWS Glue can now detect over 250 sensitive entity types from 50 countries out-of-the-box.
AWS Glue Studio now provides data previews for Glue Streaming jobs
Posted On: Jun 23, 2023AWS Glue now provides data preview for streaming jobs in Glue Studio that helps data engineers accelerate their Streaming ETL job development.
Announcing the AWS Amplify UI Builder Figma plugin
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023AWS Amplify announces the UI Builder Figma plugin, empowering design and development teams to seamlessly collaborate within a Figma file. Use this plugin with the Amplify UI kit to easily theme your components, upgrade to new UI kit versions, and generate and preview React code from your designs directly in Figma.
AWS launches AWS AppSync abstraction
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023Serverless application developers can now build AppSync powered applications in AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) with the new AWS::Serverless::GraphQLApi resource abstraction. AWS AppSync is a managed service that makes it easier to build scalable APIs that connect applications to data with a GraphQL endpoint. Before today, SAM customers had to work through a learning curve while building their AppSync applications in a SAM template:
- SAM customers wanting to use AppSync could only use AppSync’s CloudFormation resources in their SAM template.
- IAM permissions had to be managed individually by the user, requiring IAM expertise to successfully and safely integrate the AppSync resources with Lambda or DynamoDB.
AWS Transfer Family announces structured JSON log format
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023AWS Transfer Family now delivers logs in a structured JSON format across all resources – including servers, connectors, and workflows – and all protocols – including SFTP, FTPS, FTP, and AS2. The new format allows you to easily parse and query your logs using CloudWatch Log Insights, which automatically discovers JSON formatted fields. You’ll also benefit from improved monitoring with support for CloudWatch Contributor Insights, which requires a structured log format to track top users, total number of unique users, and their ongoing usage.
AWS Lambda adds support for Ruby 3.2 in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023AWS Lambda now supports Ruby 3.2 as a managed runtime and a container base image in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Developers creating serverless applications in Lambda with Ruby 3.2 can take advantage of new features such as endless methods, a new Data class, improved pattern matching, and performance improvements. For more information on Lambda’s support for Ruby 3.2, see our blog post at Ruby 3.2 runtime now available in AWS Lambda.
Amazon Managed Grafana now supports OpenSearch Trace Analytics
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023Amazon Managed Grafana now supports Trace Analytics with the OpenSearch Grafana data source plugin, in addition to the existing support for Log Analytics. Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed service for Grafana, a popular open-source analytics platform that enables you to query, visualize, and alert on your metrics, logs, and traces. OpenSearch is an open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, observability, real-time application monitoring, and clickstream analysis that is also offered as a fully managed Amazon OpenSearch Service.
Amazon EC2 R6i instances now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R6i instances are available in AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad). Amazon EC2 R6i instances are powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code named Ice Lake) with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz. They offer up to 50 Gbps of network bandwidth and up to 40 Gbps of bandwidth to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). These instances are built on AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage.
AWS Step Functions launches Versions and Aliases
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023AWS Step Functions announces the availability of Versions and Aliases, improving resiliency for deployments of serverless workflows. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service capable of orchestrating over 11,000+ API actions from over 250 AWS services to automate business processes and data processing workloads.
AWS Lambda adds support for Python 3.10 in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023AWS Lambda now supports Python 3.10 as a managed runtime and a container base image in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Developers creating serverless applications in Lambda with Python 3.10 can take advantage of numerous Python language enhancements to make code more readable and maintainable. These include pattern matching for data structures, parenthesized context managers to simplify managing resources such as file handles or database connections, and better error handling. For more information on Lambda’s support for Python 3.10, see our blog post at Python 3.10 runtime now available in AWS Lambda.
Amazon RDS for MariaDB supports minor versions 10.6.14, 10.5.21, 10.4.30
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MariaDB now supports MariaDB minor versions 10.6.14, 10.5.21, and 10.4.30. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MariaDB, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the MariaDB community.
AWS Lambda adds support for Java 17 in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023AWS Lambda now supports Java 17 as a managed runtime and a container base image in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Developers creating serverless applications in Lambda with Java 17 can take advantage of new language features including Java records, sealed classes and multi-line strings. The Lambda Java 17 runtime also has numerous performance improvements. For more information on Lambda’s support for Java 17, see our blog post at Java 17 runtime now available in AWS Lambda.
Amazon Connect reduces toll free rates for Australia and New Zealand
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023Amazon Connect has reduced prices for Toll Free (TFN) rates for Australia and New Zealand in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) region. This includes reductions of Australia TFN inbound minutes by 54% from $0.0540/min to $0.025/min and New Zealand TFN inbound minutes by 52% from $0.2205/min to $0.1069/min.
Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports minor versions 2014 GDR, 2016 GDR, 2017 CU31 GDR, and 2019 CU20
Posted On: Jun 22, 2023New minor versions of Microsoft SQL Server are now available on Amazon RDS for SQL Server, offering performance and security fixes. Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports the new minor versions for SQL Server 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019 on the Express, Web, Standard, and Enterprise Editions.
AWS Elemental MediaConvert releases bandwidth reduction filter for HEVC and AVC
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Today, AWS announces the general availability of bandwidth reduction filtering for the AVC and HEVC encoders in AWS Elemental MediaConvert. The bandwidth reduction filter is a perceptual input preprocessing filter which removes temporal noise from video sources while minimizing impact on visual quality. The filter uses human vision system models to reduce imperceptible signals and temporal noise, which often originate from camera sensors.
AWS Application Discovery Service introduces Amazon EC2 recommendations
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Today, AWS Application Discovery Service introduces a public API to estimate the cost of running your existing on-premises servers in AWS.
AWS Transfer Family announces Drummond Group Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) Certification
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023AWS Transfer Family has earned the official Drummond Group AS2 Cloud Certification Seal. Drummond Group is an independent provider of testing and certification services for various industry standards and protocols. This certification verifies that AWS Transfer Family’s Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) capabilities are compatible and interoperable with fourteen third-party AS2 vendors commonly used for business-to-business (B2B) communication.
Amazon Redshift improves the experience for encrypting the data warehouse
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Amazon Redshift offers comprehensive encryption capabilities to protect your data at rest. Now, Amazon Redshift further enhances the experience of encrypting the warehouse with RA3 node types by reducing the overall encryption time and improving the availability of the warehouse during the encryption process.
Transform data into ML features using SageMaker Feature Store feature processing
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Amazon SageMaker Feature Store now supports feature processing, a new capability that enables you to transform data into ML features. With this launch, you simply provide a data source, and the transformation function you want to perform on the data and SageMaker Feature Store takes care of processing the data into ML features.
Amazon Personalize now supports filtering selected items by properties of the input item
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Amazon Personalize announces the ability to filter (include or exclude) recommendations for Related Items recipes based on the properties of the input or query item (e.g. the CurrentItem). Prior to this launch, Personalize customers could filter items based on dataset properties such as category or price range. Customers could also filter recommendations based on properties of the user getting recommendations (e.g. the CurrentUser), such as age or whether or not the user had taken a specific action.
Amazon EC2 M6gd instances are now available in Europe (Paris) region
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6gd instances are available in Europe (Paris) region. These instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and are built on the AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. These instances offer up to 25 Gbps of network bandwidth and up to 19 Gbps of bandwidth to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS).
AWS Lambda supports starting from timestamp for Kafka event sources
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023AWS Lambda now supports starting from a specific timestamp when using Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) or Self-Managed Kafka as an event source. Previously, Kafka event source mappings could only have starting positions of trim horizon or latest. Now with starting from a timestamp, you can start processing messages at a precise point in time. This is useful for situations like Disaster Recovery, where you need a new consumer to quickly start processing where you previously left off.
Amazon EC2 T4g instances are now available in additional regions
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Starting today, Amazon Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) T4g instances are available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta, Melbourne, Osaka), Europe (Zurich) and Middle East (Bahrain) regions. These instances are powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors and deliver up to 40% better price performance over T3 instances. The T4g instances provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst CPU usage at any time for as long as required. T4g instances offer a balance of compute, memory, and network resources for a broad spectrum of general purpose workloads, such as large scale micro-services, caching servers, search engine indexing, e-commerce platforms, and virtual desktops.
