• Amazon Interactive Video Service launches edge location in Colombia

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) announces its first point of presence (PoP) in Colombia. The new edge location will enable streamers and viewers based in Colombia to enjoy lower latency, better video quality, and increased capacity.

  • Amazon Connect now supports branching of flows based on Lex confidence scores

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Amazon Connect now allows you to further personalize, the automated self-service customer experience using Amazon Lex intent confidence scores as a branch within your flows. Amazon Lex allows customers to create intelligent chatbots that turn their Amazon Connect flows into natural conversations. By branching flows on Lex confidence scores, you can present the right solutions to your customers to help solve their issues faster. For example, when a confidence score is high you may want to present customers a with a self-service option immediately rather than requesting additional information or transferring them to an agent. This new functionality can be set up using the “Check contact attributes” flow block.

  • Amazon EventBridge cross-Region routing is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Amazon EventBridge cross-Region routing allows customers to consolidate events from numerous regions into one central Region. This makes it easier for customers to centralize their events in the destination Region and write code that reacts to them or replicate events from source to destinations Regions to help synchronize data across Regions. Today, we are excited to announce availability of cross-Region routing in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • Amazon QuickSight Authors can now learn and experience Q before signing up

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    QuickSight Authors can now try, learn and experience Q before signing up. Authors can choose from six different sample topics to explore relevant dashboard visualizations and ask questions about data in the context of exploration to fully explore Q’s capability before signing up. This feature makes it easy for authors to understand and learn about Q before signing up.

  • Amazon FinSpace releases APIs to assign granular user permissions

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    With the release of new granular permission APIs, Amazon FinSpace customers can now fully manage user access within their FinSpace environment using the AWS SDK and CLI. This allows customers to integrate configuration of FinSpace access controls into their identity orchestration workflows to keep FinSpace in sync with their organization’s access policies.

  • Amazon Connect now supports personalization of the customer experience using Lex sentiment analysis in flows

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Amazon Connect now allows you to further personalize the automated, self-service customer experience by leveraging Amazon Lex customer sentiment analysis as a branch within your flows. Amazon Lex allows customers to create intelligent chatbots that turn their Amazon Connect flows into natural conversations. With this launch, you can now build flows based on whether the customer expresses positive or negative utterances to your Lex bot. For example, you may want customers who express positive sentiment to be presented with additional upsell opportunities or you may want customers who express negative sentiment to be put directly in queue to speak with an agent. The new functionality can be setup using the “Get Customer Input” or the “Check contact attributes” flow blocks. In addition, all Lex related attributes (e.g., Intent, Slots, Sentiment) within flow blocks are now consolidated under one “type” within attribute selection to help simplify building your Lex experience within flows.

  • AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1 is now generally available

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    AWS CloudFormation announces the general availability (GA) of AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1 (cfn-guard), which enhances Guard 2.0 with new features. CloudFormation Guard is an open-source domain-specific language (DSL) and command line interface (CLI) that helps enterprises keep their AWS infrastructure and application resources in compliance with their company policy guidelines. CloudFormation Guard provides compliance administrators with a simple, policy-as-code language to define rules that can check for both required and prohibited resource configurations. It enables developers to validate their templates (CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON configurations) against those rules.

  • Amazon Pinpoint launches journey schedule for more precise communication delivery

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Journeys in Amazon Pinpoint now allows customers to define a schedule for channel communications based on day of the week, and day of the year. In addition, Amazon Pinpoint has added two new journey sending limits to help customers control the volume of communications sent to a user. Amazon Pinpoint journeys are multi-step campaigns that send users on communication paths based on their actions or attributes. Journeys can use multiple channels including: SMS, email, push, and voice. Journeys are intended for customers who have user engagement use cases, and want to send targeted communications that drive high-value user actions.

  • AWS Database Migration Service now supports VPC source and target endpoints

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) now supports virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoints as sources and targets. AWS DMS can now connect to any AWS service with VPC endpoints so long as explicitly defined routes to the services are defined in their AWS DMS VPC.

  • Integration of AWS Well-Architected Tool with AWS Organizations

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    AWS Well-Architected Tool now integrates with AWS Organizations enabling cloud architects to share their workloads and custom lenses more broadly across their organization. AWS Organizations is an account management service that allows customers to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into a single, centrally managed organization. This update will increase efficiency and make it easier to share lenses and workloads with multiple accounts.

  • AWS SAM Accelerate is now generally available - quickly test code changes against the cloud

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) announces general availability of AWS SAM Accelerate. The AWS SAM Command Line Interface (CLI) is a developer tool that makes it easier to build, locally test, package, and deploy serverless applications. AWS SAM Accelerate is a new capability of AWS SAM CLI that makes it easier for developers to test code changes against a cloud-based environment, reducing the time from local iteration to production-readiness.

  • AWS Systems Manager now supports patching Windows Server 2022 and other Linux operating systems

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Patch Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, now helps you automate patches deployments for instances running Windows Server 2022, Rocky Linux versions 8.4 and 8.5, CentOS Stream 8, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) versions 8.4 and 8.5, giving you more patching options for your nodes. Patch Manager helps you automate the process of patching nodes with security related and other types of updates. Patch Manager also helps you automate patches deployments for Linux instances running Windows Server, RHEL, Ubuntu Server, Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, CentOS, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES). 

  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) customer-managed prefix lists is now available in five additional regions

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) customers can create their own prefix lists in five additional AWS Regions: AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta), AWS China (Beijing) region, operated by Sinnet and AWS China (Ningxia) region, operated by NWCD and both AWS GovCloud (US) regions.

  • Announcing bare metal support for Amazon EKS Anywhere

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Anywhere on bare metal which gives customers broader choice of infrastructure for running Kubernetes on-premises. As customers modernize their applications, they want to use Kubernetes consistently between their existing on-premises bare metal infrastructure and the cloud. Running Kubernetes on bare metal infrastructure is complex, and customers spend time, effort and money on infrastructure operations instead of focusing on business innovation.

  • Announcing general availability of Amplify UI for React

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Amplify UI is an open-source UI library that brings the simplicity and extensibility of AWS Amplify to UI development. It consists of connected components that simplify complex workflows like authentication and dynamic data, primitive components that form the building blocks to create consistency across applications, and themes to make Amplify UI to fit any brand.

  • Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now provides confidence scores to help companies merge duplicate customer records

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now allows you to automatically merge duplicate customer records on confidence scores. Each time the identity resolution feature finds duplicate records, it provides a confidence score on a scale of zero to one to represent the accuracy of a match, where a score of one represents most accurate match and zero represents least accurate match. You can select a threshold anywhere between zero to one to automatically merge duplicate records into a unified customer profile.

  • AWS CloudShell is available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Jun 30, 2022

    AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell that makes it easier to securely manage, explore, and interact with your AWS resources. CloudShell is pre-authenticated with your console credentials. Common development tools are pre-installed so no local installation or configuration is required. With CloudShell you can run scripts with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), define infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), experiment with AWS service APIs using the AWS SDKs, or use a range of other tools to increase your productivity.

  • AWS Single Sign-On is now available in the Middle East (Bahrain) and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Regions

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) is now available in the AWS Middle East (Bahrain) and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Regions. For a full list of the regions where AWS SSO is available, see the AWS Regional Services List.

  • NICE DCV releases version 2022.1 with performance improvements and support for additional Linux distributions

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    NICE DCV version 2022.1 introduces performance improvements and multiple new features, such as support for Rocky Linux 8.5 and Ubuntu 22.04 servers. NICE DCV is a high-performance remote display protocol that helps customers securely access remote desktop or application sessions, including 3D graphics applications hosted on servers with high-performance GPUs.

  • Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is now PCI DSS Compliant

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is now a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant service. MemoryDB is a fully managed, Redis-compatible, in-memory database that provides low latency, high throughput, and durability at any scale.

  • Now bring your own development environment in a custom image to RStudio on Amazon SageMaker

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Starting today, you can now bring your own development environment in a custom image to RStudio on Amazon SageMaker. RStudio on SageMaker is the industry’s first fully managed RStudio Workbench in cloud. You can quickly launch the familiar RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE), dial up and down the underlying compute resources without interrupting your work, and even switch to programming using Python on Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks. All your work, including code, datasets, repositories, and other artifacts are synchronized between the two environments. You can bring your current RStudio license to Amazon SageMaker at no additional charge to quickly get started.

  • AWS Backup Audit Manager adds new control to audit recovery point objective (RPO)

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    AWS Backup Audit Manager adds a new control that you can use to audit and report on the recovery point objective (RPO) of your backups. With this launch, you can now specify your organizational recovery point objectives for your resources and evaluate whether your recovery points are in compliance.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches rolling date functionality

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight now enables authors to setup rolling date to dynamically generate dashboard for end users. The rolling date functionality is now available for both date & time range filters and datetime parameters. Users will be able to set up rolling rules to fetch a date, such as today, yesterday, or different combinations of (start/end) of (this/previous/next) (year/quarter/month/week/day) and dynamically update the dashboard content based on when the dashboard is loaded. This feature brings flexibility and simplicity for users to build time-related dashboards. Without rolling date, users have to set up a static date and manually change it as needed. For further details, visit here.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 enables UDP streaming for Windows native client

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon AppStream 2.0 introduces support for streaming over UDP, when using the Windows native client. Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed service that provides non-persistent desktops, and application streaming products to end-users. Previously, you were able to stream over TCP via Windows native client. With your end users now working from home or in different countries compared to your corporate offices, they may operate in sub-optimal network conditions you are unable to control. These network conditions can impact your end users experience and productivity. With UDP streaming your end users will experience a more responsive streaming quality in sub-optimal network conditions, with higher round trip latency.

  • AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio adds Amazon CloudWatch Logs Integration

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Developers can now access Amazon CloudWatch Logs within Visual Studio using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. Directly from the IDE, it is now possible to search and filter log groups, log streams, and events. Additionally, log groups can be accessed from their associated resources, and log events can be downloaded to a file.

  • Amazon S3 on Outposts now supports presigned URLs

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Amazon S3 on Outposts now supports presigned URLs for granting time-limited access to objects stored locally on an Outpost. S3 on Outposts bucket owners can now more easily share objects with individuals in their Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

  • AWS Snowcone SSD is now available in the AWS Europe (Paris) Region

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    The AWS Snowcone solid state drive (SSD) device is now available in the AWS Europe (Paris) Region, adding to our growing list of Regions already offering Snowcone SSD, including AWS US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US West (N. California) Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Canada (Central), and South America (São Paulo).

  • Amazon QuickSight launches Level Aware Calculations (LAC)

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight launches a suite of functions called Level Aware Calculations (LAC). The new calculation capability enables customers to specify the level of granularity that they want the window functions (in what window to partition by) or aggregate functions (at what level to group by) to be conducted. This brings flexibility and simplification for users to build some advanced calculations and powerful analyses. Without LAC, user will have to prepare pre-aggregated tables in their original data source, or run queries in the data prep phase to enable those calculations. For further details, visit here.

  • AWS Application Migration Service is now in scope for AWS SOC reports and supports temporary IAM credentials

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    You can now use AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) for use cases that are subject to System and Organization Controls (SOC) reporting. You can also now install the AWS Application Migration Service agent on your source servers using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) temporary security credentials with limited permissions. AWS Application Migration Service allows you to quickly migrate and modernize applications on AWS.

  • AWS Direct Connect announces new location in Ireland

    Posted On: Jun 29, 2022

    Today, AWS announced the opening of a new AWS Direct Connect location in Dublin, Ireland. AWS customers in Ireland and across Europe can now establish network connections from their premises to AWS in the Servecentric, Blanchardstown Corporate Park data center to gain high-performance, secure access to all public AWS Regions (except Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD). This is the third Direct Connect location in the Dublin metropolitan area.

  • Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms now provides four new Tabular Data Modeling Algorithms

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker provides a suite of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models, and pre-built solution templates to help data scientists and machine learning practitioners get started on training and deploying machine learning models quickly. These algorithms and models can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning. They can process various types of input data including tabular, image, and text.

  • Amazon Polly adds new male Neural TTS voices in 4 languages

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech. Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of 4 male Neural TTS voices: Liam for Canadian French, Arthur for UK English, Daniel for German and Pedro for US Spanish.

  • Amazon RDS increases concurrent copy limit to 20 snapshots per destination region

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    Amazon RDS now allows you to have up to 20 concurrent snapshot copy requests per destination region per account, an increase from the former limit of five concurrent copies per destination region per account.

  • AWS DataSync can now copy data to and from Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    AWS DataSync now supports copying files to and from Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, a storage service that allows customers to launch and run fully managed ONTAP file systems in the cloud. Using AWS DataSync, you can quickly and securely migrate your data from your on-premises storage, the edge, or other clouds to your FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems running in AWS. You can also use DataSync to move data between your FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system and Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon EFS file systems, or other Amazon FSx file systems.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 is now available in the AWS US East (Ohio) Region

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    Amazon AppStream 2.0 is now available in the AWS US East (Ohio) region. You can now deploy AppStream 2.0 for your active workloads, as well as to meet your disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity needs. With this launch, you can deploy General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, Graphics Design, Graphics Pro and Graphics G4 instances to meet the needs of your users.

  • Amazon GameLift launches new console experience

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    Amazon GameLift now offers a new console experience that provides a more intuitive way to manage and scale your game servers on AWS. The redesigned console has new left-hand navigation that makes it easy to switch between various GameLift features such as managing and creating builds, scripts, fleets, FlexMatch, and includes helpful resource links like “Prepare to launch”, and service quotas. The new interface will make it quicker and easier to configure and manage your game server instances by providing a view of all your settings in one location.

  • AWS Support announces an improved create case experience

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    As of today, you can experience the new interface for creating support cases in the AWS Support Center console. When you create a case, Support Center can better anticipate and understand your issue by capturing your case details. Support Center can then provide targeted and specific remediation, such as answers to frequently asked questions and links for related information.

  • Amazon EC2 placement groups now support host-level spread on AWS Outposts rack

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    Starting today, you can use Amazon EC2 placement groups to spread instances across distinct hosts on an AWS Outposts rack. Host-level spread placement groups distribute instances across hosts to reduce the likelihood of correlated failures, benefiting workloads that require High Availability (HA) like mission-critical databases.

  • AWS Glue Streaming ETL now supports auto-decompression

    Posted On: Jun 28, 2022

    AWS Glue streaming ETL (Extract Transform and Load) can now detect compressed data streaming from Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), and self managed Apache Kafka. It can then automatically decompresses this data without customers having to write code, saving them development hours. AWS Glue Streaming ETL jobs continuously consume data from streaming sources, cleans and transforms the data in-flight, and makes it available for analysis in seconds. Customers compress data prior to streaming in-order to improve performance and to avoid throttling limits by Amazon Kinesis and Amazon MSK. Prior to this feature, customers had to write user defined functions to uncompress data from a stream, which is time consuming.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) enables dynamic resizing for storage space

    Posted On: Jun 27, 2022

    The storage space allocated to your Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) cluster will now dynamically decrease when you delete data from the cluster. Amazon DocumentDB is a database service that is purpose-built for JSON data management at scale, fully managed and integrated with AWS, and enterprise-ready with high durability. Previously, when Amazon DocumentDB data was removed, such as by dropping a collection, the overall allocated space remained the same. The free space was reused automatically when data volume increased in the future.

  • AWS Fargate for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is now available in the Amazon Web Services China Beijing and Ningxia Regions

    Posted On: Jun 24, 2022

    AWS Fargate for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is now available in the Amazon Web Services China Beijing Region, operated by Sinnet, and the Amazon Web Services China Ningxia Region, operated by NWCD. AWS Fargate is a serverless, pay-as-you-go compute engine that lets you focus on building applications without managing servers. Amazon EKS is a managed container service to run and scale Kubernetes applications. Using AWS Fargate serverless compute in your Amazon EKS clusters removes the need to provision and manage servers, lets you specify and pay for resources per application, and improves security through application isolation by design.

  • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling announces increased Auto Scaling group default limit per account

    Posted On: Jun 24, 2022

    Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling now supports a higher default limit for Auto Scaling groups per account. Customers can now create up to 500 Auto Scaling Groups per account, an increase from 200. The limit increase enables customers to provision, manage, and scale EC2 instances for more applications per account.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches monitoring with CloudWatch metrics

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight now supports monitoring of QuickSight assets by sending metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. QuickSight developers and administrators can use these metrics to observe and respond to the availability and performance of their QuickSight ecosystem in near real time. They can monitor dataset ingestions, dashboards, and visuals to provide their readers with a consistent, performant, and uninterrupted experience on QuickSight. For more information, visit here.

  • Amazon Connect Wisdom now enables you to integrate agent assistance capabilities into custom agent applications

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Amazon Connect Wisdom now provides a JavaScript library (WisdomJS) to integrate agent assistance capabilities into your homegrown or third-party agent application, enabling you to increase agent productivity and improve customer satisfaction without having to migrate your agents to another application. Amazon Connect Wisdom reduces the time agents spend searching for answers and enables quick resolution of customer issues by providing knowledge search and real-time recommendations while agents talk with customers.

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) support is generally available for SageMaker Ground Truth

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth helps you build high-quality training datasets for your machine learning (ML) models. With SageMaker Ground Truth, you can use workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk, a vendor company that you choose, or your own private workforce to create labeled datasets for training ML models.

  • Amazon EC2 C7g instances powered by AWS Graviton3 processors now available in US East (Ohio) and Europe (Ireland)

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Starting today, compute-optimized Amazon EC2 C7g instances are available in US East (Ohio) and Europe (Ireland). C7g instances are the first instances powered by the latest AWS Graviton3 processors and deliver up to 25% better performance over Graviton2-based C6g instances for a broad spectrum of applications such as application servers, microservices, batch processing, electronic design automation (EDA), gaming, video encoding, scientific modeling, distributed analytics, high performance computing (HPC), CPU-based machine learning (ML) inference, and ad serving.