Amazon EMR now publishes events for insufficient instance capacity errors
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Today, we are excited to announce that Amazon EMR now publishes events for insufficient instance capacity. This launch makes it simpler for customers to troubleshoot EC2 instance capacity issues by providing them an easy way to view which instance types have insufficient capacity. Additionally, customers can use these events to create rules to be notified when there is insufficient instance capacity, as well as react to changes in their EMR cluster. These new events are automatically enabled for both current and earlier Amazon EMR on EC2 releases and no further action is needed.
Tagging support for AWS Purchase Order Management
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Today, AWS Purchase Order Management announces the general availability of ‘Attribute-based & Resource-based access control’ for purchase orders (POs) created in the AWS Console. This launch allows you to tag purchase orders (POs) that are created on AWS Console and control access at a resource level with IAM policies. The AWS console also offers the ability to manage resource tags.
Announcing service-scoped free tier pricing rules for AWS Billing Conductor
Posted On: Jun 21, 2023Starting today, customers can create proforma pricing rules to control the application of free tier offers for specific AWS services in AWS Billing Conductor (ABC). Using service-scoped free tier pricing rules, customers can model a proforma chargeback workflow that only shares their always free tier benefits with a targeted set of accounts, those within a specific billing group. For example, a customer can choose to isolate their always free tier offer for AWS Step Functions (4,000 state transitions per month) to a “sandbox” billing group meant for experimentation, simplifying customers’ free tier chargeback model for specific accounts throughout the month.
Announcing nightly builds of Amazon Corretto
Posted On: Jun 20, 2023Amazon Corretto nightly builds are now available at downloads.corretto.aws for Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. Developers can now test the latest OpenJDK community code and bug fixes without waiting for the next quarterly release.
AWS CloudFormation accelerates dev-test cycle with new ChangeSets parameter
Posted On: Jun 20, 2023AWS CloudFormation launches a new parameter OnStackFailure for the CreateChangeSet API that allows customers to control the rollback behavior of ChangeSets. Customers use ChangeSets to preview the impact of a stack operation on active resources. Customers can deploy ChangeSets with an ExecuteChangeSet operation. With this launch, customers can modify the actions that CloudFormation will take when ChangeSet execution is unsuccessful. This allows customers to reduce manual intervention during retries of ChangeSet executions.
Announcing Amazon EC2 Hpc7g instances
Posted On: Jun 20, 2023AWS announces the general availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Hpc7g instances. Amazon EC2 Hpc7g instances are powered by AWS Graviton processors, which are custom Arm-based processors designed by AWS. Arm-based architectures are known for their higher core counts with better performance per watt and their energy efficiency owing to simple instructions (RISC) that generate less heat, offering better heat dissipation.
Announcing Amazon EC2 C7gn instances general availability
Posted On: Jun 20, 2023Today, AWS announces the general availability of the new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7gn instances, powered by the latest-generation AWS Graviton processors. Amazon EC2 C7gn instances feature the new 5th generation AWS Nitro Cards and deliver the highest network bandwidth, the best packet-processing performance, and the best price performance for network-intensive workloads. C7gn instances offer up to 200 Gbps network bandwidth and up to 3x higher packet-processing performance per vCPU versus comparable current generation x86-based network optimized instances. Amazon EC2 C7gn instances are built on the AWS Nitro System. The Nitro System is a collection of AWS-designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient and flexible cloud services with enhanced security, isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. Take advantage of the enhanced networking capabilities to scale performance and throughput while optimizing the cost of running network-intensive workloads. Workload examples include network virtual appliances, data analytics, and CPU-based artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) inference.
AWS Config now supports 21 new resource types
Posted On: Jun 20, 2023AWS Config now supports 21 more resource types for services, including AWS Amplify, AWS App Mesh, AWS App Runner, Amazon AppStream 2.0, Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra), AWS CodeArtifact, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon CloudWatch Evidently, Amazon Forecast, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon Pinpoint, AWS Signer, Amazon SageMaker, and AWS Transfer Family.
Amazon CloudWatch Logs announces new Log Insights dedup command
Posted On: Jun 20, 2023Amazon CloudWatch Logs is excited to announce a new Logs Insights command, dedup, which enables customers to eliminate duplicate results when analyzing logs. Customers frequently want to query their logs and view only unique results based on one or more fields. You can now use the new dedup command in your Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights queries to view unique results based on one or more fields. For example, you can view the most recent error message for each hostname by executing the dedup command on the hostname field.
AWS Verified Access adds a new logging functionality to improve troubleshooting
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023AWS Verified Access now provides improved logging functionality, making it easier to author and troubleshoot application access policies. Verified Access enables you to provide secure access to your corporate application using zero-trust principles. You can use end-user context, such as user groups and device risk score, from your existing third-party identity and device security services to define access policies. Starting today, you can log all the end-user context received from third-party services, simplifying policy authoring and troubleshooting.
Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor now available in 7 additional Regions
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor is now available in all standard AWS Regions. Internet Monitor is a feature of Amazon CloudWatch that helps you monitor internet performance and availability metrics between your AWS-hosted applications and your application’s end users. It can help reduce the time it takes to diagnose internet issues from days to minutes, and it also provides recommendations to help you improve your end users' experience. Internet Monitor publishes internet measurements to CloudWatch Logs and CloudWatch Metrics, and optionally to Amazon S3, and sends health events to Amazon EventBridge so that you can set up notifications.
Announcing the general availability of AWS Local Zones in Manila
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023AWS Local Zones is now available in Manila, Philippines. You can now use AWS Local Zones in Manila to deliver applications that require single-digit millisecond latency or local data processing.
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose adds support for data stream delivery to Amazon Redshift Serverless
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose can now deliver streaming data to Amazon Redshift Serverless. With few clicks, you can more easily ingest, transform, and reliably deliver streaming data into Amazon Redshift Serverless without building and managing your own data ingestion and delivery infrastructure. Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service that automatically scales to match the throughput of your data and without ongoing administration.
Amazon VPC CNI now supports IPv6 Egress for Pods in IPv4 enabled Kubernetes Clusters
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023Starting with Amazon VPC CNI version 1.13 , Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) allows clusters in IPv4 address space to connect with end points in IPv6 address space. This enables customers to operate services in mixed IPv4 and IPv6 environments while migrating to IPv6 only address space-based services. The native support in Amazon VPC CNI reduces the overhead of managing dual-stack cluster configurations and alleviates operational challenges in maintaining application compatibility with dual-stack networking.
ENA Express now supports 10 new EC2 Instances
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023ENA Express now supports 10 new instances: C6a.48xlarge, C6a.metal, M6a.48xlarge, M6a.metal, R6a.48xlarge, R6a.metal, x2idn.32xlarge, x2idn.metal, x2iedn.32xlarge, and x2iedn.metal. ENA Express is a networking feature that uses the AWS Scalable Reliable Datagram (SRD) protocol to improve network performance in two key ways: higher single flow bandwidth and lower tail latency for network traffic between EC2 instances. SRD is a proprietary protocol that delivers these improvements through advanced congestion control, multi-pathing, and packet reordering directly from the Nitro card.
AWS Trusted Advisor adds new fault tolerance checks
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023AWS Trusted Advisor has launched five fault tolerance checks across Amazon MQ, EC2 Nat Gateway and Amazon OpenSearch. AWS Trusted Advisor evaluates your AWS account with automated checks and provides cloud optimization recommendations to reduce costs, improve performance, increase security and fault tolerance, and monitor service quotas.
Announcing simplified cross-account management of operational issues in AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023Today, OpsCenter, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, announces simplified cross-account management of operational issues (OpsItems). In just a few clicks, customers can configure OpsCenter to centrally create, view, and manage operational issues across all accounts in their AWS Organization.
EMR on EKS now supports custom job scheduling
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023We are excited to announce the addition of Volcano and Apache Yunikorn as job schedulers when running EMR on EKS using Spark operator and spark-submit. Amazon EMR on EKS enables customers to run open-source big data frameworks such as Apache Spark on Amazon EKS. Using a custom job scheduler for Spark jobs enables fine-grained capacity management and faster pod provisioning at scale.
AWS Systems Manager Quick Setup enables automatic updates for EC2 launch agents
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023Today, AWS Systems Manager announces auto-update support for the Amazon EC2 Windows, Linux, and Mac launch agents in Quick Setup. With this launch, customers can enable automatic upgrades with a few clicks in the console in order to get the latest bug fixes, security patches, and feature updates for their EC2 launch agents across accounts and Regions in their Organization.
Announcing general availability of AWS Control Tower's integration with Security Hub
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023Today we are excited to announce the general availability of the integration between AWS Control Tower and AWS Security Hub. You can now enable over 170 Security Hub detective controls that map to related control objectives from AWS Control Tower. AWS Control Tower now detects when you disable a control from Security Hub which results in a ‘Drifted’ control state. With this drift detection capability, it is simpler for you to monitor the deployment state of your controls and take appropriate actions to manage the security posture of your AWS Control Tower environment.
AWS Lake Formation and Glue Data Catalog now support cross-Region table access
Posted On: Jun 19, 2023AWS Lake Formation now supports accessing Glue Data Catalog databases and tables across Regions. Previously, in order to access the Glue Data Catalog databases and tables from a different Region, you had to replicate the catalog items and/or underlying data from the source Region to the local Region. Now, with the cross-Region support in Lake Formation, you can access the Glue catalog databases and tables from any Region that Lake Formation is available. Each feature of Lake Formation, such as LF-Tags based access control, fine grained access permissions at the row and column level, data filters, and sharing to direct IAM principals across accounts are available with cross-Region table access. Lastly, you can also run queries that join tables between local Region tables and cross-Region tables.
Announcing AWS Partner Analytics Dashboard for AWS Partner Central
Posted On: Jun 16, 2023AWS Partners now have deeper insights into their Amazon Web Services (AWS) business through AWS Partner Analytics Dashboard , accessible from AWS Partner Central. The dashboard provides Alliance Leads for partners at the Validated or Differentiated with a 360-degree view of their AWS business, including opportunity pipeline, funding benefits, and pipeline revenue.
Amazon Connect Contact Lens now offers screen recording
Posted On: Jun 16, 2023Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides screen recording capabilities, making it easy for you to help agents improve their performance. With screen recording, you can identify areas for agent coaching (e.g., long contact handle duration or non-compliance with business processes) by not only listening to customer calls or reviewing chat transcripts, but also watching agents’ actions while handling a contact (i.e., a voice call, chat, or task). Screen recording is Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) compliant and in scope for System Organization Controls (SOC 1 and SOC 2).
AWS CloudShell is now available in 12 additional regions
Posted On: Jun 16, 2023AWS CloudShell is now generally available in the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Seoul), US West (N. California), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Europe (Paris), Africa (Cape Town), Europe (Milan), Middle East (UAE), and Middle East (Bahrain) regions.
Introducing Amazon EC2 M7a instances (Preview)
Posted On: Jun 16, 2023AWS announces the preview of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7a instances. M7a instances are designed to deliver the best x86 performance and price performance within the Amazon EC2 general purpose family, based on SPECint benchmarks. M7a instances are powered by 4th-generation AMD EPYC processors (code named Genoa) with a maximum frequency of up to 3.7GHz. These instances deliver up to 50% greater performance on average compared to M6a instances.
AWS Clean Rooms launches two capabilities to make it easier to collaborate at scale
Posted On: Jun 16, 2023Today, we are announcing two new AWS Clean Rooms capabilities to help business and technical users collaborate more easily and at scale. Analysis Builder is a guided UI that helps business users to generate insights without writing any code. Business users can use analysis builder to create and edit queries in their AWS Clean Rooms collaboration, and specify their desired metrics, segments, and filters to get insights in a few steps. AWS Clean Rooms customers can also now use AWS CloudFormation templates to create, update, and delete their collaborations, as well as manage resources such as Configured Tables and Table associations. With support for CloudFormation templates, customers can more easily scale their collaborations for additional partners and use cases.
Amazon RDS for MySQL supports new minor versions 5.7.42 and 8.0.33
Posted On: Jun 16, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL now supports MySQL minor versions 5.7.42 and 8.0.33. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MySQL, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the MySQL community.
Amazon AppFlow announces 4 new data connectors
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Amazon AppFlow announces the release of 4 new data connectors for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. The new data connectors enable you to transfer your data from Adobe Analytics, Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge, Coupa, and Google BigQuery, providing connectivity to business planning solutions. These Amazon AppFlow integrations make it easier for you to enrich or hydrate your data lakes, gain actionable insights, and streamline analysis and reporting.
Amazon RDS for MariaDB supports minor versions 10.6.13, 10.5.20, 10.4.29, 10.3.39
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MariaDB now supports MariaDB minor versions 10.6.13, 10.5.20, 10.4.29, and 10.3.39. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MariaDB, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the MariaDB community.
AWS Global Accelerator now supports endpoints in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Starting today, AWS Global Accelerator supports application endpoints in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region, expanding the number of supported AWS Regions to twenty-four.
Amazon Location Service now supports geofence metadata
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Amazon Location Service now supports geofence metadata, allowing customers to associate up to three types of additional information (metadata) to a virtual perimeter of a real-world geographical area known as a geofence. With metadata, developers can enrich their applications with properties about each geofence, such as building floor, area designation, route ID, etc., to address use cases such as finding a different floor inside the same geographic boundary.
Amazon EC2 M6i and R6i instances are now available in AWS Region Middle East (UAE)
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6i and R6i instances are available in AWS Region Middle East (UAE). These instances are built on AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage.
Amazon RDS for Oracle supports migration via RMAN Transportable Tablespaces
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports physical data migration via Oracle Recovery Manager cross-platform Transportable Tablespaces (RMAN XTTS). As of today, you can migrate sets of tablespaces to RDS for Oracle using Oracle RMAN XTTS to simplify movement of large amounts of data and reduce application downtime for a physical data migration.
AWS announces new edge location in Nigeria
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces expansion in Nigeria by launching a new edge location in Lagos. Customers in Nigeria can expect up to 20% improvement in latency, on average, for data delivered through the new edge location. The new AWS edge location brings the full suite of benefits provided by Amazon CloudFront, a highly distributed and scalable content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic content, APIs, and live and on-demand video with low latency and high performance.
Amazon Location Service adds support for place categories
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023Today, Amazon Location Service added support for places categories, allowing developers to request, filter, or group places based on specific categories such as coffee shops or restaurants. Developers can use places categories to improve the relevance of their searches, increase the accuracy of their location-based insights, and improve their customer experience. For example, a developer working on a food delivery website can build a search box that filters on restaurants, autocompletes user inputs, and only suggests results relevant to their customers.
AWS Step Functions adds integration for 7 services including Amazon VPC Lattice
Posted On: Jun 15, 2023AWS Step Functions expands its AWS SDK integrations with support for 7 additional AWS services including Amazon VPC Lattice, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor, AWS IoT TwinMaker, and Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion.
Amazon RDS now supports T4g database instances in 3 additional AWS regions
Posted On: Jun 14, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g database instances in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Europe (Spain), and Middle East (UAE) Regions. T4g database instances provide a baseline level of CPU performance, with the ability to burst CPU usage at any time for as long as required. Depending on the database engine, version, and workload, T4g database instances provide up to 36% better price performance over comparable x86-based T3 database instances.
AWS Security Hub launches 6 new security controls
Posted On: Jun 14, 2023AWS Security Hub has released 6 new security controls, increasing the overall number of controls Security Hub offers to 264. The new controls conduct fully-automatic security checks against services such as Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). To use these controls, you should first turn on the standard they belong to - either Foundational Security Best Practices (FSBP) or National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP 800-53 Rev. 5 . If you are already using those standards and have Security Hub set to automatically turn on new controls, these new controls will run without having to take any additional action.
Amazon Personalize now supports VPC endpoints
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Amazon Personalize now supports Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints, allowing Amazon Personalize to communicate with your resources on your VPC without going through the open internet. Amazon VPC is a service that you use to launch AWS resources in a private virtual network that you define and manage. To connect your VPC to Amazon Personalize, you define a VPC endpoint for Amazon Personalize. An endpoint is an elastic network interface with a private IP address that serves as an entry point for traffic destined to a supported AWS service. The endpoint provides reliable, scalable connectivity to Amazon Personalize, and doesn’t require an internet gateway or VPN connection. For more information, see What is Amazon VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
EMR on EKS now supports container log rotation for Apache Spark
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023We're excited to announce the ability to control container log rotation when running Apache Spark jobs in EMR on EKS. Amazon EMR on EKS enables customers to run open-source big data frameworks such as Apache Spark on Amazon EKS. Customers can now enable container log rotation to avoid excessive log files impacting pod execution.