  • Amazon EC2 G5 instances now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Starting today, the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) G5 instances powered by NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPUs are now available in Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt, London), and Canada (Central). G5 instances can be used for a wide range of graphics intensive and machine learning use cases. They deliver up to 3x higher performance for graphics-intensive applications and machine learning inference, and up to 3.3x higher performance for training simple to moderately complex machine learning models when compared to Amazon EC2 G4dn instances.

  • AWS Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 C6gd instances now available in Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6gd instances are available in Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region. C6gd instances are ideal for compute-intensive workloads such as high performance computing (HPC), batch processing, ad serving, video encoding, gaming, scientific modelling, distributed analytics, and CPU-based machine learning inference. C6gd instances offer up to 50% more NVMe storage GB/vCPU over comparable x86-based instances and are ideal for applications that need high-speed, low latency local storage.

  • AWS announces Amazon CodeWhisperer (Preview)

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)–powered service that helps improve developer productivity by generating code recommendations based on developers’ comments in natural language and their code in the integrated development environment (IDE). During preview, CodeWhisperer is available for Java, JavaScript, and Python programming languages. The service integrates with multiple IDEs, including JetBrains (IntelliJ, PyCharm, and WebStorm), Visual Studio Code, AWS Cloud9, and the AWS Lambda console.

  • Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth now supports synthetic data generation

    Posted On: Jun 23, 2022

    We are excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth now provides support so you can generate labeled synthetic data without collecting large amounts of real-world, manually labeled data. Amazon SageMaker provides two data labeling offerings, Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Plus and Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. You can use both options to identify raw data (such as images, text files, and videos) and add informative labels to create high-quality training datasets for your machine learning (ML) models.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle now supports Oracle database 12.2 and 18c

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle now supports Oracle Database versions 12.2 and 18c. Amazon RDS Custom is a managed database service for applications that require customization of the underlying operating system and database environment. With support now added for 12.2 and 18c, you can now run your legacy, packaged and customized applications that are dependent on these database versions on Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle.

  • Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with one primary and two readable standby database instances now available in Frankfurt and Stockholm Regions

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL and for MySQL now supports Multi-AZ deployment option with one primary and two readable standby database (DB) instances in Europe (Frankfurt) and Europe (Stockholm) Regions. This deployment option gives you up to 2x lower transaction commit latency, automated fail overs typically under 35 seconds, and readable standby instances.

  • AWS Lake Formation is now available in AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows you to set up a secure data lake in days. A data lake is a centralized curated, and secured repository that stores all your data, both in its original form and prepared for analysis. A data lake enables you to break down data silos and combine different types of analytics to gain insights and guide better business decisions.

  • Announcing new Console Query Editor for Amazon QLDB

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB) launches a new Console Query Editor providing an improved interface for authoring queries, debugging transactions, and exploring results. The new editor supports tabs for simple management of multiple queries, PartiQL syntax highlighting, query performance statistics, multi-statement transactions, and a timer to track the transaction duration limit. You can search and filter your results across the table view, Ion document view, or CSV view for easy exploration of your results in the format you prefer. Query results can also be downloaded in Ion and CSV formats.

  • AWS Direct Connect adds support for all AWS Local Zones in the United States

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Today, AWS announced AWS Direct Connect support for all AWS Local Zones in the United States. Your network traffic now takes the shortest path between Direct Connect point of presence (PoP) locations and AWS resources running in Local Zones. This feature reduces the distance network traffic must travel, decreasing latency and helping make applications more responsive.

  • Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with one primary and two readable standby database instances now support M5d and R5d instances

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    The Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Multi-AZ deployment option with one primary and two readable standby database (DB) instances across three Availability Zones (AZs) now supports M5d and R5d instances. This deployment option gives you up to 2x lower transaction commit latency, automated fail overs typically under 35 seconds, and readable standby instances.

  • AWS Site-to-Site VPN introduces Private IP VPNs for enhanced security and privacy

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Starting today, AWS Site-to-Site VPN supports the ability to deploy IPSec VPN connections over Direct Connect using private IP addresses. With this change, customers can encrypt DX traffic between their on-premises network and AWS without the need for public IP addresses, thus enabling enhanced security and network privacy at the same time.

  • Amazon Aurora now supports PostgreSQL 14

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports PostgreSQL major version 14 (14.3). PostgreSQL 14 includes performance improvements for parallel queries, heavily-concurrent workloads, partitioned tables, logical replication, and vacuuming. PostgreSQL 14 also improves functionality with new capabilities. For example, you can cancel long-running queries if a client disconnects and you can close idle sessions if they time out. Range types now support multiranges, allowing representation of non-contiguous data ranges, and stored procedures can now return data via OUT parameters. This release includes new features for Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL version 2.1. Please refer to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL updates for more information.

  • Amazon RDS Custom is now available in 2 additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Amazon Relation Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom is now available in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) and Europe (London) AWS Regions.

  • Amazon MSK adds support for Apache Kafka version 3.1.1 and 3.2.0

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) now supports Apache Kafka version 3.1.1 and 3.2.0 for new and existing clusters. Apache Kafka 3.1.1 and Apache Kafka 3.2.0 includes several bug fixes and new features that improve performance. Some of the key features include enhancements to metrics and the use of topic IDs. MSK will continue to use and manage Zookeeper for quorum management in this release for stability. For a complete list of improvements and bug fixes, see the Apache Kafka release notes for 3.1.1 and 3.2.0.

  • AWS CodeBuild is now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Jun 22, 2022

    AWS CodeBuild is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers. CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently, so your builds are not left waiting in a queue. You can get started quickly by using prepackaged build environments, or you can create custom build environments that use your own build tools. Using CodeBuild, you are charged by the minute for the compute resources you use.

  • AWS IoT ExpressLink is now generally available

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    We are excited to announce the general availability of hardware connectivity modules powered by AWS IoT ExpressLink, which are developed and offered by AWS Partners such as Espressif, Infineon, and u-blox. These modules enable easy AWS cloud-connectivity and implement AWS-mandated security requirements for device to cloud connections. Integrating these wireless modules into their hardware design, customers can now accelerate the development of their Internet of Things (IoT) products, including consumer products, industrial and agricultural sensors and controllers.

  • AWS App2Container now supports Azure DevOps for setting up a CI/CD pipeline

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    AWS App2Container (A2C) now supports Azure DevOps for setting up a CI/CD pipeline to automate building and deploying container applications on AWS. With this release, customers can leverage App2Container to automate the setup of Azure DevOps service pipeline for managing automated build and deployment of containerized applications. App2Container automates the build pipeline setup by installing the required tooling such as AWS Toolkit and the Docker engine. In addition, App2Container also sets up the release pipeline using existing Azure DevOps Service accounts to deploy the containerize image to AWS container services. This is in addition to AWS CodePipeline and Jenkins support already included in App2Container.

  • AWS Well-Architected Tool adds multiple enhancements to custom lenses

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    AWS Well-Architected Tool now allows customers to preview custom lens content before publishing, add additional URLs to helpful resources and improvement plans, and use tags to assign metadata to their custom lenses.

  • Amazon Textract announces quality update to its Forms extraction feature

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    Amazon Textract is a machine learning service that automatically extracts text, handwriting, and data from any document or image. We continuously improve the underlying machine learning models based on customer feedback to provide even better accuracy. Today, we are pleased to announce a quality enhancement to our Forms extraction feature.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches custom subtotals at all levels and ability to show/ hide column for pivot table

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight launches custom subtotals at all levels on Pivot Table. QuickSight authors can now customize how subtotals are displayed in Pivot Table, with options to display subtotals for last level, all levels or selected level. This customization is available for both rows and columns. To learn more about custom subtotals, see here.

  • AWS Fargate now fully supports multiline logging powered by AWS for Fluent Bit

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    Amazon ECS now fully supports multiline logging powered by AWS for Fluent Bit for both AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2. AWS Fluent Bit is an AWS distribution of the open-source project Fluent Bit, a fast and a lightweight log forwarder. Amazon ECS users can use this feature to re-combine partial log messages produced by your containerized applications running on AWS Fargate or Amazon EC2 into a single message for easier troubleshooting and analytics.

  • Amazon ECR now supports AWS PrivateLink in AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    Today, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) launched the support for AWS PrivateLink in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. Now you can access Amazon ECR API from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) in Osaka region without using public IPs and without requiring the traffic to  traverse across the internet.

  • Announcing Open Data on AWS Data Exchange

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    Anyone can now search and find publicly available data sets on AWS Data Exchange along with more than 3,000 existing data products from category-leading data providers across industries, all in one place.

  • AWS WAF Captcha is now generally available

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    AWS WAF Captcha is now available for all customers. AWS WAF Captcha helps block unwanted bot traffic by requiring users to successfully complete challenges before their web request are allowed to reach AWS WAF protected resources. You can configure AWS WAF rules to require WAF Captcha challenges to be solved for specific resources that are frequently targeted by bots such as login, search, and form submissions. You can also require WAF Captcha challenges for suspicious requests based on the rate, attributes, or labels generated from AWS Managed Rules, such as AWS WAF Bot Control or the Amazon IP Reputation list. WAF Captcha challenges are simple for humans while remaining effective against bots. WAF Captcha includes an audio version and is designed to meet WCAG accessibility requirements.