Well-Architected introduces Profiles
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023AWS Well-Architected introduces Profiles, which allows customers to tailor their Well-Architected reviews based on their business goals. This feature creates a mechanism for continuous improvement by encouraging customers to review their workloads with certain goals in mind first, and then complete the remaining Well-Architected review questions.
Announcing third-party risk assessments and CSV exports in AWS Audit Manager
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Today, AWS Audit Manager announces expanded support for third-party risk assessments with the launch of two new features: a third-party questionnaire and the ability to export evidence as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Customers can already share custom frameworks with vendors on AWS, so that vendors can create assessments on these frameworks and automatically collect evidence from their environments. Together, these features make it easier for enterprises to customize their third-party vendor risk assessments on AWS.
ECR basic scanning now uses version 3 of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) framework
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) basic scanning feature will use Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) version 3 information when determining the severity for new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). This enables customers to get the most recent severity information for vulnerabilities in their ECR container images. We use CVSS information to determine the severity of a vulnerability when the upstream distribution source does not have this information.
Amazon CodeGuru Security is now available in preview
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Today, AWS announces the preview release of Amazon CodeGuru Security, a static application security testing (SAST) tool that uses Machine Learning to help you identify code vulnerabilities and provide guidance you can use as part of remediation. CodeGuru Security also provides in-context code patches for certain classes of vulnerabilities, helping you reduce the effort required to fix code vulnerabilities.
Amazon Connect now publishes new contact lifecycle events for callbacks
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Amazon Connect now provides new contact lifecycle events for callbacks, including when a callback was queued, answered, or disconnected. Contact events can be used to create analytics dashboards to monitor and track contact activity, integrate into workforce management (WFM) solutions to better understand contact center performance, or take follow up actions such as updating your customer databases with a record of the callback attempt. Amazon Connect contact events are published in near real-time via Amazon EventBridge, and can be set up in a couple of clicks by going to the Amazon EventBridge AWS console and creating a new rule.
Amazon Detective extends finding groups to Amazon Inspector
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Amazon Detective has expanded finding groups to include Amazon Inspector network reachability and software vulnerability findings alongside Amazon GuardDuty findings. The combined threats and vulnerabilities help security analysts prioritize where they should focus their time by answering questions like “was this EC2 instance compromised because of a software vulnerability?” or “did this GuardDuty finding occur because of unintended network exposure?”
Amazon Rekognition improves face search accuracy with user vectors
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Today, AWS launched a new capability that significantly improves face search accuracy by leveraging multiple face images of a user. Currently, Amazon Rekognition allows customers to search users represented by individual face vectors. Face vectors are mathematical representations of faces from images. Now, customers can create user vectors, which aggregate multiple face vectors of the same user. User vectors offer higher face search accuracy with more robust depictions, as they contain varying degrees of lighting, sharpness, pose, appearance, etc.
AWS IAM Identity Center now supports automated user provisioning from Google Workspace
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Customers can now connect their Google Workspace to AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) once and manage access to AWS accounts and applications centrally, in IAM Identity Center. This integration enables end users to sign in using their Google Workspace identity to access all their assigned AWS accounts and applications. The integration helps administrators simplify AWS access management across multiple accounts while maintaining familiar Google Workspace experiences for end users as they sign in. IAM Identity Center and Google Workspace use Google auto-provisioning to securely provision users into IAM Identity Center, saving administrative time.
Amazon Inspector announces the general availability of Code Scans for AWS Lambda function
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Amazon Inspector now supports code scanning of Lambda functions, expanding the existing capability to scan Lambda functions and associated layers for software vulnerabilities in application package dependencies. With this expanded capability, Amazon Inspector now also scans your custom proprietary application code within a Lambda function for code security vulnerabilities such as injection flaws, data leaks, weak cryptography, or missing encryption based on AWS security best practices. Upon detecting code vulnerabilities within the Lambda function or layer, Amazon Inspector generates actionable security findings that provide several details, such as security detector name, impacted code snippets, and remediation suggestions to address vulnerabilities. All findings are aggregated in the Amazon Inspector console and seamlessly routed to AWS Security Hub, and pushed to Amazon EventBridge to automate workflows.
AWS announces Software Bill of Materials export capability in Amazon Inspector
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Amazon Inspector now offers the ability to export a consolidated Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) for all Amazon Inspector monitored resources across your organization in industry standard formats, including CycloneDx and SPDX. With this new capability, you can use automated and centrally managed SBOMs to gain visibility into key information about your software supply chain. This includes details about software packages used in the resource, along with associated vulnerabilities. After Amazon Inspector exports the SBOMs to an Amazon S3 bucket, you have the option to download the SBOM artifacts and use Amazon Athena or Amazon QuickSight to analyze and visualize software supply chain trends. This capability in Amazon Inspector is available with a few clicks in the Amazon Inspector console or using Amazon Inspector APIs. SBOM exports are offered at no additional cost.
Amazon Verified Permissions is now generally available
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Today, AWS is announcing the general availability of Amazon Verified Permissions, service for fine-grained authorization and permissions management for applications that you build. Verified Permissions uses Cedar, an open-source language for access control, allowing you to define permissions as easy-to-understand policies. Use Verified Permissions to support role - and attribute-based access control in your applications.
AWS WAF Fraud Control launches account creation fraud prevention and tiered pricing
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023AWS WAF Fraud Control announces Account Creation Fraud Prevention, a managed protection for AWS WAF that is designed to prevent creation of fake or fraudulent accounts. Fraudsters use fake accounts to initiate activities, such as abusing promotional and sign-up bonuses, impersonating legitimate users, and carrying out phishing attacks. These activities can lead to several direct or indirect costs such as damaged customer relationships, reputational loss, and exposure to financial fraud. Account Creation Fraud Prevention protects your account sign-up or registration pages by allowing you to continuously monitor requests for anomalous digital activity and automatically block suspicious requests based on request identifiers and behavioral analysis.
Amazon S3 announces dual-layer server-side encryption for compliance workloads
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Customers can now apply two independent layers of server-side encryption to objects in Amazon S3. Dual-layer server-side encryption with keys stored in AWS Key Management Service (DSSE-KMS) is designed to meet National Security Agency CNSSP 15 for FIPS compliance and Data-at-Rest Capability Package (DAR CP) Version 5.0 guidance for two layers of CNSA encryption. Amazon S3 is the only cloud object storage service where customers can apply two layers of encryption at the object level and control the data keys used for both layers. S3 features such as DSSE-KMS are vetted and accepted for use on top-secret workloads, which benefits all customers globally.
AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery now supports VPC configurations recovery
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) now allows you to replicate and recover your AWS network components and configurations to maintain the readiness and security of your AWS recovery site. These components includes subnet CIDR, security groups, route tables, Internet gateways, and network ACLs.
Announcing the AWS Global Partner Security Initiative
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Today, AWS announces the AWS Global Security Initiative which provides Global System Integrators (GSI) partners the opportunity to jointly develop innovative and transformational security and compliance services with AWS, delivering on the promise of actionable security data leveraging the power of Generative AI. This initiative focuses on security services and managed services for multi-cloud enterprises seeking cyber-resilient environments to reduce risk and meet regulatory obligations.
Amazon GuardDuty enhances console experience with findings summary view
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Today, AWS announces a new summary page in the Amazon GuardDuty console to help you more quickly identify and take action on the highest-priority findings across your AWS environment. The summary page presents trends of findings over time, a breakdown of findings by severity and finding type, and top finding volume resources such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases, AWS Lambda functions, or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters. If you are operating in a multi-account environment, the new summary page consolidates findings from across the organization, and helps you to more quickly identify top-impacted accounts.
Skip unavailable clusters during cross-cluster search in Amazon OpenSearch Service
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports a new ‘skip unavailable’ setting for cross cluster search connections. If skip unavailable is enabled on connections, cross-cluster search ignores any remote cluster that might not available during the search.
AWS CloudTrail Lake launches curated dashboards for visualizing top CloudTrail trends
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023AWS CloudTrail Lake, a managed data lake that lets organizations aggregate, immutably store, and query their audit and security logs for auditing, security investigations and operational troubleshooting, announces the general availability of CloudTrail Lake dashboards. CloudTrail Lake dashboards provide out-of-the-box visibility for top trends from your CloudTrail data directly within the CloudTrail Lake console. It also offers the flexibility to drill down into additional details such as specific user activity for further investigation needs using CloudTrail Lake SQL queries. Auditing and compliance engineers can use the CloudTrail Lake dashboards to track progress of compliance mandates such as migration to TLS 1.2 and beyond. CloudTrail Lake dashboards will help security engineers closely track sensitive user activities such as deletion of trails or repeated access denied errors. Cloud operation engineers can get visibility to issues such as top service throttling errors from the curated dashboard.
Announcing AWS Security Hub automation rules
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023AWS Security Hub, a cloud security posture management service that performs security best practice checks, aggregates alerts, and facilitates automated remediation, now features a capability to automatically update or suppress findings in near-real time. You can now use automation rules to automatically update various fields in findings, suppress findings, update finding severity and workflow status, add notes, and more.
Amazon EC2 Instance Connect supports SSH and RDP connectivity without public IP address
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023With EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint (EIC Endpoint), customers now have SSH and RDP connectivity to their EC2 instances without using public IP addresses. In the past, customers assigned public IPs to their EC2 instances for remote connectivity. With EIC Endpoints, customers can have remote connectivity to their instances in private subnets, eliminating the need to use public IPv4 addresses for connectivity.
New AWS built-in partner software automates installation for customers
Posted On: Jun 13, 2023We are excited to highlight AWS Partner software solutions with AWS built-in, including new infrastructure as code (IaC) that integrates automatically with AWS foundational services to help customers achieve their long-term goals in the cloud. AWS built-in software uses a well-architected Modular Code Repository (MCR) designed to add value to partner software solutions. AWS built-in partner solutions leverage key building blocks called Cloud Foundational Services across multiple domains such as identity, security, and operations.
Amazon EC2 R6id instances are now available in additional regions
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R6id instances are available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore), and Europe (London) regions. These instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable Ice Lake processors with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz and up to 7.6 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage.
Amazon Route 53 DNS resource record set permissions now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023AWS GovCloud (US) Regions are designed to host sensitive data, regulated workloads, and address the most stringent U.S. government security and compliance requirements. With today’s release, Route 53 now enables customers in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions to define AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) create, edit, and delete policies for individual or groups of DNS record sets within a Route 53 private hosted zone.
AWS announces AWS Payment Cryptography
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023Today, AWS is announcing a new service, AWS Payment Cryptography. This service simplifies your implementation of cryptography operations used to secure data in payment processing applications for debit, credit, and stored-value cards in accordance with various payment card industry (PCI), network, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards and rules. Financial service providers and processors can replace their on-premises hardware security modules (HSMs) with this elastic service and move their payments-specific cryptography and key management functions to the cloud.
AWS Control Tower adds 10 new AWS Security Hub controls
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023We are excited to announce the addition of 10 new AWS Security Hub detective controls to the AWS Control Tower controls library. These new controls target services such as Amazon APIGateway, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Elastic Load Balancer, Amazon Redshift, Amazon SageMaker, and AWS WAF. These new controls help you meet control objectives, such as establish logging and monitoring, limiting network access and encrypting data at rest, enhancing your governance posture.
Announcing preview of the AWS Database Encryption SDK for Amazon DynamoDB
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023Today, we are launching preview of the AWS Database Encryption SDK, an upgrade to the existing Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client, which enables you to include client-side encryption in your DynamoDB workloads. With this launch, you can more easily perform attribute-level encryption, enabling you to encrypt specific attribute values before storing them in your DynamoDB table. This lets you protect sensitive data in-transit and at-rest, as data cannot be exposed unless decrypted by your application. This new release also lets you easily search on encrypted attributes without decrypting the entire database beforehand. This lets you find the right information quickly to download to your application while your data remains securely encrypted within the database.
Amazon Connect launches search APIs for three more resources
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023Amazon Connect now provides APIs to search for three additional resources in your Amazon Connect instance: prompts, quick connects and hours of operation. These new APIs provide a programmatic and flexible way to search by name, resource ID, description, or tags. For example, you can now search for quick connects with “finance” in the description, prompts matching a group of IDs, or hours of operation for a specific time zone. The results include details such as ARN, status and related resource IDs. To learn more about the new search APIs, see the API documentation .
AWS Transfer Family announces quantum-safe key exchange for SFTP
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023AWS Transfer Family now supports quantum-safe public-key exchange for SFTP file transfers. Quantum-safe public-key exchange helps protect your file transfers from threats such as “harvest now, decrypt later“ attacks that record present day traffic for decrypting once cryptographically relevant quantum computers become available.
Amazon EventBridge Archive and Replay now in additional regions
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023Amazon EventBridge Archive and Replay is now available in the Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) AWS Regions, making event-driven applications more durable and extensible by providing an easier way to replay past events. Archive and Replay enables you to build applications that can more easily recover from errors and also allows you to more easily validate new functionality in your applications.
Amazon EMR supports price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for EC2 Spot Instances
Posted On: Jun 12, 2023Today, we are excited to announce that Amazon EMR now supports the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for Amazon EC2 Spot Instances for clusters launched with Instance Fleets. Allocation strategies let you determine how EMR selects from your specified instance types and Availability Zones to fulfill your desired capacity. Price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy makes Spot allocation decisions based on both spare capacity availability and Spot Instance price. As a result, you can run Spot Instances at a lower price and with a lower interruption rate.
AWS Config supports recording exclusions by resource type
Posted On: Jun 9, 2023We are excited to announce that AWS Config now offers support for excluding resource types from configuration change tracking. This new feature allows you to exclude specific types of AWS resources from inventory tracking and compliance monitoring while still tracking all other supported resource types currently available in AWS Config, including those that will be added in the future. As a result, you can concentrate on critical resources that are subject to your organization's compliance and governance standards.
Falcon 40B foundation model from TII available on SageMaker JumpStart
Posted On: Jun 9, 2023Starting today, the state-of-the-art Falcon 40B foundation model from Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart , SageMaker’s machine learning (ML) hub that offers pre-trained models, built-in algorithms, and pre-built solution templates to help you quickly get started with ML. You can deploy and use this Falcon LLM with a few clicks in SageMaker Studio or programmatically through the SageMaker Python SDK.
Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 now supports Amazon EC2 t3.medium and r5 instances
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 extends instance support to Amazon EC2 t3.medium and r5 instances, in addition to previously supported Amazon EC2 r6g instances. You can now use Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 free trial with t3.medium instance and upto 96 vCPUs and 768 GiB RAM with r5 instances. Please refer to supported instance specifications to learn more.
Amazon Athena for Apache Spark now supports custom Java libraries
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Athena for Apache Spark now allows you to use your own Java libraries and customize the Spark configurations for your Spark workloads. You can use Java libraries as custom JARs with Athena Spark to analyze data from multiple sources or use functions in custom jars for more flexibility with calculations.
AWS announces scripts to bulk updates policies per new AWS Billing and Cost Management permissions
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023AWS is retiring IAM actions for AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account consoles under aws-portal service prefix, purchase-orders:ViewPurchaseOrders, and purchase-orders:ModifyPurchaseOrders on July 6, 2023. Today, we are launching bulk migration scripts to allow customers to update policies containing the above old actions on the retirement path to include new fine-grained actions securely and quickly. Customers can execute these scripts from their management accounts and update all affected policies in their Organization to include new actions, while maintaining their current access to AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account consoles.
Amazon Athena for Apache Spark now supports Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Athena for Apache Spark now supports open-source data lake storage frameworks Apache Hudi 0.13, Apache Iceberg 1.2.1, and Linux Foundation Delta Lake 2.0.2. These frameworks simplify incremental data processing of large data sets using ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions and make it simpler to store and process large data sets in your data lakes.
AWS announces Amazon Aurora I/O-Optimized in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon Aurora I/O-Optimized in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. Amazon Aurora I/O-Optimized is a new configuration that provides improved price performance and predictable pricing for customers with I/O-intensive applications. Aurora I/O-Optimized offers improved performance, increasing throughput and reducing latency for customers’ most demanding workloads. With Aurora I/O-Optimized, there are zero charges for read and write I/O operations—you only pay for your database instances and storage usage, making it easy to predict your database spend up front.
Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports April 2023 Release Update for 21c
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports the April 2023 Release Update (RU) for Oracle Database 21c.
Amazon Aurora now supports R6i database instance in Europe (Frankfurt) Region
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Aurora R6i database instances are now generally available in the Europe (Frankfurt) Region for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL- Compatible Edition and Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition.
Amazon EC2 I4i is available in AWS GovCloud (US) and Africa Regions
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Starting today, storage optimized Amazon EC2 I4i instances are now also available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West, US-East) and Africa (Cape Town) Regions. Amazon EC2 I4i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (Ice Lake) and deliver the highest local storage performance within Amazon EC2 using AWS Nitro NVMe SSDs.
Amazon SQS announces support for dead-letter queue redrive via AWS SDK or CLI
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Today, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) announces support for dead-letter queue redrive via AWS SDK or Command Line Interface (CLI). Dead-letter queue redrive is an enhanced capability to improve the dead-letter queue management experience for Amazon SQS customers. Now, customers can use AWS SDK or CLI to move messages from the dead-letter queue to programmatically manage the lifecycle of their unconsumed messages at scale.
AWS Managed Microsoft AD simplifies directory administrative tools access
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Starting today, AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory customers can access directory administrative EC2 instances easily from the AWS Directory Service console. Now, within minutes you can deploy a preconfigured domain-joined EC2 instance with Microsoft Active Directory administrative tools.
Amazon CloudWatch Logs data protection account level policy configuration
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon CloudWatch Logs is excited to announce support for account level data protection policy configuration, you can now create a data protection policy that will be applied to all existing and future log groups within your AWS account.
RDS Custom for SQL Server lets you Bring Your Own Media
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for SQL Server now allows customers to use their own SQL Server installation media when creating an instance. By using Bring Your Own Media (BYOM), customers may leverage their existing SQL Server licenses with Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server. Amazon RDS Custom is a managed database service that allows customization of the underlying operating system and database environment. Managed features of RDS Custom for SQL Server include Multi-AZ deployment, point-in-time recovery and more.
Amazon Timestream now supports Customer Defined Partition Keys
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Timestream announces the general availability of Customer Defined Partition Keys, providing additional flexibility for customers to partition their data based on their needs, and optimizing data collocation for lower query latency.
Single Region Terraform support now available for AWS Control Tower Account Factory
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023AWS Control Tower now offers single-region support for Terraform through account factory customization. You can now customize new and existing AWS accounts prior to provisioning them from AWS Control Tower using Terraform open source. With this release, you can now use AWS Control Tower and AWS Service Catalog to define account blueprints using Terraform. The account blueprint describes the specific resources and configurations that are used in an account as a template to scale multiple AWS accounts. Now, customers who prefer using Terraform have the same flexibility and immediate access to the account after it is provisioned.
AWS Lambda now supports SnapStart for Java in 7 additional AWS Regions
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Starting today, AWS Lambda SnapStart for Java is available in 7 additional AWS Regions: Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Jakarta, Osaka), Europe (Milan, Paris) and Middle East (Bahrain).
Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now exports profile updates in real-time
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now supports real-time data export of unified customer profiles to Amazon Kinesis Data Stream. Companies can enable data streaming and automatically receive data for new profiles and updates to existing profiles into their Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
QuickSight now provides standardized user level cost and usage data
Posted On: Jun 8, 2023Amazon QuickSight administrators can now access user level cost and usage data for all user types in AWS Billing Cost and Usage Reports in a standardized format. This common format across reader, authors, and admin user types will allow QuickSight customers to create standardized cost breakdowns of their deployments, and enable cost charge back to internal teams and stakeholders. This change is applicable in all regions where Amazon QuickSight is available.
AWS SimSpace Weaver is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023We are excited to announce that AWS SimSpace Weaver is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. Government customers such as departments that handle disaster relief, defense, national logistics, and partners such as federal contractors and systems integrators with customers who have U.S. federal, state, or local government security and compliance requirements can now use these regions to host sensitive data and regulated workloads in the cloud. All SimSpace Weaver features are available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.
AWS Lambda adds support for Ruby 3.2
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023AWS Lambda now supports Ruby 3.2 as both a managed runtime and a container base image. Developers creating serverless applications in Lambda with Ruby 3.2 can take advantage of new features such as endless methods, a new Data class, improved pattern matching, and performance improvements. For more information on Lambda’s support for Ruby 3.2, see our blog post at Ruby 3.2 runtime now available in AWS Lambda.
Daily invoice consolidation is now available in AWS EMEA SARL
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Today, AWS announces daily invoice consolidation for AWS customers invoiced by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL. AWS customers in EMEA will automatically start receiving a daily invoice or credit memo that consolidates subscription invoices and credit memos for that day.
Amazon SageMaker Pipelines now supports Selective Executions
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Today, AWS announced a new feature in SageMaker Pipelines, the ML workflow management service, to enable users run their desired steps in a pipeline as a sub-workflow. The new feature, called Selective Execution, allows you to run your selected steps in a pipeline while avoiding to rerun the entire pipeline. As a Data Scientist, Applied Scientist or an ML Engineer iterating on a pipeline for experimentation and deployment of ML models at scale, you can use this feature to initiate a pipeline execution on your desired steps and save hours of processing time, and simplify managing the code used for executions.
AWS Mainframe Modernization service is now HIPAA eligible
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023AWS Mainframe Modernization is now a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) eligible service, enabling covered entities and their business associates to use AWS Mainframe Modernization to process, maintain, and store protected health information. If you have an executed Business Associate Addendum (BAA) with AWS, you can now use AWS Mainframe Modernization for workloads that are subject to HIPAA compliance.
Amazon Polly launches a new female NTTS voice in Belgian Dutch (Flemish)
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Lisa - a new Belgian Dutch female Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) voice for Amazon Polly. Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech, allowing you to create applications that talk and to build entirely new categories of speech-enabled products.
AWS Application Migration Service is now available in additional regions
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is now available in the Europe (Zurich), Europe (Spain), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), and Australia (Melbourne) regions. Starting today, you can use AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) to migrate and modernize your applications in these regions.
Amazon QuickSight now supports APIs to automate and accelerate assets deployment
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Amazon QuickSight launches new API capabilities that allow you to automate and accelerate your BI asset deployment and management. With these new APIs, you can get programmatic access to export and import QuickSight assets such as dashboards, analysis, datasets including ingestion schedules, datasources, themes, and VPC configurations across accounts and environments. You can interact with a collection of assets in a lift-and-shift manner for your CI/CD workflows, enable backup and restore, and replicate assets powering automation of workflows and achievement of the desired infrastructure setup with full support for AWS CloudFormation. To learn more, read the blogpost.
Amazon SageMaker Canvas supports retraining ML models, automating prediction workflows on updated datasets
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Amazon SageMaker Canvas now provides the ability to retrain machine learning (ML) models and automate batch prediction workflows with updated datasets thereby making it easier to constantly learn and improve the model performance and drive efficiency. SageMaker Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own — without requiring any ML expertise or having to write a single line of code.
Announcing Test Workbench for Amazon Lex
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. With Amazon Lex, you can quickly and easily build conversational bots (“chatbots”), virtual agents, and interactive voice response (IVR) systems. Today, we are excited to introduce Test workbench on Amazon Lex that enables customers to author and execute test sets to measure bot performance and expedite bot development.
AWS CloudFormation StackSets skips suspended accounts for faster deployments
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023AWS CloudFormation StackSets is updating the deployment experience for CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, IMPORT TO STACKSET, and DRIFT stack set operations to skip suspended AWS accounts during deployments. With this launch, StackSets will skip target AWS accounts that are suspended and flag the corresponding stack instances as SKIPPED_SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT instead of FAILED. Customers suspend their AWS accounts for reasons such as reducing usage of cloud resources for non-production environments during periods of low demand. This feature enhances deployment speed of stack set operations and reduces the number of FAILED stack set operations.
Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now available in new regions
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Starting today, Amazon EC2 High Memory instances with 24TiB of memory (u-24tb1.112xlarge) are now available in US West (Oregon) Region and instances with 9TiB of memory (u-9tb1.112xlarge) are now available in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region. Customers can start using these new High Memory instances with On Demand and Savings Plan purchase options.