  • AWS WAF adds support for inspecting multiple request headers

    Posted On: Jun 21, 2022

    AWS WAF now supports evaluating multiple headers in the HTTP request, without the need to specify each header individually in AWS WAF rules. You can also use this new capability to easily inspect all cookies in the HTTP request, without the need to specify each cookie in WAF rules. This capability helps you protect your applications or API endpoints from attacks that try to exploit a custom header or cookie, or a common header for which you may not have created a WAF rule. You can also limit the scope of inspection to only included or excluded headers, and inspect only the keys or only the values for the headers or cookies you want to inspect.

  • Announcing a new AWS Bills page experience

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    Starting today, the AWS Bills page has a re-designed user experience, making it easier to understand your AWS spend. The Bills page provides an overview of your AWS charges and the ability to drill into key details; the re-design provides a refreshed user interface, new views of your savings and taxes, and enhanced sorting and filtering capabilities.

  • AWS Managed Microsoft AD enables flexible control over directory settings

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD) now provides you the flexibility to update your directory settings. This makes it easier to meet your specific security and compliance requirements across all new and existing directories. Starting today, you can update your directory settings and AWS Managed Microsoft AD applies the updated settings to all domain controllers, automatically. You accomplish this using the AWS console or automating with AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and/or API.

  • Amazon Lex Automated Chatbot Designer is now generally available

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    We are excited to announce general availability of automatic chatbot designer in Amazon Lex, enabling developers to automatically design chatbots from conversation transcripts in hours rather than weeks. Introduced at re:Invent in December 2021, the automated chatbot designer enhances the usability of Amazon Lex by automating conversational design, minimizing developer effort and reducing the time it takes to design a chatbot.

  • Amazon Connect offers general availability of outbound campaigns for calls, texts, and emails

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    Amazon Connect outbound campaigns now offers organizations an embedded, cost-effective way to contact up to millions of customers daily for communications such as delivery notifications, marketing promotions, appointment reminders, or debt collection, without having to integrate with third-party tools. With outbound campaigns, formerly known as high-volume outbound communications, you can proactively communicate across voice, SMS, and email to quickly serve your customers and improve agent productivity. The new communication capabilities also include features to support compliance of local regulations such as TCPA through point-of-dial checks and calling controls for time of day, time zone, number of attempts per contact, and time required to connect to an available agent.

  • Amazon Connect Cases, now available in preview

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    Amazon Connect Cases provides built-in case management capabilities that make it easy for your contact center agents to create, collaborate on, and quickly resolve customer issues that require multiple customer conversations and follow-up tasks, all without having to build custom applications or integrate with third-party products. Cases provides your agents with a unified timeline view of all activities associated with a customer case, including individual tasks that can be assigned and tracked across multiple agents. Additionally, case information can be used to answer customer questions in self-service IVR and chatbot interactions. 

  • Amazon EC2 D3 Instances are now available in AWS Canada (Central) Region

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 D3 instances, the latest generation of the dense HDD-storage instances, are available in the AWS Canada (Central) Region. D3 instances are powered by 2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Cascade Lake) with a sustained all core frequency up to 3.1 GHz. D3 instances provide up to 2.5x higher networking speed and 45% higher disk throughput compared to D2 instances. These instances are an ideal fit for workloads including distributed / clustered file systems, big data and analytics, and high capacity data lakes. With D3 instances, you can easily migrate from previous generation D2 instances or on-premises infrastructure to a platform optimized for dense HDD storage workloads.

  • Amazon QuickSight Q Embedding SDK now supports programmatic question submission

    Posted On: Jun 20, 2022

    QuickSight Q can now accept full questions as input without requiring users to type them in when used in embedded mode. This new feature allows developers to create question as widgets at appropriate placements on their web applications making it easy for their users to discover the capability to ask questions about data within the current context of their user journey. 

  • Amazon AppFlow now supports Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Mixpanel as sources

    Posted On: Jun 17, 2022

    Amazon AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that helps customers to securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in just a few clicks, now supports Facebook Ads, Google Ads and Mixpanel as sources. With this launch, AppFlow customers can now ingest rich marketing and product analytics data from these sources. Once ingested, customers are able to integrate, enrich, and analyze this data in combination with data from a growing set of AppFlow-connected marketing applications such as Marketo, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and web analytics applications such as Google Analytics.

  • AWS Single Sign-On is now available in the Europe (Milan) Region

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) is now available in the AWS Europe (Milan) Region. For a full list of the regions where AWS SSO is available, see the AWS Regional Services List.

  • AWS Config now supports 15 new resource types

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    AWS Config now supports 15 new resource types including Amazon SageMaker, Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Batch, AWS Step Functions, AWS Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer, Amazon WorkSpaces, Amazon Route 53 Resolver, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka, and AWS Database Migration Service. For the full list of newly supported resource types see [1].

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas announces support for VPC endpoints

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas now supports VPC endpoints enabling secure, private connectivity to other AWS services. SageMaker Canvas is a visual point-and-click service that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML models for insights and predictions on their own — without requiring any machine learning experience or having to write a single line of code.

  • UI Improvements in AWS Budgets

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    AWS Budgets has enhanced the console experience by adding a split-view panel that allows you to view budget details without leaving the budgets overview page. AWS Budgets helps you control AWS cost and usage by allowing you to set custom budgets that alert you when your cloud spend exceeds (or is forecasted to exceed) your budgeted amount. You can also use AWS Budgets to set Savings Plans and Reservation alerts and receive notifications when your utilization or coverage targets drop below your desired thresholds. AWS Budgets is generally available in all public AWS Regions.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    AWS Elastic Beanstalk enables customers to deploy and scale web applications and services without having to manage any of the underlying infrastructure. Elastic Beanstalk automatically scales your application up and down based on your application's specific needs. Starting today, you can run applications orchestrated by AWS Elastic Beanstalk in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

  • AWS Service Catalog's Application Registry now supports cross-account applications.

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Today, AWS Service Catalog announces support for cross-account AppRegistry applications and attribute groups. With this release, applications can now be shared within your AWS Organization enabling recipient accounts to associate their local resources to shared applications. If you have application resources deployed in more than one account within your AWS Organization, you can now maintain a single repository of your applications and application metadata.

  • Enable Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS from within the Amazon RDS Console

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS now supports enablement from within the Amazon RDS Console. Starting today, you can enable Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS to quickly detect, diagnose, and remediate a wide variety of database-related issues in Amazon Aurora databases while creating a new database. You can also now enable Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS from within the RDS Performance Insights page.

  • Use PySpark and Altair code snippets to prepare and visualize data faster than ever in Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Today, we are making it faster and easier to prepare and visualize data using PySpark and Altair with support for code snippets in Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler. Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler reduces the time it takes to aggregate and prepare data for machine learning (ML) from weeks to minutes. With SageMaker Data Wrangler, you can simplify the process of data preparation and feature engineering, and complete each step of the data preparation workflow, including data selection, cleansing, exploration, and visualization from a single visual interface. With SageMaker Data Wrangler’s data selection tool, you can quickly select data from multiple data sources, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, AWS Lake Formation, Amazon SageMaker Feature Store, Databricks, and Snowflake.

  • Amazon Connect launches API to retrieve agents’ current activity

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Amazon Connect now provides an API to programmatically access real-time details about agents’ current activity, such as current status (e.g., “Available”). If an agent is handling a contact, details include the contact’s state (e.g., “Connected” or “Missed”) and duration. Using this API, businesses can build custom dashboards for contact center supervisors to monitor their agents’ activity in real-time. For example, if more agents are needed to handle contacts, you can use this new API to identify agents who are on break the longest and reach out to them to switch to “Available” or change it programmatically using PutUserStatus.

  • Amazon EC2 C6i instances are now available in an additional region

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6i instance is available in AWS Region Europe (Frankfurt). C6i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code named Ice Lake) with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz, offering up to 15% better compute price performance over C5 instances for a wide variety of workloads, and always-on memory encryption using Intel Total Memory Encryption (TME). Designed for compute-intensive workloads, C6i instances are built on the AWS Nitro System, a combination of dedicated hardware and lightweight hypervisor, which delivers practically all of the compute and memory resources of the host hardware to your instances. These instances are an ideal fit for compute-intensive workloads such as batch processing, distributed analytics, high performance computing (HPC), ad serving, highly scalable multiplayer gaming, and video encoding.

  • Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 supports in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 now supports in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7. Instead of backing up and restoring the database to the new version, you can upgrade with just a few clicks using the Amazon RDS Management Console or using the latest AWS SDK or CLI. No new cluster is created in the process which means you keep the same endpoints and other characteristics of the cluster. The upgrade completes in minutes as no data needs to be copied to a new cluster volume. The upgrade can be applied immediately or during the maintenance window. Your database cluster will be unavailable during the upgrade. Review the Aurora documentation to learn more.

  • Amazon Connect launches 15 minute scheduled reports

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Amazon Connect now provides the ability for customers to schedule historical metric reports that generate the latest data every 15 minutes. Historical metrics reports include data about completed customer contacts, agent activity, and performance, such as how many contacts an agent handled. This helps customers quickly identify insights into queue, routing profile, and agent performance. These insights can be used in a variety of ways, including evaluating and adjusting contact center forecasting and staffing plans.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports tag-based authorization for data read and write operations

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports tag-based authorization for HTTP methods, making it easier for you to manage access control for data read and write operations. You can use Identity policies in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define permissions for read and write HTTP methods, allowing coarse-grained access control of data on your Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.