Amazon Redshift Serverless now supports query scheduling and Single sign-on support
Posted On: Jun 7, 2023Amazon Redshift Serverless now allows you to schedule your SQL queries for staging in recurring schedules. You can now automate time sensitive or long running queries, loading or unloading your data using Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 or Amazon Redshift Data API with flexible scheduling expressions, including cron expressions, for optimal control over query execution timing. The query scheduling is secured as you can either leverage your IAM credentials or secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS Control Tower increases account access configuration flexibility
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023Today, AWS Control Tower announced additional landing zone flexibility. Customers can now select whether AWS Control Tower sets up AWS account access with AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On), or they can self-manage AWS account access with AWS IAM Identity Center or use another method. AWS Control Tower continues to deliver an opinionated configuration following AWS best practices, while recognizing that some customers have existing configurations or bespoke business needs that require deviation from AWS Control Tower’s standard configuration. Customers can opt into Control Tower governed IAM Identity Center directory groups and permissions sets at any time.
Announcing Live Tail in Amazon CloudWatch Logs, providing real-time exploration of logs
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023We are excited to announce Amazon CloudWatch Logs Live Tail, a new interactive log analytics experience feature that helps you detect and debug anomalies in applications. You can now view your logs interactively in real-time as they’re ingested, which helps you to analyze and resolve issues across your systems and applications.
AWS Glue Data Quality is now generally available
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023AWS announces general availability of AWS Glue Data Quality, a capability that automatically measures and monitors data lake and data pipeline quality. AWS Glue is a serverless, scalable data integration and ETL (extract, transform, and load) service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources.
AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces now provides more flexibility routing with path parameters
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces now supports path parameters in routes for Lambda and URL service endpoints. Refactor Spaces reduces the undifferentiated heavy lifting of building and operating the AWS infrastructure necessary for incremental refactoring, letting you focus on evolving your applications into microservices. With this launch, Refactor Spaces gives you greater control when creating route paths and subpaths making it easier to route traffic to different service endpoints based on the path parameters you use.
AWS IoT Device Management introduces Software Package Catalog
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023AWS announces the Software Package Catalog preview. This is a new feature of AWS IoT Device Management that enables IoT customers to register, store, and report system software packages, along with their versions and metadata in a centralized location. With Software Package Catalog, you can now easily track and monitor software package versions throughout their fleet, gain valuable insights from a central dashboard, and perform updates targeting devices with specific software version.
Announcing AWS Snowblade for U.S. Department of Defense JWCC customers
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023AWS announces the availability of AWS Snowblade for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) contract customers. AWS Snowblade is designed to provide AWS compute, storage, and other hybrid services in remote locations, including Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited (DDIL) environments for the DoD. AWS Snowblade is the first AWS Snow Family device designed to meet U.S. Military Ruggedization Standards (MIL-STD-810H), enabling JWCC defense customers to run their operations in edge locations that can be subject to extreme temperatures, vibrations, and shocks. With support for 208 vCPU in a portable, compact 5U, half-rack width form-factor, AWS Snowblade is the densest compute device of the AWS Snow Family allowing JWCC customers to run demanding workloads in space, weight, and power (SWaP) constrained edge locations.
Amazon EMR on EKS now supports Spark Operator and spark-submit
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023We are excited to announce that Amazon EMR on EKS now supports Spark Operator and spark-submit as new job submission models for Apache Spark, in addition to the existing StartJobRun API . With today’s launch, you now have the flexibility to submit your Apache Spark jobs via your preferred submission model on Amazon EMR on EKS without needing to change your application.
AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights security profiles now include FedRAMP authorization
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023In AWS Marketplace, customers can now filter for products with Vendor Insights security profiles that are FedRAMP authorized or in process. With AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights, you can complete third-party software risk assessments in days instead of months. Vendor Insights serves buyers who need help to efficiently validate that third-party software meets their business compliance needs. Vendor Insights also serves sellers who want to showcase their strong security posture, while reducing the operational burden from responding to buyer requests for risk assessment information.
AWS introduces container image signing
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023Today, AWS Signer and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) launched image signing, a new feature that enables you to sign and verify container images. You can now use Signer, a managed signing service, to validate that only container images you have approved are deployed in your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters.
SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning automatically chooses tuning configurations
Posted On: Jun 6, 2023Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning is now able to automatically choose hyperparameter ranges, search strategy, maximum runtime of a tuning job, early stopping type for training jobs, number of times to retry a training job, and model convergence flag to stop a tuning job, based on the objective metric you provide. This minimizes the time required for you to kickstart your tuning process and increases the chances of finding more accurate models with a lower budget.
Amazon MWAA now supports in-place version upgrades
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) now supports in-place version upgrades for environments version 2.x and later.
AWS CloudFormation StackSets launches APIs to allow programmatic trust access with AWS Organizations
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023Today, AWS CloudFormation StackSets provides customers with three new APIs to activate, deactivate, and describe AWS Organization trust access needed to get started with service-managed StackSets. You can use service-managed StackSets to centrally manage stack deployments to AWS accounts in one or more organizational units (OUs). With this launch, you can programmatically manage trust access for your management or delegated administrator accounts. Activating trust access provides the necessary permissions for your management or delegated administrator accounts to create and manage service-managed stack sets for your AWS Organizations . In addition to providing this trust access in AWS CloudFormation via AWS Management Console, you can now choose to manage trust access with these newly launched APIs.
AWS WAF now supports Header Order match statement for request inspection
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023AWS WAF now supports the Header Order match statement, enabling customers to specify the order in which HTTP headers appear in a request. With this feature, customers can further strengthen their access control measures by verifying additional dimensions of request metadata.
AWS Config advanced queries support 30 new resource types
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023AWS Config supports 30 new resource types in advanced queries. The advanced queries feature provides a single query endpoint and a powerful query language to get current resource state metadata without performing service-specific describe API calls. You can use configuration aggregators to run the same queries from a central account across multiple accounts and AWS Regions.
Announcing Multi-Region Replication for Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is a scalable, serverless, highly available, and fully managed Apache Cassandra-compatible database service.
AWS Glue for Ray is now generally available
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023AWS Glue for Ray, a data integration engine option on AWS Glue, is now generally available. AWS Glue for Ray helps data engineers and ETL (extract, transform, and load) developers scale their Python jobs. AWS Glue is a serverless, scalable data integration service used to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources. AWS Glue for Ray combines that serverless capability for data integration with Ray (ray.io), a popular new open-source compute framework that helps you scale Python workloads.
Amazon Kendra now available in Europe (London) AWS region
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023Starting today, AWS customers can use Amazon Kendra to build intelligent search applications in the Europe (London) AWS Region.
AWS Database Migration Service now supports enhanced homogeneous migration capabilities
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023Today, AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) now makes homogeneous migrations simpler with built-in native database tooling. This launch allows you to seamlessly migrate your on-premises databases to equivalent target databases on AWS, providing easy and performant like-to-like migrations with minimal downtime and zero data loss. In addition, you can now centrally manage and monitor all your database migrations from AWS DMS.
Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights is now generally available
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023Today, AWS announces the general availability of Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights, a new capability of Amazon FinSpace that makes it simple to configure, run, and manage kdb Insights on AWS. KX Systems’ kdb Insights, a high-performance analytics engine, is optimized for analyzing real-time and multi-petabyte historical capital markets data. Kdb Insights is widely used in capital markets to power business-critical workloads such as option pricing, transaction cost analysis, and back-testing.
AWS Lambda launches CloudWatch metrics for asynchronous invocations in GovCloud Regions
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023AWS Lambda now supports three new CloudWatch metrics AsyncEventsReceived, AsyncEventAge and AsyncEventsDropped, to monitor the performance of asynchronous event processing in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Until now, Lambda customers had limited visibility into the processing of asynchronous requests, and had to rely on Lambda service teams to resolve any processing delays leading to inefficiencies in asynchronous event processing. With these new metrics, customers gain better visibility into their asynchronous invocations and can track the events sent to Lambda, monitor delays in event processing and take corrective actions if required.
AWS CloudTrail Lake now supports selective start or stop ingestion of CloudTrail events
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023AWS CloudTrail Lake now provides the ability to selectively start or stop ingestion of CloudTrail events into your CloudTrail Lake event data store. This capability enables you to collect events only for a specific time window for troubleshooting or security analysis without having to delete or recreate the event data store. When you stop ingestion, the event data store continues to retain ingested events based on its retention period. For audit purposes, CloudTrail generates events that capture the start and stop ingestion activity.
AWS KMS now supports importing asymmetric and HMAC keys
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023You can now import asymmetric and HMAC keys into AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and use them within supported KMS-integrated AWS services and your own applications. Importing your own key gives you direct control over the generation, lifecycle management, and durability of your keys. You can control the availability of your imported keys by setting an expiration period, or deleting and re-importing them at any time. You have greater control over the durability of your imported keys because you can maintain the original version of the keys elsewhere. These additional controls could help you meet your specific compliance requirements if you must generate and store copies of keys outside of AWS.
Amazon QuickSight launches geospatial heatmap for points on maps
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023QuickSight authors can now improve readability of points on maps visuals by changing the point style to heatmap. This new way of displaying points on maps, transforms individual points into a heat layer using color gradation, enhancing the readability of densely plotted, overlapping points.
AWS Trusted Advisor adds new checks for Amazon EFS
Posted On: Jun 5, 2023AWS Trusted Advisor has launched two checks for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS). AWS Trusted Advisor evaluates your AWS account with automated checks and provides cloud optimization recommendations to reduce costs, improve performance, increase security and fault tolerance, and monitor service quotas.
Amazon HealthLake capabilities help customers meet interoperability-related ONC and CMS patient access rules
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023Today, Amazon HealthLake is excited to announce three new capabilities that simplify health data interoperability for customers using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). Launching in preview, Amazon HealthLake now supports SMART on FHIR, patient access APIs, and FHIR bulk data access. SMART on FHIR authorizes users and applications to securely access FHIR data, patient access APIs power patient and provider facing applications, and FHIR Bulk Data Access APIs enable the secure exchange of health data. These new capabilities, combined with existing Amazon Healthlake APIs, help EHRs, ISVs, and SIs enabling healthcare organizations to rapidly build applications that conform to patient access rules from ONC and CMS.
Announcing the general availability of AWS Database Migration Service Serverless
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023Today, AWS announces the general availability of AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) Serverless, which automatically provisions and scales migration resources to make database migrations easier. With AWS DMS Serverless, you can replicate data across a wide variety of popular database and analytics engines and services, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, and more. AWS DMS Serverless manages the undifferentiated database migration work, minimizing the need for you to manually estimate, provision, monitor, and scale resources. You can now start your migrations within hours and save money by paying only for the data migration resources you use.
Amazon Interactive Video Service introduces Advanced channel types for flexible input encoding
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023You now have the option to create an Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) channel using the new Advanced-HD or Advanced-SD channel types, in addition to the original Basic or Standard channel types. Similar to Standard channels, Advanced channel types provide multiple qualities of output, allowing better playback quality across a range of devices and network conditions. Advanced channel types allow you to select “transcode presets” that are designed to match the multiple qualities of output to network performance and viewing devices. Advanced channel types allow available renditions to be capped at a maximum quality level: HD (720p) for Advanced-HD and SD (480p) for Advanced-SD.
Announcing fine-grained seller permissions access to AWS Marketplace Management Portal
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023Today, AWS Marketplace launched fine-grained IAM permissions to enable AWS Marketplace sellers to precisely control access to various features in AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP). AWS Marketplace sellers, including Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and channel partners, can now provide granular access to data and various features such as controlling which users can update tax information in AMMP within their organizations. This launch will enable granular permissions management for sellers in AMMP and will have a consistent authorization model across all AWS services that work with IAM.
Amazon Fraud Detector announces Event Orchestration with Amazon EventBridge
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023Today, Amazon Fraud Detector (AFD) announces Event Orchestration capability for AFD customers by integrating with Amazon EventBridge. This integration is available at no additional cost to customers. Event Orchestration is vital in fraud management after predicting fraud risk. It coordinates actions & responses to mitigate risks, generate alerts, manage workflows and enable integration with fraud prevention tools. Implementing effective event orchestration can help organizations engage customers in self-service resolution of risk, thereby reducing fraud operations costs and preserving customer trust.
AWS Transit Gateway is now available in Asia Pacific (Melbourne) AWS Region
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023AWS Transit Gateway is now available in the Asia Pacific (Melbourne) AWS Region. AWS Transit Gateway enables customers to connect thousands of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs) and their on-premises networks using a single gateway.
Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports converting instances to CDB architecture
Posted On: Jun 2, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports converting existing Oracle Database 19c instances from the non-multitenant to the multitenant database architecture. DB instances using the multitenant architecture consist of a container database (CDB) with a single pluggable database (PDB). A PDB is a set of schemas, schema objects, and non-schema objects that logically appears to a client as a non-CDB.
Amazon Managed Grafana is now System and Organization Controls (SOC) compliant
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed service for Grafana, a popular open-source analytics platform that enables you to query, visualize, and alert on your metrics, logs, and traces.
Amazon Detective extends investigations for new threat detections
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023Amazon Detective now supports security investigations for Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring , GuardDuty RDS Protection , and Lambda Protection . GuardDuty and Detective are part of a broad set of fully managed AWS security services that help customers identify potential security risks, so they can respond quickly, freeing security teams to focus on tasks with the highest value.
New Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) Packet Analyzer simplifies migration to IMDSv2
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023You can now use the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) Packet Analyzer to identify sources of IMDSv1 calls on your EC2 instances.
AWS Fault Injection Simulator adds new actions for Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023Today, AWS announces the expanded support of AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), which adds additional FIS ‘actions’ for EKS and ECS. FIS is a fully managed service which allows you to run experiments to test how your applications will behave during an impairment, and helps you improve application performance, observability, and resilience. Using these new EKS and ECS actions, you can inject a variety of faults into EKS pods and ECS tasks, including CPU stress, memory stress, IO stress, network blackhole, network latency, network packet loss, kill process, and delete EKS pod.
Amazon ECR adds registry.k8s.io as a supported upstream for pull through cache repositories
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) now includes registry.k8s.io , the new upstream Kubernetes container image registry, as a supported upstream for pull through cache repositories. With today's release, customers can configure a rule that is designed to automatically sync images from the upstream Kubernetes registry to their private ECR repositories.
Amazon SNS now supports AWS X-Ray active tracing for FIFO topics
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), a messaging service that provides high-throughput, push-based, many-to-many messaging between distributed systems, microservices, and event-driven serverless applications, now supports AWS X-Ray active tracing with Amazon SNS FIFO topics . You can now view traces that flow through Amazon SNS FIFO topics to Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) FIFO queues, in addition to traversing the application topology in Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens. You can use Amazon SNS FIFO topics, in combination with Amazon SQS FIFO queues, to build applications that require messages to be sent and processed in a strict sequence and without duplicates. You can enable AWS X-Ray active tracing using the Amazon SNS SetTopicAttributes API, Amazon SNS Management Console, or via AWS CloudFormation.
AWS Lambda supports Kafka and Amazon MQ event sources in four additional regions
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023AWS Lambda now supports Amazon MSK, self-manged Apache Kafka and Amazon MQ for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ as event sources in Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Africa (Cape Town), and Middle East (UAE). This gives customers more choices for how they want to send messages to Lambda. Customers can build applications quickly and easily with Lambda functions that are invoked based on messages from these event sources connected to an event source mapping.
AWS IoT FleetWise now supports object storage in Amazon S3
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023AWS IoT FleetWise, a fully managed service that collects, transforms, and transfers vehicle data to the cloud, now supports object storage using Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3). This feature allows the choice for automotive manufacturers, tier 1 suppliers and fleet operators to store data collected through campaigns in Amazon S3, in addition to Amazon Timestream. As compared to Amazon Timestream, which is a time-series database, using AWS IoT FleetWise with Amazon S3 helps customers with use-cases that require batch processing and analysis of vehicle data over a period of time.
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL now supports HypoPG for creating hypothetical indexes
Posted On: Jun 1, 2023Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for PostgreSQL now supports the HypoPG extension for creating hypothetical indexes, which lets you test the performance impact of an index on query plans before you build it.