  • Amazon Chime SDK now supports 100 webcam video streams

    Posted On: Jun 16, 2022

    The Amazon Chime SDK now supports up to 100 webcam video streams per WebRTC session. The Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add intelligent real-time audio, video, and screen share to their web and mobile applications. Each client application can select up to 25 webcam video streams to display, enabling developers to create immersive video experiences that are bespoke for each user.

  • Announcing enhanced integration with Service Quotas for Amazon DynamoDB

    Posted On: Jun 15, 2022

    Amazon DynamoDB now enables you to proactively manage your account and table quotas through enhanced integration with Service Quotas. Using Service Quotas, you can now view the current values of all your DynamoDB quotas. You can also monitor the current utilization of your account-level quotas.

  • Amazon DynamoDB Standard Infrequent Access table class is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Jun 15, 2022

    Amazon DynamoDB Standard Infrequent Access (DynamoDB Standard-IA) table class is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. The DynamoDB Standard-IA table class is ideal for use cases that require long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed, such as application logs, medical records, and financial transactions.

  • AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery is now available in 12 additional Regions

    Posted On: Jun 15, 2022

    Starting today, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) is available in 12 additional Regions: US West (N. California), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Canada (Central), Europe (Milan), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Middle East (Bahrain), South America (São Paulo).

  • Bottlerocket adds ECS variant to support GPU-based Amazon EC2 instance types powered by NVIDIA

    Posted On: Jun 15, 2022

    Today, we are announcing availability of a Bottlerocket variant that supports NVIDIA GPU-based Amazon EC2 instance types on Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS). Bottlerocket is a Linux-based operating system that is purpose-built to run container workloads. Customers can now benefit from using the same container-focused host operating system for both their non-GPU and GPU workloads while using ECS, including machine learning, video encoding, and streaming workloads. This helps customers standardize on a single operating system that utilizes the underlying specialized compute hardware. 

  • Easily customize your notifications while using Amazon Lookout for Metrics

    Posted On: Jun 15, 2022

    We are excited to announce that you can now add filters to alerts and also edit existing alerts while using Amazon Lookout for Metrics. With this launch you can now add filters to your alerts configuration to only get notifications for anomalies that matter the most to you. You can also simply modify existing alerts as per your needs for notification as anomalies evolve.

  • Amazon Keyspaces now helps you monitor table storage costs through Amazon CloudWatch

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra), a scalable, highly available, and fully managed Apache Cassandra-compatible database service, now helps you monitor your table-level storage costs through Amazon CloudWatch.

  • AWS Transfer Family expands server configuration options to support a broader set of clients

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    Starting today, AWS Transfer Family customers can ignore the SETSTAT command and customize how they want to process TLS session resumption. These new features enable customers to support a broader set of clients without making any client-side changes.

  • Amazon EC2 C6gn instances now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6gn instances are available in the Europe (Paris, Milan), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Middle East (Bahrain) regions.

  • Amazon EC2 VT1 now supports the AMD-Xilinx Video SDK 2.0 that enables GStreamer and 10-bit video transcoding

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    We are excited to announce that the Amazon EC2 VT1 instances now support the AMD-Xilinx Video SDK 2.0, bringing support for Gstreamer, 10-bit HDR video, and dynamic encoder parameters. In addition to new features, this new version offers improved visual quality for 4k video, support for a newer version of FFmpeg (4.4), expanded OS/kernel support, and bug fixes.

  • Amazon Quicksight now provides drag controller for rows and columns for table and pivot table

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight now provides an option for both author and readers the flexibility to use drag controller on table and pivot table. Authors and Readers can simply alter column width by dragging from cell, row header or column header from both parent and leaf level in case of pivot table.

  • AWS Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots and EBS-backed AMIs now supports IAM condition keys to manage retention rules

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    You can now use Identity and Access Management (IAM) condition keys to specify which resource types are permitted in the retention rules created for Recycle Bin. With Recycle Bin, you can retain deleted EBS snapshots and EBS-backed AMIs for a period of time so that you can recover them in the event of an accidental deletion. You can enable Recycle Bin for all or a subset of the Snapshots or AMIs in your account by creating one or more retention rule. Each rule also specifies a retention time period. A deleted EBS snapshot or de-registered AMI can be recovered from the Recycle Bin before the expiration of the retention period.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server Now Supports TDE enabled SQL Server Database Migration

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for SQL Server now supports TDE enabled database migrations using Native Backup/Restore for Microsoft SQL Server. Previously, you would need to disable TDE on your on-premises TDE enabled SQL Server database in order to migrate to Amazon RDS.

  • Announcing support for cross-region search in Amazon OpenSearch Service

    Posted On: Jun 14, 2022

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports cross-cluster search across regions, enabling you to perform searches, aggregations, and visualizations across multiple domains in different regions with a single query.

  • AWS Service Catalog announces support for Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)

    Posted On: Jun 13, 2022

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Service Catalog now supports Attributed Based Access Controls (ABAC), allowing customers the ability to use tags to easily manage access and permissions to AWS resources in Service Catalog. Now, Service Catalog administrators have the ability to define their AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to grant access and specify finer-grained permissions based on tags shared between AWS resource(s) and IAM users or roles. For example, based on a matching set of tags, an IAM entity (e.g., user or role) may be allowed or denied to create resources in their Service Catalog account.

  • Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, now available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) AWS region

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling (preview) are now available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) AWS region. Machine-learning powered capabilities make it easier for contact center managers to help predict contact volumes and average handle time with high accuracy, determine ideal staffing levels, and optimize agent schedules to ensure they have the right agents at the right time. This helps businesses optimize their operations, meet service level goals, and improve agent and customer satisfaction. Getting started takes just a click, eliminating the need to build custom applications or integrate with third-party products.

  • Amazon AppFlow now supports Salesforce Marketing Cloud as a source

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    Amazon AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that helps customers securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in just a few clicks, now supports Salesforce Marketing Cloud as a source. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a leading marketing automation platform for B2B and B2C customers that helps companies deliver relevant, personalized journeys across channels and devices. With this launch, AppFlow customers can now ingest Salesforce Marketing Cloud data such as Campaigns and Activities into AWS where it may be further analyzed and enriched. With this launch, AppFlow is building upon its existing capabilities for data transfer with Salesforce applications.

  • Amazon SageMaker Experiments now supports common chart types to visualize model training results

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    SageMaker Experiments now supports granular metrics and graphs to help you better understand results from training jobs performed on SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker Experiments is a capability of Amazon SageMaker that lets you organize, track, compare and evaluate machine learning (ML) experiments. With this launch, you can now view precision and recall (PR) curves, receiver operating characteristics (ROC curve), and confusion matrix. You can use these curves to understand false positives/negatives, and tradeoffs between performance and accuracy for a model trained on SageMaker. You can also better compare multiple training runs and identify the best model for your use-case.

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas accelerates onboarding with new interactive product tours and sample datasets

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas accelerates onboarding with new interactive product tours and sample datasets for different use cases. Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a visual point-and-click interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate machine learning (ML) models for insights and predictions on their own — without requiring any machine learning experience or having to write a single line of code.

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL supports LO module

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports the Large Objects (LO) module. The LO module provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs).

  • Amazon Aurora supports PostgreSQL 13.7, 12.11, 11.16, and 10.21 versions, and updated extensions

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    Following the announcement of updates to the PostgreSQL database by the open source community, we have updated Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition to support PostgreSQL 13.7, 12.11, 11.16, and 10.21. These releases contain bug fixes and improvements by the PostgreSQL community. Refer to the Aurora version policy to help you to decide how often to upgrade and how to plan your upgrade process.

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition now supports Zero Downtime Patching

    Posted On: Jun 10, 2022

    Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition now supports zero-downtime patching (ZDP). With ZDP, customers can upgrade to a new PostgreSQL version and apply patches to their Aurora cluster without any downtime.

  • Amazon EC2 R5n instances now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 R5n instances are available in the Africa (Cape Town) and Europe (Milan) Regions.

  • AWS Systems Manager Change Manager integration now displays AWS CloudTrail events associated with ServiceNow change requests.

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Starting today, customers can view CloudTrail event logs corresponding to a change request using AWS Systems Manager Change Manager ServiceNow Connector. The integration helps customers understand which resources were impacted by the change request, thereby providing customers with more visibility into the change request execution. AWS Systems Manager Change Manager helps customers request, approve, implement, and report on operational changes to their application configuration and infrastructure on AWS and on-premises. Using AWS Service Management Connector, customers can create and approve change requests, and get the CloudTrail events associated with these change requests in the ServiceNow console, making the integration with AWS Change Manager even deeper.

  • Export features into Amazon SageMaker Feature Store faster than ever with export functionality now available in Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Today, you can export features into Amazon SageMaker Feature Store faster than ever with export functionality now available in Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler. Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler reduces the time it takes to aggregate and prepare data for machine learning (ML) from weeks to minutes. With SageMaker Data Wrangler, you can simplify the process of data preparation and feature engineering, and complete each step of the data preparation workflow, including data selection, cleansing, exploration, and visualization from a single visual interface. With SageMaker Data Wrangler’s data selection tool, you can quickly select data from multiple data sources, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, AWS Lake Formation, Amazon SageMaker Feature Store, and Snowflake. Amazon SageMaker Feature Store is a fully managed, purpose-built repository to store, update, retrieve, and share machine learning (ML) features.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports SQL Server 2014 SP3 CU4 SU

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    A new minor version of Microsoft SQL Server is now available on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for SQL Server, offering performance and security fixes. Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports the new minor version for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 on the Express, Web, Standard, and Enterprise Editions.

  • Incident Manager from AWS Systems Manager now streamlines responses to ServiceNow Incidents

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Starting today, customers who use ServiceNow can respond, investigate and resolve incidents affecting their AWS-hosted applications using AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager and the AWS Service Management Connector. AWS Systems Manager is the operations hub for AWS applications and resources, that helps to automate reactive processes to quickly diagnose and remediate operational issues. With the Incident Manager integration with ServiceNow, customers can now automate their incident response plans in AWS Systems Manager and automatically synchronize their incidents into ServiceNow. This feature enables faster resolution of critical application availability and performance issues without disrupting existing workflows in ServiceNow. The AWS Service Management Connector also integrates with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter to view, investigate, and resolve operational issues related to your AWS resources.

  • AWS Health Dashboard streamlines service transparency via Connector for ServiceNow

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Starting today, customers can now view AWS Health and service status availability powered by AWS Health Dashboard in the Connector for ServiceNow. AWS Health provides ongoing visibility into resource performance and the availability of AWS services. Customers can view the AWS Health Dashboard to get relevant and timely information to help manage events in progress, prepare for planned activities and provide information on accounts and services. AWS Health Dashboard delivers alerts and notifications initiated by changes in the health of AWS resources for near-instant event visibility and guidance to help accelerate troubleshooting.

  • Amazon Transcribe real-time streaming is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for you to add speech-to-text capabilities to your applications. Today, we are excited to announce availability of Amazon Transcribe streaming APIs in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler now enables model training with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Starting today, you can invoke SageMaker Autopilot from SageMaker Data Wrangler to automatically train, tune and build machine learning models. SageMaker Data Wrangler reduces the time to aggregate and prepare data for machine learning (ML) from weeks to minutes. SageMaker Autopilot automatically builds, trains, and tunes the best machine learning models based on your data, while allowing you to maintain full control and visibility. Previously, customers used Data Wrangler to prepare their data for machine learning and Autopilot for training machine learning models independently. With this unified experience, you can now prepare your data in SageMaker Data Wrangler and easily export to SageMaker Autopilot for model training. With just a few clicks, you can automatically build, train, and tune machine learning models, making it easier to automatically employ state-of-the-art feature engineering techinques, train high quality machine learning models, and gain insights from your data faster. 

  • Split data into train and test sets in a few clicks with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Today we are announcing the general availability of splitting data into train and test splits with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler. Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler reduces the time it takes to aggregate and prepare data for machine learning (ML) from weeks to minutes. With SageMaker Data Wrangler, you can simplify the process of data preparation and feature engineering, and complete each step of the data preparation workflow, including data selection, cleansing, exploration, and visualization from a single visual interface. With SageMaker Data Wrangler’s data selection tool, you can quickly select data from multiple data sources, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, AWS Lake Formation, Snowflake, and Databricks Delta Lake.

  • Amazon Chime SDK now supports live transcription in AWS GovCloud (US)

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    Developers can now use live transcription with Amazon Chime SDK in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions to generate live audio transcriptions. The Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add intelligent real-time audio, video, and screen share to their web and mobile applications. AWS GovCloud (US) allows U.S. government agencies and contractors to move communication workloads into the cloud while addressing their specific regulatory and compliance requirements.

  • Introducing Amazon R6id instances

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    AWS announces the general availability of new memory-optimized Amazon EC2 R6id instances. R6id instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable Ice Lake processors, with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz, up to 7.6 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage, and up to 15% better price performance than R5d instances. Furthermore, R6id instances also offer up to 58% higher TB storage per vCPU and 34% lower cost per TB and come with always-on memory encryption using Intel Total Memory Encryption (TME). 

  • AWS Service Catalog is now available in (Jakarta) Indonesia

    Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

    AWS Service Catalog is now available to customers in the AWS Region in (Jakarta) Indonesia.

  • AWS Application Migration Service now supports automated application modernizations

    Posted On: Jun 8, 2022

    AWS Application Migration Service is announcing support for new automated application modernizations. AWS Application Migration Service allows you to quickly rehost applications on AWS. It automatically converts your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS.

  • Announcing AWS Cost Allocation Tag API

    Posted On: Jun 8, 2022

    AWS Cost Allocation Tags now offers APIs that you can use to activate and deactivate your Cost Allocation Tags. After you activate a Cost Allocation Tag, it will appear in your cost management products, such as AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Cost and Usage Report. You can use Cost Allocation Tags to filter, categorize, and track your AWS cost and usage information. Previously, you had to activate and deactivate Cost Allocation Tag on the Cost Allocation Tag page in the AWS Billing Console. With this launch, you can use the ListCostAllocationTags API to list all Tags and use the UpdateCostAllocationTagsStatus API to activate and deactivate Cost Allocation Tags.

  • Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, now available in the Europe (London) AWS Region

    Posted On: Jun 8, 2022

    Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling (preview) are now available in the Europe (London) AWS Region. Machine-learning powered capabilities make it easier for contact center managers to help predict contact volumes and average handle time with high accuracy, determine ideal staffing levels, and optimize agent schedules to ensure they have the right agents at the right time. This helps businesses optimize their operations, meet service level goals, and improve agent and customer satisfaction. Getting started takes just a click, eliminating the need to build custom applications or integrate with third-party products.

  • AWS Mainframe Modernization is now generally available

    Posted On: Jun 8, 2022

    Introduced at re:Invent in November 2021, AWS Mainframe Modernization is now generally available for customer and partner use. Mainframe Modernization is a unique platform that allows you to migrate and modernize your on-premises mainframe workloads to a managed and highly available runtime environment on AWS. The service currently supports two main migration patterns—replatforming and automated refactoring—so you can select your best-fit migration path and associated toolchains based on your migration assessment results.

  • AWS Security Hub now receives AWS Config managed and custom rule evaluation results

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    AWS Security Hub now automatically receives AWS Config managed and custom rule evaluation results as security findings. AWS Config allows security and compliance professionals to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of their AWS resources via Config rules, which evaluate the compliance of AWS resources against specified policies. Examples of resource misconfigurations detected by Config rules include publicly-accessible Amazon S3 buckets, unencrypted EBS volumes, and overly-permissive IAM policies. When a Config rule evaluation passes or fails, you will now see a ‘passed’ or ‘failed’ finding for that evaluation in Security Hub. Any updates to the status of the Config rule evaluation will be automatically updated in the Security Hub finding. This new integration between Security Hub and AWS Config expands the centralization and single pane of glass experience by consolidating your Config evaluation results alongside your other security findings, allowing you to more easily search, triage, investigate, and take action on your security findings.

  • Amazon Neptune simplifies graph analytics and machine learning workflows with Python integration

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    You can now run graph analytics and machine learning tasks on graph data stored in Amazon Neptune using an open-source Python integration that simplifies data science and ML workflows. With this integration, you can read and write graph data stored in Neptune using Pandas DataFrames in any Python environment, such as a local Jupyter notebook instance, Amazon SageMaker Studio, AWS Lambda, or other compute resources. From there, you can run graph algorithms, such as PageRank and Connected Components, using open-source libraries like iGraph, NetworkX, and cuGraph.

  • New Amplify Flutter supports customizable authentication flows

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    AWS Amplify Flutter introduces support for creating customizable authentication flows, using Amazon Cognito Lambda triggers. Using this functionality, developers are able to setup customizations for the login experience in their Flutter apps, such as creating OTP login flows, or adding CAPTCHA to their Flutter app.

  • Amazon DynamoDB Standard-Infrequent Access table class is now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    Amazon DynamoDB Standard-Infrequent Access (DynamoDB Standard-IA) table class is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. The DynamoDB Standard-IA table class is ideal for use cases that require long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed, such as application logs, social media posts, e-commerce order history, and past gaming achievements.

  • Amazon EMR 6.6 adds support for Apache Spark 3.2, HUDI 0.10.1, Iceberg 0.13, Trino 0.367, PrestoDB 0.267, and more

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    Amazon EMR release 6.6 now supports Apache Spark 3.2, Apache Spark RAPIDS 22.02, CUDA 11, Apache Hudi 0.10.1, Apache Iceberg 0.13, Trino 0.367, and PrestoDB 0.267. You can use the performance-optimized version of Apache Spark 3.2 on EMR on EC2, EKS, and recently released EMR Serverless. In addition Apache Hudi 0.10.1 and Apache Iceberg 0.13 are available on EC2, EKS, and Serverless. Apache Hive 3.1.2 is available on EMR on EC2 and EMR Serverless. Trino 0.367 and PrestoDB 0.267 are only available on EMR on EC2. 

  • AWS Security Hub is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    AWS Security Hub is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. You can now centrally view and manage the security posture of your AWS accounts in AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

  • AWS IoT Device Management announces an 80% price reduction for Secure Tunneling

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    We are excited to announce that today we are reducing the price of the AWS IoT Device Management Secure Tunneling feature by 80%. With the improved cost efficiencies, customers can now scale Secure Tunneling to access remote devices deployed behind restricted firewalls for troubleshooting, configuration updates, training, and other operational tasks for their growing IoT workloads on AWS.

  • Amazon CloudFront now supports TLS 1.3 session resumption for viewer connections

    Posted On: Jun 7, 2022

    Amazon CloudFront now supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 session resumption to further improve viewer connection performance. Until now, Amazon CloudFront has supported version 1.3 of the TLS protocol since 2020 to encrypt HTTPS communications between viewers and CloudFront. Customers that adopted the protocol have seen their connection performance improved by up to 30% compared with previous TLS versions. Starting today, customers that use TLS 1.3 will see up to 50% additional performance improvement thanks to TLS 1.3 session resumption. With session resumption, when a client reconnects to a server with which the client had an earlier TLS connection, the server decrypts the session ticket using a pre-shared key sent by the client and resumes the session. TLS 1.3 session resumption speeds up session establishment as it reduces computational overhead for both the server and the client. It also requires fewer packets to be transferred compared to a full TLS handshake.

  • Amazon Chime SDK announces messaging conversation APIs

    Posted On: Jun 6, 2022

    Amazon Chime SDK messaging enables developers to connect business users and their customers with secure, scalable messaging in their web and mobile applications. Starting today, developers have access to new APIs that provide the ability to search for specific channels as well as automatically pre-fetch information when clients connect to display the messaging channels that require users attention when opening their application.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 adds larger instance sizes to the General Purpose instance family

    Posted On: Jun 6, 2022

    Amazon AppStream 2.0 adds new instance sizes stream.standard.xlarge, and stream.standard.2xlarge to the General Purpose instance family. stream.standard.xlarge offers 4 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory, and stream.standard.2xlarge offers 8 vCPUs and 32 GiB of memory. These new instances provide higher performance options of compute, memory and networking resources for a diverse set of workloads that require more system resources to run effectively. A few examples include Integrated Development Environments, Web Servers and Code Repositories. The new instance sizes are available across all AppStream fleet types Always-On, On-Demand, and Elastic fleets.

  • Amazon RDS for MySQL supports new minor versions 5.7.38 and 8.0.29

    Posted On: Jun 6, 2022

    Following the announcement of updates in MySQL database versions 5.7 and 8.0, we have updated Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL to support MySQL minor versions 5.7.38, and 8.0.29.

  • AWS DeepRacer introduces quota management

    Posted On: Jun 6, 2022

    AWS DeepRacer Multi-user mode provides an exciting way for organizations to sponsor multiple AWS DeepRacer participants under one AWS account. Until now, AWS DeepRacer event organizers lacked ways to preemptively set budgets and controls for participants and maintain, monitor, and control their budgets by monitoring usage. 

  • Amazon Personalize adds support for unstructured text in six new languages

    Posted On: Jun 6, 2022

    Amazon Personalize has extended support for unstructured text in six new languages - Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) and Japanese. Amazon Personalize enables developers to improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations – no ML expertise required. Last year, Amazon Personalize launched support for unstructured text in English which enabled customers to unlock the information trapped in their product descriptions, reviews, movie synopses or other unstructured text to generate highly relevant recommendations for users. Amazon Personalize is now extending this support to unstructured text in six new languages allowing customers with global catalogues to use this feature. Customers provide unstructured text as a part of their catalogue and, using state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) techniques, Amazon Personalize automatically extracts key information about the items and uses it when generating recommendations for your users.

  • Amazon SageMaker Studio and SageMaker Notebook Instance now come with JupyterLab 3 notebooks

    Posted On: Jun 6, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker comes with two options to spin up fully managed notebooks for exploring data and building machine learning (ML) models. The first option is fast start, collaborative notebooks accessible within Amazon SageMaker Studio - a fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning. You can quickly launch notebooks in Studio, easily dial up or down the underlying compute resources without interrupting your work, and even share your notebook as a link in few simple clicks. In addition to creating notebooks, you can perform all the ML development steps to build, train, debug, track, deploy, and monitor your models in a single pane of glass in Studio. The second option is Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance - a single, fully managed ML compute instance running notebooks in cloud, offering customers more control on their notebook configurations. Today, we are excited to announce that both SageMaker Studio and SageMaker Notebook Instance now come with JupyterLab 3 notebooks to boost productivity of data scientists and developers building ML models on SageMaker.

  • Amazon Lookout for Metrics enables anomaly detection on your historical CloudWatch data

    Posted On: Jun 3, 2022

    Amazon Lookout for Metrics announces the launch of backtesting when using Amazon CloudWatch as a data source connector. Backtesting is a new anomaly detection mode you can now select when setting up your detector. You can seamlessly connect to your data in CloudWatch to set up a highly accurate anomaly detector across metrics, dimensions, and namespaces of your choice. Amazon Lookout for Metrics uses machine learning (ML) to automatically detect and diagnose anomalies (outliers from the norm) without requiring any prior ML experience. Amazon CloudWatch provides you with actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, optimize resource utilization, and get a unified view of operational health.

  • Shared account customization now available for AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform

    Posted On: Jun 3, 2022

    AWS Control Tower now provides you with the ability to manage and customize your shared and management accounts with Account Factory for Terraform (AFT). You can now centralize your account customization management and increase governance coverage of your AWS Control Tower environment while still protecting the security of your account configurations. Shared account customization assists customers that want the ability to use the same mechanism for customization across all of their accounts. AFT has also made a role change to help you better manage the permissions of your customizations. You will now be able to fully automate your permission management for AFT to act on all of your accounts with any level of granularity.

  • Amazon GuardDuty EKS Protection now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Jun 3, 2022

    Amazon GuardDuty EKS Protection, an Amazon GuardDuty feature, continuously monitors and profiles Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster activity to identify malicious or suspicious behavior that represents potential threats to container workloads, is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

  • Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka is now FedRAMP compliant

    Posted On: Jun 3, 2022

    Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is now authorized as FedRAMP Moderate in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon) and as FedRAMP High in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • AWS Backup adds AWS PrivateLink support for VMware workloads

    Posted On: Jun 3, 2022

    AWS Backup now supports AWS PrivateLink for VMware workloads, providing direct access to AWS Backup from your VMware environment via a private endpoint within your virtual private network in a scalable manner. With this launch, you can now secure your network architecture by connecting to AWS Backup using private IP addresses in your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), eliminating the need to use public IPs, firewall rules, or an Internet Gateway. AWS PrivateLink is available at a low per-GB charge for data processed and a low hourly charge for interface VPC endpoints. See AWS PrivateLink pricing for more information.

  • Amazon EKS now supports DNS resolution of the cluster private endpoint in AWS GovCloud (US) regions

    Posted On: Jun 3, 2022

    You can now resolve the private Kubernetes API server endpoint of your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster in AWS GovCloud (US) regions. This allows you to easily connect to an EKS cluster that is only accessible within a VPC, including when using AWS services such as AWS Direct Connect and VPC peering.

  • Amazon Connect launches an API to programmatically transfer tasks

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    Amazon Connect now provides a TransferContact API to programmatically transfer tasks to another flow, to an agent queue, or to a shared queue for distribution to an available agent. Amazon Connect Tasks empowers contact center managers to prioritize, assign, track, and automate customer service tasks across the disparate applications used by agents. Using this API, contact center managers can now directly transfer tasks from their custom analytics dashboards for time resolution. You can already dynamically prioritize and assign tasks using Connect Flows based on agent skill set, availability, and information about the task (e.g., type, priority/urgency, category).

  • Amazon Kendra releases GitHub SaaS Connector

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, enabling organizations to provide relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use the Amazon Kendra Github SaaS connector to index and search documents from GitHub Enterprise Cloud data source.

  • SageMaker JumpStart now supports automatic tuning

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker JumpStart now supports model tuning with Sagemaker Automatic Model Tuning from its pre-trained model, pre-built solution templates, and example notebooks. This means customers can automatically tune their machine learning models to find the hyperparameter values with highest accuracy within the range customers provide through SageMaker API.

  • Amazon Kendra releases GitHub OnPrem connectors

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, enabling organizations to provide relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use the Amazon Kendra Github OnPrem connector to index and search documents from GitHub Enterprise Server data source.

  • NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB adds support for CreateTable, UpdateTable, and DeleteTable operations

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB  is a client-side application to help visualize and build scalable, high-performance data models. Starting today, NoSQL Workbench adds support for table and global secondary index (GSI) control plane operations such as CreateTable, UpdateTable, and DeleteTable.

  • Amazon Connect now supports custom templates for agent tasks

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    Amazon Connect now allows you to create custom task templates, making it easy for agents to capture the right information to create and complete tasks. Amazon Connect Tasks empowers you to prioritize, assign, and track all contact center agent tasks to completion, improving agent productivity and ensuring customer issues are quickly resolved. You can easily compose templates for a variety of scenarios such as such as investigating billing issues or new insurance claims, allowing agents to choose the template that best suits the situation. For example, when handling a billing inquiry, a task template can pre-populate data and guide agents to gather additional information needed to quickly resolve the issue. Task templates are supported out-of-the box without the need for manual configuration for the Amazon Connect agent application. To learn more, see the API reference guide, help documentation, or visit our webpage.

  • You can now update the storage and IOPS capacity on your Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file systems

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    You can now update the storage and IOPS capacity on your Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file systems with the click of the button, making it even easier to adapt to your evolving storage and performance needs.

  • Amazon Braket adds support for Borealis, the first publicly accessible quantum computer that is claimed to offer quantum advantage

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    Amazon Braket, the quantum computing service from AWS, adds support for Borealis, a new photonic quantum processing unit (QPU) from Xanadu. The Borealis device is the first publicly available quantum computer that is claimed to have achieved quantum advantage: the technical milestone when a quantum computer outperforms the world’s fastest supercomputers on a well-defined task, in a peer-reviewed study published in the journal of Nature. Until now, none of the devices that have been claimed to demonstrate quantum advantage have been accessible to the public, but for the first time, customers can test a quantum advantage claim for themselves on Amazon Braket while also exploring potential applications for this technology.

  • Amazon Chime SDK now supports centralized attendee controls

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    The Amazon Chime SDK now lets developers centrally control each participant’s ability to send and receive audio, video, and screen share within a WebRTC session. Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add intelligent real-time audio, video, and screen share to their web and mobile applications. Enforcement of attendee capabilities is centralized in the WebRTC session, so developers do not have to rely on logic within client applications, which may be outdated in older versions.

  • Announcing AWS PrivateLink support for AWS Panorama

    Posted On: Jun 2, 2022

    AWS Panorama customers can now use AWS PrivateLink to access AWS Panorama from their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) without using public endpoints, and without requiring the traffic to traverse the Internet. Using AWS PrivateLink, you can access AWS Panorama endpoints easily and securely by keeping your traffic within the AWS network, while simplifying your internal network architecture. You no longer need to use an internet gateway, Network Address Translation (NAT) devices, or firewall proxies to connect to AWS Panorama.

  • Amazon CloudWatch adds Elemental MediaTailor to Vended Logs pricing

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Amazon CloudWatch now supports AWS Elemental MediaTailor logs as part of Vended Logs. Vended logs are specific AWS service logs natively published by AWS services on behalf of the customer and available at volume discount pricing.

  • AWS Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance now available for purchase through resellers

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    AWS Storage Gateway is expanding the ways you can purchase the AWS Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance, and for the first-time enabling resellers to offer the appliance. Now you can procure the hardware appliance through the reseller of your choice, and leverage your existing purchasing agreements.

  • Amazon S3 on Outposts now supports AWS PrivateLink for management of buckets and access points

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Amazon S3 on Outposts now supports AWS PrivateLink, providing direct access to manage your S3 on Outposts storage capacity via a private endpoint within your virtual private network. This allows you to simplify your internal network architecture and perform management operations on your S3 storage by using private IP addresses in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), eliminating the need to use public IPs or proxy servers.

  • Amazon Route 53 announces IP-Based Routing for DNS Queries

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Today, AWS announced the launch of IP-based routing for Amazon Route 53, AWS’s Domain Name System (DNS) cloud service. Route 53 provides customers with multiple routing options, such as geolocation routing, geoproximity routing, latency-based routing, and weighted routing to route their end users to optimal endpoints. With the addition of IP-based routing, customers are now additionally empowered to fine-tune their DNS routing approach based on the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block that the query-originating IP address belongs to, allowing them to leverage knowledge of their end user base to optimize performance or network transit costs.

  • Amazon Transcribe now supports automatic language identification for multi-lingual audio

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for you to add speech-to-text capabilities to your applications. Today, we are excited to announce automatic language identification support for multi-lingual audio in batch mode. If your audio recording contains more than one language, you can enable multi-language identification, which identifies all languages spoken in the audio file and creates transcript using each identified language. This means that if speakers change languages mid-conversation, or if each participant is speaking a different language, your transcription output detects and transcribes each language correctly. Until now, Transcribe would detect the dominant language in the audio recording and generate transcriptions in the identified language. You can now simply provide the audio files and Transcribe will detect the language from the speech signal and generate transcriptions in the identified language.

  • Announcing Geofence Management in Amplify Geo (JavaScript), powered by Amazon Location Service

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Today we are announcing the general availability of Geofences for Amplify Geo. Amplify Geo enables frontend developers to add location-aware features to their web applications. Developers looking to display geometric boundaries or Geofences on a map, can now implement a complete Geofence management solution in minutes using the cloud-connected UI widget and APIs from Amplify Geo, powered by Amazon Location Service. Geofences are geometric boundaries that can be drawn around places of interest or areas on a map.

  • Amazon Pinpoint launches journey custom channel input and response support

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Amazon Pinpoint journeys now include the ability to pass data into a custom channel, and be able to perform a yes/no or multivariate split based on the response. Journeys in Amazon Pinpoint were designed for customers who want to send targeted communications that drive high-value user actions. Journeys can include custom channel activities, which can be used to send messages through channels that Amazon Pinpoint doesn’t support natively, such as WhatsApp or Signal.

  • Amazon RDS adds support for publishing events to encrypted Amazon SNS topics

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) can now publish events to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that have server-side encryption (SSE) enabled, for additional protection of events that carry sensitive data. Amazon RDS groups events into categories that you can subscribe to so that you can be notified when an event in that category occurs, enabling routing and automation.

  • AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery now supports multiple staging and target accounts

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    We are excited to announce that AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) has added support for multiple staging and target accounts. Today you can replicate and protect up to 300 source servers per AWS Region. By using multiple staging and target accounts, you can now also recover up to 3,000 replicating source servers into any target AWS account. This feature makes disaster recovery setup, implementation, and monitoring easier and more efficient, especially for large-scale projects.

  • AWS Proton introduces service components

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    AWS Proton introduces service components, a new feature that allows developers complement the standard infrastructure of Proton templates with additional resources for their services. Platform engineers use Proton to define the core infrastructure of their services and keep it consistent and updated across services, and now with components developers can complement that core infrastructure with the additional resources they need to meet the needs of their particular application. Proton components enable platform engineers to expand the use cases they support without having to drastically increase the number of templates that they manage.

  • Announcing Metered Billing for AWS Data Exchange for APIs

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    We are announcing the launch of metered billing for AWS Data Exchange for APIs, which gives data providers the ability to license APIs to subscribers on a pay-as-you-go basis. AWS Data Exchange for APIs enables customers to find, subscribe to, and use third-party API products listed on AWS Data Exchange. This new feature allows data subscribers to subscribe to APIs and only pay for what they use.

  • Amazon SageMaker supports incremental training for JumpStart models

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker JumpStart helps you quickly and easily solve your machine learning problems with one-click access to (a) more than 300 popular model collections from TensorFlow Hub, PyTorch Hub, Hugging Face and Gluon CV, and (b) 18 end-to-end solutions that solve common business problems such as demand forecasting, fraud detection and document understanding. The available models can be used for a wide range of machine learning tasks including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, image embedding, text classification, sentence pair classification, question answering, text embedding, text summarization, text generation, machine translation, tabular classification and tabular regression.

  • Price reductions on Amazon EC2 instances running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) OS

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    We are excited to announce the following price reductions for Amazon EC2 instances running SLES. When you run SLES on Amazon EC2, you are charged one combined price for the Amazon EC2 infrastructure and the SUSE OS.

  • Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts are now available on AWS Outposts

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    Today, we are announcing support for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Dedicated Hosts on AWS Outposts, which makes it easier for customers to bring their existing software licenses and workloads that require a dedicated physical server to their Outpost Racks. In addition, customers now have greater flexibility in instance type deployment and more granular placement control, all with consistent hybrid experience on AWS Outposts.

  • AWS Step Functions launches an interactive workshop for building and deploying application workflows

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    You can now learn to use AWS Step Functions with a new workshop called The AWS Step Functions Workshop. This self-paced tutorial teaches you how to use the primary features of Step Functions through a series of interactive modules. Each module contains lesson materials you can deploy to your AWS account, covering topics such as coordinating and orchestrating application workflows, managing workflow states, creating SDK integrations with other AWS services, and more.

  • Amazon EMR Serverless is now generally available

    Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

    We are happy to announce the general availability of Amazon EMR Serverless, a new serverless deployment option in Amazon EMR that makes it easy and cost effective for data engineers and analysts to run petabyte-scale data analytics in the cloud. Amazon EMR is a big data solution that you can use to run large-scale distributed data processing jobs, interactive SQL queries, and machine learning (ML) applications built on open-source analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto. With EMR Serverless, you can run your Spark and Hive applications without having to configure, optimize, tune, or manage clusters.